
Strip Me Bare by M. Never, Marissa Carmel

books4dayswithrobyn's review against another edition

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Up, down, up, down like a bloody rollercoaster my heartrate was, i was like yes! We have success! Lets stick with this then two chapter later I'm looking at my kindle like what went wrong!

Ryan and Alanna have a relationship that really brings out the feels, well it did for me.
Ryan's profession really brought out my ugly side in my head, the green monster.
I hated and loved what he did and i absolutely loved how dedicated he was to Alanna, a lesser man wouldn't have resisted the temptation literally chucked in his face but damn he really loves her.

I really liked Alanna!
She was so well written i could really see her and feel her emotions, she was feisty and driven to succeed and she didn't take no s**t.
I loved her relationship with her cousin and uncle, her dad was frosty but he has his reasons but still not everyone can have a warm loving dad.

So M. Never you really done it! You done so so well with this book like you have with every other book I've read of yours! I hope your giving yourself a huge pat on the back and writing me into a book with a hot stripper! Lol


ivette03's review against another edition

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Loved, Loved, Loved this book. Jersey girl right here baby!! I love Ryan and Alana there story was awesome. Trust maybe crush after 5 years of thinking your true love has just vanish, but love doesn't die that easily. Alana struggles a with insecurity but Ryan does everything he can to show her she is HIS only love. Ryan is "Jack the Stripper" focused on trying to make enough money to start his own business but issues from his past are trying to get repeated and making it difficult, Alana is there to help him stay focus and not give up. Can their love finally overcome these struggles? I loved this book!

star_sapphire's review against another edition

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Rating: 1.25 / 5 stars

Not my cup of tea. Disliked the fact that heroine was a wishy-washy doormat character to her father; disliked the fact that she let her insecurities/jealousy get the better of her one minute, and the ignore it the next; disliked the protagonist (who came off as snobby and elitist, in my opinion); disliked the slut shaming.

The second I saw the protagonist slut-shame characters, I was pretty much #done with the book. She was catty, petty, over jealous, and so "perfect and amazing and too good for the hero" that she exuded a snobby, pretentious attitude toward Ryan and others in the novel.

The timeline of the overall story felt disconnected, with the time skipping around from a few weeks to a few months to, pretty much, half of a year.

I get that this is a story that you have to suspend your beliefs in order to read it, but I drew the line the second it became OTT angst and drama fueled around the hero and heroine both being TSTL characters with martyr syndromes. I get it. You two both want to make the people you care about happy. Jesus. It's as if neither one of them had backbones.

What I don't understand is the wishy-washy behavior from any of the characters. Everybody was just OTT. Everybody was just flat. I like characters that are flawed, realistic, or have personality. If you want to read about two types of doormats that keep professing their love for each other, based solely on a short relationship that happened years before the setting/time the book takes place--than this book is for you.

If you want to read about strong, kickass female characters and tortured heroes, than this book is not for you.

I would not recommend. Not unless you like doormats.

feistyredhead82's review against another edition

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This on has it all. It’s a second chance at love, with very strong feelings that never changed after 5 years apart. You will feel pain when they feel pain, you will want to cry when they cry, mad when they are mad and you will feel their pain. They struggle so much for their love. And when then finally get their HEA you will cry happy tears

feistyredhead82's review against another edition

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This on has it all. It’s a second chance at love, with very strong feelings that never changed after 5 years apart. You will feel pain when they feel pain, you will want to cry when they cry, mad when they are mad and you will feel their pain. They struggle so much for their love. And when then finally get their HEA you will cry happy tears

nean's review

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Alana was in love with Ryan and he suddenly disappeared from her life. She gets an amazing surprise when she’s at hen’s night and the stripper Jack the Stripper in none other than Ryan.
When Ryan disappear without a word he left Alana with insecurities that even though he tells her that he wants her back she isn’t sure if she can work though them.
Alana realises that even though Ryan is using stripping to make a future to start his business, that it’s the same reason why she can’t let her father know who she is dating, particularly when she finds out her father was the reason Ryan disappeared from her for so long.
When history repeats itself, both, Alana and Ryan can’t believe it, and Alana realises that she has to fight for the man she loves if she wants a future with him.

amandakoz's review

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I had a hard time thinking up my review for this. I enjoyed Strip Me Bare, but I did have times where it didn't connect as much for whatever reason. I loved the last about 30% of the book particularly. The story picked up a bit and I enjoyed it a lot. The rest was good, but I felt like there were a lot of time jumps and it confused me at times.

I liked Ryan and Alana for the most part, only minimal times they got on my nerves. They have a very strong connection and Ryan is doing what ever he can to keep it. Alana has a weakness for Ryan and stand no chance against his determination. They are such a true fit for one another and are much stronger together.
*I received an arc in exchange for an honest review*

booksandlifewithandrea's review

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This story surprised in a good way I didn't know what to expect I mean it says what it is in the blurb but how Marissa was going to go about it I wasn't sure.

