
The Method by Shannon Kirk

perdidaenmismundos's review against another edition

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¿Cómo llego este libro a mis manos? . Pues desde hace mucho tiempo, unos dos años o así, estoy en una página en la que hago intercambio de libros. Y en cuanto vi que una chica tenía este libro para intercambiar no pude perder el tiempo y hasta conseguir algo que ella quería para realizarlo  no pude parar. ¿Y lo más gracioso? este libro es de los primeros que cambie y desde entonces ha estado en mis estanterías cogiendo polvo sin parar. ¿Cúal fue el detonante para lanzarme sin esperar más a leerlo? pues que vi que la editorial iba a sacar en breves la segunda parte. Por lo tanto esperadla también en el blog porque es una de mis lecturas próximas para diciembre.
A ver como me organizo yo para contaros todo los sentimientos que me ha dado este libro. Porque si quiera o no he estado durante toda la novela en unos altos y bajos bastantes raros.
Lo primero que quiero comentaros es que es una historia bastante complicada, no de leer porque eso es bastante fácil ya que la historia se convierte en una historia bastante adictiva y con los capítulos tan cortos también es fácil ir devorando la historia. Es complicado porque aunque la historia me ha gustado mucho y como os digo en este mismo párrafo es una historia que poco a poco la vas devorando y cuando menos te lo esperas has terminado el libro.Pero la autora ha convertido a la personaje principal en una chica tan creída, que sabe todo, que entiende todo. Que no he conseguido ni conectar con ella no sentir que podía ser real, es decir una chica de 17 años nunca podría comportarse así, por muy superdotada que me diga que es. De hecho hay escenas donde nos dice el peso de su captor solo midiendo, si no recuerdo mal como pisa una tabla del suelo. Además también nos comenta durante la novela que ella es capaz de apagar sus sentimientos,incluso con su madre. Pero claro lo hace a su antojo, es decir, puede decidir apagarlo con su madre pero no apagarlo con su hijo. Lo cual me parece un poco fuerte ya que no sientes nada por nadie o lo sientes como el resto de la gente. Otra cosa que del personaje me ha molestado mucho es que en algunas partes del libro, aunque no lo hace mucho, esta contándonos algo interesante y de repente cortaba la escena y empezaba a contarnos cosas de su infancia o de cosas que no venían a cuento y era como "Nooooo , noooo ahora". Porque eso encima que nos contaba no era ni un poco interesante.
Claramente eso ha hecho que lo mismo que quería avanzar porque la historia me gustaba me echara para atrás porque el personaje se ponía como muro para el disfrute.
La historia también es fluida porque esta contada desde dos punto de vistas distintos, por un lado podemos ver el punto de vista de la chica secuestrada y por el otro podemos ver el del policía que esta buscándola desde su desaparición. Por lo tanto es interesante ver sobre todo en los últimos capítulos como podemos ver en algunos capítulos la misma escena pero desde diferentes puntos de vistas. 
El final tras el plost twit que me estropeo un poco el final y encima que el último capitulo es algo parecido a un epílogo en el que nos cuentan una serie de cosas que me gustaron poco aunque en algunas cosas creo que es el mejor final que pudo darnos. Pero es un poco flojito.

¿recomendaría esta novela? a personas que no han leído mucho thrillers y que tal vez también están empezando a ser lectores más asiduos, así pues irán como arrancando motores pero ya a una persona experta en este genero no creo que llegue a gustarle.
¿Releer? pues según como venga el resto de partes

sarahrife85's review against another edition

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received this e book from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review!

Don't have much time to write a big review but this was a very good book! Little repetitive at times but there is a huge reason for that! My favorite part of this was the ending, where she talks about her son and you see a different side of her after that, and that she put her "skills" to good use! It was nice to see a good ending come out of all this! Loved it, would definitely recommend!

felinity's review against another edition

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What a great read!

An incredible first novel with a heroine reminding me very much of [a:Alan Bradley|1074866|Alan Bradley|]'s Flavia de Luce, not just in her manipulative and dispassionate outlook and scientific precision but also in her surprisingly mature thought processes and her ability - in this case, genetic - to restrict her emotional reactions.

