
La súbita aparición de Hope by Jaime Valero, Claire North

queenbethie's review against another edition

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So I think I liked this book, but I'm also not sure I fully understood it. It felt like a story where there was "more to the story," but I missed that "more."

charlote_1347's review against another edition

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1st star was for psychological intensity. The only other novel that has had such an effect on me was 'Beside Myself' by Ann Morgan (read it; it's awesome).
2nd star was for North's unique and engaging writing style. Stream-of-consciousness narratives have long been a pet peeve of mine but it worked for Hope's voice. I couldn't imagine how agonising it would have been to be in her position.
3rd star was for the sheer amount of research that must have gone into this book. It's difficult to include so many facts in fiction and keep it interesting but North managed. She even used those facts as an effective tool to help portray Hope, since her condition made it impossible for her to be defined by society like everyone else.
4th star was for the plot, plain and simple. I loved everything about it, including Byron's oh-so-tragic ending.

I would have awarded the 5th star if there'd be more romance in the story. It wasn't the lack of hearts-and-flowers either, that I necessarily noticed. Without the balancing effect of gushy feelings and heartfelt confessions, the narrative was very action-heavy and fast-paced. I wanted to see another side to Hope, something less depressing and more hopeful-for-the-future. It was nice that her sister remembered her though.

My opinion of 'The Sudden Appearance of Hope' was overwhelmingly positive. It was a thought-provoking read that examined real-life issues unflinchingly. I liked it so much, in fact, that I have 'Touch' and 'The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August' on my shelves, ready to be read.

nirgal's review against another edition

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Questo è un libro che ho acquistato ispirato dal titolo, devo dire che il volume si è rivelata una piacevole sorpresa.
Ben scritto, scorrevole ed allo stesso tempo capace di offrire numerosi spunti di riflessione speculativa, nel complesso si rivela un’opera in grado di soddisfare un ampia gamma di lettori.

Il romanzo ha vinto il World Fantasy Award nel 2017, ma personalmente fatico a capire come possa essere definito fantasy; la trama principale è sostanzialmente di ispirazione Cyberpunk.
Rispetto al cyberpunk ha un tono più leggero ed focalizzato sull'attuale modello di sfruttamento delle rete da parte delle corporazioni, ma le tematiche trattate sono quelle classiche dell’impatto delle reti di computer sulla società.
Alcune situazioni mi hanno ricordato i romanzi di Pat Cadigan e il primo Neal Stephenson.
L’unico elemento che potrebbe essere catalogato come “fantasy” è la protagonista, caratterizzata da un dono/maledizione molto peculiare, però, forse perché il mio background è quello dell’appassionato di fantascienza, a me ricorda più gli X-Men che un qualche elemento magico.

Venendo alla trama il romanzo narra la storia di Hope, ragazza che alla soglia dei 16 anni inizia a scomparire dalla memoria delle persone.
Appena qualcuno la perde di vista per più di qualche minuto si dimentica della sua esistenza e di tutti gli eventi in cui è coinvolta.
Questo “dono” ha una serie di conseguenze molto varie.
Da un parte consente di avere una totale impunità, si può fare qual che si vuole senza timore di essere scoperti, perché nessuno si ricorderà che lei ha fatto una determinata cosa.
Dall'altra causa tutta una serie di problemi. I genitori si dimenticano di avere una figlia da curare, gli insegnati non sanno di avere un’alunna, ottenere o mantenere un lavoro è impossibile, perché appena il datore di lavoro non ti vede per qualche minuto non sa più chi sei e così via.
Questa caratteristica orienta la vita di Hope verso la carriera di ladro, visto che il suo “potere”gli consente di rubare senza lasciare traccia di se.
Qui emerge un primo parallelismo con la narrativa cyberpunk, infatti Hope può essere considerata una trasposizione del concetto di Hacker dal mondo virtuale al mondo fisico/reale.

Durante la sue attività, Hope entra in contatto con una nuova app, Perfetcion, la quale guida l’utente verso il raggiungimento della “perfezione”, intensa ovviamente come l’idea di perfezione propaganda dall'attuale società.
Questa app, porta allestiremo molti concetti che sono alla base degli attuali social network e dei fenomeni che sono divenuti dominanti nel sistema internet, quali influencer, il meccanismo di profilazione e promozione di prodotti mirati all'utente, la beautification, etc…

Come Hope è una trasposizione nel mondo reale del hacker, Perfection estende alcuni dei concetti precedenti, dal mondo virtuale a quello reale. Questo crea una speculazione del futuro prossimo credibile e ben costruita, in grado di costituire un base solida su cui sviluppare la trama fantastica.

