
Accidental SEAL by Sharon Hamilton

alwaysreadingreview's review

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I was not sure what I would think about listening to an audio, but I loved the idea of being able to get up and do whatever needs to get done.  There were several times I would put my iphone into my pocket and go down to the basement to change around the clothes in the washer to the dryer.  Or I did dishes.  Or sat on the front porch waiting for my daughter to get home from school.

In this book, we got a lot.  
Hot Sex
Great Chemistry

Was Christy involved in the AWOL Team buddy?  Was she in the wrong house?  Where is this AWOL Team buddy?   What a way to meet a man?  Who is doing this all?  I love the nickname Kyle gave Christy. 

I do like the book.  Kyle sounded irresistible.  Both Christy and Kyle had great chemistry and a deep connection.   The descriptions was very well done and I could imagine it all.  

I am not used to audio, but I was not so sure about the voice I was listening to.  So, I gave it 4 stars.  The one voice I could not stand was Christy's.  The voice made her sound weak and very needy.  As I said before, I am a audio newbie so maybe it is just because I do not like that voice.  My favorite voice was of Fredo.  He was very funny.
I give this book 4 out of 5 stars.
Would I recommend this book? Yes! Author? Yes!
Would I read more from this author? Yes!
Listen to another audio? Yes!

Happy Reading!

avid_reader_sf_and_f's review

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Awkwardly written. I wanted to like this story a lot more than I did.

vickystreehouse's review

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Brainless heroine with no pride or boundaries

neetamariee's review

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God this book was a hot ass mess. It's been a while since I've struggled to finished a book. Literally all it was, was Kyle sleeping with Christy, remembering his friend was missing, treating her like shit, then repeating it all over again. And the whole thing with his friend missing was so confusing I had no idea what was going on. Then all the sudden they're in love?!?!? Like no, I'm sorry that's not how it works. There were about 50 chapters yet I feel like it was so rushed. And then it ends with him proposing to her out of the blue. Who does that?!?? How does their relationship go from him being a douchebag to this?? I'm sorry, but this book sucked. Luckily it was part of a boxed set I got on Amazon kindle for .99¢ or I would've never read it.

aquariandancer's review

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SEAL Brotherhood Book One

On her first day working as a real estate consultant, Christy Nelson enters the house she is supposed to show to clients later only to find a naked man on the bed in the master bedroom. She almost makes it outside before he grabs her and ties her up in her own pantyhose. When Kyle Lansdowne finally apologizes to her at the office, she knows she will forgive him if he allows her to see him again. Kyle's friend is missing and he knows he must find Armando before something terrible happens, but he doesn't anticipate the lengths Armando's enemies will go to in order to enlist his help. Christy is taken on a whirlwind romance and mystery, but will she be able to handle Kyle and everything he brings into her life?

If you're looking for your next special ops team to follow, this series is one you will want to jump into.

*I received this book from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.

becsa's review

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Christy Nelson has just moved to San Diego and has a new job as a real estate agent. When one of her coworkers, Wayne, sets her up with an open house she thinks she'll be able to succeed until she walks into the house and finds a naked man lying on one of the beds.

Kyle Lansdowne is a Navy SEAL, is in a buddy's house trying to figure out why he has gone missing when he has awoken by real estate agent Christy. Initially mistaking her for someone meaning harm he scares her and then figures out she is innocent.

As Kyle tries to figure out what has happened to his SEAL partner, Armando Guzman, his attraction to Christy to grows and he can not keep away from her, which puts her life in danger. Kyle knows that having a relationship with Christy can only be harmful to the both of them but he can not stop seeing her.

Will Kyle be able to break off the relationship or is Christy's life already in danger?

I enjoyed this book and liked the twists in it.

shadowmaster13's review

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OMG, I finished it. Finally.

This was in turn boring, irritating and stupid. I tried, I really tried especially after the novella intro [b:SEAL Encounter|15715869|SEAL Encounter (SEAL Brotherhood #0.5)|Sharon Hamilton||21385561] which gave me high hopes for this.

But Christy and Kyle share two one-night stands in a row which shouldn't have happened after Kyle attacked Christy during their first meeting. Christy somehow falls in love with him based on several seconds of pre and post-sex talk. Kyle tried to let her down easy when he dumps but she falls into a crazy suicidal depression.

The entire Armando-dirty cop-gang subplot was BORING and dragged the story out. And that was the SEAL stuff! That should have been the most interesting part!