We start with Alana going out for her cousin Emily's bachelorette party at Culture which is a male strip club. There having a great time as you would when Emily gets a dance on stage by none other than Jack the Stripper, at this point Alana can only see the back of him which she is liking but Emily acts weird as she recognizes him he does her he turns around and BAM!!

It's being five years since they last saw each other when Ryan just left Alana without and explanation or goodbye, Alana has alot of questions bout that day and now is the time to explain.

Right off the bat you felt there connection and chemistry it's like they have never being apart. They come from completely different backgrounds Alana coming from money and having not to worry about anything her dad is a highly regarded judge and he expects nothing but perfection from his daughter. Ryan comes from the wrong side of the tracks dad wasn't around mum an alcoholic he also has a twin brother who is a drug addict.

They have to go through so many ups and downs from Ryan's job as a stripper which Alana has accepted but doesn't mean she likes it and his family issues oh man does his family have issues this is apart of the reason he left the first time you learn why and you just wanna punch someone for screwing up there lives for the last five years. Alana's dad is crazy in his own right expecting Alana to be the dutiful daughter of a judge act certain ways and dating a stripper is not one of them, he doesn't know and its like that for a while, she will lose everything hey place law school everything if she doesn't act the way her dad wants her to.

This book keeps you turning that page just to see how Alana and Ryan come to terms with things that happened in the past and what the future holds for them you just want them to have there happily ever after and will they with there own families against them?

tracy_wilkin93's review

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Incredible. Delectable. Divine. Gratifying. Lascivious. Libidinous. Steamy. Tragic. Sorrowful. Beautiful. Alluring. Magnificent. Genuine. Undisguised. Sublime. These are just some of the words that describe Strip Me Bare.

Ryan and Alana fell in love as young adults. Their lve was a fairytale waiting to be written. Until it wasn't. WHen Ryan disappars, leaving Alana with a crushed heart and many unanswered questions. She has never been able to forget and move on. So when she discovers he is a stripper, she leaves him no choice but to explain his houdini act all those years ago. His confession answers some questions, but can Alana fully give herself to him again when she is not sure she can trust him not to disappear again. Their love has never wained, but is it enough?? Time will tell. Lucas is dogged in his determination to prove his love and his commitment to Alana. Reading this book had me on a rollercoaster of emotions. One I never wanted to get off. It was edgy. It was sexily sweet. It was eventful. It was NOT meek. It was sizzlingly lascivious. It was imperfect perfection at it's finest.

Strip Me Bare was a speeding freight train of feelings, expressions and deep connections. The scenes played outfastand hard and felt so real, like they would come bursting from the pages at any second. The excitement almost too much. Kidding. It can never be too much. I will never stop being amazed and struck speechless after reading an M. Never novel. It is always and incredibly arousing adventure and I hope they never stop. 5 stars

nbiblioholic's review against another edition

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3.5 “We meet again” stars!!

M. Never shocked the heck out of me with the surprisingly warm, heartfelt, charming and sweet story found within the pages of Strip Me Bare. I found strippers, lawyers, broken hearts, injustice, heartache, family strain, family ties, and an amazingly wholesome attempt at a second chance at love.

Ryan and Alana fell in love five years ago. It was the stuff of legends, the type of love that everyone searches for. One night they went all the way and the next morning he was gone, without a trace, never to be heard from again. When they had met, Alana had an emotional wall made of steel, one that Ryan easily penetrated. His seeming abandonment erected those walls again almost instantly. In the present, Alana’s out with her cousin for her bachelorette party, which happens to be at the hottest strip club in NY. When her cousin is up on stage being treated to her own strip show, imagine their surprise when the stripper is none other than the love of Alana’s life - Ryan.

There was never a question of Ryan’s love. When he explained what had happened to keep them apart for the last five years, it was easy to forgive and understand his actions. Their love story was back on track, but there were a lot of obstacles standing in their way. However, somehow these two knew that if they stood together, if they concentrated on their everlasting love, that everything else would work out.

The characters were easy to like… Ryan most of all. I think I would have given my left nut to get his perspective. If I had nuts, that is. There were so many moments of hilarity and I enjoyed the ways that Ryan chose to show his affections. I asked myself repeatedly if I could be with a stripper and dream of happily ever after. If I could get past the many women who would see and touch his body. If I could see through his whoring past. Well, if the man was someone like Ryan... ;D

Release Date: October 5, 2017
Genre: Contemporary Romance - Second Chance
POV: Heroine - 1st person
Heat: 3 out of 5
Type: Standalone