Proprio questa è la parte del libro che ho trovato più interessante.
La capacità di usare l’elemento fantastico per creare un personaggio ed una storia tipicamente cyber, sviluppandoli in un mondo molto vicino alla nostra vita reale è veramente notevole.
Invertendo il paradigma, Hope può essere usata per esemplificare come può agire un hacker, o come internet stia plasmando la nostra percezione della realtà e le nostre aspirazioni, un parallelismo che funziona in modo impeccabile, qualunque sia la direzione in cui lo si analizzi.

La storia è nel complesso ricca e abbastanza complessa, senza tuttavia risultare impervia, lo stile rimane sempre scorrevole, molto godibile e coinvolgente. Questo consente di leggere il romanzo come un’avventura o di soffermarsi a speculare sulle molteplici situazioni che si presentano nella vita della protagonista.
Il ritmo costante ci porta in un viaggio che si sviluppa su livelli multipli, da un lato ci porta in giro per il mondo alla ricerca di un modo per fermare Perfection, dall'altro ci fa vivere lo sviluppo interiore di Hope.
Un viaggio alla ricerca di se stessa, verso un equilibrio che riesca a bilanciare la sua condizione di totale libertà, ma anche di totale solitudine, con il peso delle sue azione che con il tempo si accumula sulla sua coscienza.

In sintesi un romanzo completo consigliato a tutti, godibile durante la lettura e capace di lasciare interessanti spunti di riflessione.

frances_the_red's review against another edition

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Dieses Buch gewann also den World Fantasy Award 2017? Die Ideen und Figuren sind durchaus originell, die Sprache geschliffen, die Handlung stimmig. Besonders der Stil des inneren Monologes und die Darstellung emotionaler Situationen waren hervorragend. Allerdings scheint mir Claire North zu viel zu wollen. Was genau soll dieser Roman darstellen? Fantasy, Mystery, soziologische Studie, Sci-Fi, Roadmovie-Abenteuer, Selbstfindungsroman? Manche Elemente waren für mich einfach zu überladen. Eine außergewöhnliche Diebin mit Hackerfähigkeiten aber keinem Schulabschluss ermittelt in einem Ursula Poznanski-esken Setting, während nebenbei Lord Byron zitiert, fließend Latein oder japanisch gesprochen und über den perfekten Menschen philosophiert wird. Vielleicht hätte ich etwas mehr Spaß an dem Buch gehabt, wäre Hope etwas ungebildeter gewesen. Etwas weniger 'perfekt'. Der Fakt, dass sie zudem täglich 10km läuft machte sie für mich zu einer grenzwertigen Mary Sue. Sobald man die Überprotagonisitn hinnimmt, wird man auf dieser Reise aber gut unterhalten. Deswegen darauf drei solide 'Heyyy Macarena's.

bluejaybooks's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 3.5/5
Note: An advanced copy was provided by the publisher (Redhook), but opinions are my own.

After thoroughly enjoying Claire North's other novel, The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August, I was thrilled to have the opportunity to review this book. While I did enjoy this novel, my overall opinion is very mixed.

My favorite aspect of the book is its concept. The idea of people hiding in plain sight has always intrigued me, and this book explores how being forgettable can affect someone's life in ways I had not considered.

Our main character, Hope, has had no relationships lasting more than a day since she was sixteen-years-old. Her own parents have no memory of her. The only thing that remembers her are machines. This makes holding a job and obtaining medical care beyond complicated for her.

This novel uses Hope's unusual circumstances to explore aspects of modern society including the idea of "perfection" through the use of an app that the author made seem so plausible it was a little scary.

This novel is fairly slow pace with repetition that comes with having a character who needs to reintroduce herself to everyone everyday. The most frustrating aspect of this book is that because of the constant reintroduction there wasn't much in the way of prominent secondary characters. No one trusted hope because they couldn't get to know her, and, therefore, never opened up to her. This allows the reader to understand just how alone Hope's situation has made her, but at the same time makes it more difficult to connect to the story.

The writing style is unconventional. There were a number of bulleted lists spread throughout the text as opposed to at the beginnings of chapters like it normally might be. I'm still not sure how I feel about this technique. One one hand, some of the information was very interesting and added to the story. On the other hand, at times it could go on so long I skipped it because it felt a bit like an info-dump.

