
Reborn by Jennifer Rush

nin275's review

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Okay I am pissed now.

Bravo Ms. Rush, for turning me against one of my favorite series.

I wanted to know Nick's story, by which I mean his past, not his now, where he goes after a girl because he has to know he hasn't killed her (Really Nick, really? You've killed hundred others and knowing this one girl wasn't killed by your hands will give you salvation? Mindfreak!).

This is a freaking filler book. I absolutely detest filler books. Nothing even happens for the first 70% of the book, other than the typical New Adult-ish first world problems of the main protagonist going all 'Oh I am so sad! Oh only he/she can save me because I'm secretly hot though I act crazy all the time! Oh my Gawd my hair feels so messy I must be crazy!' bla bla bla. Stupid idiots. The last 30% isn't much ground shattering either.

And I did NOT want to be in Elizabeth's head. What was the point of her POV? Just give me Nick's past dammit! But no, we get so see his freaking present now because he needs to fall in LOOOOOve to feel good about himself.

This has turned into another money-making franchise and I'm not interested to continue anymore, unless it's Cas's story because Cas is funny.

samantho1's review

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Originally at The Secret Life of a Bookworm

Reborn was probably my most anticipated book in this series because it's Nick's book! And after Erased I've been dying to get into Nick's head and discover more about his past. So obviously when Reborn showed up, I dove straight into it.

Reborn is set after Erased and we follow Nick on his journey to find out more about his past and more about the girl he's having flashbacks about. Elizabeth was kidnapped - along with her mother - a few years ago and she'll never forget Gabriel - the guy who saved her.

Reborn was told in alternating chapters of Nick and Elizabeth (which I'll admit I didn't notice to begin with and I got slightly confused!).

Nick was just his usual jackass, stubborn self. But now we know he acts like that to cover up his feelings and keeps everything bottled up - because he's Nick.. We still don't know a lot about Nick - apart from what he's told Anna in previous books - so when he decided to track down the girl in his flashbacks, I couldn't wait to find out what it led to! He definitely stayed true to his character but he did start to loosen up a bit and I enjoyed getting to see happy Nick.

Elizabeth is still haunted by her kidnapping and what happened to her. She tries to function and have a normal life, but the littlest thing can remind her of her kidnapping and set off her anxiety attacks. I felt bad for her. She has absolutely no idea why she was kidnapped, or if her mother is alive. She's trying her hardest to put everything behind her, but it's not that easy when she doesn't understand it.

Nick sets off in search of the girl in his flashbacks. He heads off to Illinois, and he starts to dig around looking for connections to his past - after a few drinks of course, it's Nick. Nick quickly finds out that Elizabeth Creed is the girl he's looking for, and he hunts her down. Elizabeth remembers that Nick saved her, and she's willing to give him a chance even if she doesn't completely trust him. Nick tries to find out why Elizabeth would have been captured by the branch and he keeps coming up blank, until he decides to give Trev a call.

Getting to hear from Nick and seeing how he reacts to finding out more information about his past was my favourite part of the book. I've been dying to get inside Nick's head for quite a while to see what he's really like - since we've really only seen the hard exterior he puts on. Hearing from Elizabeth was kind of hard at times. The kidnapping really affected her and she struggles to have a normal life. She's found her own ways of dealing with everything, but that doesn't stop the anxiety attacks. She's desperate to know what happened to her mother - whether she's alive or not - and she's constantly terrified that the people who kidnapped her will come back to finish her off.

There wasn't as much action in this one as the previous books, but when there was some action, it was awesome. I love seeing all of the boys - and Anna - fight because they're so badass and it's kind of amazing. Even Elizabeth surprised me. I was extremely surprised with the twists that Rush threw at me towards the end, I hadn't expected either betrayals, but one of them surprised me more than the other. Also, finding out what The Branch had been up to in Illinois and why Elizabeth had been taken in the first place was extremely interesting. I felt so bad for Elizabeth when she found out the truth. The ending was jam-packed full of action and characters being awesome, and Anna saving the boys lives - again! I'm hoping that there's going to be another book because there's still a ton of stuff to be uncovered, and I really want a book about Cas! Please let the be a book about Cas! PLEASE.

