
Huntress by Julie Hall

moonastrid's review

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This book was a breath of fresh air. I really enjoyed how it portrayed the after life. Ever wonder what happens to us after we die? Audrey wakes up in the after life with no clue how she has passed. She is trust into an amazing adventure as she makes her way through the after life and is assigned her job as a huntress, a demon hunter. Between training and learning about her new world she spends her days training and learning about her new world and role while making new friends and maybe something more.
This book exceeded my expectations. A beautiful created world along with amazing characters such a as Audrey and Logan. Their character development in this book was amazing you can really see how much Audrey grows and learns throughout her journey and makes me very excited to pick up book two to continue with this amazing adventure. This book takes a different spin on the angels vs demons books that I have previously read and I really enjoyed the direction this book is headed. I will be picking up book two very soon!

Copy received from author in exchange for an honest review!đź“š

gswizzel's review against another edition

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Didn't think I'd get a demon hunter story that is based on Christianity but I got one.

tardislibrarian's review against another edition

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Happy re-release day!

Check out my review on my blog, too:

Wow, oh wow. Guys, I had the pleasure of reading this amazing book this past week. And boy was it a wild ride. Plus, just look at that cover! It's beyond gorgeous. And if you haven't seen the trailer yet, here's your chance. Watch it and fall in love. Then get a copy and fall even more head-over-heels.

First of all, I just want to make a note of this. I typically detest the thought of death because I am just that terrified of it. So reading whenever the characters mentioned the "afterlife" I kind of got tight-chested. Heck, thinking about it now it making my chest tight. Oops. Back to what you're more forward to looking at: the story.

Julie Hall does an amazing job of throwing us into the afterlife, and it's exactly the death you found in Beetlejuice. Essentially this is a beautiful Heaven as most may have been taught to believe. There are indeed angels. God has his own golden fortress in the forest by the mountains. And every person there has a job for the rest of their life. Now, can you imagine that? Being able to only have one job for the rest of your life? Some people would honestly go insane. Seeing as how I don't currently have a job, I cannot imagine it. But I know some people who would rather be locked up in an asylum or trapped on a remote island somewhere than be confined to one job for the rest of eternity. But here's the difference. The job has been chosen for you, as Celeste says "Everyone gets the right one." I mean, God's never wrong, right?

Except our main character Audrey feels as though this had all been a mistake. How was she dead? Let alone now stuck having to do a job she hadn't chosen for all eternity. I didn't blame her confusion and skepticism, not one bit! Audrey is thrown into a whole new world without an inkling of her past life. She barely even remembered her name in the beginning. She remembers other things like peanut butter and fruit roll-ups, but not a single memory.

What's more unusual than that? She's skipped orientation and is sent straight to processing. Crazy, right? Also, all the whiteness of the rooms was blinding to think about. I'd never be able to keep an all-white room, even if it was temporary. And in a tree, which made me think of Peter Pan. Okay, a little off topic. I'm trying to keep as many spoilers out of here as possible.

Any who, meet the newest Hunter, erm, Huntress, Miss Audrey. A title that no one seems sure why she had been given. Seriously, guys. If this doesn't sound awesome already--honestly, give me a demon butt-kicking any day; I'm all for that--then you're completely missing out. Not only that but we have a lovely gent named Logan who is her trainer. I had a massive recollection of Divergent with the overly attractive (okay, maybe it's just me picturing him that way) trainer along with a pretty girl who is having a hell of a time trying to learn to fight. If I was Audrey, I'd be scared shitless knowing that the fate of mortals was resting on my shoulders as a Hunter. Oi.

Guys, this book was SO ADDICTING. I cannot express how excited I had been to read this. My friend Britta had been hyping me up to high-hell (irony here since we're chatting about God, angels, and demon hunters here. ah ha ha. *crickets chirping in the distance*) In other words, go get your copy now!

I was given a copy of this stunning book in exchange for an honest review. The fact that I was given a copy is not a sway in my writing this review.

kasfire's review against another edition

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4/5 Stars

Audrey wakes up in the afterlife without memories of her life. Assigned to work as a Huntress, she trains with her fellow afterlife people to learn how to hunt demons. This novel is heavy in themes or Christianity and faith in general.

