
Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione

jillsbooknook's review

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5 -⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

"Gods, she had fire. Fire and fight and she might very well be his match in every way."

Passion Unleashed is the third novel in the adult paranormal romance series, Demonica. Each novel follows a separate couple for the overarching plot is built across the series so you need to read them in order. In this novel we follow Wraith, the youngest of the Seminus brothers, and Serena, as charmed treasure hunter working to the demon slayer are bound together thanks to the special artifact she protects. See Serena's charm protects her but only so long as she remains a virgin and Wraith needs that charm to save himself from a poison (yay old enemies from the previous books!)...but the cost would be her life. Add in a mysterious being hunting them down and it soon becomes clear this charm may play a much larger role in the world.

Ah the smell of mortal peril and angst in all the best ways is in the air for this. Admittedly, Wraith and Serena are my favourite couple of the Seminus brothers. Serena is a truly good person and the way she adapts and trusts and forgives makes her a character I was able to follow so easily. Her chemistry with Wraith is top notch!

Wraith, in this novel, was an absolute pleasure to watch fall from grace. Spending the last two books rejecting a long term partner I adore seeing this facade crumble to see Wraith underneath the bravado and this delivered. We get to explore his trauma a little but and see him have to confront his past and the consequences in order to be better. The cherry on top is the idea that he knows to be with her will be to either end his life or lose her and the heart strings were PULLED so much.

The spice in this book is about a 4 spicy pepper out of 5 spicy pepper. As I have said before this nature of these books is higher spice and sexual content given the nature of the demons here but we also have these fast burn attractions that give way to delicious medium burn romances. In this case, Serena having to remain a virgin created some very fun work around and when the spice hits truly it was perfect for the story.

" was the first time I made love to anyone. You can call me a liar for anything else, but do not doubt me on this. And I swear to you that you were the first, and you will be the last."

This is a reminder of trigger warning as these books are older and therefore have not been updated by their publishers to contain a content warning. These books contain dark subject matter but are not dark romance - these include threats of SA, death, maiming, torture, abuse, dubious consent, and more. Wraith has a pretty torturous past, demonic beings are out to get them and wants to maximize suffering. In addition he starts with the intention of wanting to seduce Serena to take her charm - this changes quickly but keep that in mind.

The world and story continue to escalate alongside a romance that gripped my heart. I loved Serena and Wraith's dynamic and the way it changes Wraith especially. I felt this book also begins showing the story widening to something larger than just the Seminus demons and their problems. We get a good mix of action, adventure, and treasure hunting that was a refreshing addition to the series and keeps things moving. Also one of my favourite tropes in this book!

I feel if you have been enjoying this series you will feel really satisfies diving into this one. The banter, the romance, and world are still drawing you in and delivering again and again.

I can't recommend these book enough!

christikb's review

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I will always love the Demonica series, in general, and the Seminus brothers, in specific. Larissa Ione's world is beautifully built from top to bottom, and Eidolon, Shade, and Wraith are absolutely perfect demon book boyfriends. Wraith is just heartbreaking, an anti-hero created by circumstance and trauma. Serena wants a full life but is stopped by her need to remain charmed. Wraith and Serena have amazing chemistry, but, beyond that, their story, which falls into the overall narrative arc of the Demonica world, is incredibly detailed and unbelievably important to the worldbuilding. Plus PLUS PLUS we finally get Kynan and Gem after three long books of waiting--absolute perfection. Demonica was one of my early paranormal smut series that I'm always happy to come home to.

cr6zym0nkeyiz's review

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I can honestly say that the Demonica Series has become my favorite paranormal romance series as of now. Reading about these Seminus Demon brothers just gets you addicted to them and you can't stop reading. The plot is engaging and we have these appealing characters. I love that each brother has a completely different personality from the others.

After Reading PASSION UNLEASHED, I can say that It is my favorite book in the series. Serena has this charm that gets her from dying. Dying? Well, Serena has this illness if she doesn't have this charm that will end her life. We go to Wraith now. Wraith has been poisoned by an assassin and the only cure is to obtain the charm that Serena has.

“I'm not going to pass out—”
He cut her off with a kiss. “If you did, I'd catch you.”

