
Caught Up In You by Jules Bennett

melly2508's review

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I really, really, REALLY liked this book. I received an ARC from Netgalley, and immediately set about reading it once my request was approved. The bickering amongst the siblings made me chuckle, and I enjoyed all the secondary characters. But what I loved most was that the main characters didn't seem like cookie-cutter romance novel characters. Braxton is taking a break from teaching to work on turning a mansion into a spa with his brothers and Cora is busy exerting her independence as a young blind woman. I like when characters have obstacles in their lives to overcome that aren't just commitment issues.

arutherf09's review

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This was a quick DNF for me. The main male character was and asshole and being privy to his asshole inner monologue was gross.

lauraanne9's review

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***ARC Provided by the Publisher and NetGalley***

I am a fan of Jules Bennett. I love her writing, the stories she tells, and the characters she introduces us to. This book is another one on the list of books I enjoyed.

Braxton and Cora were interesting characters. The idea that Cora is blind, and how she is coping with this change in her life was really interesting. I liked that this was a facet of who she was, but not all that she was. I loved her independence, I loved that she was a person outside of her blindness. I also really liked that Braxton was not that bothered by her blindness, that he took it as a part of Cora...not the most important part, but just a facet.

The pacing was strong and there were no places where the story felt like it dragged or moved too quickly. The dialog was true to life and they were relateable as people and not just as characters in the story.

While this is the 2nd in the series, it can be read as a standalone. You do meet the characters from the first book in this one, but there are no real spoilers as to their story.

I recommend this book.

***This and other reviews also featured on “I’m A Sweet and Sassy Book Whore”***

poisonivy70's review

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-My first Jules Bennett. I’d never read Ms. Bennett’s books, but I was pleasantly surprised. The series setup, adopted siblings honoring their dead sister by working on her dream of a hotel/spa, is truly sweet and the romance is just as sweet. Her ‘verse is populated with strong, well written characters and while the tropes are fairly standard, the characters make it all work.

-Interesting leads. Cora and Braxton are both set up well, with strong personalities and were almost a bit perfect in their dealings with each other. Cora’s blindness was integral to the plot and really handled well. Her desire for independence from her cold parents and ex-fiance

-Second in series stands alone. Considering this is the second book in the series, it truly stands alone. There aren’t some big spoilers for the first book and I never felt as if I was missing something, which I was concerned with and glad to see wasn’t a problem.

-Slightly repetitive inner monologues. There’s alot of time spent telling me about Cora’s independence and reasons for it that weren’t that necessary and it affected the pacing, which was a bit slow to start. Cora and Braxton’s attraction is strong right off the bat, but it’s the lag between them meeting and actually delving into a romance where I stumbled. It was clear that they were mature and they both handled their legitimate reservations about entering a romance in an adult manner, it was the need to explain more than once why they were hesitant that made it drag. Also, the love scenes aren't fade to black, but they're not overly descriptive. Basically fairly mild when it comes to the physical scenes.

-Setup for future is intriguing. I want Liam’s book because out of all the characters, his backstory definitely piqued my interest and I’d love to see where it goes.

3.5 stars
Ultimately I enjoyed Cora and Braxton’s romance and I wouldn’t mind checking out more in this series. Would recommend for this interested in slower paced, character driven romances.

**ARC provided by publisher via netgalley for review**

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mslizalou's review

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Caught Up In You is the 2nd book in the Monroes series from Jules Bennett. Braxton has always been the peacemaker of the 3 brothers, and remains the go between much of the time between Liam and Zach. I absolutely loved these 3 such different brothers are working together to make their sister Chelsea's women-only spa dream come to fruition.

Cora Buchanan is nothing like I had in my mind for the massage therapist for the spa, and even less so for Braxton, yet I quickly found myself knowing she was absolutely perfect for both. The fact that she is blind threw me a bit at first, but she is such a strong woman, I loved that she wanted to be so independent. I also absolutely adored that Braxton not only accepted her being blind, but also made sure he went out of his way to show he supported her independence. Yes he is still protective of her, but in a loving way, not in a condescending way.

The chemistry between Cora and Braxton was there from the very first time she gave him a massage. I loved that while they took things relatively slowly, Braxton went out of his way to give Cora as normal a courtship as possible. Seriously loved he took her swimming and let her drive in a big field. I can't imagine losing my sight, but can totally understand missing such every day activities. I think Braxton romanced Cora every bit as much with his actions as his kisses and lovemaking.

I liked getting to see Braxton, Liam, and Zach spend more time together. Because of their past, the relationship the brothers are developing now are every bit as important to the story. In fact I love seeing the guys spend time together just as much as I love seeing each of the romances develop.

Caught Up In You was such a beautiful romance. I absolutely adored watching Cora and Braxton fall in love. Jules Bennett gives her readers another winner with Caught Up In You. I highly recommend this story to all readers who love contemporary romances.

Review copy provided by publisher