
Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland

smalltownbookmom's review against another edition

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A forbidden friends to lovers, dual POV romance between a Music Professor Caine and his perpetually late TA Rachel turns steamy as they fail to resist their growing attraction to one another only for him to realize there's a connection between them tracing back to her traumatic childhood. Good on audio narrated by favs Sebastian York and Andi Arndt. This was steamy and fun but also covers some heavy issues including sexual abuse of minors and alcoholism/drug addiction of loved ones.

jbarr5's review

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Beautiful mistake by Vi Keeland
Rachel, teacher's assistant not only works at the bar every hour she can get but anything else that comes up. She's always late though and with the new professor that will be a problem-Caine West.
15 years prior he's also pretending to be a priest and hears confessions of others and some things that are divluged at disheartening to hear about. Social worker is notified and things happen.
See a different side of their relationship when she helps him tend to the little nieces while their mother goes through biopsy and Caine is beside himself.
They got off on the wrong foot and many other times they met one another, you wonder if they will ever get together...
Alternating chapters so you are able to hear both sides of the same story, cool.
Steamy sex scenes. Liked hearing how scars healed and why.
I received this book from National Library Service for my BARD (Braille Audio Reading Device).

ebso's review

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8/10 nothing special but readable / i think this is her worst book so far too predictablr

oxuria's review against another edition

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Ostatnim czasem bardzo dużo czytywałam książek, które wychodziły spod pióra i Penelope Ward, i Vi Keeland, ( „Milioner i bogini”, „Słodki drań”, „Romans po brytyjsku”, „Zbuntowany dziedzic”), ale jeśli chodzi o osobne powieści tych autorek, ich już tak jakoś nie miałam okazji – jedynie „Napij się i zadzwoń do mnie” od Ward. Jako duet pisarki stanowią dla mnie uosobienie humoru z pazurem i wciągającej historii, ale nie wiedziałam do końca, czego mogę się po nich spodziewać oddzielnie. Jednak nie musiałam czekać długo – niedawna premiera „Kuszącej pomyłki” Keeland wzbogaciła nieco mój ogląd na sytuację.

„Zawzięte zaprzeczanie jest zazwyczaj najgłośniejszym przyznaniem się do winy”. str. 178

Musicie wiedzieć jedno – literaturę kobiecą, jakiej przedstawicielkami są wspomniane dwie autorki, lubię, ponieważ mimo umieszczania w niej scen erotycznych (które nie są lubiane przez wszystkich czytelników) książka wcale na swojej wartości nie traci (i hej, na okładce w końcu nie ma gołej klaty!). Wręcz przeciwnie – czasem aż kipi humorem (tutaj sprawa indywidualna, bo jedna powieść będzie wydawała się śmieszniejsza od drugiej), ma w sobie jakieś przesłanie, które naprawdę może do człowieka trafić dzięki emocjonalnemu przywiązaniu do bohaterów. Dziwić więc Was nie powinno, że twórczość Vi Keeland – w duecie jak i osobno – spodobała mi się równie mocno.

„Kusząca pomyłka” jest własnie taką książką – kusi, śmieszy, ale i wzrusza. Zauważyłam wspólny mianownik w tytułach Keeland (jak i zarówno Ward)! W wielu swoich powieściach odwołuje się do uczuć czytelnika poprzez jakieś niejasne sytuacje z przeszłości powiązane z głównymi bohaterami. Jest to jakiś schemat, ale tak zaaranżowany, obudowany, że uwierzcie mi – nie mam z tym żadnego problemu. Zwłaszcza, jeśli gdzieś tam z głównym wątkiem powiązana jest muzyka. Na mnie wykorzystanie właśnie tego motywu w taki sposób zrobiło wrażenie! I dzięki temu fakt, że historia Caine'a i Rachel opiera się na relacji profesor-studentka (ale nie w taki oczywisty sposób) wcale mi tak nie wadziła. Wszystkiego dopełnia tłumaczenie, które bardzo miło się czyta.

kayladbruns's review against another edition

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I didn't like this as much as I was anticipating. It just really fell flat for me. It had so much promise to be more. The chemistry was there, but everything else was not.

I did like the way that Rachel and Cain met and when she found out that she was going to be his TA that semester. Their chemistry was off the charts! No matter how much they tried to deny it. It was almost like a slow burn reading this because you know it's going to happen but it seemed like it never would. When it finally happened, it was amazing!

There were a couple of reason I gave it 2 stars. The main reason was because of the back and forth. Their relationship was unprofessional from the beginning so all the hot and cold wasn't needed. speaking of hot and cold, I couldn't decide if I wanted to slap Cain or root for him. He took forever to tell Rachel that he knew her. He let that drag on way too long.

Rachel, oh Rachel. She wanted to come off as so strong and independent, but this girl put on her running shoes and chased Cain. Every time he pushed back like he wasn't interested, she would try to seduce him to get him to give in. Like I said hot and cold, one minute she was independent and didn't need a man and the next she was crying about re virginizing her vagina (not my words). Umm..just no.

