
Carrier Of The Mark by Leigh Fallon

lisa_sutto's review against another edition

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I left this on my shelf for 4 years and this is what I get?....
I don't even care if it's meant for 12+. I've read 12+ aged books as an adult and enjoyed them immensely, so why didn't I like this?
I think because it's flow and overall content is so poorly executed. It makes me think of a 10 year old recounting what they did on holidays. I did this then we did this and this happened after this....
if you're any age I do not recommend.

sandeeisreading's review against another edition

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When I first saw this book I was so enchanted by the cover.
I was like “WOW look at that cover!!”
I thought the cover was just gorgeous and I told myself I had to get my hands on that book.
When I clutched the book in my hands, the feeling of excitement overwhelmed me.



Almost immediately after I got it, I started to read…

My reaction started like this.

Animated Gifs

Then this.

Do Not Want

Then finally..

Do Not Want

Alas! Book covers and synopsis could be very deceiving.

This book reminds me of a book very close to my heart.
Unfortunately, that is not a good thing.
This book would have to be the most disappointing book I have read.
The cover masked the unsightliness of this book.



Twilight may not be the best book out there but it’s my first YA book so whatever happens I would still love Twilight and would always dislike books that would come close or imitate its story.
Sad to say, The Carrier of the Mark was one of those books.
I wouldn’t mind the similarity if it were just little things but as I was reading the book majority of it was a Twilightish.
It was infuriating.
All my excitement went down the drain.

Let me give you a few examples of what I meant about it being Twilightish:

1. Megan’s first day at a new school and already the first person to talk to her knew her name.
Because it was a small town?
(Forks anyone?)

2. First day of school Adam was staring intently at Megan.
Megan stared back.
Megan couldn’t get him out of her head.
They were in love!
EdwardBella Pictures, Images and Photos
(I knew someone who had the same feeling towards each other.
What was their name again?
Oh right, it was Edward and Bella!)

3. Adam and his siblings, his sister and his brother. Their names start with an A and an R.
Now Edward has siblings too right?
What were their names again?
Rosalie and Alice?
I heard A was close with Meghan and R has a bit of an issue with what they are.
You think I was talking about Rosalie and Alice right?
I was talking about Adam’s siblings.
Was it a coincidence?

4. Adam has special powers.
Megan being super duper attracted to Adam didn’t care.
Adam saying he tried to stay away but he couldn’t do it much longer.
(I would know that line anywhere.
Gosh Edward, why do you have to let someone else borrow your line!!
Adam can’t you find your own pickup line?)

5. The Tracker.
Yep. Megan was being followed by a Tracker.
Wait a minute, wasn’t Bella being followed by James?
And what was James called?
That’s right, a TRACKER!

6. If Megan and Adam get kids, it would be an abomination.
Really now?
Didn’t they think that way too with Renesemee?

There’s actually more but I don’t really have the time to list them all.
If I did, I probably would be copying the book and pasting it here.

Well, the book was not entirely bad.
I did love the thing about them being Elementals.
(But I already read a book about that which was more original by the way. No Twilight stuff.)
Carrier of the Mark had potential.
If this book didn’t remind me so much of Twilight I would have liked it.
The author’s writing style was okay.
The setting was perfect.
The myth about the Marked being able to wield and control the elements was okay with me too.
I didn’t like the kissing stuff though.
It was a little too much for me.

I am so sorry.
This may seem like a hate review but its not.
I am just really disappointed because I didn’t think it would be Twilightish.
I guess the moral lesson here is not to expect too much on the cover.
I really wanted to like this book.


It’s a 2.5 for me.

michalice's review

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I really enjoyed reading Carrier of The Mark. When you first open the book you get to read a prologue which gives you a taste of what is to come, and although it takes a while to get there, it is worth the read and the wait.

Carrier of the Mark has mysterious winds and water, dancing moths and supernatural powers. Throw in some cute boys and you have the perfect recipe for a great book.

I really liked how the story is paced, days to weeks then months, but I don't feel like I have missed out on any important things.
Carrier of the Mark is the debut book for Leigh Fallon, and as an author her writing is believable and not hurried. She keeps me interested in what was going on or going to happen next, but doesn't make the powers the focus of the book and taking away from what else is happening. The friendships and relationships formed are realistic and the circumstances surrounding the characters fit in seamlessly with what is going on.
I liked how the characters powers were tied in with their emotions and that there were a few "wet weeks" but could guarantee on a "nice weekend". I like reading the descriptions used to not only describe what the powers were doing, but also the emotions the person was feeling.

I really loved how its set in Ireland, although I am from England I knew most of the words being used and what they meant before the characters translated them for Megan and laughed at some of the words being used.

reddyrat's review against another edition

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Carrier of the Mark is two books in my mind: pre-paranormal and post-paranormal. The beginning of the book was week, but it grew stronger and far more enjoyable as it went on.


