
Fandom by Anna Day

thatsnotoli's review against another edition

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klart's review against another edition

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Un libro perfetto per tutti gli amanti dei romanzi fantasy distopici. Una lettura apparentemente leggera, ma capace di farci riflettere sui libri che amiamo, perché qui si realizza il sogno di ogni lettore: fare parte del proprio libro preferito, esserne il protagonista.
Però noi non siamo il personaggio di un romanzo e le nostre scelte possono cambiare la storia...
Una trama assolutamente perfetta, geniale, originale e avvincente.

chapters_and_pages's review against another edition

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I really liked this book! It really spoke to my inner fangirl! It was so good!

When Violet and her friends go to Comic Con to meet the stars of their favourite book, The Gallows Dance, they are unexpectedly pulled into that world. After accidentally causing the death of the main character, Rose, Violet must take her place in the story.

I really liked Violet! Throughout the novel, we really saw her develop into a stronger and more confident person who stood up for herself. She became more secure and happy with herself and that was really nice to see! I loved how determined she was, doing anything to help her friends.

I didn’t like Alice from the beginning, the further in I got, the more I hated her! She was so annoying and so selfish. While she did, to some degree, redeem herself, it didn’t really make me dislike her any less. Violet’s other friend, Katie, was so enjoyable! She was funny and witty, sarcastic and clever. I just wished we had seen a bit more of her, as she wasn’t in quite a big chunk of the story.

I really liked Nate. He started as Violet’s annoying little brother, but as their situation becomes more and more direr, Nate and Violet start to really lean on each other and I loved the relationship we had between them! Nate put so much unquestionable faith into Violet and she was so protective of him, it was so nice to see their bond. When he met his end in the fictional world, I wasn’t to affected by it, because I assumed that once they came back to the real world, everything would be fine. IT WAS NOT FINE!!!

I loved Ash! He was so sweet and kind and I just loved his character. I loved him and Violet together, I was rooting for them from the beginning! I really loved that he was the love interest, as oppose to Willow (the love interest in The Gallows Dance), because I feel like a lot of the time, in a love triangle setting, the person the main character doesn’t end up with, is portrayed as annoying or they do something fairly bad. I really wanted some type of resolution between Ash and Violet! The way it ended just broke my heart!

I really loved the concept of this story! It was intriguing and entertaining, I was hooked from very early on! It was action-packed and really well paced, I wasn’t at any point bored or not caring. I really liked the world created, it was so interesting and felt very real. The endings were so sad, but I really think that it worked really well for this story.

I really enjoyed the role fandoms and fanfiction played in this book! We have a main character who writes fanfiction, which is something lots of fans do. Also, we had a lot of mentions of real fandoms, like The Hunger Games and Divergent, and I really liked that! It made the story feel more real to have these mentions of actual fandoms we all know about as oppose to just having the fictional fandom included.

Overall, this was such an enjoyable read! I’m not sure if there is going to be a sequel, but I really hope there is! If you are a big fangirl or fanboy, this is definitely a book you need to check out!

charvi_not_just_fiction's review against another edition

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3.5/5 stars

This book was.... strange.

The first half of the book was pretty predictable as Violet, Alice, Katie and Nate fall into the world of their favourite fandom and retrace the steps of the heroine in hopes if returning home.

The world was very well crafted and detailed although there were slight information dumps at various points. I really like the author's writing style that was very engaging and pulled me in. The plot itself was shaky.

I really don't know how to describe it. In the second half everything becomes muddled and confusing and there are so many plot twists! I feel that the author overdid it in her efforts to make the story unexpected and memorable and twisted it too much.

There's a whole section in the end that is pretty wild regarding how the girls and Nate really enter the fandom world and in my opinion, too far-fetched. Then the whole main character falls for side character was predictable too. I just wish that out of all the characters Katie had a larger role since I really liked her but I feel that she was sidelined too much.

So I have mixed feeling about the story on a whole which isn't very stable and I'm not a huge fan of the ending either.

But regardless of that you should give it a shot :)

pleasejustletmeread's review against another edition

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This was tough to get through. Partly because I've been busy this week, and partly because of how the book was written. Most of the book is really slow, and when the characters themselves refer to Tris and Katniss ([b:Divergent|13335037|Divergent (Divergent, #1)|Veronica Roth||13155899] and [b:The Hunger Games|2767052|The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)|Suzanne Collins||2792775]), it is REALLY obvious how the book will end. No surprises there.
The drama between main characters also felt a bit flat and too easy to see the end of.
In general, it was a boring read, that I maybe would have had higher thoughts of if I had read it in a different stage of my life.

dear_reader13's review against another edition

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I absolutely love this book, it’s amazing! I highly recommend it!

ashleighmacro's review against another edition

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Essential reading for any YA fan who's ever wanted to escape to their favourite fictional world.

Originally posted on my blog Ashleigh Online

The Fandom is so much fun to read. I've always thought being propelled headfirst into one of my favourite worlds would be amazing, but the reality is that it would probably be terrifying too.

This is a brilliant story told in such a unique way, combining elements of contemporary, dystopian and fantasy and throwing in some wonderful characters. I wish we'd been able to get to know Katie and Alice a bit better, but Violet, Nate, Ash and Thorn were fantastically written.

