
Gym or Chocolate? by Stuart Reardon, Jane Harvey-Berrick

zaza_bdp's review against another edition

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3.25 ⭐

J'avais besoin d'une lecture légère et drôle pour passer le cap de ces jours bien sombres, et je dois dire que sur ce point, j'ai fait bonne pioche avec ce livre.

Encore inédit en France, ce nouveau roman de Stuart Reardon & Jane Harvey-Berrick reprend le schéma qui a déjà fait leur succès : une histoire à deux voix, avec un héros issu du monde du sport. D'ailleurs, le héros de ce roman est un ancien coéquipier de Nick Renshaw, et on retrouve même cette garce de Molly, dont je parlerai plus tard.

Un héros sportif donc, ancien rugbyman ayant parfois joué pour l'équipe nationale, a gravement été blessé sur le terrain et a dû prendre une retraite anticipée (à 24 ans!). Depuis, il s'est reconverti et est devenu coach sportif, dans une salle de sport très select à Manhattan. Rick est un ours, c'est un type grognon obsédé par l'hygiène de vie et le sport, il n'est pas très sociable, pas très sympa et au début, il n'est vraiment pas cool avec Cady, l'héroïne.

Cady, elle, c'est tout le contraire. Cady est une nana solaire et drôle qui croque la vie (et les donuts !) à pleines dents. Elle est obèse, s'assume totalement et se fiche complètement du regard des autres. Au début du roman, elle remporte, au cours d'une tombola organisée pour une soirée de charité, un an d'abonnement à 'Body Tech', la salle de sport dont Rick est le gérant, ainsi qu'un an de coaching avec lui.

Voilà Cady embarquée dans la découverte de l'exercice physique, et c'est loin d'être une partie de plaisir pour elle. À cet égard et au vu de ma modeste expérience sportive, j'ai quand même trouvé que Rick y allait fort avec elle dès le début, ça m'a laissée quand même perplexe, mais passons ... C'est très drôle de voir Cady faire tourner en bourrique son coach, elle fait exprès de le provoquer (enfin pas toujours), et lui, il mord à l'hameçon à chaque fois. Du coup, on rit beaucoup, et ça m'a franchement fait du bien.

J'avais un peur de tomber dans un roman qui allait faire l'apologie du sport, de la perte du poids, et de me retrouver avec une Cady qui aurait perdu toute sa "substance". Au final, c'est un peu plus fin que ça (quoique), on est plutôt dans le développement personnel, aime-toi toi même, prends soin de toi bla bla bla, mais ça marche plutôt bien, et surtout, Cady reste toujours fidèle à elle-même.

En revanche, il y a un point que j'ai détesté, mais vraiment détesté ! Les auteurs nous ressortent le personnage de Molly, et lui joignent une acolyte tout aussi détestable. Avoir des personnages de pét*sses méchantes comme la peste, soit, mais qu'elles aient droit à une part aussi importante dans le récit, ça m'a gonflée. C'était trop récurrent, trop méchant, trop garce. Vraiment, je ne vois pas l'intérêt d'être en permanence dans la caricature comme ça.

La romance elle, eh bien ... bof. Autant j'ai bien aimé les voir se chamailler et construire cette relation amicale et complice, avec ces piques et ces provocs, autant le passage à la romance m'a laissée complètement indifférente.

Un bilan moyen, finalement. Je crois que c'est plutôt le parcours de Cady que j'ai apprécié, j'ai aimé sa positivité, sa bonne humeur, son humour, sa personnalité 'larger-than-life' comme on dit en anglais.

paginasdapaty's review

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casal com química

um slow burn bem sloooooooow.
mas a cena hot que finalmente acontece lá nos capítulos finais…
teve algum fetiche, ao pode
pq o cara virou um animal esfregando comida no corpo da mocinha. do tipo wtf??

beckyrendon's review

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It's not a life or death choice! Actually, Cady proves you can have both!

I have to be 100% honest - I almost avoided this book because of the cover. I know! I know! Never judge a book by its cover! I always say that but sadly it happens all the time. It's not Stuart. It just doesn't click with me. I understand the choice and it works for the story but it almost caused me to pass on by. So now that I have dumped all over the cover, you are wondering how this review is really going to go!?! Admit it, you don't trust me now!

