
The Darkest Touch by Gena Showalter

beckiebookworm1974's review against another edition

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Great Read

Really enjoyed The darkest touch, had been looking forward to reading Torin's story and I was not disappointed. I really Loved Keeley and thought she was the perfect match for Torin, This was a sweet, funny, action packed extravaganza of a tale I enjoyed every word.

amyiw's review

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Hard to say whether I just liked it, it was good, or it was really good, as at different points of the book, I felt differently. It was very good at some points. It definitely was sexy with them, although I think Disease has to be worse than end Destruction. If you read Kane's story
Spoiler you know that Kane ultimately, gets rid of his demon
and has his HEA. Here it is really hard to imagine Torin's HEA. I really liked their story... most of the time. There was a little too much push and pull and giving in, and kicking oneself. So that kind of killed the chemistry a bit. Still it was good.

If you have never read any of the Lords of the Underworld, don't start here. This is not a stand-alone. All the other Lords show up in the end so it is nice to see them but a new reader would be bored with all the name drops. Also the nemesis Galen shows up a bit and you kind of have to know a little about why he is a hated one. Then there is the side story of Cameo (despair) going on as a side story, along with Pandora and the other woman/girl. So a lot going on that all started with either the last book or the book before. Also all the characters continuing that are not explained. Really, just don't read this book if you haven't read many of the others and for certain, The Darkest Craving, which came before this one.

audiobookmel's review

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My review and an extended sample of the audiobook are posted at

This series is about a group of immortals who after having released demons from Pandora’s box, has been forced to house a demon inside themselves. Throughout the series we’ve seen how several of the lords have struggled with their demons. From the demon of Promiscuity who can’t have sex with the same person twice, demon of Defeat who suffers from severe pain anytime he loses even the smallest thing. The demon I always wanted to know more about was the demon of disease, Torin. If he touches a single human or immortal, he infects them with a fatal disease, while immortals may survive the disease, they are not a carrier and can start plagues themselves. Torin has forced himself to stay apart from everyone, even his closest friends.

We start this story pretty much where The Darkest Craving leaves off. Torin is being held in Cronus’s prison for immortals. He has been promised by the king of the Titans that he will be given a woman who can withstand his touch, but Torin quickly learns that this is not the case. It doesn’t take long into the story before Torin and our heroine, Keeley, aka The Red Queen, to escape from the prisons. The first part of the story is very slow as Keeley and Torin learn each other.

Keeley is also known as The Red Queen. She is the former fiance of Hades. She is also a new species to us called a Curator. She bonds to people and feeds from their lifeforce. I wouldn’t call it a succubus, but that is the closest that I can come to describing it. She is extremely powerful and this power does go to her head. She comes across as bratty and selfish. Part of this is due to her history, which is troubled at best. She has learned to not trust anyone but herself.

While I was not much of a fan of Torin and Keeley’s romance, which sucks because I’ve been waiting years for his story, there are parts of this story that I still enjoyed. We have a budding romance between Cameo and Lazarus (are they the next story?). We also have side stories about William, Baden, Pandora even Galen.

Overall, I did enjoy the story. I felt the story was a little drawn out and could’ve been shorter at the beginning. Once we get through the first third of the book, the story does pick up. I can’t wait to see where the series is going. I don’t know how many more stories are left in this series. As much as I’ve enjoyed it, all good things must come to an end and we are running out of lords and I think adding new ones at this point to keep the series going would be a disservice to the series.

I’ve listened to most of the books in this series, though I started out reading these books. This is the first one that I went straight to audio instead of listening as a reread. I’ve always felt that Max Bellmore was a good narrator for this series.
His deep voice is perfect for the warrior of the gods. His women’s voices aren’t horrible, but aren’t the best women’s voices I’ve ever heard. He is a big slow when he talks, so I listened at an increased speed.

darkestdreamer's review

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I've been waiting so long for this. Torin is one of my favourite Lords and he finally got his book. I enjoyed it of course. I breezed right through it. I'm so sad that this series is almost over.

tanyad74's review

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Darkest Touch by Gena Showalter has been at the top of my most anticipated 2014 releases and it is FINALLY here!

