
Chasing River by K.A. Tucker

barbarianlibarian's review

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omg, the writing is so bad

jaimejustreadsromance's review

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I can't lie. Every time I head into another K.A. Tucker book I worry that this will be the one. This might be the book that I don't like; Because she can't possibly keep writing amazing book after amazing book, right? Well, if that's the case, this is NOT that book. In fact, this might be my favorite K.A. book to date!!

I loved the fact that this was set in Ireland. When I read that this book was going to deal with the IRA, who admittedly I don't know a lot about, but still know it can be a tough subject to tackle, I was a bit nervous. I have to say that it was really what made this story such a stand-out and I think I learned a lot about the history of Ireland because of it. If nothing else it's piqued my interest in learning more.

I'm so in love with River and I would absolutely give chase to him in real life! He was fiercely loyal, honest when it was most important and when he spoke of his Irish heritage I got goosebumps. The way he protected his brother, is ma and da and Amber, and even the way he tried to protect Aengus, truly showed what a great guy he was. The hot accent didn't hurt.

Amber is the type of girl I wish that I could be. She followed her dreams of traveling and experiencing the world, and she did it completely alone. I wish I could be that brave. She was forgiving when she had every right not to be, but she was apologetic for things she had done to Ivy in high school. She's just an all around good person. Forced to try to choose between doing the right thing, as she's always been taught, and what feels right for her, she knows nothing about her life will ever be the same.

The secondary characters in the story were so well placed at the perfect moments with just enough to keep the story flowing and familiar but not so much that their presence felt forced. Ivy was just the friend Amber needed in Ireland and watching her and Amber bury the hatchet was hopeful. Sheriff Gabe's reprisal was sweet and special because he's such a great dad, navigating the gray areas of life with a precision like nobody else. Even Detective Duffy played a vital role in their story.

With no unnecessary drama, no declarations of love being thrown around and no misunderstandings keeping River and Amber apart, this book held up on the pure magic of brilliant storytelling alone. I see myself re-reading this book often.

*I received an ARC from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

lidias_library's review

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I really loved this book and the first book I've read (well listened to, as this was an audiobook) and I'm excited to read more. I enjoyed the romance and suspense.

reixx's review

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i might be biased lol

malwa_reads's review

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3.5 stars

lcmarie19's review against another edition

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**This book was given to me in exchange for my honest review**

WOW. This is the first KA Tucker book that I absolutely LOVED!

Don't get me wrong, I'm a fan of Tucker's books, but THIS one? It's the best I think she's ever written. I've always been very unattached to how Tucker's books started and how they ended. There'd be a lot of good stuff in between, but I always walked away a little unfulfilled. But... not this time! All of my expectations were met. And I couldn't be happier!

CHASING RIVER follows a familiar character, Amber Welles, who you may remember from book one of this series, and her globetrotting adventures. Amber, having been protected and insulated pretty much her whole life, wanted to branch out and experience life on her own. So she planned out a four-month trip of traveling all around the world. While on her trip, she finds herself being rescued in Dublin by mysterious yet flattering River Delaney.

River, the ever charming Irishman, saves Amber from an untimely death that his brother may, or may not, be indirectly connected with. In his rescuing her, this kicks off what promised to be a romantic, suspenseful adventure of staying alive but also fighting off budding feelings between the two characters.

Seriously, I cannot say enough good things. I feel in love with River's character. I already had an idea of what to expect from Amber, but it was really interesting to really get inside her head and learn more about how and why she thought the things that she did. But in addition to that, it was great to see how River's presence affected her thought process and aided in crucial character development. Even though, it felt like Amber would be the one who went through the biggest character growth, it was still very refreshing that Tucker used Amber to aid in River's growth as well.

Now, for the first time in a while, I can say that I actually cared about the plot of the book, as well as the characters. I was really intrigued about how things were going to happened and how they'd get resolved. The balance between the progression of the storyline and the development of the characters were right on par and on pace with one another. Tucker did an awesome job with that.

