
Death and the Girl Next Door by Darynda Jones

xvicesx's review against another edition

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To be honest, it's not my favorite. But then again, it's Darynda Jones' handiwork and it's the kind of art that grows on you. "Death and the Girl Next Door" wasn't my favorite in the beginning but now that I've went through with it to the end, I'm quite eager for the next book. I suppose this is Darynda's gift: to write lovely works that people grow to like despite them. I love this woman, gosh.

Everyone's been commenting on the characters so I won't go there, picking instead the chemistry of the group. You've got two baddies, both unrepentant and quite likely to have a go at each other with the first occasion they get. Just the tension between those two makes it worthwhile. But then add the trio of awesomeness and you've got an explosive mix!

Overall, it's a worthwhile read, you just have to keep an open mind. This is Darynda, after all.

maferg01's review against another edition

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I don't usually enjoy YA series but I must say that I did enjoy this book. The characters are young with problems that young people have, but the story line is so engaging that the age of the characters didn't bother me. It has lots of action and is very similar to her Charlie Davidson series.

heather4994's review against another edition

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If you were to compare this YA series to Darynda Jones' Adult series, I think the Adult series is better. It's funnier, sexier and all around better. But this is just the first book in the series and it did keep me glued to the pages. There is a lot of mystery surrounding Lorelei's friend Cameron and the new guy Jared. They seem to hate each other and Lorelei is stuck in the middle. It's not a love triangle, more Lorelei is the peacekeeper, or tries to be.

Lorelei has two great best friends that, while secondary characters, play a major role in the book and are full characters in their own right. Brooke and Glitch have known each other and Lorelei forever and so the three have no secrets, there is no disbelief as to what is happening to Lorelei. She has someone to share the weirdness in her life with. The relationship between the three is a breath of fresh air when normally the main character is agonizing over telling his/her best friend about their supernatural life. Brooke and Glitch never question what is going on and join in on the adventures.

Grandma and Grandpa are who Lorelei live with since her parents disappeared and again, it's refreshing to see that she has a good relationship with them. They talk and share, Lorelei respects them and they respect her. It's easy to appreciate and believe what they have between them.

I think Darynda Jones' strengths, or one of the many, lie in portraying relationships, strong bonds, between friends and family, showing that "family" has many different meanings and the value of friends. It's one of the things I love most about both of her series.

I definitely recommend the series. I'll be reading the second soon.

hollydoesstuff's review against another edition

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I feel like I could have liked this more if I didn't have such high expectations based on how much I love Darynda Jones' Charley Davidson series. I still really really liked it. The characters are fun and likeable and the friendship that Lorelai shares with Brooklyn and Glitch feels real. Good start to the series.

git_r_read's review against another edition

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I love Darynda Jones and I love YA. That said, I didn't mega-love this story. Not sure what it was, maybe I was comparing too much to Darynda's Charley Davidson series (which I love). Maybe I'm not in tune with my inner high school chickie.
It felt a bit light in the boots when the suspense was on, no repercussions after most of the mayhem.
I did like the antagonism between the two brooding hotties, one an angel of death and one a protector.
I do rather think I will give the next in the series a shot. I want to see what's gonna happen and I do enjoy Lorelei's two best buddies. They are prize and make me grin. I hope more is in store for them.

shannon_cocktailsandbooks's review against another edition

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I love Darynda Jones. She creates these characters that are witty and charismatic that you instantly fall in love with them. With the Darklight series, she taking that same formula and given it a YA twist.

Our heroine Lorelei, a sophomore in high school, and her friends Brooklyn and Glitch, find themselves in the middle of a biblical battle between light and dark. With the help of her friends, and hot archangel Jared, Lorelei discovers there is more going on in their small New Mexico town than they ever imagined and they are right in the middle of it.

I loved Lorelei, Brooklyn and Glitch. Alone, I'm sure these three would just be regular 15 year olds. But when they're together, they become a comedic trio that make it an absolute joy to read. There is a bond between the three that is quite evident by how they interact with each other. They can be snarky one minute, lovable the next and a fierce battalion protecting one of their own after that. Even if they didn't believe one of their own 100%, they never left that person's side.

And I can't write this review without taking about Jared. Darynda Jones has a knack for creating these broody heroes who ooze hotness (can you say Reyes??). She's done an excellent job of having Jared teeter on the edge between the hot guy with the jerk appeal and the guy who feels almost too much. He's the right balance of both for Lorelei and quite frankly, for the reader too.

This was a fun book to read. The comedic elements mixed perfectly with the suspense around Jared and the biblical implications we are introduced to. This is a book that will definitely appeal to adult paranormal readers, while giving the teens someone to swoon over.

lesleyharrison's review against another edition

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I received this as a first reads giveaway. I had never heard of the author, but I was drawn to the book immediately after reading the description. I love the witty dialogue between the characters. Lorelei may be a small teenager, but dang, this girl can hold her own. Her sidekicks, Brooklyn and Glitch, are quite likable as well, and I loved how the three of them always seemed to be together supporting each other. Cameron and Jared...loved them! Jared is the Angel of Death, but so what?! So glad that Cameron wasn't just some creepy stalker, and I like how Brooklyn seems to have some control over him. In a sea of so many YA vampires and YA dystopian books, this book was refreshingly original. The interactions between the five characters made for a great read. I'm excited to see more of this series. Now, I will have to check out Darynda Jones' Charley Davidson series to see if I like it just as much.

lynseyisreading's review against another edition

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Well, this was enjoyable. But, let's face it, Darynda Jones could re-write the phonebook, get Lorelei King to read it to me, and it would be enjoyable. She's just that awesome, and has an absolutely wicked sense of the comical. That said, it wasn't in the same league as her Charlie Davidson series. It started off well, got kinda muggy in the middle, dumped a load of info in my lap, and promptly left. Which is just rude.

At the moment jury's out as to whether I'm moving forward with this one...

3 stars ★★★★

vidu25's review against another edition

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I wanted to like this. I really did. But after the extremely sexist beginning half of the book, by the latter half I didn't really care much. Barring Glitch and Cameron occasionally, none of the characters make you feel much. I'm really let down because I absolutely loved the Charley Davidson series by the same author. Hopefully this series gets better too.