
Stay by A.L. Jackson

bookaddict1975's review

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🎧 Audio Review 🎧

LOVE LOVE LOVE this book! This book will hit every emotion you have at least twice! Its twisty, sad, sweet and sexy all in one. Willow has had a lot of loss in her life and she is just trying to go through the motions of living when Ash appears on her doorstep (almost literally). Ash is a rocker with a lot of guilt about the past who is planning to live his life in the fast lane making no real connections to anyone except the people already in his life. These two have great chemistry and they are a big ball of issues but together they might just get past them! This entire series has been great but this one is probably my favorite <3

The narration was PERFECT!!! Andi Arndt and Zachary Webber are both excellent narrators and were a great choice for this book!

nb247's review against another edition

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A.L. Jackson has made me a Sunder groupie. I fan girl with every new story. Amazing, sexy, heart wrenching, soul touching and love reassuring are all appropriate in describing this series!

montanna88's review

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Ash is my favorite! Gosh I just love him and Willow so much! Their story is so beautiful and full of emotions.

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★★★★✩✩✩ 4.75 chaotic stars!

The author does it again! The Bleeding Stars series continues to blow my feels out of the water! Ash Evans and Willow Langston's story was nothing I had expected and it was sooo much more.

With him, it was always the same.
Turmoil and mayhem.
Chaotic Comfort.
Disordered Relief.

Ash is a playboy, arrogant, tattooed rock star living a musicians life filled with endless women and fame and taking this world to the fullest. He lived a carefree life who had experienced love before and vowed to never fall again. Until he was saved by the mysterious Willow where his eyes begin to open to seeing more; however, his darkest secrets (one in particular) could ruin everything. Avoid, deny, and pretend.

"Sometimes we get so comfortable behind the protection of our walls, we forget we ned to step out from behind them to actually live."

The woman with the big chocolate eyes, Willow is living day by day and continuing the dreams of her mother. Unknown to much outside her store she is unaware of anything more and prefers to live within life of her store until that stranger she saves give her the chills she had least expected. Little did she know that he was the answer to her prayers. Wanting and needing can be complicated and thanks to her past she avoids letting anyone in.

"Love is never cut and dry. It's messy. Confusing. Sometimes it's ugly and sometimes it's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen."

The words flowing out of the story was like reading a beautiful poetry of two broken souls...wishing, seeking, but utterly afraid. Two people who are as different as night and day and who had encountered each other under dire circumstances. They share something deeper than they could explain. It will pull your emotions in different directions and have you fall hard, deep, and lost into their world. Get ready for your heart to become out of whack in good and bad ways. In the end it will all be worth experiencing their journey.

millerbca's review

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Beautiful ❤

Beautifully and flawlessly written. How do you write a review for a book that is so beautifully written? I have no words to describe the story of Willow and Ash. I laughed, I blushed, and I cried through the story of Willow and Ash catching their dreams. There is so much emotion flooding this story that you can't put it down. You get sucked in the vortex finding love.

"Chasing dreams always came with a risk. Dreams that scattered and blew and so often seemed out of reach. But eventually, those dreams? They settled and took root. They found the one place they were meant to Stay."

This is one of those books that even though I have in ebook, I have to have a paperback. So I raise my glass and salute you Mrs. Jackson on a job fabulously done. I applaud you on all the blood, sweat and tears you poured into this amazing tale of love.

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Out of all the books in the Bleeding Stars series that I've read so far, this one is my favourite. Not really sure why, but it's the one that once I got into it, I had trouble putting it down.

Ash is the wild ladies man in the band, Sunder. He's a lover of women, but never the same one feelings unless it's just in feeling good. Unfortunately his encounter with the wrong woman gets him a beat down from a group of dudes who basically leave him for dead. And then a lovely shop owner comes to his rescue.

Willow is a struggling antique shop owner. She's lonely and been burned in love, but something awakens inside her as soon as she lays eyes on the bloody mess that is Ash. He makes her an offer that's tough to refuse in gratitude, but is it more than she can take? She won't be another random hookup.

This story dealt with some heavy emotions featuring a lot of guilt and the games we play with ourselves that stop us moving forward with our lives. We deserve happiness and love, even if we've made mistakes in the past.

Yeah, this book captured me in its spell. I loved it.

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Words can't describe hmm ow happy I am that Ash finally gave into his heart and he and Willow have their happy ending you just want to hug him and tell him it's all going to be ok.

cooterbooter's review against another edition

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Ash and Willow’s story tugged on your every emotion. I found myself rooting for their love even with the plot twist. I loved the build up to something amazing and how things got so twisted in the end. The unexpected led to the most amazing ending and I’m saddened that there are no more pages to read lol. Such a good read.

mamabookwyrm's review against another edition

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I wasn’t sure how I was going to respond to Ash’s story. I love the Sunder boys but I’m one of those women who doesn’t really like the playboys. And while all the Sunder boys were a bit manwhorish, Ash seemed to be the epitome of the word. Then there was the fact that Austin had straight out stolen my heart and I didn’t think he was going to give even the smallest piece of it back. I was not expecting Ash to sneak in and steal it out from underneath him. And that’s exactly what happened. Like the other books in this series, Stay is written in a beautiful, lyrical style that is almost poetical. It makes it easy to devour the book and I did—in one sitting. I could not put this down.

Ash is always readily available with a cocky grin or a cheesy smile and a pickup line. He’s bold, crude, loud and appears to eat life in large chunks. Little did we know that it was all a mask hiding a whole lot of pain and guilt. But this man has a huge heart. And he’s definitely sexy and swoon-worthy. Willow has had the shit end of the stick for so long and her dreams are slipping out of her hands. She’s been broken but she won’t let it make her weak. I love it when she gets sassy. The banter between the two often made me smile and giggle. The chemistry and sexual tension and me reaching for a fan (and it’s been below freezing here!). And of course, I loved seeing the rest of the boys and their women.

This book had my heart broken and bleeding for these two. They are extremely complex characters with flaws, insecurities and intricacies. There were so many emotions within these pages—heartache, anger, frustration, pain, triumph, heat, humor. All the damn feels—this is a book that’ll definitely stay with you. It definitely had an impact on me—especially Willow and her quiet strength. This is definitely one of my must-reads of 2017.

I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book.
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Arc provided in exchange for an honest review.

I loved Willow and Ash; I loved their personalities and how they balanced each other. I sometimes felt that the lyrical writing distracted from their story. I also guessed the big secret early and felt it was revealed too late with too little discussion. I was very satisfied with the ending.