Well, I have news for you. This book is a rockstar hiding behind its cover. It's fun, snarky, and 100% honest. Stuart Reardon and Jane Harvey-Berrick don't have to look like me or Cady, to have captured the mindset perfectly. Cady is a fighter. She fights her feelings, her hurt, and the mean b- I meant witches, of the world. In a society that thinks beauty is limited to a single digit pant size, anyone not fitting those measurements tends to be ridiculed, shamed, or treated like a disease. You see it in tv, in magazines, and everyday life. I love how strong Cady is and ache for her at the same time.

Reardon and Harvey-Berrick have a new fan. And not just because they proved I don't need to make it gym or chocolate, but that I can have both. Maybe they will inspire you too. I am considering the evil running idea! Whoa! Are you on crack!?! I didn't say NYC marathon, I said consider running! Baby steps!

Enjoy this romantic comedy and it's energy boosting properties! Perhaps it will give you the boost your new years resolutions didn't!

mooncricketjp's review

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3.5 stars.

I liked this book. I did. It was funny. Until the end. The last scene just was not for me and kind of killed it.

kidisitor's review against another edition

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This is a light-hearted, fast paced, humorous romance story. It also has a bully aspect, and sticking it to them. Use that negative and turn it into a positive. :) She is larger than life... not just her size, but her personality as well. After a bully of a girl made fun of her for winning a gym membership, she jokingly said she was going to run a marathon. (Which of course, everyone laughed at.) Just to prove them all wrong, she was determined to go through with it after all. Enter Mr. Personal Trainer. He dreaded training her as he felt it a waste of time if her heart wasn't in it. But she proved him wrong too. Both characters are great in their own way. She loves herself, including her body, and doesn't let people dictate how she should feel. She is loud and proud. She is always positive and doesn't let her eating habits change to fit societies expectations. He is a broody miserable buggar. (Where she is loud, he is quiet.) After an injury killed his professional athletic career, his dreams and happiness diminished completely... including his marriage. Fitness and his gym were his life now and he wasn't going to let anything (or anyone) destroy that, which is why he was reluctant to train her in the first place. Their banter was fabulous and she didn't let him get away with his bad attitude. Not to mention lots of physical comedic accidents (mostly at his expense.) There are a few other outside influences that cause havoc on the two of them, and threaten everything they've worked for. As I mentioned, this is a fast paced story. It is easy to read. Alternates between POVs. It's not exactly a clean read, but the sexual content is minimal... more talked about than actual action. It's an all round fun read with a good moral boost.

*I volunteered to review an ARC of this book.

joybella's review

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3.5 stars

nomomstayandread's review

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I kind of wish they never threw out her weight and height because I spent the whole book thinking wow, these are horrific comments for someone who looks like most women.

I thought this book was funny until the final sex scene where Rick undergoes a full personality transplant and feeds her every dessert in bed. Props for 5 donuts fitting on his dingaling though.

missylynne's review

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Did not finish/Need to finish

liendienmeo's review

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“A seafood diet-I see food, then I eat it.”– Cady

First of all, I absolutely love the combination of sassy heroine and grumpy hero. This is like the best formula for some great banter and this book didn't disappoint. I mean, Cady is just wow. The scenes where she was riling up Rick were so funny. And her comebacks - seriously, I was in awe of her quick-wittedness because yep, I'm one of those people who think of a clever comeback hours after having the conversation. So yeah, Cady was freaking awesome, not to forget her absolute confidence in her body even BEFORE she started to work out.

“It must be hard being on the larger side.”
“Not something you'd know about.”
– Cady to asshole co-worker

Rick was... harder to like than Cady. At first, that is. I'd say my first impression of him was "overly stiff". I wasn't sure what to think of him as the hero of the story but fortunately, it didn't take long for me to start warming up to him. There was a reason why he was the way he was and I just loved the development of his character over the course of the book.

