
Buns by Alice Clayton

sjhastoomanybooks's review against another edition

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The Hudson Valley series for me has been a bit of a mixed bag. I enjoyed [b:Nuts|25056208|Nuts (Hudson Valley, #1)|Alice Clayton||44737717], but didn't really feel [b:Cream of the Crop|25056216|Cream of the Crop (Hudson Valley, #2)|Alice Clayton||44737722] as much. Buns is by far the best of the three and might even be my favorite Alice Clayton since [b:Wallbanger|15858248|Wallbanger (Cocktail, #1)|Alice Clayton||21607771] (I KNOW, right?!).

What I Liked:
- A REAL HERO. I don't mind single POV romance, but at times it makes the character development a little thin on one side. In this case, I really got a sense of who Archie was and all his quirks. This is what was lacking for me in Natalie's story, but it wasn't even remotely an issue here.
- Trademark humor, but also feels. It isn't Alice Clayton without literal laugh out loud moments and absolutely great banter, but what disarmed me about this one is how much heart there is too. Clara's backstory is so impactful on who she is now and there were definitely moments I teared up over the the emotional struggle she went through.
- The setting. Like the food in [b:Nuts|25056208|Nuts (Hudson Valley, #1)|Alice Clayton||44737717] and overall world in [b:Roman Crazy|27276297|Roman Crazy|Alice Clayton||45794049], Alice knows how to immerse you into whatever world she's creating. This was no exception. The hotel setting and world she created in this book was so vibrant and clear, and I had no trouble picturing this world. As I often say: "I want to go to there."

What I Didn't Like:
- More running. This is totally arbitrary and I'm clearly grasping at straws to find something I didn't like, but as a runner, I loved that Clara was a runner and would just love even more running. Also, minor quibble, just that if she runs as many marathons and triathlons as she says, we never really see her biking/swimming
Spoilerexcept at the end
and I would have loved to been with her on a long run. Again, doesn't effect the star rating, but just my preference.

Bottom Line:
My favorite Alice Clayton in a LOOOOONG time has charm, depth and heart. I stayed up way too late just to finish it, my telltale sign of a five-star read.

curlymunroe's review against another edition

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I love Alice Clayton, and will read anything she writes. I really liked Buns. It brought me back to the same joyous reading high, that I experienced with Nuts. Don’t get me wrong, Cream of the Crop was good, but it was no Nuts. When I opened Buns, and read the first couple of chapters, I was happy dancing in my head. I was hopeful that I would fall in love with Clara and Archie, the way I did with Roxie and Leo. I honestly can say, I was not disappointed. I love a set of characters that have had personal struggle and obstacles. It just makes for a better, more interesting read. At least that’s the case with me.

I knew Clara would be an amazing human being, even with the simple snippets of her personality in the other books. She has an amazing suit of armour going, and has managed to keep all the hurt from her past buried deep beneath the surface of that armour. She’s a tough cookie, with an amazing job, rebranding struggling hotels. Her job brings her to the Hudson River Valley, where she is tasked with helping the Bryant Family, bring their Mountain Inn back to its former glory. Sounds easy, right? No so much. She immediately runs into an huge road block, in the form of Archie Bryant. Archie is the son of the owner, and is severly stuck in the old ways of doing things. His stuffy, stuck up suit persona, only fuels Clara’s determination to make this man bend to her way of doing things. This is the catalyst for some major heat, and tension between these two. There is a ton of push and pull, and at times the angst is off the charts.

There is a whole lot of heart in this book. Both Clara and Archie have their own personal demons to battle, and the progression of their truths, is wonderfully woven into the well paced progress of their story. I honestly have loved the feel of these books, and hate to see it end. I don’t want to spoil anything, or give too much away. This is just a wonderful conclusion to the Hudson River Valley Series.

An ARC was provided in exchange for an honest review.

yulinkosmos's review against another edition

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This is one of those books with a hilariously obnoxious cover that actually hides some pretty frickin fantastic storytelling. (to that end I feel a little bad bc it's been quite a few days, if not weeks since I read it and I think I'm not bout to do this book justice but here goes.)

The banter? magnificent. The chemistry? in every sentence. The humour? had me giggling far too loud at inappropriate times. The emotion? cemented the characters as actual people rather than tropes. Honestly it was just fun. Fun in a really real way. Sometimes they behaved like idiots, sometimes they did shitty things, but the point was that they always worked through it. Basically it's a warm hug with a sprinkle of sexy times and a whole lot of real life badass.

End of rant.

lovehollyxx's review against another edition

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It’s official: Alice Clayton books are my happy place. I feel like I’ve been waiting for this book for forever, but let me tell you, it was most definitely worth the wait. What a funny, fabulous, and generally fantastic book this was. I dove heart first into Archie and Clara’s story, barely pausing for breath as the group of characters I’ve come to know and love took me on another addictive and truly heartwarming Bailey Falls adventure.

I was (and still am) completely obsessed with Nuts, and Cream Of The Crop (the first two books in this Hudson Valley series), so I was incredibly excited to have Buns sitting on my Kindle. I was desperate for more Archie and Clara after finishing book two, so I was over the moon when I first found out that the third book would follow them as Clara helps to turn Bryant House around, and not only was it everything I hoped it would be, it was more!

For starters, I just love everything about both Clara and Archie (on their own and together); Clara is Clayton’s signature sassy and fabulous woman, and Archie is like a sexy, sometimes grumpy nerd. And he’s also about 10 years older than her (bonus points for the sexy older man appeal). I loved how stuck in his ways Archie was when it came to changing the hotel. He fought everything he didn’t agree on, and didn’t fall at her feet and offer her everything as soon as they started sleeping together, they still fought over the decisions which I thought was a great touch of authenticity.

