
The Burglar in the Closet by Lawrence Block

ferrisscottr's review against another edition

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Lawrence Block is moving his way up my favorite author list with every book that I read of his. This series follows Bernie Rhodenbarr our favorite burglar and if you want the standard Block grit and seriousness then this series isn't for you. This has just as much humor as it does action/mystery as we followed our lovable thief as he continues to get himself in all kinds of trouble. It has a New York feel to it so if that's something you like (or don't like) be warned.

Not 5 stars because I thought the book was probably 50 pages too long but a really good read nonetheless.

Recommended IF you like Lawrence Block or this particular series or NYC or humor/mystery.

bundy23's review against another edition

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Once again professional burglar Bernie Rhodenbarr ends up inside someone's house as they're murdered and he's forced to go all Sherlock Holmes to find the real killer and clear his name. Better than the previous book but I'm going to struggle to suspend my disbelief if this is how all 12 plots in the series play out.

hpuphd's review against another edition

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Pleasingly lightweight novel about a cat burglar nimble of hand and mind. The first third of the book is absolutely excellent, though a falling-off occurs after that as various plots get sorted out. It is amazing that the author is so good at both the Matt Scudder novels, which are so dark and probing, and these novels about Bernie Rhodenbarr, which are like screwball comedies. The later books in this series, where Bernie runs a bookshop and has a friend-sidekick in dog-groomer Carolyn, on the whole are better.

martyfried's review against another edition

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A quick, entertaining read with good humor spread throughout, and a decent story to keep things going. Bernie is a pretty likeable character in spite of being a burglar - although I would probably change my opinion if he robbed me. He's definitely not your typical burglar - he doesn't live high on the hog, he's pretty honest in most cases, and he has scruples.

It's probably best to read the books in order, but perhaps not necessary.

callen_charlemagne's review against another edition

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Very Neal Caffrey.

tbr_the_unconquered's review against another edition

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Bernard Grimes Rhodenbarr is an interesting character to say the least. He is a burglar, a smooth talker, an even smoother operative in the field of breaking and entering, outwardly calm, charming, wise cracking and occassionally loud mouthed a person ! The best thing about him is that he manages to solve mysteries while he is busy with all the above activities. Talking about his methodology of solving mysteries, it is neither the logical way noor the way of deductive reasoning. His mysteries go something like this :

Oooooohhhhh what does this button do ?

Boom ! (followed by deafening silence)

Oops ! Looks like I blew up something !

What then remains is to find out who blew up what and why they did it. It is an onrush of activity and Rhodenbarr is a nice enough fella to give you company through the proceedings. Barring the fact that the climax was slightly predictable, it was a breezy enough read.

tartancrusader's review against another edition

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Good fun with some nicely-turned phrases.

j_b_'s review against another edition

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What a delightful and quick listen.

jakewritesbooks's review against another edition

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I don't have 250 words in me for a review of this one so I'll just stick it here. It's fine as things go; reminding me of Block's early Scudder books. But I'm already forgetting most of it and I'm sure I'll have finished by month's end. I'm thirsty for a good NYC tale from Block having already finished the Scudder series and I suppose Bernie will be the itch that I scratch but the first two don't rise above the level of "fine."

paperbackstash's review against another edition

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Obviously the life of a cat burglar wouldn't be straight boring - he'd run into 'situations', although unlikely situations like this, to where he's in his dentist's chair and asked, in between tooth work, if he would hit up the ex-wife's apartment and steal back some jewels.

As always Bernie is a fun character who fully embraces his immoral outlooks but lives with his own code of honor in the thieving world. Love that the hands-out detective made his appearances; hope he does for all the books. Wonder what happened to the one girl from the first book? Guess it was a fleeting ship and not a lasting thing.

Not quite as good as the first but still cute and a fun ride. The villain in this case wasn't as fair to figure out but still a surprise. There's mucho tension in some spots as Bernie again ends up in tight situations, keeping the tension in line with the comical bursts. As with the first book, how the body happens is rather amusing; this burglar just doesn't have good luck when it comes to these crime scenes.

The series isn't award winning yet, it's more of a novelty type of cozy that I think mystery fans should enjoy. I have the next three books to read and look forward to more fun antics with a man who looks forward to burglary, but not these murders he keeps having to solve instead.