
Gone, Gone, Gone by Hannah Moskowitz

akweley_mazarae's review against another edition

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This was kind of interesting to me because though I have heard of the Beltway sniper, it is still before my time, and I don't know much about it.

This book was kind of difficult for me to get into at first, but whn I realized Lio had a part, I was like, YES! I loved Lio, that was my favorite part the whole time.
Everything else took me a while to get used to especially Craig

tesch18's review against another edition

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Pretty good overall, nothing bad about this book. I read thru it almost one sitting, so it's not like the pacing wasn't there. But I also felt like not a lot happened in this book -- which is fine, it was a slice of life sort of book! And I normally like those quite fine, but it wasn't exactly what I wanted to read right now. Really loved that the main characters were black and Jewish, on top of both being gay. I found myself thinking how wonderfully REAL the dialogue and characters' thoughts were while I was reading.

Probs wouldn't recommend it outright, but if a person asked me if it was good & if they should read it, I'd respond in the affirmative to both. (& would also probs suggest that they pick up Mosckowitz's other novel Teeth, which was one of my favourite reads of this year.)

slammy90's review against another edition

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Sono perplessa. Molto perplessa!!
Ho letto lodi sperticate su questa autrice, sono impazzita a cercare il suo libro "Break", che era sulla bocca di tutti e quando finalmente leggo un suo libro, mi ritrovo con una buona idea, buoni personaggi a livello potenziale e uno sviluppo che in più di un'occasione mi ha fatto storcere il naso.
L'ho finito solo perché era breve e perché speravo davvero succedesse qualcosa! E invece no ._.
Certe parti sono addirittura pruriginose e mi è presa voglia di menare le mani..
Craig, il protagonista mi ha davvero davvero fatto antipatia. E non so nemmeno dare un motivo, perché povera stella è una persona che chiaramente ha dei problemi da risolvere: la sua insonnia, il suo bisogno insormontabile di avere a fianco QUATTORDICI animali. le questioni con l'ex fidanzato.. Eppure tutti i suoi vaneggiamenti e le sue azioni mi hanno fatto perdere la pazienza!
Lio di contro l'ho trovato parecchio sciapo e inutile. La storia è narrata dal POV di Craig e Lio, ma mentre il primo qualche reazione/emozione me l'ha suscitata, il secondo mi ha lasciato fredda, non è riuscita per niente a coinvolgermi.
La trama è debole, è furba e meschina: non basta mettere in mezzo l'attacco alle Torri Gemelle e la malattia per fare un buon libro! Anzi, non è nemmeno corretto! E poi, no, non ha senso..
Vogliamo parlare delle sparatorie a cui assistono Lio e Craig e che fanno impazzire la cittadina?! Ma stiamo parlando sul serio?!
Sarà che sono una disillusa, disincantata e cinica, ma a me questa storia puzza di imbroglio bello e buono. "Ma sì, freghiamo i lettori con due,tre elementi strappalacrime, con personaggi che fanno tenerezza, con una storia improbabile! Tanto ci cascheranno tutti!". Ennò, Hanna, a me non freghi!

rosepetals1984's review against another edition

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When considering my impressions of Hannah Moskowitz's "Gone, Gone, Gone" - words fail me. For my second read of Moskowitz's work, I was very impressed - the writing draws you in and doesn't let go until the last page. I thought this coming of age novel featuring the narrative between two 15-year old boys living in the aftermath of 9/11 and during the D.C. sniper shootings was very well portrayed. The story revolves around Lio and Craig, who both have their own share of recovering to do in the wake of these events. Lio's a cancer survivor who lost his twin brother to the illness, and toggles between therapy sessions to help him cope with his fragmented family. Craig pines over a love lost after tragedy strikes in the family of his ex-boyfriend, and copes with a break in that results in the loss of many of his pets - whom he has to seek out and recover them.

I think one of the things that really grabbed me about the book were the narratives of the boys themselves - they felt authentic and it was easy to get to know them. Their quirks were adorable, their flaws palpable, and the way they interact with each other makes them well worth following even through some of the difficult themes. It manages to be light and funny, while at the same time sensitive to the grief the boys have and portraying their respective thoughts in a given time. I thought their chemistry was spot on, and even through some of the rough spots they move through, it was welcoming to see how they connected and ultimately took in the reality of what was happening around them. "Gone Gone Gone" is intimate without overselling the emotions and works very well in a slice of life/coming of age narrative with a fair share of tough subjects that hit the core my heart as I was reading it.

I definitely think this is a book worth reading for those who enjoy reading YA realistic fiction with characters that are so identifiable they become something beyond the pages they're written on.

Overall score: 4/5

kelly_cosgrove's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging emotional reflective tense medium-paced


andreasp's review against another edition

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Gone, Gone, Gone is immensely enjoyable and I'm so looking forward to read her other books. Damn excited!

The story is about Craig and Lio who lives in Maryland. It's set a year after the 9/11 where unfortunately, shootings are still prevalent and that people are scared and both of them have their own problems. Craig misses his boyfriend, Cody, who got separated from him and he likes Lio where he still has feelings for Cody and Lio kinda likes him too and it's just too confusing for them.

Craig is, um, I really don't know what to say. Once again, her writing made the characters as if they were real people. It's just awesome. He's confused and frustrated as he got separated from Cody, plus the fact that he's not returning any of his e-mails. Then he met Lio and he liked him. So much. And he has to look out for his escaped animals and that's pretty much what he does. But I like them.

Lio. He likes Craig and a bit sad to find that he still cares about Cody. He helped him in finding his animals and e-mailed him too. Gosh, I love this couple. They're cute and unique. And it's amazing how simple things like a kiss or an e-mail are able to shake up their feelings.

I'm utterly at a loss of words. This novel is just outstanding. So can't get enough. And I don't want to assume anything, but I sincerely hope that eventually they'll be together. And that ending which was totally relieving, phew. I absolutely adore Ms. Moskowitz now!

bookmerized's review against another edition

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I'm not even sure where to go with this review! I loved loved loved loved the prose. I have so many pages dog eared to read later. Craig and Lio express real, raw emotions that seem to be very mature for 15 year olds. The subplot with the post 9/11 shootings was interesting. That said, there really wasn't a plot. Which is weird!

luam's review against another edition

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great characters c:
sometimes i got lost with their trains of thought though...

kirstyledain's review against another edition

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A heart-warming little piece about love and a little bit of neuroses. It’s rare that I find a book that centres around romance that I can bare, which is what makes this book pretty special.
Thanks to my dude Robyn for borrowing me her copy.

shamelesslyash's review against another edition

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Set to the timeline of the 2002 DC sniper shootings, this novel is has an interesting way of showing you a love story between two boys. The shootings are talked about a lot in the book as it is a huge event happening while Craig and Lio are getting to know one another. I do find that since this is set in 2002 there are some very interesting plot points when it comes to the LGBT part of the book. The fact that Craig's parents are okay with him being gay is almost refreshing. The book wasn't spent with him and Lio having to hide the fact that they like each other. Also the school being totally on board for a GSA was almost surprising. Though school's have to allow the club there still was much fighting going on when in the early 2000s for the club. I know at my high school the GSA was called 'support club' because the school didn't want to the word gay in it...and this is from a school in Los Angeles!

I wish there was more talk about Craig and his need to talk animals end. There is mention is has to do with his ex, Cody, but other than that most of the focus is on Lio and how he had cancer and a twin who died from cancer.

All in all I found this was an easy read and I couldn't put it down. Just wish there was a little more at the end to see how Craig and Lio do after the snipers were arrested.