
The Dishonorable Miss Delancey by Carolyn Miller

beckys_bookshelves's review

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I have enjoyed and savored each page of The Dishonorable Miss DeLancy by Carolyn Miller. The amazing descriptions of the Prince Regents Pavilion in Brighton, the period clothing, and sea bathing transported me to 1815. I am an avid reader of Regency fiction and feel Ms. Miller is becoming one of the best authors of this time period. Her descriptions and her knowledge of the time period make this an enjoyable read.
Ms. Miller has an amazing way of weaving someone's journey with God into her stories. I felt like I was walking with the titular character Clara as she learned of her value in God's sight. I was encouraged in my own faith. I started the book unsure if I could like Clara DeLancey and ended it feeling like we had much in common.
This is the final installment of a three part series. I recommend this book and the first two in the series. Now I must anxiously await for Ms. Miller's new series to come out in 2018. Wish me luck!
I voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher. All opinions are my own.

cctblog's review

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Several years ago, Christian artist Brandon Heath released a song called "I'm Not Who I Was." That song kept coming to mind as I read Clara DeLancey's story. Prior to her fall from grace, Clara was a respected and sought-after young woman—but she wasn't kind. After she was rejected by the man she expected to marry, her brother Richard disgraced the family with his actions, and the family (minus Richard) retreated to Bristol where they could be out of the public eye. Clara allowed her bitterness and anger to fester, and it got to the point where she wondered if it would be better to end her life.

Then she met the Kemsleys and, through the Kemsleys, met Jesus.

But the consequences of Clara's actions remained, and through the rest of the novel, she fought against the notion of who she had been as she tried to show who she had become in Christ. Not everyone believed that Clara had changed, and some people continued to believe the worst of her. I truly felt for Clara as she felt the social consequences of her—and her brother's—actions. And that's saying something, as I pretty much despised her in the first two books of this series!

I greatly enjoyed Clara's journey throughout the novel, and I especially liked that coming to faith in Christ didn't turn her into a meek wallflower; instead, she began to stand up for herself and for those she cared about. Clara's spunk is one of my favorite things about her!

The love story between Clara and Benjamin Kemsley is sweetly romantic and full of longing, as the two are of different social standings, so a match would never be approved by her parents. (This is crazy to me, as their family's disgrace made Clara unsuitable for men of her "station," so why not allow her to marry Ben? I'm thankful we don't have such rigid social stations today!)

There's no question that Carolyn Miller gets better and better with each book! While I'm sorry to see this Legacy of Grace series end, I'm eagerly looking forward to the first book in her upcoming Promise of Hope series, which releases early next year!

Disclosure of material connection. I received a copy of this book from the publisher. I was not required to write a positive review, and the opinions expressed are my own.

kristi518's review

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What a fitting ending to this series! The Dishonorable Miss DeLancey was everything I was hoping it would be...and more. Characters written from the heart in a story that was full of despair and hope, this was a book I couldn't put down.

From the beginning of the story I liked Clara DeLancey. I didn't find her to be all that bad of a person even though she had made some mistakes in the past. Clara is going through a tough time and feels alone and the way the author wrote of Clara's emotions it was easy to understand her pain and sympathize with her. Now, Clara's mom on the other hand...I found this character grating on my nerves. It seemed as if all she cared about was their station in life and how accepted they were by the ton and the amount of money they had. Clara's dad came across as a bit meek and unable to stand up to her mother.

The Kemsley family was so down-to-earth and genuine. They were a great balance to Clara's family and it was easy to see the differences between the two and why Clara felt as ease with them. I felt as if Mattie and Tessa could easily be friends of mine and they were people I wanted to read more about. I loved the contrast between the two families.

I really enjoy this author's writing style. I love her attention to detail and her ability to get the reader fully immersed in the story. Her descriptions made it easy to imagine myself right there alongside the characters. Carolyn Miller has definitely earned the top spot as my favorite Regency romance author.

This book (and the rest of the series) are must-reads for fans of the genre. While this book can be read as a standalone I would recommend reading the entire series in order. All three books are wonderfully written and are quick, easy reads. This series is definitely on my keeper shelf and I am eagerly awaiting the next series from Carolyn Miller.

