
Pretty Fierce by Kieran Scott

lpcoolgirl's review against another edition

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Wow, such a great read! Great mystery/thriller, and I enjoyed spending time with Kaia and Oliver on this adventure!

wistyallgood's review against another edition

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Kieran, my queennnnn. This book wasn't my favorite of hers, but who the hell cares? I still really liked it, and was excited to discover it since I had no idea she had written another book! She's so dang prolific, I love it. (Also, side question, does Kate Brian no longer exist, I wonder?)

This book actually reminded me of a few other books combined, but I had no issue with that. I liked that Oliver and Kaia were already a couple at the start of the book-I rarely read books in which it's not about the romantic chase but rather bigger issues in a relationship that already exists, so I liked that.

Oliver was great-I just realized I've never met an Oliver in a book that I haven't liked! He was adorable, but accepted Kaia's whole other life VERY quickly!

I don't vividly remember the ending, but I think Kaia
Spoiler is gonna happily live with her parents, who were alive all along? But her uncle was killed, which was unfortunate. I can't recall Oliver's ending, but I assume they're happy!

Keep em' coming, Kieran Scott!

kristindowner's review against another edition

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**A copy of this book was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.**

When I first started reading "Pretty Fierce" I was a bit worried because it sounded a little cheesy. Not enough to make me not want to read it, but I was slightly concerned it would be too much. While I do still believe it's not as realistic as most books I choose to read, there was a great feel to this book that made you want to be a badass just like the main character Kaia. Because, let's face it. That's what she is.

This book centers around Kaia as she is managing her new life after being raised by professional assassins and being left abandoned. Her past quickly catches up to her though and turns her world upside down. She quickly finds herself on the run, dragging perfectly innocent people from her past with her. Queue beautiful jock boyfriend Oliver. Oliver is funny to me because he's trying so hard to fit into this new reality he is facing as he learns Kaia's secrets. He wants to be a part of her life, even if that means letting go of the "easy" life back home, which isn't so easy. These two damaged teens kind of turn out perfect for each other.

As a new future unfolds around them, Kaia has to come to grips with some harsh realities about her parents and the life she's always known. I think that can act as a comparison to real life. Sometimes, as we grow up we find that realities we once knew are not real and a new future takes shape. Author Kieran Scott took a slightly not realistic book and entertained us thoroughly, while giving comparisons to real life situations we may find ourselves in. Kaia is still a teenager and her emotions are very real to how we react to things.

Pretty Fierce is a good read for people who like action and trying to figure out a mystery. Kieran Scott gave us a "pretty fierce" read. I'll be looking out for more from Scott in the future.


omgbeansgoreadabook's review against another edition

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This book focuses on badass Kaia and her smoking hot boyfriend Oliver, who accompanies her on her dangerous adventure to find out if her parents are still alive.

Kaia is a very determined girl, hellbent on finding her parents no matter the risk. Her boyfriend is sweet, at times broody, and a bigger help to her than Kaia realized he was going to be. They complement one another, and despite their severe differences, they manage to still be there for one another through thick and thin. They really are #couplegoals. (That's how the teenyboppers say it nowadays, right)?

The action in this book is exhilarating and will get your heart racing. It's even a little gruesome with multiple deaths involved, which makes it better for me because I don't like to read books that are too fluffy. The amount of romance was good enough for me because it was overbearing and in your face. It was more low-key and innocent which is how I like my romance to be in the books I read.

I think I'm into reading action books as opposed to watching movies, but I think this book should be made into a movie. I'd watch it!

malissac's review against another edition

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I am going to start this review with a little bit of a side note, a little challenge that a reader who purchases a finished copy should not have, but something that may have colored my review just a tad. I am really disappointed to say that the advanced reader copy sent out was terribly formatted. Entire sentences were run together with no spacing between the words. Again, this isn't something (I hope) anyone who buys a finished copy will deal with but trying to read these smashed together words and sentences made for quite a few challenges. I honestly never bring up problems with advanced copies; I completely understand that when you are gifted one of these books there will be some challenges, misspellings, some small formatting issues, etc. The issues in this copy however were severe and as I mentioned above may be coloring my review because I found it so challenging to read, to stay in the moment, to grasp everything that was going on.

