
Rock Chick Reckoning by Kristen Ashley

moniqueeditrix's review against another edition

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Loving it

leep_frog's review against another edition

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First Rock Chick book I had some tears. I was kinda disappointed with Mace's story. He was my favorite and couldn't wait to read his story, but I think that's just because I don't think Ava and Luke's story can be beat. LOVED #5 the best. Still a good book.

anabelsbrother's review against another edition

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I've reread this series like COUNTLESS of times since the first time but adding it in now just because.


First read: July 2013
4.5 stars of OH MY FEELS

Gah, this book is heartwrenching! I really feel for Stella, I feel her heartbreak, I feel how difficult it is that she lost her Hot Guy and her friends gaining theirs. It's so sad! & then something happened and she got shot at...and here we go again.

OMG Mace is a difficult one. He's got too many demons! I cried a lot for him, to be honest.

Overall, fantastic read. I think Mace might be my second favorite Hot Guy (Luke's my first, haha).

booksdogsandjess's review against another edition

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I was going to take a break from the Rock Chick universe as I was running out of them and that reality was not boding well for me. But I read the first chapter as this story's Rock chick was Stella who appeared briefly in the last book,. Stella is a singer in a local band, she sang So Lonesome I could Cry to Mace( our hero) in the last book (for reals I thought that was awesome), she is sexy and super cool.

First chapter it comes up she has Saint Bernard!


I Have a Saint Bernard! I sing all the time!! Not well I admit, but it has never stopped me from wailing for about 70% of my day(weep for my neighbours). I realize Me and Miss Stella are gonna get along great!

This did not occur, I did not get Stella at all. She was selfish, when dealing with Mace but had all the patience in the world for her loser band mates? Loser maybe harsh but?

If The Shoe Fits

And her issues LAME ..well sort of. She was so closed minded and a bit whiney, but not adorable whiney like when in book 4 Jules realized she was gonna miss her morning shower. Just whiney, whiney.

What I did like the multiple POV's, that was a treat, non? Hank and Roxie, loved that! The Epilogue, I loved hearing about all the kids and stuff, I thought that was great but may have been better served at the end of the last book instead of book 6 in a 8 book series.

Now I have to call shenanigans on something, I may come off as ridiculous but Stella takes her Saint Bernard everywhere with her, like when she stays at people's houses and stuff, her gigantic dog comes with. I love my St Bernard, EverlyBrothers, but take him with for overnighters? No, the drool situation is just that a situation. You come in my house I recommend ya wear a slicker or that you have no plans after the visit cause that cute ensemble you got on is gonna need to hit the hamper. It is slimy and copious and everywhere. Have you ever seen the movie Aliens if you don't stay on top of it, that goo is everywhere. It would be a nightmare as a homeowner having this slobbering shedding cow-like animal hanging out for a few days if this is not business as usual. I'm just sayin listen to Auntie Jess, they are not convient dogs, sweet and loving yes, but messy.

v_nerdbooks's review against another edition

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Book: Rock Chick #6

Genre: NA

Type: Audiobook.

Book rating: ♡♡♡♡♡♡

Narration rating: ♡♡♡♡♡♡


I say it every time I finish one of these Rock Chick books "This one is my favourite one of the series! "

This book is about Kai "Mace" Mason and his story, and by god what a story this one was!!

Stella is the lead singer and guitarist of a local band called The Blue Moon Gypsies, and she is also a rock chick LITERALLY!!

Stella and Mace used to be a "thing" but he walked away from her and she has never really gotten over it, she has thrown herself into her music and has become the backbone of them, any problems that the guy have, they call Stella even if it is in the middle of the night!

That is exactly what happens to Stella one night when one of her band members call to tell her that his girlfriend has OD'd. Stella gets into the car and goes to the house to help, only to find that she is actually dead, after that she promptly gets shot at!!

Queue the Hot Bunch to the rescue, including Mace!!

I LOVED this book so much, and because of Stella being in a band it tells you her set lists, and I had a little listen .........BIG MISTAKE!! "And So It Goes" by Billy Joel was on there, I hadn't heard it before, and I bawled like a baby!!

keeksypoo's review against another edition

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1st reading December 1-2, 2014; 2nd reading May 24-31, 2016

escolasticapress's review against another edition

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Had to re-read it still made me cry like a baby I love it <3

loverofromance's review against another edition

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This review was originally posted on Addicted To Romance


I have adored this series so much, some of my favorite books that this author has ever written. This Rock Chick gang is so fun and I love their friendships and how they support each other no matter what happens. Of course, with Rock Chick Reckoning I was a bit apprehensive for this book, I was sure I was quite in the right mood for a rock star romance but I picked it up because I was hoping that Kristen Ashley wouldn’t let me down and man…..SHE WON MY MOOD!!! I fell in love with this book and it might just be one of my favorite books of the year so far!! (and yes the year just started so that probably isn’t saying much) hehe

Rock Chick Reckoning begins with our heroine, Stella who is the lead singer and guitarist in the Gypsies band that remains local. Stella breathes and lives music, But there is one place in her life that she aches for….having Mace in her life. He broke up with her over a year ago and she still misses him but her life is going to run into his unexpectedly. When one of her band members girlfriend is murdered and Stella is almost killed with Mace saving her life, she is not the only one in danger.