Although she may switch her emotions on and off, that doesn't prevent her feeling them, or feeling guilt or regret, so we never feel alienated by this strange narrator; rather, she allows us to watch - through her eyes - with amused detachment, while still firmly supporting her and rooting for her victory.

SpoilerHer identity remains a mystery for most of the book, although you know that somehow she was rescued and survived because she's recalling the events of seventeen years ago, making the mystery *how* rather than *whether*. But if nothing else, she is a normal mother, fearing, loving and hoping as all good mothers do.

Disclaimer: I received a free copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

natycuac's review against another edition

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Si bien la historia es fascinante, la forma en que está escrito el libro te aleja irremediablemente de él, generando un juego importante entre la atracción y el rechazo hacia la novela. Tal vez el desenlace es el que más te revela el objetivo de esta historia, una suerte de crónica de un secuestro que se encontró con un rival mucho más astuto de lo que esperaba.

dinosgorohr's review against another edition

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eh. this book was alright. it was entertaining enough. definitely could have ended a lot sooner than it did. kind of felt a little dragged out. but still an interesting and good read.

bananagoo's review against another edition

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dark tense


negcol's review against another edition

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zielonamieta's review against another edition

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jenbsbooks's review against another edition

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I didn't love this ... but it's a book that I think I'll remember, and after listening to the audio, I was intrigued enough to grab the kindle copy and skim it again.

First though ... I have no idea the title-tie in. Help? Anyone? Did I miss something? I Googled and everything, couldn't find an answer.

This starts right off ... chapter one is "Days 4-5 in Captivity" ... so NOT starting on day 1, or at the kidnapping (although these are reflected upon and so we/the reader, know what happened - eventually). But it's really not starting there either, because she is "remembering her thoughts, even though it's been 17 years". I'm always a bit bugged by that tactic/technique. Showing us "the future" then going to the past. It's a spoiler in a way. Not that I'm expecting the MC not to make it (although there are books/movies where that happens) ... now I KNOW she is going to survive.

If one has read the blurb (again, a bit of a spoiler), they won't really be surprised by the MC being this cold/calculating girl, instead of a terrified teen. I can't help but wonder what my thoughts would have been if I'd come into this book cold (not having read the blurb, not really knowing what it was about).

Chapter 2 ... change of POV, to a detective on the case (although there is a bit of a twist there). I didn't really get into the detective chapters much, they felt so different than the main storyline, even though the two did end up crossing later on. While the "Special Agent Roger Lui" chapters are introduced with his name/label ... our MC's POV chapters are not given a title heading of a name, but instead, the "days into captivity". Both POVs tend to "talk to the reader" some ... "you might not believe this but ..."

I went with the audio edition (to start, also downloaded the Kindle copy to glance over after). Two narrators for our two POVs (one female, one male). The female narrator had some distinct male voices in her chapters (two different kidnappers), one super gruff and profane (hard to listen to at times) and one ... weird/higher/babyish ... which was really annoying, but was partially written that way (not sure how much choice the narrator had). Again though, hard to listen to!

This was not a book where I could guess where it was going - even with the foreshadowing at the first.

It was good, interesting ... just not that enjoyable.
Parental perspective ... a lot of rough language, horrid treatment of girls/babies, the girls here had some premarital sex, but there really wasn't much/any sexual content that I remember.

marik0n's review against another edition

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I first read this book a month after its release, and over the course of this summer I decided to read it again.
First of all, let me just say that I found reading it just as enjoyable, as the first time. Overall, it could be said that this book is interesting, with nice plot twists, extremely cleverly written. The protagonist is a highly functional person,  in a quirky and very rare way.
Of course, there was one thing this book was missing; suspense. However, the positive trails prevail to the negative, and as I read it I felt awe at the level of development of the protagonist's character. The only reason it doesn't get a higher rating  is the lack of suspense, because although I felt adrenaline while reading it,it just came in really small  quantities.