
Assassin's Creed - Irmandade by Oliver Bowden

epictetsocrate's review against another edition

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Evenimentele din ultimele cincisprezece minute extraordinare – ar fi putut să fie cincisprezece ore, ba chiar zile, într-atât de lungi păruseră – se învălmăşiră din nou prin mintea lui Ezio, pe când se împleticea, ameţit, afară din cripta de sub Capela Sixtină.
Îşi amintea, deşi ca prin vis, că în adâncurile criptei văzuse un sarcofag uriaş care părea din granit. Când s-a apropiat de el, obiectul a început să strălucească, dar cu o sclipire neameninţătoare.
I-a atins capacul, care s-a deschis de parcă ar fi fost uşor ca un fulg. Din lumina galbenă şi caldă ce strălucea dinăuntru s-a ridicat o siluetă ale cărei trăsături Ezio nu le putea distinge, deşi ştia că se uita la o femeie. O femeie neobişnuit de înaltă, care purta coif şi avea pe umărul drept o bufniţă maronie.
Lumina care o înconjura îl orbea.
— Te salut, Profetule, a rostit ea adresându-i-se cu numele acela care-i fusese atribuit în chip misterios. Te aştept de zece mii de anotimpuri.
Ezio nu a cutezat să ridice privirea.
— Arată-mi Mărul.
Bărbatul i l-a întins, supus.
— Ah…
Mâna femeii a mângâiat aerul de deasupra obiectului, dar fără să-l atingă. Mărul strălucea şi pulsa. Ochii ei l-au sfredelit pe Ezio.

ladydewinter's review against another edition

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I enjoyed this almost as much as I did the first one. I found the author's writing a bit clumsier at times (I am not a big fan of random POV changes simply to move on with the plot - either use alternating POVs right away or stick to the ones you start with, otherwise it feels lazy to me), but it was an enjoyable retelling of the story of the game, with some bonus content near the end, where we learn what happened after Cesare was captured and before he was finally killed. That could have been even more fun than it was, what with Ezio, Leonardo and Niccolò going on a road trip - it's a pity that part wasn't longer, but as it is it's great fanfiction fodder, so I'm not complaining.

Once again, this isn't great literature but solid entertainment. Since I cannot get enough of Ezio and Leonardo (and the others! By the gods, this game has so many great characters it's horrible - it's one of the reasons I am as addicted to it as I am.) this was a good read, and their interactions especially were enjoyable (apart from some stuff near the end, but I'll chalk it up to Ezio's obsession with catching Cesare).

And I am still impressed with the author's ability of writing fight scenes.

stratisvougioukas's review against another edition

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Great book !!!!

Excellent completion of the first two installments' story !!!

elfeeza's review against another edition

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More Ezio Auditore and the unraveling of the story behind the age long fight between the Assassins and the Templars. Love this book. I relished every bit of the story. A good read. Gives more details and fills in the blanks of the game it is inspired. I didn't actually play the game. I watched my husband play it as I read the book. So we actually compared notes and I got my husband hooked on the books cos he felt that he enjoys the game better with the book as its companion.

rittal's review

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Gostei mais do que o primeiro (Assassin's Creed - Renascença), contudo, na minha opinião, é uma leitura muito light e sem dúvida rápida, com muitos (ou devo dizer, unicamente?) momentos de ação. Tenho pena que o enredo seja simples, porque acho que conseguiriam ter uma história com um melhor plot e mesmo assim incluir toda a ação que é característica desta saga baseada nos videojogos.
Comecei a ler este livro com uma certa curiosidade em relação à direção da história tendo em conta o final do primeiro livro, mas não fui surpreendida em nenhum momento. Também não notei uma evolução das personagens, continuando todas com os mesmos traços que tinham antes, o que é pena pois podia ter sido conseguido com um desenvolvimento mais complexo do enredo que certamente produziria uma história muito mais rica.