Okay, with that said lets get to the actual story. Pretty Fierce is a YA Suspense full of action and adventure and a completely sweet romance that is perfect for the younger age range of YA readers. I love the concept behind this story, a young teenage girl who has lived a more than unusual life with parents who are hired assassins. You feel completely torn up for her when both her parents are 'killed' and she herself ends up on the run and thrown into a 'normal' teenage life...that is until her past starts to catch up to her and tries to kill her too. I loved all the action and adventure, all the twists and turns even when things got way out of hand and down right unbelievable at times. There were a number of things that you have to take with a grain of salt, but that's pretty much the truth of any suspense book I have ever read...Jason Bourne and Jack Reacher land in these situations that make me scratch my head all the time so two teenagers on the run from multiple threats, anything can and does happen.

While I like Kaia just fine I was totally over the moon with Oliver. He's this broken boy striving to make his world better. He is literally fighting for his life on a regular basis and just trying to make it until he can escape the dark place he has landed in all while trying to protect the people he loves. I could have used more of his story, more depth and detail....heck I could use an entire second book that goes into what happens after this one ends, what happens to Oliver. We know that Kaia in the end is going to be okay and there are hints that Oliver will be too, but there is a lot of story left to be told when it comes to this hero and his future.

I liked that this story had a kick ass Heroine but that the Hero could and did stand next to her when she needed him most. Neither of these two main characters would ever let themselves be taken by surprise but together they made an awesome team, even when you wanted to shake Oliver for his moments of self-doubt and Kaia for her many moments of being self-absorbed. I loved their reactions to everything going on around them the most. I loved that even though this crazy insanity is occurring, people are coming at the two of them from every angle and they don't know if they will live another day they don't come across as two super secret agents who know everything. They are two teens who have ultimately had unusual and at times dangerous upbringings. Their lives up to this point have nurtured them into two people who have skills that will help them survive but they are still teens who have no idea what's really happening. They are two teens who are scared and on the run, but they have each other and they for the most part work together to stay alive and to solve the mystery of who is after Kaia.

I really wish the ending hadn't come as quickly as it did. There was a lot of build up and action in the first 60% percent of the book and then the last 30% came at you fast and furious. Before you know it is is over and honestly I still have a lot of questions, like I mentioned above with Oliver. Now, I could be totally wrong and there could end up being a second (or more) book, but I didn't get that vibe and that was a complete bummer. Olivier and Kaia could easily find themselves in one sticky situation after another, we could get more detail on Kaia's parents, more about what they decide to do in the future, let's go back to more about what happens to Oliver...hint, hint.

There is a lot of good about this story, I think it will totally appeal to the younger YA crowd and that's a great thing as a lot of YA these days is skimming into areas that as a parent you may not want your younger teens falling into yet. There is romance, there is death, there is abuse, there is fear but none of it is so in your face or over the top that it would be too much for a young teen who is really just now starting to notice 1. the opposite sex and 2. the reality that the world can be a harsh and hurtful place. It's also going to be an enjoyable action read for older teens who maybe need a break from all the deep dark books that are out there these days, (books I love, do not get me wrong, haha) when they need something to sit back and relax with, get through quickly, enjoy, and be able to walk away satisfied with their read. If you or a reader in your house or school room like suspense/mystery this could be a great choice for you. If you are fans of Ally Carter and her Gallagher Girls or Embassy Row series, give this one a go. I won't say it is quite as dynamic but it has all the components and makes for a quick enjoyable read. So if you are a fan of fast paced, plot (even when it is completely unrealistic...but then again like I said before, just think Bourne and Reacher....) driven, sweet romances, snatch up a copy and.. ~HAPPY READING ~

jseymour2000's review against another edition

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***I received an ARC through Netgalley***

I had a bit of an issue reading it because there was a formatting error or something that caused some sections to have no spaces between words and I had to try extra hard to figure out what it was saying.

