
Blood Rose Rebellion by Rosalyn Eves

fyrekatz's review

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Review should be coming soon on blog!

gaymoonreader's review

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I would love to say that I absolutely loved this novel. But ultimately, this book fell kind of flat to me. Now it has a lot of potential. I think it started out pretty strong, and it was an interesting concept. I was really intrigued by the world and the magic system. That’s what originally intrigued by this novel, and it was why I wanted to read it. However, while the concept was super interesting, the execution of it wasn’t the best in the novel.

Let me explain. The magic system was pretty much mixing Catholicism with a little bit of magic. There was a government that was controlling the magic use and who was allowed to use it or even have it. Similar to your first communion, your confirmation evaluates how in tune you are with magic and how much you even have. I loved this concept because not only was it displaying the flaws in government control, and it was a different take on magic, different from anything I had read before. And while I did love the magic system, I had a problem with it being more like background noise. It just isn’t even part of the main focus. Next to all the drama that unfolds in this novel, it just wasn’t a big deal or even something that was explained a lot or touched upon, really. That was just really disappointing to me.

But I would say the main reason I just had such a problem with this was that nothing actually happened over the course of this novel. This is over four hundred pages with a plot that didn’t really go anywhere. It felt like a lot of filler. Pretty much the entire thing was nothing but filler. It felt like there was a lot of build up with no end result. Like we were waiting for this fantastic ending that just never came. The ending was very disappointing to me.

I also had a problem with the characters. I think that our main character Anna does go through some character development, but I had a huge problem with her character. The thing with this society is women are viewed as inferior, just something to look at it or to do tricks, and people who don’t have magic (like Anna) are treated like heretics in that society. Anna spends almost the entire book trying to do what is proper in society’s eyes. She tries to find a husband and tries to fit into society while ignoring those who want to fight back against this government and against this tyranny. Those who want a better world, and it just seemed like she didn’t care. This book just didn’t challenge that portrayal of women hardly at all, and as a feminist, that was something I had a big problem with.

I also just was not a fan of the romance. I didn’t get Anna’s appeal to Gabor. Like was it just that he’s a gypsy? Like I just don’t understand. His character, like many of the characters in this story, was just very one dimensional, and I did not feel any chemistry between them. I just never understood why she was so drawn to him and because of that, I just could not get behind the romance in this story.

One thing I did enjoy was the writing, however. I loved the simplistic style that Rosalyn had, and it did make it a little bit easier to get through the book. While it didn’t have the vivid descriptions and imagery I was expecting, I did enjoy how it made the book easier to read.

Overall, this book was just not for me. I didn’t like the plot or the characters. But I did enjoy her writing style. I’m not saying you all would not enjoy this. I think this book was just not my cup of tea. If you think this synopsis sounds interesting, then go for it, but I personally just did not enjoy this novel.

enyafleur's review

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Note to future self: you stopped reading it because MC had no self respect for herself. Pined after a boy who kissed both her and her sister. May feature interesting setting, but the MC bothered you too much. Maybe future me will have a higher tolerance level.

yellowranger87's review

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I liked the concept of this book but had a tough time staying interested. The writing was good, the setting was unique, and it was easy to get sucked in at the very beginning. However, about half way through I found myself struggling to continue. I think I was expecting a strong, bad-ass female lead and when it became clear I wasn't going to get that I started to lose interest. I suppose this could be a good story for the right audience so I'll pass my copy on to someone who might enjoy it more. I did appreciate the writing style of the author.

mimiilla's review

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*I received an ARC of this book from Penguin Teen in exchange for an honest review*

Head on over to my blog to check out the full review:

For me, this book was not my cup of tea. The prose was incredibly elegant, but at times I found myself not focusing. A lot of the time, I had to force my attention back to the book and plot, which was very frustrating.