Overall, like I said earlier the chemistry was there but it could have more in the character and story building department.

scvallese1's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. I have loved every book that I have read by Vi Keeland, and Beautiful Mistake was no exception.

Caine and Rachel meet under unusual circumstances while at a bar, only to discover that Rachel is Caine's teaching assistant a few days later. Their chemistry is off the charts right from the start, and you can feel that they struggle between what is the right thing to do, and what feels right.

Beautiful Mistake was well- written, and the characters were fun and dynamic. I loved their connection! This was very much a book that I would recommend, especially if you're looking for something a little different and has lots of romance!

morgandemming's review

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Perfect romance to get me out of my reading slump! I loved the little nuances that made the characters seem more real

katy_maybe's review

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anasatticbookblog's review against another edition

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Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland

Narrated by Sebastian York & Andi Arndt

Standalone Contemporary Romance
4.5 stars

I have read a couple of Vi Keeland books before, and they strike me as perfectly fun, sexy romcoms. Beautiful Mistake was getting so much buzz, that I grabbed it without reading the blurb. It’s a cute blurb that makes the book seem light and sweet, but it was much more.
The first time I met Caine West was in a bar.
He noticed me looking his way and mistakenly read my scowling as checking him out.
When he attempted to talk to me, I set him straight—telling him what I thought of his lying, cheating, egomaniacal ass.
You see, the gorgeous jerk had wined and dined my best friend--smooth talking her into his bed, all along failing to mention that he was married.
He deserved every bit of my tongue-lashing and more for what he'd done.
Especially when that lazy smile graced his perfect face in response to my rant.
Only it turned out, the man I'd just told off wasn't the right guy.
Oops. My mistake.
Embarrassed, I slunk out without an apology.
I was never going to see the handsome stranger again anyway, right?
That’s what I thought…until I walked into class the next morning.
Well, hello Professor West, I’m your new teaching assistant.
I’ll be working under you…figuratively speaking.
Although the literal interpretation might not be such a bad thing—working under Professor West.
This was going to be interesting…

I happen to like the student/teacher taboo trope, but since she was already 25 in this story, it never really had the forbidden factor for me, but that was OK. I didn’t miss it, because Professor Caine West was one fine dirty talking sex god! I loved how he was boss-like and flirty at the same time.
He studied me. “Lateness is a frequent occurrence for you, I take it?”
“Unfortunately, it is.”
“Then I should clarify something I said earlier.”
“Oh no, that’s not necessary. I won’t be late for your class.”
He took a step closer and leaned in. “I’m glad to hear that, Ms. Martin. But that’s not what needs clarification.”
I swallowed. God, he smells good.
“Earlier I told you I didn’t bite students.” He smiled, and I felt the wickedness from it shoot down to some interesting places. “I don’t. But I make no promises about not biting feisty TAs.”

Speaking of feisty, I loved that that was his nickname for her. She was feisty and I liked her!
“If I weren’t your professor and you weren’t a nice girl, your re-virginized pussy would be sore as hell right now”

I liked how they developed an open friendship, that they became more than fuck bunnies. You were able to really feel their connection.
"You're that song. I don't know any of the words, but the tune is so damn familiar."

But don’t worry, you still get a hot, bossy totally dirty talking alpha!
He tugged his belt, and it made a sharp whooshing sound as he pulled it through all the loops in one smooth motion.
“Turn around. Hold on tight.”
"I bet you’ll like your hair pulled while you’re on all fours with a red ass and my cock filling this sweet little pussy.”

I think I just moaned out loud. There was more to this story. Though I figured out the twist very early on, that didn’t dampen my enthusiasm of watching it all play out, it just cemented my earlier belief that these two were meant to be together.
“Maybe I couldn’t get you out of my head because you were supposed to be there.”

One of my favorite quotes in this book, one that I wish everyone would take to heart:


  • •More than just a fun romcom.

  • •I really felt the connection between the two.

  • •I loved the music lessons and the lessons on listening.

  • •Hot, dirty talking, swoony alpha.

  • •A hint of the forbidden.

  • •The flashbacks to the past.

  • •The twist. Even though I knew it, I still enjoyed it.

  • •She was sassy and strong


  • •Can’t think of one.


You can never go wrong with Sebastian York and Andi Arndt. They may be a bit overused, but there is a reason for it.

The Down & Dirty:

Beautiful Mistake is so much more than a sexy student-teacher romantic comedy. She is 25, so it never really felt taboo or forbidden, it was more of a workplace romance, since he is a professor and she is his TA. The connection they had was electric and it could have been a simple romance between co-workers, but with a detailed back story plus some really amazing chemistry, hot dirty talking sex and a major story twist, Beautiful Mistake is definitely worth picking up.

Rating 4.5+ Stars, 4.5 Heat, 5 Narration

Purchase Beautiful Mistake by Vi Keeland


samz579's review

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Idk why I read this. Will I read another book by this author? Probably.