I also loved, loved, loved the romance (and the sexy times before the romancing happened). I fell head over heals in love with Archie Bryant, though admittedly, Oscar still holds the majority share of my heart, Archie has himself a nice big chunk of it. And speaking of my tall, dark and sexy man, I loved seeing the rest of the Hudson Valley gang again! I could spend all my days with these guys, and I’m praying this isn’t the last we see of them.

Simply put, this book is a must read!!

*ARC received in exchange for an honest review*

nissahh's review against another edition

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I have been reading this for weeks and I just can't get past how annoyed I am with Clara.
SpoilerArguing about a damn t.v. I can't. It's so petty.

Archie's and Clara's relationship was blah to me, like, I don't understand it at all.

austra_pro's review against another edition

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Reiz bija trīs draudzenītes, kuras satikās kulinārijas skolā, un pēc tam dzīve katru aiznesa savā virzienā. Roksija patiešām kļuva par pavāri, vispirms slavenībām, bet pēc tam atgriezās dzimtajā pusē Hudzonas ielejā, kur neviļus satika vietējo un dažādās prasmēs talantīgo eko-lauksaimnieku/skaistuli/miljonāru Leo. Un kurš gan viņu vainotu par palikšanu pie šī varianta?

Pēc tam, kad bija pamanījusies piededzināt ūdeni, otra draudzenīte Natālija nolēma atgriezties pie labi situētās dzīves Manhetenā un izpaust savus talantus reklāmas nozarē un nabaga vīrišķu galvu sagrozīšanā, līdz viņas galvu sagrozīja seksīgais piensaimnieks Oskars/Leo kaimiņš, kurš ar savām rokām prot ne tikai sviestu kult un taisīt pasaulē labāko Brī, bet vēl šo to.

Atlikusi trešā draudzenīte Klāra, kura tagad nodarbojas ar viesnīcu atkopšanu - palīdzot atdzīvināt panīkušus iestādījumus, iepludinot jaunas idejas, jaunu gultasveļu vai ēdienkarti. Viņa nepārtraukti ir ceļā, un privātajai dzīvei viņai laika nav. Līdz, protams, arī viņa nonāk maģiskajā Hudzonas ielejā, kur viņas jaunākajā projektā jāsadarbojas ar - wait-for-it! - neprātā daiļo un seksīgo viesnīcnieku Ārčiju. Ilgi nav jāgaida, kad abi nevar savākt savas ekstremitātes.

Vislabāk man šajā sērijā patīk autores vieglais un humorīgais rakstīšanas stils, kas ir ļoti dzīvīgs un ticams. Viņa arī investē savos personāžos vairāk laika, nekā daudzas citas šī žanra autores. Īpaši - profesijās un hobijos. Nekādu mistisku biroja darbinieču, kurām nav nekādu interešu. Arī trešajā daļā autore ir pacentusies gan aprakstīt Klāras profesiju, gan hobiju - skriešanu un piedalīšanos “Dublī”. Ar to viesnīcu gan, manuprāt, viņa drusku par daudz aizrāvās. Jo, lai tajā un tās teritorijā būtu viss aprakstītais, tur jau vajadzētu atsevišķu planētu. Tas man bišķi nosita patiku. Garfīlda princips “If you're gonna lie, lie big” šoreiz nederēs.

Protams, tāpat kā abās iepriekšējās grāmatās, arī šiem mīlniekiem katram ir savi pagātnes rēgi, ar kuriem būs jātiek galā. Un tie rēgi ir diezgan ticami un ne pārāk klišejiski. Vismaz neatkārtojas no grāmatas grāmatā. Bet visumā arī trešā grāmata diemžēl neaizvelk līdz pirmās līmenim, tomēr bija legit izklaide savā žanrā.

gabi_w21's review against another edition

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A solid three-star read. From the first page, I enjoyed Buns, but around the 50% mark Clara started to grate on my nerves. She was wishy-washy with Archie, letting him kiss her and not doing a damn thing to put the brakes on a bad idea and then turning around and spouting about how she doesn't “get involved” and how this would “surely end in disaster.” Girlie, make up your mind. Do you wanna fuck Archie or keep it professional? It really read like she wanted her cake and to eat it too. And her baggage—good God. She'd always talk about refusing to set down roots and all this and it's Archie talking about school trips that makes her blow up? And during her love confession, she dumps her entire backstory on him??

Natalie instantly pissed me off when she 1) wore the wrong footwear and then 2) had the gall to say Oscar, her non-white boyfriend, would carry her because of her decision to wear the shoes. Excuse me? No one calls her out? Just a little “ha-ha” and it's forgotten? She knew they were hiking.

Overall, a solid 3 star read.

novel_nomad's review against another edition

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4 'damn them buns' stars

Alice Clayton delivered another rom-com with her usual awkward and utterly gut-busting hilarity. Archie and Clara were wonderfully layered characters, and nothing about their relationship was easy as real life is messy (one of my favourite aspects of Clayton's relationship development). Although I felt the ending was lacking - I felt the same with the first two books in this series, so it was disappointing not to wrap up the trio up succinctly.

I was reading this with the express wish to fill the 'sweets/baked good described in exquisite detail' bingo square, however, it was only Roxie's appearance with her Zombie cakes and the famous Bryant hot cross buns that ticked the box. Not heavily expressed but detailed - I take that thank you very much.

beneatthetrees's review against another edition

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I picked it because the cover/title made me laugh really hard. I finished it because it was an adorable read and I giggled madly to myself through most of it (with the exception of the beginning with the whole I-hate-you-let's-suddenly-make-out-mid-argument-and-bite-each-other thing).

bougainvillea's review against another edition

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Overall, not a stellar series. The first one was my favorite. The titles are silly and misleading, except maybe the second one.