
I Love You More by Jennifer Murphy

awidmann's review against another edition

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Great story, full of misdirection and surprises. Just when you think you have it figure out, you haven't.

anitaob30's review against another edition

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I listened the audiobook and it was read by several different people who all did a great job. The book was good, even though the crime is know from the beginning you are kept guessing as to who the killer really is. I also enjoyed the ending, very important when I read any book!

lunasmaria's review against another edition

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3.5 Stars

I really liked this book and the mystery it held. It's very [b:We Were Liars|16143347|We Were Liars|E. Lockhart||21975829] mixed with [b:Gone Girl|19288043|Gone Girl|Gillian Flynn||13306276] and a touch of [b:My Sister Rosa|26465507|My Sister Rosa|Justine Larbalestier||46465143].

The mystery is in depth and there are many clues throughout, I guessed the killer mainly because I guessed everyone at one point or another.

It is a slow book and the book focuses mostly on a 12 year old girl so there's a lot of pettiness involved. Sometimes the mystery took a backseat but nothing else was developed in it's place. I actually didn't mind that - usually I can't stand child narrators.

As much as I liked it I felt a little disjointed from it and I can't pinpoint why. It was interesting but it just didn't draw me in how I had hoped it would. The mystery wasn't that in depth and nothing really startled me. He was just a shitty dude who hurt people.

Verdict - definitely not a Gone Girl but definitely a different book for me to pick up.

johannalm's review against another edition

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I Love You More, Jennifer Murphy
One man, three wives and a murder none of them seems to have committed. As the police fumble around trying to find any clues that will help them figure who, if not all of the wives, killed Oliver Lane, Picasso Lane, his 12 year old daughter, holds it together in the hopes that her mother won’t go to jail. Because, Picasso keeps many secrets. Picasso knows the three wives actually did know about each other before the murder, even though they deny it. She witnessed them having secret meetings and phone calls and making plans. She also knew about her father’s secret lives and lies as well.
But Picasso has other things to distract her, like her obsession with word definitions, and spelling bees, and the cute boy Ryan in her class, and the mean girls who call her names. But most of all, Picasso wants to do everything she can to keep her mother from going to jail.
As the tension mounts and the police seem to be getting closer to figuring out what happened to Oliver Lane, no one is prepared for the stunning turn of events the case takes. I absolutely did not see the unexpected and surprising twist ending coming.
Finally getting to some of the older books on my kindle is going to be fun. Here’s to New Year’s Resolutions.

eileen9311's review against another edition

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Not for me! The premise seemed absurd, but I was mildly taken with the presentation. Various characters narrated the tale in alternating chapters. However, I lost patience with the farfetched premise and was vaguely annoyed with myself for persevering! Ugh!

mctmama's review against another edition

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this book kept me turning the pages. It seems like you know who killed Oliver (husband to three women, father to four children) but as you continue the story, you learn new facts. Some events seemed implausible to me...

marnienicole's review against another edition

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Quick and engaging

Loved reading from the multiple POV and I loved Picasso as a character. This was a quick and engaging read. I was never hired. Each of the wives had a distinction and personality to them that I appreciate. And I was so engaged in the storytelling and plot that I did not see that ending coming! Will definitely read more if Jennifer's work.

kristengbaker's review against another edition

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I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.

This book sucked me in from the start, and I felt that I had to keep reading to find out what happened and how it happened. I hope to never meet any of these people in real life, but they were compelling characters. A few of the situations and characters seemed a little implausible, but that didn't take away from my overall enjoyment of the book.

airy_wench's review against another edition

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Well...the premise was interesting, and Picasso is a creative character but many of the actions were unbelievable or too convenient. Not badly written, just...not greatly written, either.

yoongoongi's review against another edition

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5 Stars!

Definitely worth reading!

First of all, I would like to say that I was very happy to receive a free copy from the publisher from the First Reads program on

"I Love You More" by Jennifer Murphy had me completely immersed into the book. I fell in love with the character of 12-year-old Picasso Lane. She reminded me of my younger self: intelligent, bullied, at first a little chubby, but she rose above. She became "Super Picasso", as she said in the novel. Like Picasso, I also used to study the dictionary and try to get a special boy to like me. Also like Picasso, I too saw my father die when I was very young. All of these things made me want to root for her.

I found that the switching of perspectives in the novel helped to enrich the story and to try and see the story from all the different sides. That being said, I think that the novel had a very interesting story line and perfect timing. It was so exciting hoping that Diana, Picasso's mother, wouldn't get caught for her daughter's sake but at the same time wanting to root for Detective Kyle. I would've liked to get a chapter from Diana's point of view to help me understand that character better. The only semi-bad thing I have to say about this novel is that the wives weren't very likeable but that's not extremely important since the story is more about Picasso, who I adore.

An added little bonus near the end was a chapter from Oliver, the victim husband of the three wives. I was glad to see that in the book. It helped to explain why he was murdered. I must say that the ending completely shocked me and the truth broke my heart. This will not be a story that I forget about anytime soon and I predict it will become a best-seller.

Bravo, Jennifer Murphey, Bravo!