I have dropped the next books from my to read list based on how much I disliked this.

slc333's review

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1.5 stars Could have been good but wasn't. Both Christy & Kyle annoyed me. The whole 'romance'was stupid. He attacks her (he thought she was an intruder). She is terrorised but he apologises so they go out (umm stupid decision No 1 Christy) - they have one date and sex then he blows her off. Christy is hurt but decides to stalk him cause what they had was so speshul (stupid decision no 2). He tells her he is not interested then turns up a couple of days later for sex. Which they have before he dumps her again. Does Christy take this as s sign they are not meant to be - no. She continues to chase after him. She lurves him (Umm why? you barely know the man and all you have to go on is great sex and crappy treatment of you). He continues to use her for sex then dump her 'for her own good'. Ugg what a dumb relationship. And I wasn't overly impressed with the whole Navy Seals being kidnapped by drug gangs plot as it didn't make a lot of sense. I am sure there are plenty of people who will happily work for drug lords - even those with military training. That they would kidnap not one but two active duty Seals because they want them to work for them was just crazy.

deannasworld's review

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I'm not entirely certain why there is so much hype surrounding this series and Ms Hamilton because after getting through this book, I don't get it. This is probably the corniest, most cringe-worthy non-suspenseful romantic suspense I have ever read / listened to. The plot meanders all over the place and the pacing is so slow, I want to yell at it to hurry the heck up. The descriptions border on purple and it's full of rhetoric. Different characters would often go off on a tangent and wax lyrical about some topic or other and I'd be wondering, why are we being given all this unnecessary information? Given all that, I still didn't hate it. At some points, it was oddly riveting and I was confused why I was enjoying it. Also, bonus points for the use of the word "peach" (more on that later) which provided my Steve and I endless laughter and hilarity.
I picked this up as an audiobook because I do love a romantic suspense in audiobooks. I'm picky when it comes to audiobooks. I pretty much like only romantic suspense, some paranormal, maybe urban fantasy, but that's it. Romantic suspense is a favorite. This book ticked all the boxes. Romantic suspense, first in a series, narrated by a male narrator whose voice I quite enjoy. I think if I had not been listening, I would have lost patience a lot quicker. J D Hart is a decent narrator. I was not crazy about his voice for Kyle, the hero but I loved what he did with some kind of voice modifier thingmajiggy when he did voices for phone calls, TV newscasters and any other voice which came through a mechanical or digital device. It was very cool.
As for the characters, Kyle and Christie are rather one dimensional. Christie is the sappiest, clingiest, neediest, mopiest heroine with a rather healthy sexual appetite I've ever come across. She is rather without shame when it comes to throwing herself at Kyle. I have no problem with a heroine who is in touch with her own sexuality but Christie comes across as rather desperate and she uses the sex to try to keep Kyle interested. Fortunately for her, when Kyle is around her, he seems to be thinking only with his little head. I feel somewhat sorry for her because by the time you get to about 65% of the book, Kyle has dumped her three times "for her own good" because he is trying to protect her from the bad guys. Even after being dumped though, she drives around town, frequenting places they had been to previously, hoping to catch a glimpse of Kyle. She really needed to grow a backbone and say, enough is enough. He should be crawling back to her begging for forgiveness and she should not be quite so quick to forgive. She really needs to make him work for it a bit more. And of course, the infamous peach. Early on in the story, Christie is thinking about Kyle and "her peach quivered with anticipation ..." WTH? Peach? Really? You couldn't find a better word for describe that part of her anatomy, you had to use a fruit reference? And not just once but several times. My Steve and I were listening to this in the car and that stopped us in our tracks. We were so incredulous as to what we had just heard, we had to pause it, rewind and listen again to make certain we heard right. Yeah, we did! I really should thank Ms Hamilton for the peach reference. Steve and I have been having so much fun with the word. We were watching TV the other night and Steve turns to me and asks "do you think her peach is quivering?" :-D I've been getting quivering peach comments from Steve frequently since hearing it in the audiobook. :-)
Kyle is probably the team leader of the guys in this story for SEAL Team III. I gotta say, for a team leader, Kyle does not show a great deal of leadership and is not very action oriented. There's so much sit around and wait going on, I got rather impatient at times. I would have liked to see Kyle's character drive the suspense and action element of the story forward but he doesn't. He seems rather passive for an alpha male SEAL to me and he keeps getting distracted by thoughts of Christie, so much so that his other team members call him on it. The first two times he dumps Christie to protect her from the dangerous stuff he's into, I get it. By the third time, I'm thinking it was just a little too much. Poor Christie. It's a good thing for him Christie keep obsessing over him and his well formed forearms. :-p I really would have liked to see Kyle really show the leadership he's supposed to have and exhibit a lot more problem solving ability. Don't SEALs get trained to think independently and solve problems in situations where they have no back up and no support? The action did get a little bit better towards the end and I really enjoyed the scene where Kyle and Armando took out the bad guys. Very kick a**!!
Overall, it's been an oddly riveting if frustrating book. I liked it well enough to finish it and even picked up the second book in the series (it was on sale for 99c) to listen to as well. I'm hoping Ms Hamilton's writing improves with each passing book since there are so many in the series already. Plus, I quite like J D Hart as a narrator, so I want to keep listening.

Deanna's World

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kboc923's review

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do not recommend. stupid book, stupid characters, only finished because I had logged it in