Think Twilight in Ireland. Given my affinity for Twilight, I am pretty generous with books that share themes and character profiles with Twilight. But Carrier of the Mark is so blatantly similar to Twilight that even I was rolling my eyes. You have the new girl with a single dad (mom is dead here though) who meets a handsome, mysterious guy. The guy is intrigued by her but also cold and rude. His siblings also treat her strangely. There's even a scene in biology class. Then everything turns and it's INSTA-LOVE!


The book becomes much more interesting once the paranormal element was introduced. I had no idea what the paranormal twist was from the summary of the book. It was something I haven't read in any other book. Very interesting. There were many Celtic (or Gaelic, I'm not sure) influences.

I liked that Megan wasn't just a weak human who fell in love with a paranormal creature. Unlike Bella, Megan is equally powerful to Adam. I enjoyed reading how all the different abilities interacted with each other.

One Twilight similarity that remains throughout the book is the family element. Adam is very close to his siblings Aine and Rian. Aine is sweet and Alice-like perky. Rian is darker and more cautious. They also have a father figure in Fionn who they care for deeply. The strong set of family characters is a feature that never gets old for me. The different characters was one of the strongest parts of the book. I particularly found Fionn's story tragically compelling. Outside of the DeRis family, Megan's friend Caitlin is a fabulous side-kick character. She has a stronger personality than most best friend characters.

The plot moves very quickly. It's split into the danger element and the romantic conflict. While I'm not an insta-love fan, I couldn't help but be carrier away by Adam and worried over the obstacle preventing their everlasting happiness. The plot goes from build-up to major dangerous action very quickly. Too quickly perhaps, but it definitely kept me reading.

Carrier of the Mark borrows too heavily from standard paranormal themes, but it has enough individuality to fascinate the paranormal love. It's an excellent first novel and I'm curious to see where the series goes.

Rating: 3.5 / 5

ameserole's review against another edition

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Listening to this while starting an ARC where the characters spoke in an Irish accent (or at least they do in your head) while the characters sometimes break into an accent on your audio was not ideal for me. I will admit that I had no idea what this book would be about when I first got it. There was this audible sale on first books in a series and I went crazy. So, yeah, that's how I got this book and I decided that today was the day that I should dive into it.

Carrier of the Mark was an okay book. Nothing really stuck out to me but I did end up enjoying it. In it, you will meet Megan and Adam and they were eh, aiight characters. Towards the end I didn't really care what happened to them but before all that - I liked them.

Megan is your typical American teenage girl. Beautiful girl who ends up being marked after her mother's untimely death. During her first day of school, she can't help but fall instantly in love with sweet Adam. Oh Adam.. the mysterious guy who is in every YA book. The one that will somehow change when he meets the love of his life or ya know.. sweep that person off of their feet. He was okay, a bit better than Megan, but nothing special either.

These two and their romance were a bit nauseating. I don't really understand the need to be so freaking dependent on someone but then again, it's me. I'm a very independent person so it was just sort of rubbing me the wrong way. I was hoping that these two and their relationship were going to go down a different path but no, they didn't.

Other than that, I feel like not a lot happened in this book which is beyond weird. I mean, I spent like 8 hours (but not really because I was feeling that 3x speed) of my life listening to this book and at the end I'm like, cool - next book please. The beginning sucked me in and then the rest of the book fell flat.

I might dive into the next book if it's free. I might not.

haleyelisereads's review against another edition

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"This is going to sound crazy, but...since the moment I first set eyes on you I haven't been able to stop thinking about you." ~Adam

When I finished this book, the first thing I thought to myself was "how on earth am I going to put into words how much I loved this book?" I honestly have no idea, I normally wait awhile before writing a review, but this one I just need to get out of my system now. It was perfection. I can't even think of a comlpaint right now. The romance was just amazing, it never once had that fake or cheesy feel to it, yet it was able to still capture the 'love at first sight' concept and keep it real and magical which in all honesty I feel no books have been able to really capture lately.

Megan and her dad are on the move...again. Ever since Megans mother died she has never been able to really call a place 'home' thier on the move to Ireland, and this time is different, everything feels different, and right. Megan is enjoying her new school, and her new group of friends, the one thing she can't figure Adam DeRis. She doesn't know why, but she can't stop thinking about him ever since she first saw him on that first day of school, but all her friends warn her...Adam and his family..are strange, and she is warned to give up on him and forget about it...but she just can't. After more and more strange happenings, Megan is thrown into the world of the DeRis's, and she discovers she is one of them...she is a Marked one...and not just that, but she controls one of the most powerful elements...and she is a Carrier of the if finding out that isnt enough for Megan..she finds out there are a group of people..called The Knox...and they are searching for The Marked, to use their powers, to harm them.

This story was beautiful, I loved it. The characters were perfect, Leigh Fallon did a superb job at putting together an amazing group of people, each character I felt like I really knew, and I can tell you right now that this is gonna be one of those series, that whenever it does end, it is going be heartbreaking to say goodbye to these characters.