Slowburn romance! So bonus points for that + a strong message behind the story so all in all a winner I'd say :)

Why not 5 stars?
– The conflict could have been solved in one conversation but was drawn out due to the big gesture factor. That really frustrated me but I understood why the authors did it that way.
– I was a little weirded out by the sex scene. It was odd, I don't know how else to describe it. Definitely not your typical sex scene lol

**ARC generously provided in exchange for an honest review.

sharontherese's review

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Writing duo, Reardon and Harvey-Berrick have pulled out the stops and delivered a gem of a rom-com which had me in stitches and got me hooked from the first chapter. So, Gym or Chocolate? It’s the perfect title but in reality, not an easy choice to make if you’re lacking in willpower like me. I have to confess that as I read on, Cady Callahan with her extra pounds and sassy comebacks quickly became my kinda woman. And Rick Roberts, gym entrepreneur, trainer and owner of an elite fitness club certainly gave me food for thought. No pun intended, but who hasn’t had a sugar craving at one time or another and not felt guilty? There’s so much more to this delicious story than just getting hot and bothered and sweaty in the gym though.

“Baby steps, Rick. Baby steps— that’s what you told me and I’m sticking to it.” 

Rick encourages us to take a look at our daily habits and what we’re doing wrong. He explains why we should look after ourselves and regardless of whatever handicap we may have, staying fit enhances our lifestyle and eating healthy food matters. Well, he got the latter part right ‘cause that’s something I make sure I do. However, this grouchy guy wiggled his way into my heart at the same pace as the book. Fast! I felt sorry for him on different levels. Firstly, he’s trying his utmost to keep his top-notch clientele satisfied, not doing what he really loves as an injury put a stop to his sports career and then Cady struts into personal space as big as life. She’s not what he bargained for, but seeing as she’d won the prize of a year’s membership to get her body in shape at Body Tech, he has little alternative but to get on with the job. The other reasons Rick saddened me I’d rather not mention but I’ll just say that his sensitivity melted my heart.

“And what is it with you and donuts? That is not the right thing to eat before a run. It’s probably the worst breakfast you could have!”

“Oh don’t worry, I ate a bar of chocolate earlier. I’m good.”

Cady frustrates the pants off Rick, and even though he won’t admit it, she’s a pleasant surprise and manages to make him smile. How could she not? She’s hilarious, adorable, generous of heart and spirit, and the fact that she showed me how headstrong she is when her downfall is lemon sugar-coated doughnuts, made me realise that anyone can make the best of a bad situation if they want to. I really liked how she took the bull by the horns and not just with her own hang-ups. Not one to hold her tongue, she prods Rick into confronting his issues head-on. Ooh, and he blushes, ladies! Rick is a tad naïve as far as the opposite sex is concerned and Cady being Cady either pulls his leg about it or tries to guide him in the right direction. I tell you, she’s the total package!

“… Sometimes he swaps his glare for a scowl. And then he frowns. I’m not sure if that means he’s moody or whether I irritate him,”  

Rick and Cady are like chalk and cheese. She’s outgoing and boisterous, he’s out of his element when not training. Understandably, his words don’t flow nearly as easily as hers, so what do they have in common? Both of them are honest, hard-working and kind-hearted folk who gradually gain each other’s respect and build a special friendship. Innuendos intermingled with off the charts banter, chemistry that simmers until it reaches boiling point and a feel-good storyline result is the perfect end of summertime read. I adored how Rick was there for Cady when the going gets tough; yep, he’s a true Yorkshire gentleman I literally swooned over!

“Are you going to get yourself a sports bra now?”She glanced sideways and grinned at me. “No way! I’m having far too much fun watching your face—it takes my mind off what we’re actually doing.”  

Of course, every good story needs a baddie or two and in that respect, the authors gave me a couple I’d have gladly strangled with my bare hands. The majority of the secondary characters are totally likeable. Rick's best mate, Vin, had me in fits, swears like a trooper and dishes out dodgy advice like hotcakes and Grace, Cady’s bestie is lovely.

‘Was that an ab under the flab? I fingered my stomach tentatively. Could a person have just one ab? Didn’t they usually come in pairs, like a salt and pepper set?’  

Written from a dual perspective in past is my fave narrative technique. You get to hear both sides of the story and listening to both Rick and Cady’s inner thoughts was a privilege. Gym or Chocolate? is a must-one-click I can’t recommend enough. Bravo Reardon and Harvey-Berrick!