
Feels Like Home by Melissa Grace

reahbee's review

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I knew this one would be my favorite, but damn! Dallas and Katie are perfect. I don’t want to leave this world when the series is over!

stephaniieryder's review

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I loved reading this E-ARC!! When I first received this novel, I didn’t realize it was part of a series. I will be going back and reading the previous books to get a better idea of all the characters and their family-like friendship. Katie and Dallas had such great banter and friendship. I loved every second of their growing relationship. Once I started reading this, I could not put it down!! Reading about a character with chronic illness and how difficult it was for her to get a proper diagnosis was eye opening. This was a great friends to lovers book!

aaliyahmorgan_'s review

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I received an ARC of Feels like Home in exchange for an honest review~

Melissa has a way with words, y’all. The book was cute and funny in a way that kept you interested. Some parts were cheesy but it fit this book, and the characters, extremely well.

I admittedly struggled with a few main things in this one. I found it hard to relate to Dallas and Katie. They’ve been friends for over four years and finally acknowledge their feelings and want to be together, but it felt fast paced. It was hard to feel their actual connection as a couple, and maybe it’s because they just dove right in and we didn’t see the struggles until they were actually in the relationship. I did like this approach though, and found it really unique.

I wanted to love Dallas so much more, but I felt like he was willing to give everything up solely for Katie, rather than find his purpose. Even when he “did,” it was still to benefit her, and part of me thinks that’s because he knew he’d be stepping into a critical role in her life —— the bakery. I admire his will to do that, and I wish we would’ve seen him find a way to make it about him, too. Or find his true purpose outside of music. He questioned himself, and their friend group knew he was an all-in typa guy, but it would’ve been nice to see his character development more. He screams golden retriever (which we absolutely love), but I felt like his needs weren’t entirely met in terms.

With Katie…. I admittedly struggled with her towards the end. I can recognize and understand so much how heavy of a diagnosis she received, and what that meant for her. There was a lot of processing, a lot of new and learning, and everything in between that we didn’t get to see. However, it felt like she purposely pushed people away just to do it. I can also recognize that need of wanting to prove to yourself you aren’t your illness. I respect the absolute HELL out of that, but even when she was at her practical breaking point she didn’t seem that apologetic about it. In some ways, it felt like she wasn’t willing to take her diagnosis seriously enough to ask for help until the epilogue, and even then it was hard to feel like she truly wanted the help. Granted, she came a LONG ways throughout this book —- her character development was absolutely unmatched — but I would’ve liked her to genuinely rely on her supports because everybody was navigating her illness just like her. She may have been the one living in it, but she has so many people that love and care about her and I felt like she was purposely pushing people away. I felt like she didn’t want to hear everybody’s thoughts because she would place blame on herself.

The fight and makeup towards the end didn’t seem fair to Dallas. Yes, he was overbearing. Yes. He was being a jackass, but she didn’t really hear him out (and he didn’t elaborate as much as what I would’ve liked to see). I wanted them to have a genuine conversation about it, because Katie’s diagnosis affects BOTH of them, and it felt like once she got what she wanted out of it, that was it. It was just…. Different. I feel like Dallas really didn’t get to process his own feelings and then went on his merry way, and I felt like we were still walking on some eggshells because of that. It didn’t feel resolute. I wanted to see way more communication from those two, and I didn’t.

I know this review sounds negative —— and that isn’t my intention in any regard. I would’ve loved to see the communication developed more.

I can recognize how hard it is to live with any form of illness —- mental, physical, both, etc. but people need other people even when they don’t want them, and it was hard to completely love the book because of those things.

I rounded the stars up for goodreads, but i’d give this a 3.5 ⭐️

brittanilynn12's review

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This friends-to-lovers story was just absolutely adorable!! The amount of times I “aww”’d out loud from the way Dallas treated Katie was astounding.

Speaking of Dallas, he is the ultimate Golden Retriever boyfriend goals. He is an absolute sweetheart and puts all of his love into everything he does, including his interests and his relationship with Katie.

Katie is so relatable, it’s scary. She is definitely the strongest woman FMC I’ve ever seen. I can understand where she’s coming from of wanting control and feeling like she can do it all. I always have the sense of needing to prove my worth to those around me, even when it’s not necessary.

This friend group is friend goals. I loved the dynamic of their friendship and even though their were all going on their own paths, they were still there for Katie with everything.