The romance, I dont even know where to start with it, it was so amazing, I just found myself smiling from ear to ear of the love that was so perfectly protrayed between Megan and Adam, this romance was just so sweet, this books romance fed my hopeless romantic needs to the max and more. One thing I loved about the romance that Leigh Fallon has put together is she was able to make it so magical, yet it never felt as cheesy as this sounds makes people believe in true love at first sight.

The paranormal aspect of this book was such a treat! It was so new and fresh. The powers that Megan and the DeRis family has is incredible, the scenes that Leigh had put in her book of them showing there powers are just breathtaking. This is a world that I cannot wait to visit again and discover even more about. Forget vampires and Werewoves, make room for The Marked ones!

I can't get over this story it was just in one word breathtaking, every part of this story draws you in and keeps you till the last page. With a story full of romance, power, action, suspense, and magic. Carrier of the Mark is one read of 2011 that you will not want to miss!

sailorkchick's review against another edition

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While the overall mystery is intriguing, the characters fall just a little flat. They have a lot of potential but go back and forth between being mature & immature. I'm still debating about reading the rest of the series.

bevs5482's review against another edition

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A little too whiney, needy, clingy for me. Maybe it was the voice it was read in??? Not sure...but still not my favorite!

shesagift's review against another edition

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Borrowed this as a work-read to read on my phone, and oh boy. By 20%, I was certain it was a(n almost play-by-play) copy of Twilight. Main character is nondescript girl starting at new school where she is instantly liked (unlike at other schools) and mysterious loner is inexplicably attracted to her (and her to him). Magic is VERY STRONGLY hinted at because the reader is stupid. Unfounded romance ensues. Plot is finally given to us in paragraph-long bursts of dialogue. Arguments are resolved in mere sentences. There is EMOTIONAL villainy (see: lovers shouldn't be together because REASONS) and then a REAL villain (who is mean to the special snowflake MC) at the last 30 or so pages of the book.

Overall, this book was boring. It was mostly just a build up of romance that had no foundation to stand on. The plot and its mythology were poorly explained and overly complex. Things never really went anywhere, and unlike other mediocre YA trilogies, I give absolutely no shits about Megan, Adam, any of their friends/family, or what happens in the series as a whole. Unlike other YA series that leave me guiltily grabbing the sequel straightaway, I won't even be bothered with the Carrier series.

Which is a shame, because the covers are freaking gorgeous.

christajls's review against another edition

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Originally posted at Christa's Hooked on Books

After her dad gets a new job, Megan has to move to a new town. This isn't the first time she's had to move because of her dad's work but this time is different. To start off her new home is in Ireland and once there she finds herself drawn to the tall, dark, and handsome Adam DeRis. Maybe this move won't be so bad. However, the longer she stays there and the closer she becomes to Adam, the more she realizes things aren't exactly “normal”. Instead they couldn't be any further from normal. Turns out Megan has some very strong supernatural powers. They're part of the reason she's so drawn to Adam. Though her new powers are amazing, they are also dangerous and highly sought after. Not exactly what she had in mind for her first time in Ireland!

To be quiet honest I had mediocre expectations for this book. It sounded like so many other books I've read this year. But let this be a lesson to me! Expectations can be wrong. This book was so fun and unique and I absolutely loved it. In fact I ended up loving it more than many of those “similar sounding” books. Here are some of the reasons it really stood out for me.

First of all it's set in Ireland. Sorry to all my American readers but as a non-American resident, sometimes it gets frustrating when every story is set in the U.S. Having The Carrier of the Mark take place is Ireland was a refreshing change. Plus Ireland is amazing. It's beautiful, it's got amazing history and culture and the book is full of neat little nuances and sayings that make you wish you could head over to the Emerald Isle yourself.

In addition to the setting I love the way this book draws on nature. I can't tell you exactly what the supernatural powers are in this book but there are many references to the elements and I love this. I saw one review that said it made them think of Captain Planet! I love that description! I think Megan has a kick-ass superpower and that makes her pretty darn cool in my book!

Finally I loved Adam. Seriously, could this guy get any more sweet? Though I also love the rebel without a cause thing, that many leading men in YA tend to emulate, it's nice to come across someone like Adam. Someone who doesn't play games and get angry at every little thing. There's no stupid little arguments, where one (or both) characters stomp off and don't talk to each other (quick tip – this is not the foundation of a solid relationship and is no way to solve your problems!). Instead Adam and Megan face things together. They're a team and they care about each others well being. I think this sends a positive message to readers of every age. My only complaint, however, is that this book falls into the trap of insta-love. I'm sorry but you just don't fall completely “head over heels – I'd do anything for you – we're going to be together forever” in love, after only a few days. You just don't. I just wish there was a little more relationship building instead of just jumping right in.

To sum up, this book totally exceeded my expectations! It has an amazing setting, a unique plot and the love story is adorable (although a little cheesy). I am now one of Leigh Fallon's dedicated fans and I am certain I will not be the last. The Carrier of the Mark is a great read and I hope you pick it up!