
The Existence Of Amy by Lana Grace Riva

thisisjusttheprologue_'s review against another edition

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This book was well written and I enjoyed how at times, it felt like stream of consciousness- because that’s how the mind works sometimes. Amy was a very likable character and I would love to give her a hug (although she would never let me) and let her know that she’s not alone. Amy’s experiences are accurate and well-explained, though painful at times to read. It’s difficult to imagine those thoughts and feelings without having experienced them yourself, but I could relate and commiserate with Amy through so much in this book. Daily activities are so much more difficult for Amy- and those of us living with OCD. An average commute to work on public transportation that some may look at as a daily inconvenience can be excruciatingly anxiety provoking for others.

I enjoyed the characters in this story, and I’m so thankful to many of them for providing Amy with the support system she desperately needs. A reminder to all to check in on your loved ones, you never know what others are going through and what battles they are flighting. This book points out the fact that none of us can successfully fight our demons alone.

“It's as though I'm looking out at a life that exists, but I'm not allowed to participate in it. The life I'm looking at appears to be fun, yet my brain is telling me there is all this invisible danger. So, every day I feel scared. Every day I feel exhausted.”

I encourage others to read this book in an effort to attempt to understand how those struggling with OCD live. Furthermore, I hope that everyone will please think twice before using flippant phrases about “being so OCD” because they like their house to be clean, etc. There is a huge difference between being a “clean freak” and having OCD that forces you to engage in repetitive and exhausting behaviors in an attempt to alleviate your anxiety.

book_lover_kent's review

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challenging informative reflective


brandy_reads's review against another edition

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The Existence of Amy takes you inside the mind of a young woman struggling with OCD, anxiety, and depression. It’s a slower paced, book taking you through her daily life, and the effort each single action that most of us don’t even think about takes - the commute to work, making small talk with strangers, trying to maintain friendships when so many every day actions are difficult for her. While the subject matter is extremely heavy, I did not find this to be a difficult book to read. Yes, it was emotional, but mostly I felt hope for Amy even when she was in the depth of her battles.

I know many of us say things like, I feel depressed, or I’m OCD about something. I know that I don’t ever say it to be disrespectful or to disregard what people living with these go through. But after reading this I will work on not using those words in such a flippant manner again.

Thank you @lanagraceriva for the complimentary copy

btpbookclub's review against another edition

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 I was gifted a copy of this book by the author all reviews are my own thoughts and are not influenced in anyway. I actually read this from start to finish today. It is an honest, eye opening read that delves into the life of Amy. Amy has OCD and depression, we get a glimpse into how this effects her daily life.
Some day are worse than others. I must say Amy has brilliant work mates and friends surrounding her and helping her even if at times she doesn’t notice that. I think everyone who reads this can take something away from it or learn from, or help someone they know or just to be aware. It’s not always like what the tv shows us. I loved her character and was with her throughout the highs and low. A happyish ending which was needed and perfect!
A well deserved four stars from me.

bookspinesandvines's review against another edition

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I was provided a copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review.

I rather enjoyed this tale. You see a peek into Amy’s inner monologue as she struggles with the day to day of coping with OCD and depression, while being urged out of her comfort zone accompanied with the complexities of life. I felt the writing needed one last final polish but it was actually quite easy to read through quickly. This book made a point of expressing that even though you may feel hopeless, there are always people around you who care a great deal more than you think, and it can always get better, so there’s always hope. Overall, this book showed the possibility of hope and a journey of healing that I really appreciated.

kirstysreading's review against another edition

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a stunning insight into the mind of someone battling depression, social anxiety and OCD, we get a glimpse into the world of amy as we follow her on her good days and her not so good days. a very straight forward story that really packs a punch and highlights some very important discussions regarding friendship and mental health. discussions us mentally ill people can’t seem to find the words to have.

while being an insightful story it isn’t particularly heavy, which is an added bonus. the author did a fantastic job of portraying what its like to be mentally ill and it had everything i crave, character driven, short chapters, loveable characters and a wonderful in-depth story that i found myself relating to throughout.

i found myself personally connecting with amy, from her depressive episodes putting a delay on life to finding it excruciatingly hard to explain her mental illnesses to others. so instead making up excuses, finding a way out, even if it makes her look bad, even if it strains her relationships. very, very relatable. as someone who really struggles with their mental health, i strongly connected with this book and it brought me so much comfort to read.

slight spoilers ahead: i love the direction it took, although the drama loving part of me wished dearly for ed to leave his wife and run off to australia with amy it just wasn’t realistic, i’m beyond delighted with the way the story went and how it ended.
and hi yes you will find me in the ed and nathan fan club, we are the biggest sucker for supportive friends!!!!

hotgirlfiction's review against another edition

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Upon receiving the book, I wasn’t too sure what it would be about, as the title doesn’t give too much away and I received this as a free copy in return for review. The first chapter is quite gripping as you begin to uncover the issue central to the book - mental health, and specifically, OCD. Amy lives a life quite familiar to my own in some ways, and I appreciate the raw honesty in which mental health is portrayed here.

I believe this book to be quite important for those with little understanding of day to day life with mental illness. The narrative accurately portrays the difficult nature of wrestling against your own brain. Sometimes, the writing was a little simplistic, and I would’ve enjoyed more sub-plots being explored, as the progress of the novel was a little slow.

I thoroughly enjoyed the ending, it was heartwarming to see Amy begin her journey to recovery and management of her conditions. Overall, this book was an honest journey into the world of mental health, and was a great read.

kazza27's review against another edition

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Poor Amy she is totally overwhelmed by her anxiety and over thinking to the point that it has all but stopped her enjoying life. The only thing she does manage is her work which she is good at and enjoys.
She is booked to go on a trip for work, but it’s to Australia, she fights her brain to let her go as she really wants to and all is well until she gets to the airport with her colleagues Ed, Nathan and Sally . Ed helps her to distract herself and as a fellow sufferer of anxiety I really recognised this technique and really felt for her.
The book looks at Amy in great detail her OCD, her depression, her daily battle to keep a float and carry on as people expect her to. She has a really good group of friends Ed, Nathan and even the sometimes prickly Sally. Her relationship is Ed is complex and she knows that she is relying on him but when he announces some life-changing news and he asks her to do something for him,Amy suffers another set back.
I really enjoyed reading this book if you have any interest in mental health which I do, I found it really enlightening and there is a real feeling of hope in the book too and I was really willing Amy on to get some help. Thank you to Lana for my copy of the book in return for a fair and honest review.
4 stars ****

novelsandnailfies's review against another edition

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This was such a realistic look into the mind of someone suffering from mental illness! As an anxiety sufferer myself, I could relate a lot to Amy's thought processes. |loved the stream of consciousness thoughts that we were privy to giving a real insight into the anxious mind. I am so glad Lana wrote a book about such an important topic in such a poignant and realistic way.

lindsey_is_reading's review against another edition

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