Now, I'm not the biggest believer in the Christian faith. That's not how I was raised and therefore never read many books that dealt with heavy themes of it. As an adult branching out into new genes, this was an interesting read for me.

Though I did find it a bit preachy, especially near the end, it also got me emotional. And when something that isn't even my faith can get me emotional, that's phenomenal. Yes, it was discussing having faith in God, but also in yourself and that you'd find the right path for your life. You may take a roundabout way to get there, but get there you will. And that's a good reminder for all.

To steer away from the faith aspect, this was an intriguing tale. It portrays the afterlife, not specifically heaven or hell. More of an in between world. Its always nice to see how authors think the afterlife will look.

Each character also had depth. Especially Audrey, our heroine. She wasn't defined by her previous life, unlike the rest of the characters. Readers get to watch her grow into her life as a huntress, and once her memories do return, its super emotional.

daydreambookbliss's review against another edition

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I only give it a 4 star because it was slow for about half the book with a lot of untold things. You were kinda living life right along side Aubrey, with no idea what is happening. It was kinda like reading a prequel to a series.

I give it 5 stars though because as a whole it was really good. I LOVED that she capitalized every reference to God. You could tell she knows quite a bit about scripture & I loved the common way she made difficult things make sense. I highlighted a ton in this book. I can’t wait to get book 2 to five back in. I think it’s a very different book than I have ever read and I loved it. If you like mystery, angel/demon, good over evil, are a Christian or just like a good fantasy I think this will suffice you just right!

candacebarnard's review against another edition

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I absolutely loved this story! The story and world are such a unique concept and I loved the Christian aspect of it. It was funny, mysterious, thought provoking and challenging. I loved the authors unique take on the after life and how it blended fantasy with belief. I really enjoyed traversing this world with a very relatable main character Audrey.
The story has lots of mystery, action and a touch of romance and there is still lots to be unveiled about Audrey’s story. The writing was also great, describing the imagery with lots of detail and adjectives really helping you get into the story.
However the narrator was not my favorite, I just struggled with the tone of her voice.
But definitely a great read, I recommend to anyone who loves fantasy and is looking for something a little different.

kasfire's review

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4/5 Stars

Audrey wakes up in the afterlife without memories of her life. Assigned to work as a Huntress, she trains with her fellow afterlife people to learn how to hunt demons. This novel is heavy in themes or Christianity and faith in general.

Now, I'm not the biggest believer in the Christian faith. That's not how I was raised and therefore never read many books that dealt with heavy themes of it. As an adult branching out into new genes, this was an interesting read for me.

Though I did find it a bit preachy, especially near the end, it also got me emotional. And when something that isn't even my faith can get me emotional, that's phenomenal. Yes, it was discussing having faith in God, but also in yourself and that you'd find the right path for your life. You may take a roundabout way to get there, but get there you will. And that's a good reminder for all.

To steer away from the faith aspect, this was an intriguing tale. It portrays the afterlife, not specifically heaven or hell. More of an in between world. Its always nice to see how authors think the afterlife will look.

Each character also had depth. Especially Audrey, our heroine. She wasn't defined by her previous life, unlike the rest of the characters. Readers get to watch her grow into her life as a huntress, and once her memories do return, its super emotional.

hoffdna's review

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Really? Even with all the misogyny, I could continue hoping for redemption. Add in the in-your-face preachy tone and a school shooting scenario and I'm done.

ogrezed's review

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I should have quit at the 20% mark. I kept hoping it would get better. I just never connected with the story or characters.

wanderinglynn's review

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I have mixed feeling about this book. On the one hand, I overall liked the premise—fighting demons. The character development and world building were generally good. But on the other, it was a bit too steeped in Christian dogma and got a bit preachy near the end. It also had a few too many YA stereotypes. I am debating whether to read the next book in the series. I may give it a go, but if it’s too preachy, will probably DNF it.