All this time, Torin has been the Lord that took care of all the security and technology the other Lords needed as they took on all the demons, Hunters, Gods & Goddesses. Torin's demon kept him from going out into the world much for fear of killing anyone he touched or possibly causing a worldwide plague. I don't think I realized how much this lack of involvement may have affected him. It always just seemed like that was Torin and his position and he had just come to accept it. In the last few books, you get an idea of how bad his dissatisfaction is. You also think that it all stems from not being able to have an intimate relationship with a woman, but there is more to it than that. There are other areas he is frustrated with, but hides from all the other Lords.

Keeleycael is a crazy, amazing character. As the Red Queen, she believes she is beyond anyone's reach. Problem is, she is not as hard and cold as she outwardly portrays. There is more to here and Torin is peeling back the layers to expose those parts of Keeley she doesn't want to admit to.

I’ll have rules for you.” Rules? “You’re kidding, right? I obey no one but myself, and even that’s iffy.” Someone else bumped into her. A male this time. Torin scowled and pushed him. “Apologize or die.” “S-sorry, ma’am. So sorry.” The guy scampered away. “Ma’am?” she shouted, hoping to mask the inner melting Torin’s fierce reaction had caused. “Am I wearing mom jeans? I don’t think so!”

As always, Gena's characters have amazing, characters that make me laugh all the time, in fact most of my favorite quotes are pieces when I just laughed out loud. Keeley has just become one more of the group of strong, aggressive, full of themselves women and the series and I love it! You can only have so many women with this kind of attitude in one place and there is already animosity between Keeley and Anya, so I am so excited to see in future books how these two keep from killing each other.

Don't think that we are not going to get any progression in the story lines with Cameo, Viola, Lazarus, Baden & Pandora. We definitely get to see them. So exciting!

I loved this book. Torin and Keeley went from one bad situation to another, whether it be in their relationship or against their enemies. I was so immersed I would read until I couldn't keep my eyes open and get up early so I could read before work. It was so much fun. I love this series and I love Gena Showalter!

There is an awesome opportunity coming up on December 9th, 2014 with a virtual signing and chat over at Shindig. You can order copies at Katy Budget Books. Go get those copies and sign up for that virtual chat, it is going to be a blast!

Check out below for a taste of The Darkest Touch!

She appeared in front of him, displaying more tanned skin than she concealed, her hair falling around her face in lush, golden waves. Her eyes glittered with remnants of her anger. Her lips were slightly swollen and pinker than usual.

“Temper much?” she quipped.

His relief was palpable. She hadn’t forgotten him! But the relief was quickly replaced by concern. “Are you all right? Did someone hit you?”

She blinked with confusion. “No. Why?”

“Your lips are swollen.”

She rubbed them, color heating her cheeks. “Someone didn’t hit me, but someone sure did hit on me.”

Hit on her. As in kissed her.

Already on edge, Torin. Utterly. Erupted.

He forgot everything he’d planned to do and say and got in Keeley’s face, snarling, “Who was it?”

Her eyes widened. “Hades. Why?”

“You dare ask why? You belong to me! We agreed. You do not kiss other men, Keeley. Ever. Have you forgotten my rules?”

Her jaw dropped, and she gasped out a few unintelligible words as if she couldn’t quite figure out what to say to him.

He stood in place, breathing too quickly, too heavily, his throat and lungs burning. He reached for her, but as so many times before, fisted his hands and dropped them just before contact. This is crazy. I’m crazy. I have to leave.

“Are you…thinking about touching me?” she asked, her eyes widening again.

No, she had to leave. He could not be in public right now. “Go shopping. Buy yourself something pretty. My treat.” He basically tossed his credit card at her. He should be calm by the time she finished. “Come back in an hour. Maybe two. Actually, we’ll reconvene tomorrow.”

“You are,” she said. “You’re thinking… Even craving me. You don’t like the thought of another man’s hands on me, and you want to replace the memory with your hands.”

That. Yes. Hades would die, and Torin…Torin would touch this woman and never stop.

He gnashed his molars. “Last chance, Keeley. I suggest you take it and leave.” Soon. His control was almost completely shredded.

“No way. You’re the big bad warrior, yet I’ve had to come on to you time and time again. I’ve had to battle within myself —worth the price or not worth it. Well, it’s your turn.”

“There is no damn way you just suggested I haven’t done the same. I’ve battled.”

“When have you ever caved without prompting from me? You’ve resisted me so easily, always walking away. Sure, you’ve snarled while you’ve done the walking, but still you left me behind. So, tell me. When did you ever—”

“So easily?” he roared. Had she just said so easily? She had no clue about the intensity of his need—but he would teach her better.