Overall, this story was super cute, an easy read, and I really enjoyed it!!

A huge shoutout and thank you to Melissa Grace!! I did receive this as an ARC in exchange for my honest opinion and review. I truly appreciate this opportunity!!

lyla_sky_reads's review

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This was a sweet contemporary romance. This is the story of Katie who is a baker and struggling with her health and trying to get doctors to listen to her needs and Dallas who is former musician struggling to find what to do with himself now that his band has gone their separate ways. Dallas and Katie are in the same friend group and have been pining for each other for years. when Katie's health gets worse Dallas is there to help her a long the way and maybe a little too much at times. In the end this was an adorable story with just a touch of spice. I really enjoyed it overall and related to the struggle of getting Dr.'s to take you seriously. I give it a 3.5 out of 5.

faitheslibrary's review

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An incredible friends-to-lovers story with the most perfect golden retriever mmc. Katie’s story resonated with me because I went through something similar a year ago and I felt her frustration after being told that it was my diet or “in my head”. The feeling of not being heard by a medical professional is on I haven’t and won’t forget. The found family aspect was just another thing that drew me in, it was written so well and I loved getting to follow Dallas as he navigated life following the breakup of his band.

Thank you Melissa Grace for sending me an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

libraryofaj's review

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wow, i am absolutely in LOVE with these characters. they are pretty relatable and the fact that they were so vulnerable with each other was really heartwarming. as someone who’s wife had a chronic illness, i totally saw myself in Dallas and i’m sure my wife has felt like Katie lol. i sat in ONE sitting and read 14 chapters

julesreadsromance's review

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I received an ARC of Feels like Home in exchange for an honest review.

As someone who is a child of a person with chronic pain (ironically the same illness as Katie) and a chronic pain sufferer myself, it was so nice to see it represented in such an authentic and accurate way.

I haven't read the first 3 books in this series, but after reading this one I immediately purchased the first three books.

I'm a HUGE romance reader, although mostly contemporary and dark romance, I do love a really good feel-good book and that’s exactly what this is. Katie and Dallas give such a great story of the journey of friends to lovers and all the trials and tribulations of navigating a new relationship coupled with a heavy health diagnosis.

The banter and the chemistry between Katie and Dallas is off the charts, even in her hardest moments and the entire friend group is just amazing. It’s truly great when your friends become your family. I could sit here and write a book about this book that’s how much i loved it

aseimetz's review

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Everything about this book was absolutely superb. I loved every second of it and wished it would never end.
Dallas definitely rubbed me wrong in Long Way Home so he had a big redemption arc to cover for me and he did not disappoint! He has big emotions and sometimes just doesn’t know how to express that. But he is 100% a golden retriever boyfriend (as McKenzie so kindly notes). Katie is an honest to goodness superhero…which also tends to be her Achilles heel. She’s a go-getter, hard-working, fierce, loyal, passionate & witty…but also needs to learn accepting help from others doesn’t make her weak or less than.
I could talk about their romance & how cute it was (& it was). But the real story here is Katie & her journey to diagnosis & the subsequent journey after. I LOVE how Melissa showed not only the battle to being heard (bc it is not easy), but also the battle of figuring out life after. We see the not pretty parts- how in attempt to make life easier caretaker can diminish life if not careful; how attempting to live to not be defined by a diagnosis can lead to living life defined by a diagnosis. It was all beautifully done & heart wrenching.
This is book 4 of the Midnight in Dallas series, but can be read as a standalone. I will say, given I read this series in the most CHAOTIC way (3, 1, 4, 2), I do recommend reading in order. 1-You’ll get spoilers of future books & 2-The cast remains mostly the same, with a few additions, throughout the series, meaning it’s a pretty large cast. I had a hard time keeping up with who everyone was until I read their proper intros in book 1!
Thank you Melissa Grace & Team for providing a free eARC in exchange for my honest thoughts!

serareadthat's review

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4.75 ⭐️

This book was EVERYTHING. All the butterflies. A feet kickin’. Gigglin’ sensation. The chronic illness rep was done so well and really showcased how hard it is for women to find doctors who listen to them in the healthcare system. But it was also a cute fun story too and just everything about it was soooo ggoooodd. I read it in one sitting and I had a freaking blast.

Thank you Melissa for this ARC!!!!