The charm basically is Serena's virginity and Serena is determined to hold onto it. Well, she hasn't met anyone that has given her thoughts to give up her virginity until Wraith comes along. Wraith is tied to Underworld General Hospital, so if he dies his brothers are in danger as well. But it also turns out that Wraith is not the only one who wants that charm.

Serena has to be my favorite heroine in a paranormal romance. She is a treasure hunter and is just a joy. She is fun, outgoing, and funny. I have liked her from the beginning. And I have always liked Wraith. He is just wonderful and I want him all to myself. He is funny, cocky, seductive, sweet, caring and arrogant.

We find out that Wraith has a tortured past and I feel for him. I don't know why, but I have a thing for tortured bad boys. I really liked the transformation that Wraith goes through. At the beginning of the series he has this really bad attitude, not caring about anything. But getting to know Serena he starts to become quite the hero and grows to care for someone and really feel love. He finally is able to love someone for the first time in his life. He really become the perfect lover.

“No. It was because it was the first time I made love to anyone. You can call me a liar or anything else, but do not doubt me on this. And I swear to you that you were the first, and you will be the last."

The plot really had me guessing all through the end what Wraith was going to do. I mean to save him and his brothers he would have to take Serena's charm, but after spending so much time with Serena he fell madly in love with her and to take her charm would kill him. At that point he had fallen deeply in love with her. I liked PASSION UNLEASHED a lot, because of the plot and the characters.

I enjoyed reading through Wraith and Serena's love story and wouldn't mind another story about them. They are a sexy and hot couple even more so than Eidolon/Tayla and Shade/Runa. I don't want to give too much away, but PASSION UNLEASHED was intense and just WOW. I really can't wait for the next book in the Demonica Series. Oh, and the cover is so beautiful, it is my favorite one. Larissa Ione has just became number 1 on my top paranormal romance authors.

bibliophile_booklover's review

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wraith finally :-)

sj9642's review

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Oh hell was this a good one. I absolutely loved it. It was so intense and then there were the tears...great story :)

book_whispers's review

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Ione's Demonica series has been one of the top paranormal books on my reading list for a while. Her first two books have been about Incubus type demons who where both brothers, and I absolutely loved them. This book is about the third brother Wraith. He's the dark and twisted character that all paranormal series seem to love, the monster even the monsters are afraid of. Wraith was an iffy character for me and I wasn't sure if I would like him. After finishing Passion Unleashed I can safely say Wraith is my favorite brother.

Wraith was a hot crazy biker creep. Who ended up having great character depth, and really quite lovable. It was so crazy how he needed everyone to believe he was evil and more importantly he needed to believe it. Following along in Wraith's head and watching him grow into his conscious and falling in love with him as Serena did was terrific.

I loved all of the plot twists, and as one of the Wraith's brother says, “This is better then a Soap.” The end of the world thing had me a little worried. In my experience when a series takes a turn for world destruction it never goes well. Ione however pulls it off wonderfully balancing the side story and Wraith and Serena's love story beautifully.

The side story in this book, and following the previous books, is Gem and Kynan. I have loved watching the relationship grow, then implode, grow, and implode again. Gem is half demon and Kynan , an ex-demon slayer, is coming to grips with the fact that maybe not all demons are evil. Gem grows up and gets tougher, I would have liked to have seen more of that. As much as I love Kynan, in the previous book the way he had left Gem high and dry really grated on me. Personally I felt Gem just came running back when Kynan crooked his finger. I would have enjoyed it if Gem and Kynan's story went into the next book. But, hey, they end up together and all is well.

Bottom Line:

I really love the idea of a hospital that treats demons. The cast of characters Ione has created is so fun and I enjoy getting to be in other characters heads as the plot thickens. Each book is connected by the other characters actions, whether they are the main ones or not. I can not wait to read the next book as Ione has left some great plot threads dangling.

Sexual Content:

Graphic scenes. This one is for adults only.

witandsin's review

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12/1/14 - $1.99 on Kindle

lalabristow's review

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After loving the first two books of this series so utterly, I never thought that it could only get better. I was so wrong.

