shutupnread's review against another edition

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babylon's review against another edition

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This was awful and I loved it. I was too young to get in on the fun of the satanic panic the first time around. Although with media like Ari Aster’s Hereditary (which I also loved), you have to wonder if it ever rly went away.

aurasn's review against another edition

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Page-turning, fast-paced mystery

I was intrigued by the damaged characters and enjoyed the twists of the story. Entertaining and satisfying ending, albeit a bit of a stretch.

nquoid's review against another edition

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shepherdesskate's review against another edition

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Wow, it's really hard to rate this book. I hated every single person in it, except maybe Boney, and not one of them really paid for their actions. I see a lot of comments online about how people felt sorry for Nick by the end, but I didn't. And Amy... oh, Amy... I knew that stupid diary didn't ring true and nothing she did surprised me after my suspicions that she was a psychopath were confirmed with the BIG TWIST. Blah.

I listened to the whole thing just because it's so hard to walk away from a train wreck, I guess. By the end it was just gross.

Regarding the audio book: The voice of Nick grated on me. The voice of Amy was really well done.

Not sure now if I should seek out the author's other work.

laotranati's review against another edition

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Me complica leer libros que son películas, me aterra saber que el mundo está lleno de personas que van al cine y postean spoilers de Game of Thrones en Facebook. Sé que puedo encontrarme con uno de "ellos", lo puedo ver en sus ojos: ellos saben algo que yo no sé.

Por suerte este no fue el caso, aunque debo reconocer que al principio lo encontré bien lenteja, medio detestable y que lo seguí leyendo sólo para enojarme cuando pasara lo que "sabía que iba a pasar". Terminé de leerlo de un tirón, un viernes en la noche tratando de no comerme un frasco de Nutella a cucharadas ¡Hagan un salud por mi vida social, en un país donde los carretes empiezan bien temprano y rechazo una invitación al cine por venir a leer!

halfmanhalfbook's review against another edition

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Having been used to the busyness of New York, Nick and Amy have had to downsize somewhat after they lost their jobs. They move back to his hometown to care for his dying mother, and he opens The Bar with his twin sister, using the little left in Amy’s trust fund to start it up. Even though it provides them with a reasonable living, but their marriage is foundering somewhat.

It is their fifth wedding anniversary, Nick returns home to find the front door left open and Amy missing. There are signs of a struggle, and traces of blood on the floor. He calls the police. They find the first clue of the anniversary treasure hunt she does so they decipher the first one, hoping this might help find where she is, but it doesn’t. As the police dig deeper into the relationship they find that not everything adds up, he has increased her life insurance, goods he says that he hasn’t bought are found in his sisters shed, his internet search history is suspicious too, they find her possessions near the river, and her diary implies that he is not the nice guy that people thought; what was a missing person search, is now a murder enquiry.

The revelations keep coming, and the public mood turns on Nick, as almost everything he says are considered lies.

But did he kill her, or is he being framed?

This isn’t a bad thriller overall. There are plenty of twists and turns as the story unfolds, with those characters that you think are quite pleasant, turning out to be much darker and twisted. It is a battle of wills between a careful, calculating psychopath and a happy go lucky person. Did feel a touch predictable with some events at times as well, but otherwise reasonable.

kellyhager's review against another edition

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Oh, seriously, you guys, THIS BOOK. It's one of those books where I went in---even knowing that every review EVER of this book says that there are twists and turns that you cannot possibly hope to figure out until Gillian Flynn tells you---pretty sure that I would know what was going on. Of course I would. Yeah. NO. :) This book is a complete masterpiece. It is gripping and creepy and it will completely play with your head.

And now that I've finished it, all I can think is that this is one of those books that everyone should be reading, that if the publishing world were a meritocracy, this is the book that you'd see on airplanes and beaches and subways instead of, say, that book with the tie on the cover. This book is just that amazing.

Highly recommended.

e_bibliophile's review against another edition

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Read the book first:
I remember adding [b:Gone Girl|8442457|Gone Girl|Gillian Flynn||13306276] a few days after joining Goodreads, which was almost a couple of years ago. All I knew about it then was being the hit of 2012. I wanted to know what the fuss was all about. As usual, I procrastinated in the process. I didn't pick it up until the movie adaptation was released recently and it was a hit too. So I basically (and finally) decided to read the book first before watching the movie (wise enough).

★★★★☆ = I really liked it:
It's definitely a page-turner. The narrative style is so attractive and interesting. You get to know the story from two perspectives (Nick's and Amy's). It makes you suspect everyone. The main theme at the beginning is highlighting married-life under the influence of the economic crisis. Loved how the author criticized current social situations. My empathy was shifting between Amy and Nick. I believe that the two halves of the book are of similar importance. It's a very well calculated equation of cause and effect. The plot rhythm is carefully designed and everything makes sense with each new discovery. There are several shock factors that would make your jaw drop.

Gillian Flynn:
I can overlook the overdose of vulgarity in contemporary novels if there was actually a great story being told which is the case with this book. I really admire [a:Gillian Flynn|2383|Gillian Flynn|]'s talent and looking forward to read her other books.

The last hiccup:
I didn't like the ending though because..
Amy (that sociopath effing bitch, totally unworthy of my previous empathy) got away with all her effed-up deeds. And Nick (who turned[bc:Dark Places|8427679|Dark Places|Gillian Flynn||6873353] out to be a cheating scumbag, totally unworthy of my previous empathy) is stuck with her for good. I'm not sure if those two deserve each other, but I just don't like it when the bad guy (in this case it's Amy) gets away with his/her bullshit. So Nick is punished and Amy laughs at the end. How convenient!


[a:Gillian Flynn|2383|Gillian Flynn|]'s novels:
[bc:Sharp Objects|1343439|Sharp Objects|Gillian Flynn||3801] [bc:Dark Places|8427679|Dark Places|Gillian Flynn||6873353] [bc:Gone Girl|15704174|Gone Girl|Gillian Flynn||13306276]

ishmael's review against another edition

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I went in having been spoiled by movie reviews, but my memory was fuzzy so I didn't remember much beyond The Big Twist. As expected, it's a book about shitty people being monumentally shitty.

While it's kinda refreshing to see a female character so astoundingly, unapologetically awful, the fact that she is the epitome of every gross misogynistic imagining of shitty men takes away from that.