Overall, Reborn has been my favourite book of the series - so far. I really enjoyed uncovering more about The Branch; learning more about Nick and also seeing Anna, Sam & Cas again because I just adore them all. I need more.

supermanabi's review

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Altered has a lot of issues that made this a not-great read for me, but it does have one great thing going for it: it’s fun. It’s sort of like The Mummy of YA fiction—the writing isn’t great, the characters are exactly how you’d expect them to be, but you still enjoy the story. It’s unlike The Mummy in that the fun-ness of it didn’t completely make up for all it was lacking. Read the full review here

sylviamariereads's review

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...Wait...THAT'S IT? I feel so deprived of answers....
I really wanted to learn more about Cas and Trev It was nice to see in Nick's head for once, but still...UGH.
I feel like a moron for misinterpreting everything between Nick and Anna.
Why weren't Elizabeth and Chloe mentioned in the previous books?
This series had more plot twists than a James Patterson novel...but these were pretty good.

Mostly I'm just proud that I finished a book series. That rarely happens.

alexandra_92's review

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review to come

ashesmann's review

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It was okay. Almost gave it two stars but I liked the first two in the series. Technically it's book three, but it is so unnecessary to the story line. We follow Nick as he works out his problems and falls for a girl we previously never heard of before. I feel like the Author got a crush on Nick in the last book and decided to spend a little time with him in this one. Things I didn't like- language. All of a sudden there's swearing everywhere. Also- Nick is apparently a man whore. Kinda literally. He used to con women by being with them for their money. Ugh. Not sexy. Not cute. The only things I did like was Anna is pretty well established as the boss and Sam and her seem cute together. Really, I'd pretend this isn't a part of the series.

myntop's review

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I really enjoyed this final book in the Altered series...of course now I know there are some novellas to read as well, so yay more Altered! The only thing I would change about this book is the loose ends. There is one character in particular that I would love to know what happened after the events in this novel.

I like that this book focused more on Nick, he's one of my favorite characters and I liked seeing more of his point of view here. I also really enjoyed the addition of Elizabeth and found her character to be very interesting. The alterations in her are so different from the others that it added a whole new depth to the story and a new kind of horror to what The Branch was capable of.

I really loved the ending...I want to get more specific here, but I keep my reviews spoiler free, so I will just reiterate that the ending was great.

I would recommend this book for anyone who loves futuristic thriller type books. Also, it has a very dystopian feel even though it's not exactly post-apocalyptic, so I think that fans of that genre would enjoy this series as well. Definitely start with Altered though, it's not a series that you can really jump around with.

holly_n's review against another edition

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I was really looking forward to reading this book. The first few chapters I was happy and I really liked it. But then the romance between Nick and Elizabeth came into play. At first I was excited, but it progressed way to quickly when they had basically no background together. It was just a really out of place relationship for me. Maybe if it had taken more time to develop I would have liked it more.

There was less action in this book, but I did like what action it did have. Overall I am disappointed. Nothing really happens for most of the book, and the ending was irritating. There is no closer. So I will give it 2 stars, mostly because I really liked Nick in the first 2 books and there is still a little bit of that shining through in this one.

theelleintheroom's review

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While I disliked the language and the very poor example the characters set for readers, I enjoyed the story. It was thrilling, and the twist was surprising, and I couldn't put it down. And now I'm sad the trilogy is over. Good thing there are short stories left to read!

cherrybomb's review

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Yaşadığım hayalkırıklığını nasıl kelimelere dökebilirim ki, sadece darmadağın, darmadağın bir son olmuş bu hikayeye. İlk iki kitabın bundan çok daha iyi olduğunu hatırlıyorum. Sanki biri seri bir an önce bitsin diye uğraşmış ama hiçbir şeyi çözüme ulaştırmak için çabalamamış. Sinirlendim, bir önce yaptığım güncellemede de söylediğim gibi fenalaştım. Böyle bir sona ulaşmak üzdü beni, ama her neyse. Nice serilere nice kalp kırıklıklarına!