migrex's review against another edition

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If you can hack your way through the bullshit, you'll be able to drill down and really get out of your own way. Wow, this guy says "shit" a lot. Sorry, couldn't resist.... If this type of informal language plus all the talk of hacking, etc. doesn't get on your nerves (why do we have to talk about hacking our lives? -- when I think of hacking I think of ax murderers or maybe chopping wood), you'll find a very useful resource for helping you get on track in all areas of your life. I would actually start by reading his "Next Steps" section first because it lays things out very clearly. If you read the whole book in one shot, you might get overwhelmed. You could find other great resources that touch on each of these things in more depth, naturally, such as "The Wahls Protocol," "Get Out of Debt and Prosper," "The Artist's Way," "7-Minute Meditation," etc. but the approach of this book is nice because you can start with the chapter that you feel really describes your difficulty and just work with that as a start.

thursdaymouse's review against another edition

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I loved this book so much I gave it as a Christmas gift. The author is not only a Chinese Medicine Doc, but also is founder of well.org. Reading this book not only comes with great insight and advice on how to live well in our stressed out times, but other resources through the authors website related to the book, his podcast, and his colleagues and a Facebook community. He speaks frankly in a most amusing way. I got many chuckles out of this while learning how to adopt some Eastern wellness practices. Highly recommend!

sueking365's review against another edition

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Didn't really resonate with me. I wanted to like it, but I felt this book lacked focus. I am glad there are resources at the end including links to videos because trying to explain certain meditation practices via the written word is hard to process. For me anyway.

makaylasweeney's review against another edition

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This is one of the first self-help books I have read. I enjoyed it and learned quite a few new meditation exercises that were great. On the other hand, I found the book a bit hard to pick back up once I had put it down.


"Her sense of self is built on a strong inner foundation. She's cultivated her breath and tapped into her connection with the entire Universe. What accolades other people may giver her do not matter. She is reinforced by life and natures her exuberance and enthusiasm radiate from within."

"If the small stuff is getting you down, then do greater things."

"Your 'later' will always look the same if your 'now' is chaotic."

"Time can either be seen as our greatest gift or our biggest challenge."

"An Urban Monk wakes up to her potential and becomes a beacon of light in her community. She stands up for justice and does the right thing. She thinks through her decisions and challenges memes that don't serve her." She doesn't roll over when a sociopath tries to push a jaded worldview on her, and she certainly doesn't try to fit in with the zombies. She awakens them. She is free in Spirit and this liberates her energy. She is vibrantly alive and filled with qi."

"The irony is that every moment is an opportunity to tap into Infinity and drink from it. What we see as dead time, loneliness, and social isolation is actually an incredible gift. It means we actually have the time to develop a personal practice and dig into the good stuff. Just this shift in perspective will change your life forever."

"When what you're doing is bigger than you, there's room for good things to happen."

javalette's review against another edition

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This is the most inspiring, helpful, meaningful book I have read in a long time. I would encourage all of my loved ones to read it. This book helped me regain mental clarity and focus in my every day life. It was a pleasure to read and reflect on. I expect to refer back to it periodically.

sannevisser's review against another edition

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One word: "Meh."

sannevisser's review against another edition

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One word: "Meh."

catdad77a45's review against another edition

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This wasn't horrible, just not very enlightening either - mainly a lot of the same generic self-help stuff that has been recycled ad nauseum. The 'woo-woo' is kept to a minimum though (other than a few shout outs to ayahuasca and shamanism!) and there are some links to his website that are helpful. Two minor complaints...for a spiritually enlightened guy, he uses 'shit', 'crap' (and even a couple of f-bombs) a lot! Secondly, whenever he is talking about Urban Monks he uses feminine pronouns, which I initially thought nice ...until he switched to male pronouns on the chapter about money ...sexism much? Why not just use gender non-specific ones instead (i.e., they, their)?

tofufun's review against another edition

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Not a lot of new information here. The presentation was fun, but not exactly innovative. I did like some of the suggestions the author offers.

jennkurrie's review against another edition

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#37/2017 .. interesting and a lot to take in. Defiantly want to buy to implement the strategies.