One thing that I caught myself thinking: it's like the author tried to fit too many genres in one book. I went in to the book expecting a historical fiction with romance and magic. Don't get me wrong, it had all these things! It just had other elements I wasn't expecting.
SpoilerThe whole thing with the monsters completely threw me for a loop. Also chimaera?? That was really random.

Another thing I wanted to talk about: the romance. I was expecting an average amount of romance, and maybe the dreaded love triangle. For me, there wasn't particularly a lot of romance, which I didn't particularly like.

I think someone who enjoys historical fiction would absolutely love this book! I just wasn't particularly head over heels for it.

That being said, I will definitely read the other books! I believe it's going to be a trilogy.

michellehenriereads's review

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I was surprised when I started reading to see that the novel was written in first person. I wondered how I would like it without having the omniscient voice. After the first few pages I forgot that I was reading a first person POV and was completely engrossed.

I loved the setting, corresponding to pre-WWI in our universe. The tension building through the countries of Hungry and England felt accurate. The Romani (gypsy) people have been maligned for years and it became more pronounced during the wars.

One of the most important elements in a novel are the characters. The protagonist is Anna Arden, who is faced with a dilemma that she doesn't appear to have magic like the others in Luminate society. She is an outcast in society, doesn't fit in with the other classes and is searching for meaning in her life. Anna starts on a daring plan to ...

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emlove's review

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Enjoyable while I was reading it, but I did have a hard time picking it back up again and again. Anna bothers me, but I can't put my finger on why at the moment. Maybe it's because she just trips along and things work out for her....I will most likely read the next book only because I'm interested in Hunger and how all of his creatures are going to work out.

bailo2's review

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I'm really torn about this one. There were a lot of things I loved about it! I loved the plot, the time period, and the beautiful incorporation of Eastern European mythology. I even loved the magic system though I think it could be confusing for some readers. But there was just something about it that didn't resonate with me. While the book formulaic speaking has all the elements for success, the prose and characters just lacked a certain sense of heart, leaving the book a bit stiff. I think the author has a lot of potential. And I think this is a great first attempt. But I wouldn't call the book compelling beyond its initial plot hooks.

owlyreadsalot's review

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3.5 Stars

Right away the reader is introduced to Anna and all that runs through her mind as her family is getting ready to debut her sister Catherine into the Luminate society. I can see a girl who has been scorned by her mother, and those around her, because of her lack of magic. It has made for a character who is spiteful and misunderstood.

"Without magic, everything about me was suspect: my lineage, my quality, my education, my very self. I had no hope of belonging to Luminate society unless I could marry into power, but Mama frequently pointed out, no one of any position would choose someone so flawed. I would have no fancy debut, as Catherine would, because it would serve no purpose."

Anna is a tough character to feel for, she does so many things without caring for the consequences that may come, but she has also gone through much herself that has led her to be a certain way about things. I find myself with mixed feels over her character and very much not liking her mother one bit. Her father on the other hand, shows that not all of them are the same, even if he may not be as innocent either with all things magic related.

I couldn't get enough of the world though, how their magical powers existed, the different abilities that were out there, what that meant for everyone. It was the main reason that kept me reading and intrigued. Even though there were a few things that didn't seat well with me, I wanted to know more about its existence and the magical elements that made up these elite groups.

"Though in theory most Luminate had equal access to magic through the Binding spell, in practice it was not always so. Casting spells, particularly large ones, required a focus and attention to craft that many people lacked. Thus, Papa was a relatively gifted Elementalist, but Mama had never progressed beyond basic-level spells: her debut spell, her soul sign, common Coremancer charms."

Even with faults in this read, some of them bigger than others, I very much enjoyed Blood Rose Rebellion. I loved the magic in it, Anna's discovery of something she never knew was around her, and the fight to reveal truths of those magical powers only a few had access to. It was an interesting novel that added monsters to the mix, making it much more compelling.

***I received this copy from Crown Publishing/Penguin Random in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.***

theskyisnew's review

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It was okay! I liked several things about it. I did enjoy the world building and moral grayness. I think the forced romance stuff made it less interesting.