Other than that I thought it was a decent read. It definitely had lots of action, which I love. I also love the whole, on the run, thing. It's a guilty pleasure of mine.

I didn't feel overly attached to the characters. I felt bad for their situations, but I wasn't all that invested in their lives.

I did really like the cover though, I have to give them that.

beckymmoe's review against another edition

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A non-stop, rollercoaster ride of a read! Pretty Fierce was a lot of fun, if not 100% realistic and believable at all times :) Still, Kaia and Oliver were easy to root for, and needing to see them through to the last page--they'd get an HEA, surely?--kept me reading this one until late in the night. Who was after them? Why? What had happened to Kaia's parents, and was her relationship with Oliver just too good to be true?

Thank goodness this was a standalone, because if I had had to finish this one not knowing stuff, it wouldn't have been pretty ;)

This was my first book from Ms. Scott, but probably not my last!

Rating: 4 stars / B+

I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

lifeofaliterarynerd's review against another edition

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[b:Pretty Fierce|30612667|Pretty Fierce|Kieran Scott||51145215] was one of those stories where I just suspend ALL disbelief and enjoy the ride. This is a book that is pure entertainment. Pretty Fierce was a fast paced and action packed adventure with lots of humor.

Things I Liked:
There was lots of action in the story but, it never feels too heavy or bogged down. The sequences really flowed well and built to each other and it moved at a really face pace.

I thought it was fun to have a role reversal of any number of spy comedy flicks of the past 10 years. Here the guy is the clueless and inexperienced partner and the girl is the capable trained assassin, or in this case trained by assassins. To me, this book was like a really fun mashup of Killers and Agent Cody Banks - the perfect blend of the unexpected fish-out-of-water experiences with faced pacing and lots of humor and action.

I found that the alternating POVs gave nice backstory and experience from Kaia that contrasts with fish-out-of water experience of Oliver. It helped to really balance everything that was happening.

Things I Didn’t Like:
There was some “not like other girls vibes” from Oliver and Kaia both in the beginning of the story. Yes, we get Kaia is a badass with some serious training and fighting skills, but her not caring about makeup has absolutely no bearing on her character at all.

This book was so super cheesy! It didn’t make it any less enjoyable for me, only more predictable. It was so light-hearted and fun, that I didn’t really mind all of the cheesiness, but I wish it wasn't so predictable.

I felt like I still had a lot of questions at the end. I wanted to know where our characters were going moving forward, and what was going to happen next. I felt like the ending was satisfying for the conflict we were given, but there wasn’t much character growth showcased.

This was a super quick and easy read. It was like a palette cleanser, or something you could easily devour and enjoy. Pretty Fierce is fun, light-hearted, and action packed. A great spy comedy for the summer.

I received a copy of the book from Sourcebooks Fire via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review.

kaianicole's review against another edition

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Several months ago, this book was highlighted by a YA account I follow for a week or two, which meant the cover was following me around. It always cut off so just the tagline showed, "Her past isn't all Kaia's hiding..."

How was I supposed to resist that?! Hmmmm. How? You remember all those keychains and pens you could by at gas stations and souvenir shops with common names on them. Did I ever find one with Kaia on it? No. My name is even spelled the same in this book.

This book isn't exactly a great work of literature. It has the soul of a breezy summer blockbuster, complete with multiple car chases. Kaia's boyfriend, Oliver, has a"solid soccer bod," and Kaia, of course, isn't "like other girls." But since I was reading it with a playful, good humored approach, it was fun.

Also, I'll leave you with the last paragraph from the acknowledgments: "Lastly, thanks to Chris Hemsworth, who appeared in my dream one night (G-rated, people! Get your minds out of the gutter!) and inspired this story."

brujaalexis's review

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This book was alright. A nice, thrilling adventure with a decent ending. However I felt that it was very rushed, the ending especially. I hate to go back and reread it because everything happened so fast. Overall a good, easy and fast paced read.