Though I have been Shade Girl since the first book, Wraith always caught my eyes. I was always wondering and very curious as to who would be the woman to finally get through to him. Wraith is a broken man, born of an awful event and thrust into an horrendous situation. He suffered so much only to be saved by his brothers. From then on he has lived a wild life, not really caring about anything or anyone aside from Shade and Eidolon and in some level the Hospital, the three of them built together and his constant quest for the next thrill. However, his new quest is for life, his life. He has been poisoned and his life is in the hands of one human woman.

Serena was given a charm as a child. A charm that was not originally meant for her and has been the cause of many problems. A charm that holds the key to the future. Serena is aware of its importance, though not of the specifics, however, her nature compels her to keep active and always seek adventure and adrenaline, things she loves to the core. The only adventure she has never been able and can't go through is love. To be more exact, she can't have sex, lose her virginity or the charm she protects will be transfered to that person.

I loved this book so much. Wraith is an extremely complex and deep character. Yes, he is a bastard, rude, violent, selfish and pretty hate worthy a lot of the time. However, his internal struggles are compelling and you cannot help but feel for his pain. Serena is such a lovable woman. She is strong, feisty, adventurous and I could not have imagined a better match for our dear Wraith.

I absolutely loved the plot in this book. I don't want to give anything away, but it was so intense and awesome, I just could not put it down and even finished the book in less than a day. There were plenty of action and surprises along the way that just kept me at the edge and the sexiness of it just about got my blood to a boil. Wraith and Serena are so hot together and their chemistry was amazing.

I can't leave out the secondary couple in this book. Kynan is back and has decided to fight for Gem. Even thought they are not the main couple, their story is so sweet and tough that you can't help but get involved.

This series just keeps getting better and better and I am an unconditional fan of Larissa Ione. Her words just flow seemingly as though they were written without effort. This series is already in as one of my favorites ever and I recommend it to anyone that enjoys the paranormal and a lot of sexiness hehe =)

leahkarge's review

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This book started out a little bit slow for me. Maybe because I jumped into it immediately upon finishing Desire Unchained, but I think it was more because I didn't immediately like or dislike Serena like I did Runa and Tayla, respectively. However, it didn't take me long to get into the story and fall for Wraith even more.

Wraith is quite possibly one of the sexiest demons out there. If Shade wasn't my favorite, Wraith would have immediately slid right into that spot. He is so strong yet vulnerable, cold yet loving, hard-hearted yet tender-hearted. He is so many contradictions combined that it's impossible not to love him. I mean, hell, he was going to die and let his brothers die so that he wouldn't have to kill Serena. He was willing to be tortured by the vampires so they would let him turn Serena. Does a guy get more devoted than that? I don't really think so. And I did like Serena, although it came on gradually. She was strong, brave, and intelligent but also sweet and loving, like our beloved Wraith. Her sacrifice for Wraith and humankind, giving up her charm and virginity, made me really like her, though. Although it sucked that she freaked out when she found out Wraith was a demon. But now they are together so I'm happy, and awww, there's a new baby Wraith on the scene!

The biggest surprise of this book was definitely Lore. Holy shit, he is their brother! He's Wraith, Shade, and Eidolon's brother. I know I probably should have seen that one coming, but it totally blind sighted me. Wow. Yeah, still surprised.

The sad thing is, I think I was more tortured by the situation with Kynan and Gem. Good Lord, those two drove me crazy with their back and forth when I just wanted them to be together, damn it. And I was going to hunt someone down and kill them if Ky and Gem's story had ended with Wraith draining him. No fucking way, Jose. I did not suffer through three books of their torturous relationship for it to end that way! And thank God Lore was able to bring Ky back. Now those two are living happily ever after and I couldn't be happier.

The only thing that bothered me about this book was Serena calling Wraith "Josh." I wanted to smash my head against the wall every single time. And each time she called him that, it made me think of Mary calling Rhage "Hal" in Lover Eternal and how much I hated that. Bleck. Thank goodness she finally started calling him Wraith at the end.

Anyway, this was, yet again, another great installment in the series and I don't think Wraith's story could have been any better.

4.5 stars

geleeregina's review

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Smokin' hot tortured hero, check. Smart ass loveable heroine, check. Demons, action, and hunt for a treasure, check. All the things I love about Ione's Demonica series. This was great!