
The Two of Us by Andy Jones

arwenauthor's review against another edition

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Honestly, I didn't expect too much from this book. Another chick-lit, girl-meets-boy, falls-in-love, some drama occurs, and then they get back together. This was less formulaic, more thoughtful, skilfully written, and sadder. The characters were real.

kiabobiakiabobia's review against another edition

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I loved the writing style, very witty and engaging. The book was told from a male's perspective, which is very rare when it comes to the topic of love.

bookphenomena_micky's review against another edition

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This book had the feel of a good Brit film, like those by Richard Curtis. The characters were real, messy and awkward at times. The backdrop of London as a setting for the book worked well with description that took you right there.

This story is narrated exclusively from the male point of view and to me this is the key strength of the book. William and Ivy have an intense, passionate three weeks together before real life kicks in with a bang and a pregnancy. Hearing all this from William's perspective felt fresh and engaging. William was immediately a likeable man, still a bit of single lad, even though he was in his early 30s but he was ready to meet Ivy and be committed. I struggled to make a connection with Ivy but then William was struggling with her lack of emotional connection too. The side characters were a real bonus to this story, especially El; it brought additionally gritty reality. This story takes you on a sometimes witty and sometimes achingly sad journey; I felt it all.

This is a book that would appeal across the genders and most could identify with it. I am interested to read more from Andy Jones.

The publisher provided a copy of this book in return for an honest review.

Reviewed for Jo&IsaLoveBooks Blog.

emilymaree10's review against another edition

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This story follows a couple, Ivy and Fisher who have only been dating for a very short time, not even a month to be exact... and yet they are so in love and inseparable.
You are seeing this relationship from Fisher's point of view, which makes things interesting as it is from a male perspective.

You follow along their relationship and see how some circumstances can be tough on a relationship and how to pull through it and stay in love.

I feel like the story was a slow burn but for what the story is about, I don't think there was any other way to really write it. I however did think that this story could have been made shorter as some things were thrown in there for filler.

The characters were pretty average, I didn't hate them but I didn't love them. But they were well enough to like and want to follow along on their journey.

I picked this book up thinking it was going to be filled with cute romances and smutty scenes, but I got a mediocre relationship. I didn't really feel the connection between the couple.

I did like this book, but I guess some things just fell flat.

Mini Spoiler....
I feel like this book should have a trigger warning for the death of a baby, as I was really shocked by the ending and it was really hard for me to read about. I feel like it was unnecessary and it could have been a happy ending with both babies still alive.

lulami's review against another edition

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very bland story,i didn't care about any of the characters,and the writing felt very superficial
(1.5 stars)

kruimels's review against another edition

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Ik hield van 'me before you' en van 'us'. En dit hoort in hetzelfde rijtje thuis. Gelachen en gehuild met een boek (vooral dat laatste was lang geleden)

shell74's review against another edition

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Actual Rating: 3.5 Stars

ljbentley27's review against another edition

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Relationships aren’t like what they used to be. This sounds simple to say but equally it is very true. Long gone are the days of courting and asking for a hand in marriage and doing things in what is – believed by some – the correct order. Modern day relationships are hard. They are hard to maintain, hard to control and hard to navigate through this miasma of feelings and emotions.

This is the topic of Andy Jones’ brilliant book The Two of Us. Through Fisher and Ivy we see how the modern pitfalls of relationships can stymie the most committed and, more so, the most inexperienced when it comes to love. Yet there is no doubt throughout the book that Fisher and Ivy love each other, however, a major one of contention (from this reader’s perspective) is that they both find it hard to compromise. Fisher is more willing to concede in this than Ivy is which sometimes makes you become very frustrated with her. Equally, when you get the sense that Fisher is going to do something to screw things up you get angry at the book and start talking to the characters, offering them advice (just me?).

The Two of Us by Andy Jones is a damn fine book and has already barged its way into my top ten of the year so far. I know it is early days but I don’t foresee it budging. Well done, Andy Jones.

The Two of Us by Andy Jones is available now.

You can follow Andy Jones (@andyjonesauthor) on Twitter.

deskynowsky's review against another edition

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Well Well... one of the reasons I picked out this book out of other books at the bookstore coz I feel like the need of change to my reading genre.. There is nothing wrong to like fantasy or high fantasy fiction or even YA books in general, it's just coz I have almost non-existence romantic life.. and my age is not actually at around YA ages anymore, so I should read more Adult Contemporary Romance books (my friend's words, not mine), so I decided to buy this one (and my friend encouraged it).

Ok, it's not bad, it's ok, coz this book is basically a life drama kind of story. Which surprisingly I enjoyed. Definitely not my type of book and I don't mind reading it once or twice in a while, kinda give a refreshing vibe to my reading habit. I quite learned a lot from it, in terms of relationship-wise and family issues.. There's just a more sense of reality in it, like it deals with a new couple forming a life together and those stuffs which I often hear happened among my friends. So there is this familiarity to the story.

Why 3 stars tho, well first of all, 3 stars doesn't mean that the book is bad. It just means that I just enjoyed it. Who knows in the future, I will read more books with this genre. I def should tho..

And a nice surprise is that the book is set at around Christmas time, so this book is my Christmas read in the year 2015.

prags's review against another edition

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The Two Of Us is the story of a couple madly in love with each other. They’ve not been together for long, but the depth of their relationship suggests that they’ve been together for years. It’s the connection that they share. You know, the one that only comes along once in a lifetime? The one you grab with both hands and hold onto forever? That one moment when you meet someone and you know that this who you’re meant to be with? That’s what Fisher and Ivy are. They’re forever. They’re what we dream to be. What we aspire to achieve.

That being said, I’m not glorifying their relationship. They are by no means perfect. They have their fair share of problems, misunderstandings, mis communications and fights. But, what’s important is that they are determined to be together despite of what the world throws at them. Because, deep in their heart, they both know that what they have is what people search for their entire lives. And sometimes, they’re not successful even after a lifetime of searching.

The fact that makes this more real is that none of the things in this are glorified. There isn’t any unreasonable expectation. The situations and the characters and their reactions are very much real and something that you and I would be able to identify with. That is something that I absolutely adore in this book. While having almost perfect book boyfriends who make you swoon is absolutely amazing, the feeling of having a book boyfriend who makes mistakes and is categorically realistic is something that cannot be described in words. It’s amazing to say the least.

The characters, like I’ve been saying are so amazing. I love them. I love their personalities, their doubts and insecurities and their love, their emotions, their thoughts. Everything. I love everything about them. They’re all amazing. Especially Fisher. He’s totally adorable in the boy next door kind of way, which is amazing. Ivy is a strong, strong woman and I applaud her for standing so brave in troubled times. Though, she behaves a little selfish in parts, I can identify where she’s coming from and that makes is all the more real and relatable.

The emotions flowing through this story are amazingly. They’re brilliantly described and make the reader completely feel each and every one of them. There’s happiness and sadness and euphoria and love and tears and frustration and everything just reaches you in a brilliant, brilliant way.

This is something that I would totally recommend others to read!