
The Naughty List by Suzanne Young

mehsi's review

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The reason for the 4 stars and not 5. Because I absolutely disliked Christian and Chloe.
The rest was good, nice concept and idea. The rest of the characters were ok/good/funny.

halynah's review

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Bittersweet, endearing, witty, funny and sad story! I loved the idea of the plot, I liked the characters, though I think, that Aiden overreacted and behaved like a drama queen, and he loved Tessa only when she was perky, but when she was depressed he didn't support her properly. In spite of everything I liked Christian and his persistence and all the Smitten Kittens were adorable!!!
Sweet, amazing book - highly recommended!!!

melg14's review

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I'm very disappointed in myself for not putting a review for this book when I read it.

So here goes...

From what I remembered I liked Tessa when I first read this. I even put her in one of my favorite heroines, but after rereading it I don't understand why I liked her. I mean it was great that she wanted to crush the stereotypes of cheerleaders and make them more respectable like: being polite/nice to people, no cussing (difficult for a few), no inappropriate revealing of skin, etc. However, she just seemed too fake to me when I reread it. Like I know that she pretends to be happy all the time for everyone else's sake, but it just made her to be sort of annoying. Don't get me wrong I liked her, but some of her narrating annoyed me. I can't really explain it. But her peeve about cursing kind of annoyed me as well. I mean it's cool that she finds it unbecoming, but she dictates what people can and can't say, which I guess can explain why I didn't really like her like I did before. Sure it goes back to what I said about her making cheerleaders more respectable, but I just didn't like how she would just have them please her with correcting themselves.

I loved Aiden. Don't know why. Haha I've loved him when I first read the book and I still love him after rereading it.

They were the typical couple in books that assumed and didn't talk it out, so that cause some events to go down.

Christian was not as creepy as everyone describes him- at least I didn't think so. I feel like he was just dense with the situation. He kept thinking there could possibly be chance that Tessa might like him. We all have been like that some point in our lives and we all wished that our crushes would dump their partner and fall in love with us. Don't get me wrong, I'm not defending him, I'm just saying that it isn't uncommon.

This book was very entertaining with all the spy situations, relationship problems, and how she handles them all.
I loved that it wasn't the typical blonde cheerleading beauty, but that Tessa had dark hair.

kristid's review

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Here is my one sentence review for The Naughty list: Espionage, lively cheerleaders, and very naughty boys... equal one debut that I found unputdownable!

What an excellent debut and an entertaining start to a new series!

Young’s depiction of a cheerleading squad turned cheater investigators was ingenious. I mean, who would think a group of cheerleaders would be the masterminds, behind a secret group taking down one cheater at a time! I never would have. And yet it totally worked.

Characterization was great as well. Even the characters with smaller roles really stood out and made an impression. Tessa was an endearing character. She had an excellent voice, even though it was a little cheesy sometimes. For some reason I found her out-bursts of “strawberry smoothie” & “apple dippers” to be likable! Usually I’d find that to be annoying, but for Tessa’s character it just worked.

I loved Tessa and Aidan’s relationship, although it doesn’t turn out exactly how I wanted it to, I remember that feeling of intoxicating love all to well.

The plot, while it seems predictable, definitely kept me guessing.

The Naughty List wasn’t at all what I was expecting, it was better! I can not wait to read the rest of the series! I wish I had book two in my hands right now.

kaitrosereads's review

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The Naughty List is one of the best chick-lit books I have ever read. It was the perfect mix of romance, spying, and cheerleading. Once I started it, I could not put it down. It was just too cute.

Tessa Crimson is not just the head cheerleader of the Smitten Kittens. She is the leader of the SOS (society of Smitten Kittens). She and her fellow cheerleaders investigate suspected cheaters for the girls of their school. The sad thing is, every boy they have investigated has been found guilty. Are there any boys left who don't cheat? And what happens when Tessa's perfect boyfriend, Aiden, shows up on the naughty list?

So basically the whole book is about cheating. At first, that seemed a little depressing to me but Suzanne Young made it perfect. It was just the right mix of serious and funny. Each case was a bit different and each method for catching the cheater was pretty comical. Tessa and the SOS really knew what they were doing but they still got themselves into some crazy situations.

Also, each character was unique. I loved them all, even Christian who wasn't the best person. Okay wait, I didn't like Chloe but the rest I did. I couldn't even find one good thing about her. Tessa was a great leader and a great heroine. She was super easy to relate to and she had flaws, like every other person in the world. Also, I loved Aiden! He was so cute and sweet. I want one! I do have to say, though, that Kira was my favorite. She made the book so much more funny than if she hadn't been in it. I couldn't help but laugh at some of the things she said and did.