The whole way through, I worried that it was "all a dream," but the way it was handled was so brilliant I shouldn't have worried at all. The ending is somewhat open, leaving my imagination to do some of the work, but it's completely satisfying nonetheless and I loved it.

knygu_skaitytoja's review against another edition

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Kaip bebūtų keista kiekvienas iš mūsų turime savo pačią mėgstamiausią knygą, filmą, animacinį filmuką, sporto komandą, dainų atlikėją, dėl kurio esame pametę galvas (aš be galo dievinu Jennifer Lopez). Visi pamename tikrai, kaip vaikystėje rinkdavome spalvotus popieriukus, įžimybių nuotraukas, „kepsus“ ar panašiai.Kad ir kaip būtų, tačiau mes visi priklausome FANDOM, ir knygos autorė, Anna Day, visa tai perkelia visiškai į kitą lygį. Ji parodo, kad kartais mūsų svajonės, būti kažkuo, turėti kažką, nuvykti kažkur ar panaišiai, gali peržengti realybės ribas, tačiau ar tikrai esate pasiruošę dėl to paaukoti viską? Knyga buvo jau senokai, kaip ir daugelis jų paskutiniu metu, mano knygų lentynoje, tačiau dabar ji pasirodė ta knyga po „Geltonojo Kroumo“. Kai ją pirkau man patiko jos viršelis, nieko nepasakantis apie knygos turinį, ir ant jo užrašas „Ar esi pasiruošęs mirti dėl savo mėgstamiausios istorijos?“. Knygas taip anksčiau ir rinkdavausi. Gražus viršelis – imu! Ir manau tikrai nenusipyliau. Knyga parašyta gana lengvu tekstu, skyriai nėra ilgi, tačiau gal kiek silpnoka turinio atžvilgiu. Istorija tikrai parašyta įdomiai, tokios dar nesu skaičiusi (o mažesnė būdama beveik gyvenau bibliotekoje), tačiau pradžia kiek padrika. Viskas taip greitai įvyksta ir nėra aišku kas ir kaip čia ir kodėl. Paralelinė visata? Gal kiek buvo per daug toks pamąstymas, tačiau knyga vietomis yra labai jau nuspėjama. Jei tik suprantate istorijų kūrimo pagrindinius dėsnius ir principus. Pradžioje pateikiamas būsimos istorijos siužetas, bet kaip ir filmuose, taip ir knygoje suprantame, kad niekas nevyksta pagal planą. Bet nepaisant nuspėjamumo, istoriją yra įdomu skaityti, nes galvoje vis kirba klausimas, kaip čia viskas pasibaigs, kas vyks toliau, ar jie išsigelbės, o gal mirs? Tai yra šios istorijos varomasis variklis. Visa istorija yra pasakojama vieno žmogaus, iš jo suvokimo perspektyvos, tačiau galbūt būtų įdomiau buvę jei tai būtų padalinta skyriais kiekvieno iš pagrindinių veikėjų mintimis. Stilistika, kaip tarkim ir bado žaidynių, tačiau autorė nesistengė sukurti kažko mums dar negirdėjo distopinio pasaulio. Ji tiesiog paėmė vienaip ar kitaip jau girdėtus dalykus, truputį pakoregavo, kad skambėtų kitaip, pridėjo daugiau dramos ir paleido į laisvę. Todėl skaitant knygą „Fandom” vienu metu jautiesi tarsi jau būtum skaitęs ir neskaitęs šios istorijos. Tai iš tiesų meistriškai panaudotas dalykas, nes autorei nereikia skaitytojo perkrauti to pasaulio aprašymais, kad galėtų geriau susipažinti su nauja aplinka. Taip sutaupoma laiko, puslapių, skaitytojų nervų, ir galima iškart pulti į pačią įdomiausią istorijos vietą – veiksmą. Kad ir kaip būtų, knyga varčiau tikrai su malonumu ir manau dar kuris laikas galvosiu apie šią istoriją, net ir užvertusi ją ir perskaičiuosi paskutinius jos puslapius. Rekomendacija knygos tiems, kuriems patinka distopijos žanras.
Taigi, bet ar tikrai mėgstamiausia istorija verta mirties?

owls_rainbow's review against another edition

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Another tricky one to rate and my rating did change as I wrote this review. I found it hard to get into at first. At the start we are expected to know this book and its film, the world it's set in. It's slightly disorientating the way we are thrown into it.

We are barely introduced to the characters: Alice, the fan-fiction writer with model looks, Katie the newer friend from Liverpool who shuns popular culture for Shakespeare, Violet's younger brother Nate who is much smarter than she is, and our narrator Violet who is a major fan of this book 'The Gallows Dance'. That's it, that is the entire sum-up of her character. She is average and yeah, a Mary Sue. Her role is to take the place of Rose, the main character of 'The Gallows Dance' after the group get transported to the book's universe and accidentally get her killed.

There are some interesting side characters, I loved Nate and Ash, and Baba was interesting. There were a few interesting twists along the way, the world was rich and well-developed and the plot was very character driven BUT thanks to the opening school moment and repeated tellings we basically know the plot and overall it deviates very little.

The ending also seemed very incomplete which could imply possible sequel but I'm not sure how that would work. Which brings me onto the format of this book, or rather creation of it. The result of two competitions, a writing based one to find a new author, and an idea based one to come up with a plot for a children's/young adult's book. This book is the result. I will say though that I found Anna's writing style very expressive and engaging and I hope we see more from her.

2/5 stars

lmn9812's review against another edition

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Breathtaking & action packed. More detailed review to come nearer to release date!