
Diez by Gretchen McNeil

albaaaaaa's review against another edition

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Libro maravilloso y muy enganchante. Deja un final bastante menos impactante quue la historia, ya que esta muy bien tratada.
Es cortito y en un dia o dos te lo les perfectamente. Muy recomendado!!

kawarwick's review against another edition

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If you like Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None, then you will like this.

_reedmylife_'s review against another edition

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This was a wild ride! I knew that I would love it since it is based on Agatha Christie's And then there were none. Although this book has quite a bit of cheese, I think this book will haunt even some of the huge horror fans. It has just the right amount of teenage angst, horror, and psychological confusion to make for an intriguing book that is hard to put down.

The only thing I was not a fan of was Nathan. He was just a complete asshole. I also found it a bit odd that TJ and Meg would just start thinking or talking about their complicated relationship even while people are being killed. I guess my thought process is they should read the room, especially when their friends are slowly being killed off

jen286's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted to Jen in Bookland

Ten was a meh read for me. I haven't read And Then There Were None, so I am not familiar with the source material people referenced in other reviews, so I just have this story to go on. And it was just okay. I didn't hate it, but it was nothing special either. Meh.

Meg and her bestie Minnie are going to a house party on a secluded island. For three days. And no one knows they are there. Meg is our main character, the person through whom we see the story unfold and she was just blah. She puts up with way too much abuse from Minnie because Minnie has mental health issues? It was not good. Minnie was horrible to Meg and Meg had to constantly deny herself things because poor poor Minnie. Ugh. I don't really know why she stuck by her friend so much. I know they have been friends forever, but there is only so much abuse I would put up with so...when you are counting down the days until you can leave your "friend" behind and start your life again maybe that should be a red flag.

Now Meg and Minnie both like this one boy TJ. And of course TJ likes Meg so she has to deny herself being with him because of Minnie. And Minnie sleeps around trying to get TJ to notice her. So it was...I don't know why Meg had to stay away. Minnie was a bit crazy and not a good friend at all. And who also ends up on the island? TJ! And a bunch of other people who I don't really know or learn that much about. Really 10 people was a lot to start with and I am terrible with names anyway, but it didn't really matter. The 10 people in the house for a party weekend start having fun, but then the bodies start piling up. Someone is killing everyone and they don't have a way to get off the island/contact anyone to get help. So they are going to have to figure this out for themselves before they all die.

Now the murder mystery part was okay, but not great. The characters didn't really react like I would have imagined. They didn't seem to be as upset/terrified as I would have imagined, but it was alright. A light summer murder mystery book with a bit of a forbidden romance thrown in. Really it felt like mostly Meg and TJ trying to work things out and then a bit of people dying and trying to find help/a way off the island. As I said the story was alright, but the end? A bit lame. I...I won't ruin it but it was disappointing how it ends. Overall it was a forgettable book. Not terrible, but not something I will reread or think about again.

amycoles's review against another edition

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I went into this book with absolutely no expectations and finished the book feeling good about it, but not amazing.

First off (this has been driving me crazy), the island on the cover of the book is way way way too small to be the Henry Island, the book's main setting.

All I can call this is a murder mystery book, I wouldn't go as far to say that this is a thriller, though it is suspenseful as the characters fear which of them will dies next. I generally scare really easily, but I didn't feel the least bit scared reading it, I felt more like a detective trying to solve the case before the main characters.

Now the characters of the book are pretty basic, following the characters tropes of the popular girl, the quiet friend, the beach bum, the jock, the control freak, the punk, the creepy ladies man, the big teddy bear, the solo singer and the boy toy. Despite the cliche quality to the characters, it was fun to watch their descent into madness or terror as they discover their life-threatening situation.

The main "forbidden" romance struck me as a little petty and drawn out, but I still found myself rooting for them and loving them as a potential couple.

The main mystery of the story revolves around discovering who the murderer is before everyone is killed. I found myself getting frustrated at the main character, Meg, who seemed much too oblivious to some clues that were right in front of her, which I saw as being very obvious evidence. Throughout the entire story, I thought that I had the murderer figured out (which bummed me out since I thought I easily know how it would end), but it turned out that I didn't see the ending coming which was such a relief!

This is an easy and quick read - it took me about six hours to read. It was thrilling enough to capture and hold my attention for the entire duration of the story making it a perfect book to read as a buffer between reading larger books.

I'd recommend this for anyone looking for something puzzling and easy to read. However if you're looking for a thriller or horror story, you won't necessarily find that here.

balletbookworm's review against another edition

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A very middle-of-the-road read for me. If [b:And Then There Were None|16299|And Then There Were None|Agatha Christie||3038872] weren't one of my favorite books, and a masterpiece, I probably would have liked this better. But if you haven't read the ultimate locked-room mystery (bc I was mostly right about who the murderer was, no spoilers), and you want a page-turner-y book that's a mash-up of I Know What You Did Last Summer+Scream+And Then There Were None then go for it.

Read for the Teen Book Group at my bookstore (which meets tonight!)

leavemealoneiamreading11's review against another edition

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3.5 absolutely worth a read!

moonlitwillow's review against another edition

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Closer to 3.5 stars. Reads like "I Know What You Did Last Summer". Fun teenage murder mystery.

zu_reviews's review against another edition

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This was exactly what I expected... a bunch of teens on a murder island with a whodunit mystery. If you just wanted a quick YA murder thriller, this will do it. I wasn't really looking for a deep stimulating read and didn't get it. A lot of the characters felt two dimensional, but I did finish it in almost one sitting.

I also think the depiction of Minnie's mental health was borderline offensive. I'm not familiar with anxiety and bipolar personally, but reading it I just wondered how accurate her portrayal was. She was made to be really selfish irresponsible, and erratic...and it was all blamed on her bipolar. Meg was made out to be this white knight martyr savior, taking care of her despite her cruelty... Just felt really inauthentic to what bipolar actually is. (This isn't spoilery, you can see their dynamic within the first few pages.) I didn't really care for the protagonist, but then I wasn't reading it for that.

If you approach this as sort of B-rated thriller movie you'd find scrolling netflix, it delivers. It has the classic tropes and extreme characters for that soapy horror. I liken it to a popcorn read, more for entertainment via suspense and mystery than something that made me feel deeply for the characters and get engrossed in them. I came for the plot and the premise.

tristamaxine's review against another edition

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Well, that was sufficiently creepy throughout a lot of it. And the whole Harper's Island vibe really sold me on it as well.