I received a free copy of this book from the publisher and was not required to write a review. All opinions are mine.

audiobooks_sweettea's review

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Carolyn Miller has done it again! She has created a wonderfully written, hope-inspiring novel that is sure to sweet all her fans, new and old alike, off their feet and plop them down in a whole new world filled with uniquely witty characters. I was once again in awe of the way Ms. Miller captured my whole heart and left me wanting more. 

In this addition to the series, we get Miss DeLancey's story. I loved her in the first books, and I loved her in this book. She was dealing with so much, from scandal to rejection (I've been there on both accounts!), and I felt her emotions as my own. She just wanted to be loved for herself and it was quite hard with her circumstances. But, then Ms. Miller brings Ben into the story, and oh my goodness did I ever fall in love! I loved his character and cheered for him and Miss DeLancey so much through the story. 

A story of hope, forgiveness and relying on God in times when you want to give up, Ms. Miller has concluded this series with a bang. Five stars, hats off and two thumbs up, this is one book you want on your wish list this holiday season! I can't wait to see what Ms. Miller brings her fans next. If they are books like this one, then I know I'm in for a witty, charming regency novel that will sweep me to the heart of England. Well done, Ms. Miller! 

*Cafinated Reads received a complimentary copy of this book from Kregel Publications and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*

blackngoldgirlsbookspot's review

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I was hoping that this last book in the Regency Brides series would be my favorite as the series kept improving from book one, but unfortunately this was probably my least favorite of the three books. This one was more preachy and the plot twist at the end involving Clara's brother, really disturbed the flow of what was a sweet regency read. I felt as though with Clara's shunning by the ton and the later assault she faced at the hands of a nobleman, that those things in and of themselves kept the story intriguing and me as a reader on pins and needles. I just didn't really like that Clara and Ben were so "good" either. I at least like my heroes with more complex personality. I still liked the romantic aspects of the story, but unfortunately this wasn't a favorite read. However, if you like books with very strong Christian elements or the classic regencies from yesteryear, The Dishonorable Miss Delancey might be a book you'll enjoy.

~ My Rating: 2.5 out of 5 stars ~

*I receive complimentary books from publishers, publicists, and/or authors. I am not required to write positive reviews. The opinions I have expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the Federal Trade Commission's 16 CFR, Part 255.*

rjd's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this. I think it may have been my favorite of the series. I liked the flawed characters who are trying to do the right thing.

cakt1991's review against another edition

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4.5 stars. A wonderful book that develops a previously antagonistic character. I ended up loving her character, and I'm so happy that she finally gets her happy ending.

Full review here:

bellesmoma2021's review against another edition

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The Dishonorable Miss DeLancey (2017) by Carolyn Miller is the final novel in her Regency Brides: A Legacy of Grace series. This novel is due to release on October 24, 2017. This novel comes in all forms including eBook, and is 291 pages in length. With a full-time job and a precocious five-year old this novel took me four days to read. I received a free copy of this novel from Kregel Publications. In no way has this influenced my opinion of the story. All opinions expressed in this review are mine. I give this novel 5 STARS. This story is a Regency-era Christian Romance set in England in 1815.

In The Dishonorable Miss DeLancey, we finally get Clara’s story. As with her first two novels, Miller writes captivating and authentic characters who I found to be completely endearing. Clara, at the start of this story, is battling with depression. She is 25-years old and has been through several Seasons — in her society, this, coupled with quite a few faux pas, makes her ancient and unwanted. She is also reeling from a severe family scandal. Just when she thinks her life has come to its end and has no purpose, a handsome naval captain and his loving sisters enter Clara’s life. Through her new friendships, Clara slowly comes to realize that with God at the center of her life she can overcome anything, especially the hurt, pain, and frustration of all she has been through the last few years. Clara learns not only the value of forgiving others, but the hardest lesson of all: forgiving herself. I really loved this aspect of the novel. I can forgive the one who has hurt me. In fact, once I get over the initial pain and shock from the hurt, forgiving others comes pretty easy. Forgiving myself, however, is one of the hardest things for me to do. This novel is a good reminder to those of us who struggle with forgiving ourselves that God loves us. God meets us where we are at in order to help us through every facet of our lives. I feel blessed to have been reminded of this beautiful fact!

This story has it all: a handsome naval captain who saves the day, good friendships that develop well over the course of the story, awesome moments when misunderstandings get sorted out, a pretty wretched villain, and quite a bit of adventure and intrigue. There is so much depth to this book, I just could not put it down. I also really loved Miller’s use of history throughout the story, especially as she detailed moments with the Prince Regent. He was quite an interesting guy. Many times I was so engrossed by the descriptions of people and places that I had to Google! I especially loved learning about the Royal Pavilion in Brighton. Miller does such an excellent job describing the Pavilion and all its glory that it really does become an additional character.

