
Просто вдвоем by Tammara Webber

akiikomori's review against another edition

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Guuuu…please don’t be mad at me for only reading this book now…..u_u (I just learned that this was a sad face :P). Tammara Webber’s Easy was one of the first books I read when I first picked up reading as a serious hobby back in 2012. I definitely remember reading it around the same time I read Jamie McGuire’s Beautiful Disaster. When reading Easy, all from Jacqueline’s POV I fell in love with Lucas/Landon, WHATEVER! Now reading Breakable, his back-story and POV of the events in Easy, I’ve definitely come to love him more as a bad-boy with a golden heart. And from what I recall, I think this is one of the few books I’ve read that take place in the present timeline and have flashback chapters which was very, very interesting.

Landon Lucas had a bright future ahead of him. He was talented, had a loving family to support him. But all of that changed when tragedy struck and Landon’s life changed forever. As a teen, he went through his rebellious phase, getting beat up, getting into fights, and straying away from his one promising future. Now an adult, he’s determined to do everything he can to clean up this mess and help this one girl who he thinks, can save him.

I will admit that this was not one of my favourite reads this year… I don’t know what it was, I liked Easy well enough, I should have liked Breakable. Maybe I just wasn’t in a good place (mentally), when I picked this book up and just felt like I couldn’t get into it. Also, me and my dumb self was really confused between the present POV and the past POV that I didn’t realize the story was being told from Lucas and Landon’s POV. A-DURRRRRR….. I think I realized that like…1/4 into the book.

Don’t get me wrong, I love Lucas/Landon, WHATEVER and I loved getting to know his entire back-story in this book and how it wasn’t just…the entire book just written in his POV with a few extra chapters. That would have been displeasing. I definitely looked forward to reading about his past rather than his present. Almost everything was the same as in Easy, except we got to know what he was thinking as he portrayed both characters.

I don’t know what it is about reading a book in female POV and then male POV but considering I had read the first book over a year before I read the sequel, I found myself trying to remember what happened in Jacqueline’s POV in comparison what was going on in Lucas’. I was so focused on “What happened, what’s different” rather than just getting lost in the book, which is usually why I wait for a series to finish. But when I first read Easy I had no idea Webber would write a followup.

All in all, Breakable is a wonderful companion novel that I think should be read after the first book. Again, maybe I just wasn’t in the mood to read it, or maybe it just felt a little long, but it was still a very enjoyable read, and one of the few books I’ve read that gave a thorough history of the male. Personally, I think I’d like Lucas a lot more than Landon ;)

4/5 Hearts of Love

magencorrie's review against another edition

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5 stars

My Review:

There are books that are must reads, ones that everyone should at least give a chance, ones that just kind of shake you to your core and leave with you an unbreakable feeling of wow. And, to me, Breakable is one of those books. It kind of shook me to my core and left me with a feeling of "wow, this book was amazing."

Breakable also gave a wonderful insight to the pretty remarkable character Lucas. I have to say I have never encountered a character like him and being inside his head was a splendid experience. He really is a diverse character with a complex depth to him. Seeing his story, through his eyes and his intricate and beautiful thoughts, really gave a great insight to just who Lucas is. And of course seeing his past was both heartbreaking and amazing. Watching him develop, overcome, and grow was just so fun of an experience and I’m so glad I got to be a part of it.

I loved how Tammara gave us flash backs of Lucas’s past; I felt she handle those so well. She also gave them at the perfect parts of the book and gave us the perfect glimpses of Lucas’s past to give us more depth of him. I enjoyed seeing just exactly what he experienced, how he saw them, felt, and how he handled everything that happened. Like I said before, that really gave so much of just who Lucas is.

I adore his character, definitely a lot more than I did in the first book, which I didn't think was possible. Watching him grow and how he saw Jacqueline, why he was so draw to her, was just so wonderful to see. He really is an intense, deep, and very heart felt guy. And that came through so much in the book.

I felt the pacing, like the flash backs, were done very well. I enjoyed the buildup of the plot, and though I knew what was going to happen, it all felt very fresh and new! I also love, just love, Tammara’s writing style. Her prose for the story, the flow, the development, and the characters she created were so well done. I was instantly swept away and I couldn't put this book down once I started!

I definitely suggest that lovers of Easy pick this one up, and if you haven’t read it, please give it a try! Both books are amazing, beautifully told, and deliver a powerful love story that echoes throughout you, and one I adore to pieces.

nikki52010's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed Lucas and hearing his side of the story as well as his back story on how he became man that he is. This series has a good message and the story is easy to fall in love with.

roglows's review against another edition

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really, really enjoyed this a lot. made me want to re-read Easy.

magikspells's review against another edition

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People who complain about this book are assholes. That is all

bitchie's review against another edition

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First off, any potential readers should know that this book does NOT stand alone on it's own. Readers should have read [b:Easy|16056408|Easy (Contours of the Heart, #1)|Tammara Webber||19113823] already, and if they haven't read [b:Easy|16056408|Easy (Contours of the Heart, #1)|Tammara Webber||19113823] already, GO, read it now. I'll wait.

