
Ricochet by L.K. Reid

marianacassandra's review

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This book destroyed me completely. I'm the kind of person that always try to see the best in people, and I think what I love the most about dark romance books is that there are always a point when they're "good" (or at least not -that- bad). This doesn’t happen in this book.

This book is full of darkness and revenge and destroyed every little piece of hope I had for them.

I know some people might find Ophelia an amazing character but I hate her so much. I just every character in this book, except Maya and Ava.

I know villains are the first victims most of the times, and even in his book that's the only true. But for the first time ever, I don't think I feel bad for someone, I just wanted them all dead.

If you're wondering why I still gave this book 4 stars is because I really think it was an amazing book, it was amazing well written and it is really a great story with amazing plot twists. I just don't think it's for me since I need more light to keep living, I hate revenge and I hate killing, but if you don't, you are going to love this book, I'm serious.

lillysbooks_'s review

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Voglio dare 3,75 stelline a Ricochet sperando che migliori sempre di più come storia.
Magari come primo Dark avrei dovuto iniziare con qualcosa di più semplice,ma a me le cose semplici non piacciono,perciò è stata una bella scoperta essendo un genere del tutto nuovo per me!

È il primo Dark romance (mafia) che io abbia letto,inizialmente è stato shockante,per poi passare all’incuriosirmi e al voler sapere come sarebbe finita la storia. Ma vorrei suddividere questo libro e spiegare il motivo della mia recensione.
Dividiamo in :
TRAMA —> sviluppata abbastanza bene,un po’ prolissa e a momenti ho riscontrato troppe descrizioni che a parer mio si potevano benissimo evitare
Mi è piaciuto molto il fatto dei 2 pov che si alternano ,aiuta meglio a capire i fatti e i punti di vista da più prospettive.
PERSONAGGI—> MI SONO PIACIUTI,a parte alcuni dialoghi che mi sono sembrati troppo romanzati per far commuovere ,che ho mandato avanti dalla curiosità di sapere e scoprire vari tradimenti e non posso dire altro ,evitiamo spoiler. Una cosa che mi ha un po’ fatto storcere il naso è come lei abbia accettato determinate cose così velocemente,da innocente a super bad ass ,avrei preferito rimanesse la sua innocenza leggermente di più .
STORIA—> beh alla storia non si può dire niente,continui colpi di scena,tutti che saltano addosso (letteralmente) a tutti,in tutti i sensi,insomma tiene incollati alle pagine,anche se alla fine lascia un po’ la curiosità di scoprire che succede con un bel cliffhanger.

lucidreigns's review

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So. Um. Imagine this.

Your heart is made of hollow glass and it's surrounded by a sort of toxic gas that is trying to pass as a soul. Your mind is cast in shadow and your thoughts are fighting their way through the fun house that is your conscience. Now toss love, betrayal, and self preservation into the mix.

Who are you? What are you? What will you do?

Me? I'm crushed. I will be one with a less popular view than others. This book crushed me. It's going to be a hard read for some, it was for me. Not because it's not a good book, but because it is a raw, carnal, absolutely EPIC book. What even am I right now? First few chapters in and I got that sinking feeling in my gut, some will know exactly what I'm talking about because we've been there. We've been through that 'thing' and we never forget how it felt.

Despite that, at the end, I screamed. I flipping SCREAMED. I am so stressed right now. I understand how I'm supposed to feel. It's so hard to explain this fissure in me without exposing the plot, but all I feel is crushed. And elated. There's some hope holding hands with resignation. What most would say SHOULD have happened, did. It's not what I wanted. God did I want something different. But I'm a sucker for the darkside and I got caught up in the beauty of a tragic soul. I'm just...torn. Shot through the heart.

The trigger was pulled while I wasn't looking and I didn't feel the bullet. I saw the damage it caused to these characters. But damm. I didn't see it until it was to damn late.