As I have intimated in my reviews for book 1 and book 2 of this series, Carolyn Miller is a fabulous, fresh voice in Christian fiction. God has blessed her with a serious talent. She may be one of the best Regency-era novelists today! I am sad that my time with this series is complete, BUT I look forward to all that Ms. Miller has in store for us readers in the future. The Dishonorable Miss DeLancey is a highly-captivating story that I cannot recommend enough. Purchase this novel on release day — October 24, 2017 — you will not be disappointed that you did!

fiction_aficionado's review against another edition

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I’ve been eagerly awaiting this book ever since the glimpse we had of Clara DeLancey in The Captivating Lady Charlotte suggested that there was something redeemable beneath the spoilt and spiteful society miss we have seen so far. And now I can give a sigh of contentment, because this story fulfilled all my hopes. Clara’s journey from resentment and despair through to shame and repentance and then the determination to become a better person was a difficult path to walk, but the opposition she faced along the way only served to make her stronger, and I grew to love her every bit as much as I do Lavinia and Charlotte.

Benjamin Kemsley is a true hero—in the literary and the literal sense! Noble in character if not in title, he has quite the story to tell, but it also left him a cripple and ended his career. The Prince Regent promised him a reward for his heroic actions, but nothing has come of it, and so he finds himself reliant on the generosity of his recently married sister and her husband, and responsible for chaperoning his youngest sister in London society. He can’t help but be drawn to a damsel in distress, but for all his gallantry, he’s the kind of guy who steals your heart quietly: piece by piece, smile by smile.

As with Miller’s other novels, it’s not just the story itself that captures, but the authenticity of the Regency world in which she immerses the reader. I love that we get the rustic side of Regency life as well as the metropolitan, the everyday along with the glitz and glamour, and I love that families are at the heart of her novels—in all their varied and trying glory! (And that’s sometimes very trying, in the case of Clara!) And most of all, I love the way in which her characters are challenged in their faith (or lack thereof), growing step by step, and often by an act of conscious will against their natural inclinations.

There’s no doubt about it; Carolyn Miller has become a must-read author for me, and I can’t wait for the release of her new series in 2018.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher. This has not influenced the content of my review, which is my honest and unbiased opinion.

thebookgirl's review against another edition

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Previously posted on The Young Girl Who Loved Books>

This book was a solid 4.5 stars for me.

I have really been wanting to read The Dishonorable Miss DeLancey for a while. I had previously heard about the writing of Carolyn Miller. Many people seem to really enjoy reading her books. So I thought I would give this book a go! Boy, did she not disappoint. I really believe the hype about this author is actually warranted for a change.

The characters in her novels feel so real and multi-dimensional, that I sometimes forget that I am just reading a novel. I love that her writing is captivating and so very engaging. Before I get into this book I do want to put a disclaimer out there that I did not have a chance to read her first two books in the Regency Brides series. I do plan on reading them in the future. I did enjoy this book but recommend you read the first two as the characters are revisited and you sometimes need context for scenes.

While this is a Christian fiction novel, I felt that it could be enjoyed by readers of faith and those of other belief systems. The story has a great moral purpose too it, which is something I really look for when reading faith-inspired books.

This book follows Miss Claire DeLancey, who is a mysterious character. She could be a villain or she could be a hero, it is rather hard to tell at the beginning of the novel. The book seems to imply she is a rather villainous woman. I found the character growth in this book to be some of the best I have ever read. I really began to enjoy Claire's character before the middle of the book.

The themes of this book are very interesting indeed. They include finding yourself, trusting God, forgiveness, redemption, finding a purpose, and relationships. I really feel like these various aspects just made this a great book.

This is a super clean book. I will put a disclaimer out there that The Dishonorable Miss DeLancey does contain a scene about potentially contemplating suicide, a scene where a woman is taken advantage of. There is some gambling. All of these are serious topics but are well done and not over the top.

I can't recommend this book enough. I really think you should check out this book. This is a quick fast paced book. It will be an instant classic for fans of the Historical Fiction novel.

I received a copy of The Dishonorable Miss DeLancey from Kregel Publications in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own!