Ok, we will be assuming from here that you have read Easy, and are quite familiar with the oh so delicious Landon Lucas Maxfield.

I don't usually read these alternate POV books. They feel like just a cash grab on the part of the author and the publisher to me, and seem to rarely add enough to the story to justify the price. I'd much rather these POV shifts be offered as a freebie on the author's blog, or as an incentive to buy a newer edition of the original book. However, there was enough unknown about Lucas' past, and enough of Easy that took place with Lucas and Jackie not together, that I was fairly confident that there would be plenty of new story to tell. And I was mostly right. This book was a good bit longer than Easy, and with the addition of Landon's wild younger days, roughly half of this story is brand new, and unrelated to the relationship between Lucas and Jackie(sorry Jacqueline, but that's just easier to type, so you will be known as Jackie in this review. I know you hate it, but this is my space, not yours).

This story is told in alternating chapters, from a teenaged Landon's POV of what happened to his mother, and how his life fell apart after that, to a present tense Lucas, who has been on the straight and narrow for the past several years, and who seems to have fallen for Jacqueline pretty much on sight.

We are shown just how much the loss of his mother really ruined Landon and his father. His father pretty much just stopped living. He quit his job and moved himself and Landon back to his father's, and went back to work on his fishing boat, the job and the place that he couldn't get away from fast enough. We learn about Landon's life in a new town, his lack of friends, and how he actually forms a genuine friendship with the school bad boy. Landon and Boyce fall into a life of booze and pot and sex, but thankfully, they never seem to be too far gone. Landon has a brief infatuation with a local girl, but after that blows up in his face, he sticks to out of towners, people he can't get attached to. There is a lot of Landon hooking up with these girls, and I've never been happier to be reading an author who isn't particularly graphic or descriptive with the sex. He pretty much has no future until one event forces himself out of the mess he's made of his life. Lucas told Jackie a bit about how he used to be, and the assault that nearly landed him in prison and spurred him to straighten himself out, but Unbreakable is a totally unapologetic look at just how far down Landon spiraled, and why he holds himself so tightly wound today.

Present tense, Lucas, as Landon now insists on being called, has been working his ass off. He managed to get into college with the help of family friend and professor Charles Heller. He works odd jobs around campus to pay his way, and pretty much keeps to himself otherwise. He prefers it that way. Until he sees Jacqueline. He doesn't even know why, but there is just something about her that calls to him. Too bad she has a boyfriend. And is in the class that he tutors. Both things that make her totally off limits to him. But he can't help himself from wanting her, from watching her every day in class. He swears to himself that he won't, can't, get involved, but after saving Jackie in that parking lot, and exchanging emails with her as his tutor alter ego, Landon, he just can't fight himself anymore.

A lot of the events told from Lucas' POV are going to be fairly familiar. We get another side to his texts and emails to Jackie, and we also see how much he agonizes over his deception(remember now, you read Easy, so you know about this part). He tries to stay away, but he just can't. First he says he'll just be Jackie's "Operation Bad Boy Phase", but as time passes, he realizes he feels much more than that.

I do think that these scenes added a lot to what was going on with Lucas. Would I recommend just the Lucas parts, without the Landon parts of the story? Maybe, to diehard Lucas fans, but it's the Landon parts that really filled this story in for me.

Now to be a bit nitpicky- locations and spellings. Growing up, Landon and his family lived somewhere near DC, I think maybe Virginia? And then Landon and his dad moved to the gulf, and mentions were made of San Antonio, so I'm guessing they lived in Texas now. However, Landon was able to visit the Hellers fairly easy, with just a 4-6 hour bus ride, but it's just not possible to drive from Texas to DC that fast. And also, the spellings, many words were more UK spellings than English spellings. Words like "kerb", "tyres", "fitted",etc. Nothing major, but they did pull me out of the story when I ran across them.

leahana's review against another edition

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The competing timelines weren’t working for me. The Lucas parts would have made more sense in book 1. I think it would have made me believe they liked each other more to hear his point of view as well. Landon’s back story would’ve been better as a prequel. The end was good. But ehh overall.

xlovelylaurencalistax's review against another edition

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I stand by everything I said in my review of Easy.

The scenes of intimacy were so incredible because they weren't just "Ooh so sexy," but also "Oh wow, that's love."

I loved getting to know Landon/Lucas on a more personal level. I loved knowing how he reacted to things, specifically his mother's death and his feelings toward Jacqueline.

Landon's grandfather...Oh my goodness. Best character ever. So hilarious and just a good man at heart. So was Charles Heller. Loved him. I just really adored the grandfather. You see how his dad was somehow coming around at the end and I smiled at that fact.

I want Lucas & Jacqueline to get married & I want to read about it so badly that I might just write a fanfic. But I'm too nervous about completely wrecking this brilliant story.

Quotes I adored (besides the ones in my updates):

-"Luck could be earned and created. It could be discovered. It could be regained."

-"Every moment was a before and an after. Every moment was a now to be lived."

shirleymak's review against another edition

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bitzan96's review against another edition

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emotional medium-paced
