
Tear You Apart by Sarah Cross

karils410's review

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A modern day Snow White...
It was a little hard for me to get into at first. I had trouble keeping track of the characters and their different fairy tale backgrounds. But, from about chapter 7 on I couldn't put it down! There were several twists I didn't see coming. The book kept me guessing. I love the character Henley!

bookcub's review

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Let’s talk abut this book, shall we? It is wonderful. Amazing. Awesome. Exquisite. Beautiful. Fabulous. There are too many words to describe this book.
Tear You Apart is the companion novel to Kill Me Softly. Read Kill Me Softly first, this one has spoilers. So this is a retelling of Snow White.And unlike most re-tellings, the characters know this is their own version of the original story. All the characters live in Beau Rivage, where everyone is part of a Curse. Viv, the Snow White of this story, is the second Snow White she knows of. The first one is willing drugged 24/7 to appease her prince. Viv is terrified what will become of her curse. She has an evil stepmother she used to love, a father who doesn’t care about her, and a Huntsman who cares to much, her on-again, off-again boyfriend.
Henely is her Huntsman, and they have such a messed up relationship, that makes so much sense. They love each other, but also terrified of what will happen. The characters were so realistic. Viv was so real and she made sense and her emotions felt like they were mine. I just wanted to hug her. Henely was very loyal, but also very selfish. It worked. He was not the stereotypical YA prince, he was very different from most male characters in YA. More flawed than others. Great ensemble cast for her friends. I love them all, Jewel, Mira, Blue, FREDDIE (who is so funny and chivalry is not dead). We got to meet Jack and Beth. Now I want everyone’s story more than before.
The tone and plot is so creepy and gritty. Also, the Twelve Dancing Princesses tie into the story, which was cool. There were twists and turns (and death, I almost cried). Never a boring moment in this book. I was supposed to be doing homework, but next thing I knew, it was midnight and I had finished it. Great pacing. Also, I love fairy tale re-tellings, especially when there is overlap between them.
There were no negatives about this book. This is a 5 star book because it couldn’t have been better. Recommended for those who like fairy tales and creepy books, like the Mara Dyer books. Just go read it. You will not regret it.

karak's review

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There is some really great world building in this series. Sarah Cross has done a fabulous job creating a place where Fairy Tales are REAL. I hope she continues. It somewhat reminds me of Mercedes Lackey's 500 Kingdoms series, but for teen readers.

sarabc's review

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Everyone wants their life to be a fairytale right? Wrong in Beau Rivage they live them, all of them. From the classics Cinderella, and Snow White, to the more obscure of The Twelve Dancing Princesses. This story focuses on the newest incarnation of Snow White, Viv. She has known her huntsman for years, falling in love with him before she knew his fate. Now he must make his decision, to let her go to be rescued by another, or to kill her and keep her heart. While she waits his decision, fate takes a strange twist and she meets someone who she isn't supposed to meet until she dies, her Prince.


This is apparently the second in a series but I read it without knowing it. That being said it makes a good stand alone novel, meaning it makes sense without having read the book before it. The world is incredible, I love how all of the fairy tales I know are included, along with ones I've never heard of.

The characters are so incredibly varied, carrying traits of their curses, while also being unique. As an example I love how Viv isn't just a damsel in distress, she does her best to make sure her fate is in her hands. No matter what the cost.

I received this book courtesy of NetGalley in exchange for my review which I freely and honestly give.

nakedgreyhound's review

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It was ok. Definitely a different retelling of Snow White. The main character is whiny and annoying at first, but she grows up and comes into her own as the story wears on. I did enjoy the way the author wove various fairy tales through out the story.

shadowmaster13's review

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Excellent mixed up fairy tale. Rumpelstiltskin, Snow White, Twelve Dancing Princeses and so on.

I really thought Regina and Viv's relationship was tragic. Also Viv's dad? Totally jerk.

scostner's review

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"Ever After High", "The Descendants", "Grimm", or "Once Upon a Time" fans will recognize the fairy tale that this book is based on right away. Vivian is living under a Snow White curse. Until recently she felt safe because her boyfriend Henley had sworn to protect her from the Huntsman who would be her doom. But then Henley was chosen as the Huntsman, so what's a girl to do?

Viv and all the other characters live in a place called Beau Rivage where anyone with the tiniest bit of fairy blood in their family can expect to have a curse of some sort. Not everyone turns out dead from a curse. Viv's friend Jewel "was the Kind Girl in a Diamonds and Toads gems and flowers fell from her lips when she spoke." And there's Jewel's friend Luxe, whose curse had come to fruition while she was still a child." She had all the attributes that went along with her Goldilocks curse: butterblonde curls, the charm of a sociopath, no regard for other people's property. And she complained about everything." Watching movies with Luxe is no fun because the volume is too loud or to soft, the plot is too complicated or too simple, the popcorn is too salty or to plain. (You get the idea.)

The whole place is full of people with these curses. And the whole setting is modern with cars and cell phones and a world that readers will recognize, for the most part. Viv's father owns the local country club and has parties for all the important people in Beau Rivage. Some of the older men at the country club are reformed Beasts or retired Huntsmen. The Twelve Dancing Princesses can be found every evening at an exclusive nightclub in the underworld, "a kingdom the fairies had carved out of stone and darkness so long ago that no one remembered who had done it." So at first glance, I'm sure it seems like a normal town full of people with normal worries.

But Viv worries a lot about her fate. Will Henley resist the curse and let her live? Will she wind up with a prince who has a thing for dead girls, or at least very passive girls? If Henley does resist, will her stepmother Regina just hire another Huntsman to do the job? Will she get a happily ever after?

Those readers who enjoy the way characters in "Once Upon a Time" have been transplanted into modern life should feel right at home in Beau Rivage. Although this is the second book in the series, they can each be read as stand alone stories or in any order.

I read an e-book provided by the publisher through NetGalley.

bookbrig's review

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Plenty of suspense, lots of fairy-tales twined together, dramatic romance, and darker endings-This is a good choice for a teen who wants a contemporary fairy-tale retelling that doesn't leave out the Grimm elements. I really liked the push and pull between curse and self-determination, and the lush descriptions of fashion and curse elements. 

This was my "book that is a retelling of a classic story" for the Read Harder challenge - Snow White.

belovedbrat's review

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Title: Tear You Apart

Author: Sarah Cross

Series: Beau Rivage book 2

Chapters: 48

Pages: 370

Genre: teen fairy tales retold

Rating: 4 stars

Tear You Apart is the sequel or companion novel to Kill Me Softy. You can read either book without reading the other. Tear You Apart is a Snow White retelling with a twelve dancing princess twist, and a Rumplestekin twist as well. Viv just happens to be the Snow White character, and her boyfriend is not the prince character instead Henley is the huntsman character.

I know this may sound weird but I found myself actually wanting the “villain” the huntsman to win. Which may sound odd but after reading the book and seeing who the real villains are it will not seem weird. There has only been a few cases where I have be on the side of a villain and most of those have been movies and TV shows, but I think this is only the second time that it’s happened with a book.

I’ve also had a slight Once vibe with this book because the evil queen name just happens to be Regina.

Fans of Once and Fairy tale retellings will enjoy this book.

skundrik87's review

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