Overall, The Naughty List is a book to buy and Suzanne Young is an author to look out for. I can't wait for the next book in the series. I was to read more about Tessa, Aiden, Kira, and the rest. And I want to read it NOW!!!

jacquelinec's review

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The protag, Tessa, is definitely the star here. Her fellow characters are fun and interesting, but Tessa (rightly) steals the show. Young did a great job of balancing Tessa's preppy, peppy, good-girl persona with her teenage vices and imperfections. She could have easily been an annoying or hypocritical character with all of her personality elements and choices, but I ended up loving her and sympathizing with her. The over-the-top sayings peppered throughout Tessa's vocabularly are cute and the antics of the Smitten Kittens are hilarious. I was pleased with the not-so-neat ending and I'm very much looking forward to what's to come for Tessa and her gang. On a side note: I didn't expect level of sexiness present here! There's no sex scenes, but plenty of references and before-and-after stuff.

heykellyjensen's review

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This was really cute and one of the few times I'll say I'll definitely read the sequels. Full review forthcoming.

aprilbooksandwine's review

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Do not be fooled by the pink cover. The Naughty List by Suzanne Young definitely ran the gamut of emotions, as ninja-Cheerleader-spy Tessa comes to suspect her too-perfect boyfriend Aiden of cheating. Basically the high school that Tessa goes to is a breeding ground for douchebags, as a large amount of relationships end because one person cheats on the other. Tessa and her cheerleader friends decide to combat this trend by starting a secret society known as SOS. What SOS does is investigate suspected cheaters after being asked and then they deliver results to their patron. So far all of their investigations have led to an answer of guilty. All of the cheaters are basically put on a douchebag-roll aka Naughty List.
Read the rest of my review here

awwwyisss44's review

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Tessa Crimson (awesome name, right?) is more than just the captain of Washington High’s cheerleading squad. She’s also the leader of S.O.S (Society of Smitten Kittens), the cheerleader’s club that catches cheating boyfriends in the act, with evidence!

Lucky for Tessa, she has Aiden. Aiden is the perfect boyfriend, he’s sweet, kind, gorgeous, and totally loves her (I so want an Aiden!). He’s not just the perfect, he’s “strawberry-smoothie purrfect” (there’s a ton of adorable kitty references), there’s just the matter that Tessa has been hiding her covert operations from Aiden for the past two years.

But now Aiden’s wising up and becoming a bit impatient with Tessa constantly being busy. Because of the busyness with more cases, Tessa doesn’t really take notice of Aiden’s frustrations. But The Naughty List is maxed out and every single suspect has been caught, every single one of them has cheated.

Then new girl, Chloe Ferril, shows up and she’s very different from Tessa. She’s provocative and crude and seems to have her sights set directly on the most unattainable guy in school, Aiden. Tessa knows that this is one girl that isn’t going to retract her claws until she hooks them into Aiden.

Tessa has never worried about her and Aiden’s “strawberry-smoothie purrfect” relationship, until his name shows up on The Naughty List. Now Tessa must investigate the one person she never considered to be as naughty as the other. Did Aiden betray her or are the still as “strawberry-smoothie purrfect” as she thought them to be?

If there’s one thing that is “strawberry-smoothie purrfect,” it’s The Naughty List! I fell so in love with Tessa, Aiden, Kira, and Leona that I didn’t want to see this story end. I love how Tessa doesn’t cuss and so she improvises with phrases like “Jingle Bells!” “Shake and bake!” and my personal favorite, ”Peanut butter sandwiches!”

Kira had some of the most reasonable advice out of them all, even though she seems to be a couple of kittens short of a litter most of the time. But Tessa would totally have to be my favorite. She’s adorable and hilarious, and despite her flaws, she has the sincerest of intentions.

Of course there’s always got to be the practical voice of reason and the one to keep organized, and that would be where Leona comes in. Leona is so funny! She tends to be the one to say exactly what Tessa is thinking, but won’t say herself because it’s un-kitten-like. Leona is that girl that doesn’t give a care what anyone says, she’s just going to say whatever she wants…I love that!

Of course I can’t forget Aiden. He’s sweet and adorable and the epitome of the dream boyfriend! He’s so supportive and patient (at least way more that I would be), at least for a long time. I mean, how many guys want and like painting their girlfriend’s toenails? But even the most perfect couples have their flaws.

The writing is fantastic and the story is uniquely adorable. It’s fun and quick and purrfect for any kitties out there that want to curl up with a fantastic story for a few hours. Summer better hurry, because I need the sequel, So Many Boys, like yesterday!

eveyv's review

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This was a really fast read and I can tell I devoured the book in a couple of hours. It was fun and enjoyable but nothing that much awesome. I liked the idea of the book, but overall it's pretty basic and sometimes I didn't like the MC (too superficial, way too superficial).

Anyway, it was good for the purpose of having a light, cute read. And I'll be continuing the series.