The plot structure isn't typical either. Rather than building to a climax, the story ends on a note that leaves more questions than answers.

kamikazefooby's review against another edition

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mysterious tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Plot
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


foersterjodie's review against another edition

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dark emotional slow-paced


vinjii's review against another edition

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Claire North is undeniably clever. Her concepts are always intriguing, and her premises so very unique. North's novels often make me, a wannabe writer, think, "How did she come up with that?" and "Why can't I come up with something as clever as that?"

Despite that, I have to admit that North's books don't always work for me. While The First Fifteen Lives of Harry August is one of my favourite books, I did not finish The End of the Day. I loved the premise, but didn't gel with the execution. I'm not mad about that. It happens.

The Sudden Appearance of Hope, a story about a woman who has a rare condition that makes her instantly forgettable to everyone she meets, ended up being a bit of a mixed bag for me. I enjoyed the author's comments on politics and social issues, and I especially loved the way she criticises social media in this book, but the pacing is slow in places, and the story never managed to fully grip me.

Overall, it's definitely an enjoyable read that will appeal to fans of North, and while I didn't love it, I still found it to be an interesting and worthwhile read. 

dilchh's review against another edition

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Oh my, I don’t know where to begin. This book is just so cool. First off, a character that everyone can’t seem to remember? How amazing was that? How do you go around writing a story when your main character is someone who can’t be remembered? You have got to have a solid storyline to make that work, and yes, the story is that solid!

I don’t quite enjoy the ending or the story leading up to the ending of the book. I felt that it was a bit rushed, because the high point of the story had passed several chapters before the actual story came to an end, but as I finished the book, it was not entirely on the story only that made so caught up in it, but the idea and the questions posed in the books that got me hooked.

I love the fact that this story took something that is already present in today’s life and then upped by a lot, making you question about your current lives, especially your digital lifestyle. The ethical question about who you really are as person being made into a data that then will be used and tweaked using certain algorithms that is then being sent back to you, subtly telling you how to live your life. It’s just so amazing, and scary.

I love the fact that the book is so relevant on what is actually happening these days, especially in the digital realm. The internet gave us all the power of speech, and what did discover? The victory goes to he who shouts the loudest, and that reason does not sell. I can’t believe how perfect that quote was in describing the current situation on my Facebook’s newsfeed, where those who screams the loudest on certain topics (mostly politically and/or religiously related) is those who speak the words of wisdom and truth, and whilst there are people are much more reasonable, they are unheard of as they don’t scream nor do reason sell, because outrageous topic and lies sold more than the actual reasonable comments.

katykelly's review against another edition

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The sci-fi Queen of the 'what ifs'?

Claire North, so far, has managed to create a superb take on human nature, capability and limitations with each book she writes under her pen-name.

From the people who relive the same life over and over, to those that can transfer their mind to a body by touching another, and now to the woman who is forgotten as soon as she leaves your sight... Stunning ideas, and absolutely brilliantly executed. This is the sort of sci-fi I like - rooted in the real world but creating one that we can all picture ourselves imagining.

In a shocking plot opener, we learn that Hope Arden began to be 'forgotten' by her friends and parents while still at high school: her place setting was forgotten at dinner, her dad not remembering to drive her to school, friends who look and see only a stranger.

Just what does a person do when their mum and dad forget who they are? Hope sets off on her own, and makes a life for herself, though with no real consequences, she is able to excel as a thief. Making a connection with a rich and beautiful young woman, one of many who has succumbed to the latest lifestyle App - Perfection - she finds herself with a cause after her acquaintance dies: Perfection, she sees it, is to blame.

And what is Perfection? An App that tells you what to eat, what to wear, what job to have, how to behave. And it awards you points when you follow its instructions.

Insidious, creepy, yet all too real-feeling, I thought. I loved the intertwining of Hope's own story - the woman who can't be caught, who can't be pinned down, with the App that is slowly taking over the world.

It kept me hanging on, though it did feel like a lengthy read, it is absolutely fascinating in its creation of a person that you may have met, conversed with, kissed even, before, but looking at now appears to be a total stranger - even compared to the police mugshot in front of you...

Just brilliant. If you're a fan of North, this will only cement your feelings. If you've not read her work before, this is as good a place to start as any.

It's rather heart-breaking as well as intriguing: just how would it feel if everyone forgot you, saw right through you? For Hope:
"Having no one else to know me, having no one to catch me or lift me up, tell me I'm right or wrong, having no one to define the limits of me, I have to define myself otherwise I am nothing, just a... liquid that dissolves."

I can't wait to see what the author comes up with next, she is one of a very few writers that I will immediately request upon seeing a new book is coming. I know to expect something intriguing, creative and well-crafted.

With thanks to Netgalley for the advance reading copy.