There were a couple of moments where things felt out of wack. One or two slightly boring instances or the rushed development of feelings -- but it all flowed with the story. And I believed ever moment of it.

The supporting characters?? Ah, probably in my top 3 reasons why I loved this book so much. Rowan, Ivy, the detective? Everyone was just so much fun to read about and experience. Not a single character felt out of place. No one felt unnecessary.

And get this -- even the ENDING was awesome! And you know how I feel about the way that KA Tucker ends her books. I've never been on board with her endings... until now. I seriously just all around loved this book. I had a blast reading it.

Definitely recommend picking this one up!

photogcourt's review

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I was provided a free eARC from the publisher on NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

By now I am well familiar with, and a big fan, of K.A. Tucker's work. I've been really liking her Burying Water series, liking the first and loving the second. For me, Chasing River was just okay. No doubt there are going to be many people who will love this book - and that's okay. I just didn't get pulled in like I did in any of her other books. I liked River and Amber well enough, there was nothing wrong with their overall presentation, the story just didn't speak to me. I didn't think I had even hit a dent in the story yet and low and behold my Kindle informed me I was more than 50% through. That was disappointing.

I guess for me, because Amber and River hit it off so well right off the bat, it seemed like the story moved quickly. I like a big enough build, not so much that it drags on forever, but not instantly almost, either. I also didn't like that it took forever in the beginning to get to the point - there was a lot of background information. While probably vital, it made it to be a semi-boring intro. The IRA bits seemed pretty tame. I thought the danger aspects in Burying Water and Becoming Rain were a lot more realistic, and they felt real. I would actually feel my heart racing at some moments, because in those books everything felt like it was happening right in front of me. On the other hand, in Chasing River, I felt bored by the entire idea of the IRA gang/mob scene.
Plus, the entire book was mostly set in Ireland! Here we are in a gorgeous country, and all we're doing is sitting around in a pub. Or a house. Or a hospital. It just didn't do it for me.
Amber wasn't my favorite female protagonist. She wasn't that interesting to me. Again, I liked her enough, just didn't love her character. I did like River, but I didn't love him either. I may be borderline indifferent on them, and this story.

I wanted to love Chasing River, but I just didn't. Still very much looking forward to Surviving Ice - Ivy's story. Am I the only one hoping Rowen will make an appearance? Or two? or three?

bibliophile90's review

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I love KA Tucker's writing style so much, it really sucks you in. I liked this book, but it isn't my favorite by KA. I loved the way River and Amber met, it was very original. I really liked that they both couldn't stop thinking about the other. I really need to visit Ireland, because I fell in love with the country while reading this book. I wish the epilogue was longer, I want to know what is going to happen with River and Amber.

The reason I didn't give this 5 stars was because I didn't really connect as much with Amber as I did with River. He was the hero for me in this book. However this doesn't mean I didn't like Amber, she did grow as a person in this book, which I enjoyed reading about. I also think the book should've been longer, the ending was a bit rushed for me. I loved the side characters Rowen and Ivy, hopefully both of them will get their own book.

exercise_read_repeat_ali's review

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4.5 stars. I was looking forward to a story about Jesse’s sister Amber. Ireland as a setting worked really well, and I liked how KA Tucker embedded some Irish history into the plot line. That said, I’m noticing that all of the books in this series follow similar story archs. Maybe I’ll wait a bit before listening to the final book.

jessicasilfenroy's review

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AH! I think this is my favorite of the series so far. I LOVED the Ireland setting and how KA Tucker incorporated so much history into the story. The premise of this book really reminded me of Sons of Anarchy season 3 with the IRA/RIRA and the political pieces. She clearly did her research as an author! There was also the perfect balance between suspense and romance. I loved Amber and River as a couple. The good girl/ bad boy vibe worked with the premise of the story and while the attraction was instant, nothing felt too quick. The supporting characters were also great!

This can be read as a standalone but I do recommend reading the books in order, so you can understand the characters better.

If you are a fan of the Simple Wild series, I highly recommend checking this out and the Ten Tiny Breaths series.