
Kingdom Cold by Brittni Chenelle

shittykawa's review

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This book was fairly generic but still enjoyable. I found the writing style to be plain, which was a big turn off for me, and I've read books with plots like this dozens of times. Overall, it's good, but not particularly special.

I received an advance review copy for free, and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

itsareadlief's review

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I love this book! I am very pleased that I chose to read this book. The story is fantastic, fast pacing and chapters filled with plot twists. This book offers a great reading experience. It’s been a long time since I enjoyed a young adult novel as much as I enjoyed this book. Filled with well-defined characters, unpredictable plots, battles after battles and political strategies, this book is a gem! I am so excited to read what the author plans for us next! I cannot recommend this book enough! Please read this!

Full review here:

onepageatatime88's review

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This book was given to me by NetGalley for an honest review.

I felt like this book lacked adventure, excitement and a bit rushed. It was difficult to connect with any of the characters.

marshmallowpudding's review

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i want to read this so bad & the author actually sent me a review request in january but being the stupid person i am, i opened the email six months late and the link to my review copy has already expired 😭😭

update [7/7/2019]: i'm so, so excited omg - the author's the kindest, and she sent me a new review copy! can't wait to begin reading this ♡

my thoughts

i received a review copy of this book from the author in exchange for an honest review. all opinions below are my own.

kingdom cold was a short, fun read, and i liked it.

the book features characters from a wide range of ethnic groups – there’s so much diversity, and i loved it! on top of that, the story is told from the perspectives of different characters, and i was completely engrossed. i enjoyed reading about how different characters deal with their internal struggles (maybe except for prince emmett – that guy’s a real douchebag, more on that later), and they actually sound different from each other – i’ve read other stories told from multiple points of view, where every single character sounds exactly the same, and i sometimes got confused about which pov i’m reading, but that did not happen for me this time.

the story is strikingly similar to the 2019 remake of aladdin – a princess being courted, a handmaiden who’s also the princess’s best friend, war and princes competing for the princess’s hand in marriage. the 9-year-old fairytale-obsessed girl in me was screaming in joy. i loved reading about the castles and royalty from faraway lands and dungeons and knights. i also really liked the small reference to camelot, and can’t wait to find out more about it in the next book. (will there be a new character named king arthur? what about the excalibur sword? i need to know.) BIG YES to the fairytale feels.

but – there were some things i disliked.

princess charlotte is my age, but as much as i wanted to, i could not relate to her at all. she’s so immature and overmature at the same time – her ways of dealing with the problems she comes across are really childish, yet her somewhat serious attitude is comparable to that of an adult. also, i hated her whining. i consider myself a highly tolerant person, but at one point i found her complaining so unbearable i had the urge to reach through my kindle screen and punch her in the face.

also, in my opinion, the author could have handled prince emmett’s racist and sexist comments more properly. i mean, putting those words in the villain’s mouth might (really, really subtly) imply they are problematic, but i think it would be much more appropriate to address the problem more clearly. just, look at these sentences, taken from the book:

she looked older up close, with laugh lines around her eyes and her mouth. what did she have to be happy about?

she was a worthy reward for ruling over besmium.

no, i’d destroy them all. if i couldn’t have charlotte, no one could. if i didn’t sit on the besmian throne, no one would.

“just look at you.” he grinned. “and more importantly, look at me.”
i blinked with disbelief.
“fair skin, eyes the color of beryl stone, golden locks.”
i huffed. “so, i imagine in your world that’s superior somehow?”
“in every world that’s superior.”

the author’s definitely going in the right direction by including characters from different backgrounds and (attempting to) address problems such as racism and sexism. but yeah, i wish it could have been done better. (╯·╰)

still, i liked the overall outline of the story, and i loved! loved! loved! the diversity! i’m looking forward to reading the next two books in the trilogy (i heard one of them will be about prince minseo? i can’t wait!)

this review first appeared on my blog, marshmallow pudding

shaunnareads's review

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I received a copy of Kingdom Cold free from Netgalley. This does not affect my opinion of this novel.

Kingdom Cold is an easy and fast-paced YA fantasy novel set against an Arthurian back-drop. Brittni Chenelle has a nice writing style that flows easily, and allows the reader to fly through the book pretty quickly.