All the Rock Chicks have their lives threatened and she knows that it won’t be easy surviving this especially with being near Mace again and all the pain he reminds her of. There is an enemy, and with the feds and the Lee Investigations team getting close to bringing down their enemy, he is coming after them with everything that he has and threatening the Rock Chicks and anyone connected to them. But Stella refuses to let this stop her from her music but this is where Stella and Mace come to terms with past mistakes and start anew with learning each other’s secrets and opening their hearts to each other.

Rock Chick Reckoning is a story that is full of emotion and action and I definitely think that this might be my favorite of the series. There was something so raw about this book that just speaks to the reader, the emotion that is immersed in this story is captivating and I wanted Stella and Mace to find the peace they both deserve. Both Stella and Mace have painful pasts: Stella with suffering abuse as a child growing up and learning to survive by living in the black. Then Mace who lose his teenage sister when she was kidnapped and was murdered as revenge against their father who refused to give himself up for her. And it broke something in Mace that he keeps hidden away.
Last night, instead of sleeping,he just lay behind her, listening to her breathe and thinking that sound was sweeter than any song he’d ever heard her sing. And his Stella had a beautiful voice, never heard better

What is the most emotional portion of the story is seeing Stella and Mace open themselves up to the pain they have suffered in the past so that they can open each other’s hearts. And I have to say that at first in the story, you have the typical bantering and fighting between Stella and Mace that we have seen with the previous couples, but it changes in such a moving way once they move past their distrusts and illusions and find out the truths about each other. This is where their relationship really grows and seeing the depth that we see is powerful. Despite the danger that they are in, we see them come to terms with who they are and the pain they have been tortured with for so long. Its truly a story that really makes you look at yourself in a different way and admire these characters and what they achieve.
My heart went into my throat. I leaned back against Luke, his arm moved to wrap around my chest and we watched two people we both cared a lot about. They were in love, they were healed and most of all, they were outrageously happy.

Overall I found Rock Chick Reckoning to be a head over heels installment that will delight and intensify your reading experience, packed with laughs and tears, its a story you won’t ever forget. UNFORGETTABLE


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gypsystar's review against another edition

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I actually started to read this book back in the summer but I didn’t finish it or rate it at the time. If you read KA frequently you know all about her heroes. They are typically alphaholes who aren’t careful with the heroines feelings and they do stuff and barely apologize or outright won’t apologize. Sometimes they make amends other ways and other times they steamroll right over the unfailingly doormat heroines.

Reading that paragraph sounds very negative but truthfully I mostly like her books, I almost always like her heroines - I don’t mind doormats if the hero deserves her doormat ways - it’s a coin toss with KA lol. She’s written some amazing heroes and some real stinkers I obviously quit this book before because I couldn’t take anymore of Kai Mason. He’s not a good one. He’s not her worst either but at my first attempt I couldn’t proceed when he dropped his bombshell that leaving Stella the first time was a test. I stopped reading immediately because that’s some bullshit.

Now that I’ve read the entire book I can safely say that’s still some bullshit. Reading the aftermath of his bullshit didn’t make me empathize with him or like him more. He’s still on my no good list. Don’t even get me started on his *tragic backstory*, that crap doesn’t excuse bad behavior.

Now, after my rant I can still say I ended up liking the book but it obviously was in spite of the H, not because of him. Stella is awesome and getting pieces of the other rock chicks and their hot guys made this book worth reading. Kai Mason can go sit in the penalty box with the other no good heroes with *tragic backstories* tailored to excuse their ridiculous egos and shitty treatment of their respective heroines in KA land (scoot over Hawk, Ham and Creed, you’ve got company).

Story 4/5, Heat 2.25/5, Angst 3.5/5

Fast burn, H and h, get down and dirty at 14%. There’s a lot of push and pull beyond that though but they are together.

No condoms, no virgins, former manwhore, second chance, push away from both but mostly h, no OW drama, some OM drama, very brief separation (days, at most). No sharing, no cheating, no cliffhanger and HEA.

Safety - I think this is mostly safe but I know how subjective that is for some readers. This is a second chance romance with the first run of their relationship taking place prior to the beginning of the first Rock Chick book. We’ve seen Mace throughout the series toss interest at various rock chicks and a kiss with Jet in her book but he never seemed super serious. It’s not clear whether Mace was celibate during the initial separation or not. Stella is celibate but she’s got a sort of boyfriend that hasn’t progressed very far - he’s the OM here. There’s some flirtation with Hector but we know he’s not serious.

During this book and the handful of days they are on the outs they are both faithful though she does hang with Hector and Eric (OM) during this time period.

jaxrunsforwine's review against another edition

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I've read many reviews where people have mentioned reading a book more than once. I never understood why anyone would ever consider doing that. There are thousands of books to read, why would you come back to one, even a really good one? Well, the Rock Chick series is just EPIC. These books are funny, gut wrenching, smoking hot and are just absolutely incredible. This series is the only series of books I would ever consider reading again. Kristen Ashley brings all characters to life, in such a way I didn't think was possible. This is by far and away the best series I've ever read.