Torin cupped her by the nape, yanked her close and smashed his mouth against hers. The kiss was a brutal assault meant to silence her, to dominate and possess. He held her still, making her take it, take everything. But the moment she softened against him, welcomed him inside her mouth, the darkness churning inside him switched gears. From the need to punish and master to the need to seduce and please.

This was Keeley. His princess. She deserved his best.

He gentled the pressure, rolling his tongue inside her mouth, learning her all over again, tasting her. Summer berries and melted honey. So sweet. And mine. All mine. He framed her cheeks, angled her head and rolled his tongue just a little deeper. This time, she met him with a roll of her own.

That was his undoing.

Believe me, you don't want to miss this!
This review was originally posted on Rantings of a Reading Addict

ccoleman813's review

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Oh Torin!

You've been in our minds from book 1! You've been a favorite for all of us! I was so excited to finally read your story!

I am so happy to say I was not let down! Lately, I've had so many books that I've looked forward to them so much, and there has been so much hype for it, and it was an extreme let down.

Now, I'm ranking this 4 out of 5, and that one star is solely because I was so over the back and forth between Keeley and Torin. After every single encounter, literally, being "I can't do this to you anymore", "I can't do this anymore", "I can't do this anymore". Seriously, it got old fast.

BUT the rest of the book else made up for it plus some.

I remember when I first started the Lords of the Underworld series, I really wasn't all that impressed. I didn't enjoy it near as much as I wanted to, but I swear, every book gets better and better. By the time this one came out, I was so in love with their world and all the guys and all their stories.

nelsonseye's review against another edition

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Liked this more than I thought I would. I found parts of the story difficult to follow as I didn't remember details from previous books and the timeline of events was unclear at times. I did like the developments re: Cameo's story and hints re: Galen and William. And possibly two other characters??

simplyenchantingbooks's review

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Like all of Gena Showalter's books I'm in love with this one too. The Darkest Touch is a part of the Lords of the Underworld series. Each Lord has there own story and this is Torin's. Torin, like the other Lords, possesses a demon from Pandora's box. Torin's demon is disease. He's unable to touch someone without passing on a disease that will surely kill them. Even his fellow warriors, that are like brothers to him, fear his touch. After a deal gone awry Torin finds himself in the Red Queen's presence and even though he knows he shouldn't he touches her. I have been waiting for this book for so long and I wasn't disappointed. It has action, gore, and romance. It is one of my favorite books of the Lords of the Underworld series. I also have to point out I am amazed at how well Gena Showalter can develop so many plots at once and without any confusion.

catwithbooks's review against another edition

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Auf Torin, den Hüter der Krankheit, habe ich von Anfang an gewartet. Von allen Kriegern und ihren Dämonen hat es ihn am Schlimmsten getroffen. Jede Berührung kann zu einer Seuche führen. Und so bleibt ihm ein einsames Leben, denn selbst die unsterblichen Krieger können ihn nicht einfach berühren.
Doch dann tritt die rote Königin in sein Leben und es scheint als könnte Torin endlich eine Zukunft haben.
Ich fand die Geschichte der beiden total toll. Zumal Keeleycael überaus schlagfertig ist und sich auch gerne mal selber lobt, was zu sehr witzigen Dialogen führt.
Durch Keeley gibt es jede Menge neue Informationen und ich bin schon gespannt wie es in den weiteren Büchern damit weiter geht.
Unter anderem gibt es noch Nebenschauplätze, die ziemlich die Neugier wecken wie es dort weiter geht.
Der Schreibstil ist flüssig und spannend geschrieben.
Ein Kleinigkeit war hier doch etwas nervig gewesen, dass sich Keeley und Torin sich immer wieder trennen wollen. Diese Hin und Her war etwas überflüssig und hätte man vielleicht auch was anders lösen können.
Im Großen und Ganzen fand ich es auf Grund der ganzen neuen Informationen um einiges besser als sein Vorgänger. Mal sehen wie die Folgebänder sind.

taisie22's review

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I've read all of this series, but this book was not one of my favorites. Torin and Keeley just did not click for me and the story seemed a little tired. It's always nice to see the other Lords and their mates and I'm looking forward to the next book (hope it's William and Gilly).