
Let Love In by Melissa Collins

inkdrinkerpdx's review against another edition

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I hate cliffhangers! Lol the second book is suppose to come out in the summer so crossing my fingers it's June and not late August.

smhq089030's review against another edition

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Not much.....

marie_thereadingotter's review

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thefox22's review

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*I received a copy of this from the author in exchange for an honest review.

This book was one of the most cliché-filled books I've ever read. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but to me and in this case, it is. Let Love In was your typical good girl meets bad boy story, and that plot device is way overused. This is going to sound bad, but this book was nothing special. There was nothing different and unique about it that it set it apart from all the other new adult and contemporary romances I've read with the same premise on the back cover. It was filled with clichés, the characters were more like cardboard cut-outs, and the plot was simply boring.


Let Love In is told in dual perspectives. (Insert cliché here) Both of the main characters have painful pasts and guard their hearts from love. They both find in each other what they've been missing from their lives and find the strength to... let love in. Typical, right? Yeah, everything about this book was typical.

Bad boy? Check.
Emotionally closed-off girl? Check.
Boy shows her his asshole side? Check.
Girl gets mad and makes him jealous? Check.
Boy and girl make up? Check.
Boy and girl fall in love? Check.

And this, my friends, is how to write a contemporary romance. Just kidding. But seriously, I've read this kind of story way too many times. And Let Love In just didn't do anything different.

Not to mention, I ended up really disliking Maddy. The author tries to show her as this sweet, innocent, bright-eyed girl who still has a positive outlook on life even after all she's been through. Instead, we have this insecure, jealous, stupid character who wants everything to be about her. Okay, I may be being a bit harsh. But seriously, some of her reactions and actions were appalling. Sometimes she would bitch at Reid for no good reason, and he would take it, because he thinks the sun fucking rises with this girl. I just didn't see how she was good for him, when she literally pushes him away at the end for the one thing he shouldn't have had to defend himself against. He may have a horrible past, but it's his right to close the lid on it and be done. She should have been more supportive.

And I have to say something: why the fuck was Reid portrayed as a bad boy? He's portrayed in the beginning as a womanizing douchebag who doesn't care about anyone and never lets anyone in. Sound familiar, anyone? Right, so they start off on the wrong foot. Yet, they've never felt like this with anyone. *rolls eyes* When they stop tiptoeing around their feelings, they become a couple. All of a sudden, though, Reid is this perfect gentlemen. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm all about turning over a new leaf, and I love it when characters change and grow. But, it was literally like he'd changed overnight, and that just doesn't happen in real life. There was no point in the author writing him as a "bad boy" when he's such a good boyfriend after that. It was kind of ridiculous.

It's probably a sad thing when I end up liking the secondary characters more than the main ones...

What's also ridiculous is the fact that the author jumps ahead during their relationship. It's six weeks later, and all of a sudden, they're in love. I'm sorry, but I actually wanted to read about them falling in love, not just being told that they do. Wasn't that what the synopsis was all about, finding the strength to let love in? Well, they did that within the first 50% of the book. Really, the story didn't need anything more than that. I felt that most of the rest of it was filler; sub-plots that were just thrown in there to set up for some really, and here's the word again: cliché, situations that were supposed to give the characters some growth. The plot was just so boring.

Like I said, this contemporary romance was nothing different. Nothing stood out, and the characters were underdeveloped. It was just so cliché.

ch55pg316's review

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Wow, I was waiting for the happily ever after in this book from the minute I started but I was surprised by this ending.
This book was really fun to read it wasn't super dramatic and I loved this about it. Of course I fell in love with yet another character, Reid, because he was sooo sweet, romantic and always spoiling Maddy also one of the best things about him was that he was sensitive and wasn't afraid about crying or showing his emotions. Maddy is also a great character I love it when authors make the woman in their books strong but at the same time fragile and this was exactly how she was and she wasn't cocky even though she was beautiful . But I wanted to kill her because of what she did LIKE DUDE LEAVE REID ALONE, he was amazing the way he is she didn't need to fix him and a lot of people might argue with that and he has so many problems but this is how I felt.