I caught the Ricochet.

tbest4's review against another edition

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What did I just read? I DNF at 73%. I read a story about two people who have known each other since childhood but have a tortured relationship. There are so many reasons for them not to be together but they just can't help but love each other in spite of some REALLY fucked up stuff (tortured killers, past cheating, rape of a sibling, sexual intercourse with male character's twin, you know the regular things all couples go through). You hear OVER AND OVER AND OVER again through their internal dialogue about how much they can't help themselves or their feelings for each other, THEIR'S is a love that can't help but stand the test of time. EVEN DEATH can't put an end to the hold that they have on each other. OH BUT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!At over 70% of the book the heroine runs into ANOTHER guy from her past, WHO IT TURNS OUT is the real true love, she met the guy once after catching Keiran cheating and it was love at first sight. She was going to run away with him on his motorcycle after two hours together. And apparently the next book will be exploring that true love story. What? Why are you introducing a completely different love interest at the end of a dark romance novel? What was the point of me learning all of this back story between Ophelia and Keiran? What was the point of the Keiran having a POV if you're introducing a whole new love interest character this late in the game? Plus why would you have both Ophelia And Keiran go ON AND ON AND ON about their love to just be like SIKE, some motorcycle dude who Ophelia spent a few hours with four years ago is a greater love than her childhood crush turned adult relationship. And the second book is suppose to focus on her and the motorcycle dude. I'm so pissed. WHAT WAS the REASON? What was the reason for Ophelia and Keiran for the majority of the book but then throwing Storm in at the end?

Honestly, it would have been better to have her meet Storm in the present and fall in love. Having him be a PAST love while having Ophelia go on and on in the PAST and PRESENT about Keiran being the love of her life, the only light in her darkness was the wrong move. Either you were lying to the reader about Keiran being the love of her life or you're lying about how she feels about Storm.

westcoastwords's review against another edition

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What do you do when the things that go bump in the night have been around you you whole life?

Who do you become? Is it nature vs. nurture? It's both.

When the goal is so detrimental, sometimes we sell our soul over and over to reach the finish line. If there even is such finish line.

Ophelia and Kieran have this explosive relationship but not to be outdone she has explosive relationships with his brothers Cillian and Tristan (This is not RH).

This book tore into me and gripped me and never wanted to let go.

L.K. I need more STORM!!!! Please and Thank you!

danizale's review

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Kinda crazy

reb_reads0715's review against another edition

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Holy shit what a wild ride! My mind has been blown

tj_lovedarkreads's review against another edition

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Oh damn what better way to send out this arthurs debut book than with a DARK and I mean dark, twisted messed up psycho assassin story that grips you from the start and this is only Bk1. Holy hell I'm still feeling while writing this the adrenalin rush after I finished the book just wow.

This is the story of Ophelia Aster who finds out about her family's business a secret that they've been keeping from her and her father gives her 2 choices that either you join the family business or you'll regret it. She thinks if she does this maybe she'll finally get him to love her only to realize to late that she's become a monster for the Syndicate.

There's more to this story, but that's all I'm saying there's so many lies and secrets that are being told and being kept you have no idea who's keeping what secret or who's lying to you.

This story just flowed from one amazing word into another. I just love a book that keeps you guessing and boy oh boy did it do that you could just feel the raw gritty angst pouring out of each page it will have you on the edge of your seat and let's not forget about the lil psychopath and her bag of tricks.

I can't wait to read what this arthur has planned in the next book.

giulyotto's review against another edition

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adventurous dark mysterious tense


la_vampiresa's review against another edition

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"The three brothers, the three musketeers, and my worst nightmare. Oh no , wait. I think it was the other way around. I was their worst nightmare, they just didn’t know it yet."

From the very beginning, I was hooked. I still can't believe that this is L.K Reid's debut story. Fantastic storytelling and characters. Not to mention the twist and turns. Perfection!

"Because love runs deep, but betrayal runs deeper."

Not having a choice, Ophelia was trained to be an assassin and take over the family business. This is a story of love, death, betrayal, survival, & revenge. Ophelia was such a badass! I can totally see why she ended up the way she was. The Nightingale brothers and her own family, broke her beyond repair and now they are paying the price.

"You are the daughter of a dragon. I was the daughter of a dragon. Yes. You do not bow. You conquer."