However, I felt like this novel could have done with some heavier editing. There was one too many POVs in Kingdom Cold and, with none of the character’s voices feeling particularly distinctive, it sometimes became a little confusing if I forgot to check whose chapter it was when reading — especially when a fair portion of the first part of book was dual-perspective, and then suddenly three more perspectives were added out of the blue. The pacing was also an issue for me, with the timing making little sense (like how fast journeys were made), and many of the scene changes feeling clunky and abrupt.

Lastly, Kingdom Cold suffered heavily from insta-love, which I really can’t stand when reading novels. Plenty of YA authors have managed to write realistic, fleshed-out romances without resorting to this awful trope, and I wish more would take note. I also found it difficult to connect with the characters, and that made their adoration for each other all the less believable.

Overall, I think Kingdom Cold had the potential to be a decent YA fantasy novel but, in the end, fell short and failed to bring anything new to the table.

reading_robyn's review

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Thank you Netgalley for the ebook ARC of this book. I reallllllllly tried to read this book but I cannot finish it. The writing is a bit juvenile for me and the fact that the princess is flighty is on my nerves. I mean in my mind as a royal you know what is expected of you and at the very beginning she is throwing a temper tantrum about being betrothed to a prince and then the next thing you know she is shooting an arrow at him to kill him. Then when she meets him in person she wants him?? I can’t

myth's review

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The first several chapters of this book were fun because it felt like the author was having loads of fun writing it. Then we ran into the same problem as Court of Ruins, namely that the author either needs her money back or needs to pay her editor more, depending on the rates involved.

Obviously this book gets a little more leeway because it is self published, but words mean things. When they are consistently used incorrectly there is a problem.

Further, while the beginning was super fun, right around the time Drethen attacked the main castle I realized that the author and the book had no idea about things like castle walls, battle tactics, or indeed weaponry in general. All of this could be forgiven if so much time wasn't dedicated to talking about them. For future reference, folks: stay in your fortress. It's much more likely to end well for you than sending every single soldier you have out through the front gates to fight a gigantic army.

That's only one example. There are myriad.

Anyway I was also tired of Everything Being All About Charlotte All The Time. There was a war on. Maybe think about your romantic drama later when your citizens are safe, or possibly just think about your citizens at all ever, and while we're here pay attention to your mother, the only person other than Leon with a brain cell for more than one chapter.

jessicabeckett's review

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Blog | Twitter | Instagram | As a note, a copy of this novel was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review. This does not effect my opinions in any way. Review also found here at Booked J.

Get ready for one of the most dazzling YA releases of the year. Not only is Kingdom Cold intense and thrilling, it is culturally diverse and full of twists and turns. If you're looking for something romantic and action-packed to sink your teeth into in 2019, look no further than Brittni Chenelle's Kingdom Cold. You won't be able to put this novel down, I guarantee it.

You'll notice right way that Kingdom Cold was crafted with the utmost care and detail. Vivid as it is quick, the novel itself grips you from the very first page. I had this feeling within the first chapter that it wouldn't go quite the way I expected, and it truly does not. Whereas many authors fall flat in terms of keeping their stories unexpected, this is never the case for Kingdom Cold.

At first, I felt a little daunted by the general shortness of the novel. Its overall length is just shy of 300 pages. Yet, Chenelle makes good use of every single page of her book and, in many ways, teaches her contemporaries just how to tell a story that is near perfect in execution. Kingdom Cold doesn't fall victim to its pacing, nor its length, and every chapter flows together effortlessly.

Another thing you'll notice is that the characters each have their own distinct voice which is, of course, a necessity in story-telling. In each of their voices, you'll find many traits that make up a series of wonderfully strong characters.

They aren't the sort of characters you'll soon forget. You'll favor some and fear others. One thing's for sure: you'll love or love to hate them. I found the development of each character to be refreshingly real and unexpected. I came into the story expecting one thing from specific characters, and ended up receiving something else entirely.

(I'm looking at you, BETRAYAL IN THE FINAL QUARTER OF THE BOOK. I won't say who, because spoilers and it's definitely an experience.)

From Charlotte, and her husband to be, Young, to his brother, Minseo, all the way to the secondary characters scattered throughout, there is something compelling about each of them. I'd say that the characters, and their growth, are the best part of the book, but the truth is that Kingdom Cold has so many brilliant qualities to it, it'd be impossible to say which is the absolute best.

Not a page goes by without a deeply intriguing moment of betrayal, those signs of subtle cruelty that come with being both a royal and a human, to action and to love.

The thing about Kingdom Cold is that it will build you up and break your heart. It is fitting that I read this book on a cold day that was full of freezing rain mixed with snow--it fit my mood, and the atmosphere of this book, perfectly. At the end of the day, I adored this book and only wish to have one more moment with it--especially after its final pages.

It'd be foolish to miss out on Kingdom Cold. Consider this your must-read of 2019.

si0bhan's review

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In a world where it’s difficult to find a young adult fantasy novel which does not follow the same formula of every other book in the genre, Brittni Chenelle’s Kingdom Cold offers us something different. The title and the cover may have the markings of other such books, but the story itself stands out.

It is a story where you do not know how things are going to play out, where elements are constantly introduced to leave you guessing what is going to come next. Even when things come together in the unexpected of ways in the end, you think you know what we will be given in the last few pages, only to be given another element that leaves you thinking wow. If there is to be a sequel of this, I’m certainly curious how the unexpected will come into play with something we think we know.

Now, as much as I enjoyed the unexpected nature of this story, it was a three-star rating. It was fun, it was different, but I do feel as though it wasn’t quite as fleshed out as it could have been. I’m someone who very much enjoys lots of details, where the fantasy worlds are elaborate, and I feel as though this one wasn’t quite up to the standard I usually like. I feel we only touched upon the surface of the world, and I would have liked a bit more depth. There was certainly potential, but we didn’t get everything we could have.

I think, in some ways, it was because so much happened throughout this one. With so much happening throughout, it almost felt like multiple books were combined in one. Instead of having a series worth of books dealing with all the things introduced, everything is dealt with in one book. It made the book difficult to put down, but I think this was done at the sacrifice of some other things.

Kingdom Cold was certainly a fun read and is worth reading if you’re after something different in the genre.

prags's review

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For full review - Kingdom Cold on The Inked In Book Blog

Kingdom Cold is the story of Princess Charlotte and how she agrees to get married under parental pressure in order to save her kingdom from war. As the story progresses, we learn more about what Charlotte is facing, meet her betrothed, see her fall in love after fighting all odds, and winning.

What I love most about this book has to be the plot. It is so very engaging and interesting and keeps you on your toes at all times. One thing after the other just keeps happening and you’re so sucked into the story that I don’t recommend reading it unless you have some time on your hands because you’ll want to finish it one sitting. It is a relatively short book with a little over 250 pages, so it is a pretty quick read and that is also amazing.

However, this book is a little too fast paced. Like, the characters aren’t out of one situation before they’re thrust into another one, and though that is fun and interesting, it did take away from the characters because we never got to see them take a moment. There wasn’t really much place for some slow, profound thought because stuff kept happening and happening.

Coming to the characters, I absolutely adore both Charlotte & Young (her LI). They’re very similar in some ways and very different in others. They both love their kingdom, their people a lot and understand their responsibilities as rulers. They’re both brave and unafraid and willing to die for the sake of others, be it friends or family and that is beautiful. But, Charlotte is definitely the more outgoing one out of the two. She is also the one who wears her emotions on her sleeves, while Young is the sort to bottle his feelings up to make it easier for the others.

Together, they’re one amazing couple and I loved how the little bits of their relationship was showed in the story. I loved how even after Charlotte wasn’t welcoming of Young, he agreed to marry her, and he stayed because he is a man of honour.

However, it seemed like everyone in the book was falling in love with someone only after spending a little time together and that was annoying. But, it did make sense in some way and it definitely gave characters motive to act in a certain way. So, I’m not too mad about that, especially since nothing was drawn out for too long and no one spent months and years trying to chose one suitor.

The ending, though. It broke my heart. But, some things that happened were absolutely awesome and after that, I am so looking forward to the next book in this trilogy because it is going to be so freaking shit awesome!

All in all, it was a very interesting and engaging read and I would recommend if you were in the mood for a fast paced and interesting fantasy! 🙂