Se continuarei a ler os livros desta saga... Sinceramente não sei.

pumzie's review against another edition

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Reads like a bad narration of the video game. Time I will never get back

klopferinbookland's review against another edition

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Das einst so mächtige Rom liegt in Trümmern. In der Stadt herrschen Elend und Zerfall und ihre Bewohner vegetieren im Schatten der mächtigen Borgia-Familie. Die letzte Hoffnung der ewigen Stadt ist nun Ezio Auditore – der Meisterassassine. Doch ihn erwartet ein erbarmungsloser Gegner. Cesare Borgia – ein Mann der noch ruchloser und brutaler vorgeht als sein Vater der Papst -, wird keine Ruhe geben, bevor er nicht ganz Italien unter sein Joch gezwungen hat. In Zeiten wie diesen ist Verschwörung eine alltägliche Waffe – sogar in den Reihen der Bruderschaft der Assassinen …

Meine Meinung:
Auch in diesen Buch hat sich Bowden strickt an die Handlung von Ubisoft gehalten. Brotherhood schließt am Ende von Renaissance an und wir erfahren die weitere Geschichte von Ezio, die sich diesmal in Rom abspielt. Das Spiel an sich, ist nicht lang und Bowden hat durch mehr Gedankengänge von Ezio und auch ein Blick in seiner Gefühlswelt, die Geschichte verlängert.
Ezio der sonst immer nur ein Frauenschwarm ist, zeigt Gefühle gegenüber Caterina Sforza, die wiederum die Gefühle nicht erwidert. Hier erleben wir zum ersten Mal Ezios verletzliche Seite. Das Credo verlangt viel von ihm und er wünscht sich ab und an sein altes Leben wieder. Das Familienverhältnis zu seiner Schwester und seiner Mutter, ist auch in diesen Teil nicht besonderlich gut und wir erleben eine kleine Annährung. Diese wird im Buch besser verdeutlich als im Spiel selbst.
Die Geschichte an sich, ist für mich eher langweilig. Ezio ist erneut auf Rache aus und will die Borgias vernichten. Leonardo taucht ab und an auf, wir lernen Machiavellis besser kennen und Ezio baut die Assassinen Bruderschaft weiter aus. An sich ist die Idee hinter dieser Geschichte nicht schlecht, aber das Spiel sowie das Buch konnten mich von dieser Idee nicht ganz überzeugen. Ezio befand sich des Öfteren im Zwiespalt mit dem Apfel. Sollte er diesen nutzen oder nicht? Auf Dauer wurde das reden über den Apfel langweilig und die Verfolgung von Cesare war nicht sonderlich spannend. Die ganzen Verfolgungen und das Anschleichen, wurde im Buch weniger aufgegriffen als im Spiel an sich. In Brotherhood gab es weniger Attentate und das Anschleichen bzw. Verfolgungen waren hier wichtiger. Das baute wenig Spannung auf und wurde an einigen Stellen ansträngend zu lesen.

Das Buch kann ich nur Assassin’s Creed Fans empfehlen, die auch Ezio mögen und den Teil mit der Bruderschaft interessant fanden.  Für mich, die das Spiel schon als langweilig empfunden hat, konnte das Buch auch nicht mehr ganz überzeugen. Froh war ich über die Verbesserung von Ezios Gefühlswelt und das wir ein paar Informationen bezüglich seiner Gedanken bekommen haben. Die kleine Tatsache ändert allerdings nicht, das ich das Buch langweilig fand.

eatreadgamerepeat's review against another edition

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1 star - maybe? IDK - this book was a rollercoaster, but at the end just left me disinterested and with a bad aftertaste :/ Somewhere between 200 &250 pages I decided I kind of just wanted to get this read over with, which is unfortunate because upto page 100 I thought this had great potential. It's not necessarily a terrible book, the plot could be interesting, ever since buying the book on holiday in India many years ago I thought it would be an interesting read, it has short chapters, but that is also where the redeeming qualities end. The problem is that it isn't as interesting as I thought it would be.
One thing that greatly added to my dislike of the book was the constant references to other installments in the franchise, and I can't say if that's a choice by the author or something from the game. Since I haven't played the games or read any of the books in the series I just felt out of it 90% of the time. That being said the story was also somewhat predictable.
Another thing that really bothered me was the constant use of 'foreign language'. The book is set in Italy, I assumed they were speaking Italian the whole time (that was just written in English because that's the language the book/game was written in) - then out of no where they randomly put in these random Italian phrases and words - this would not be a bad thing if they confirmed the characters were mainly speaking in English, which the author never actually does. So there are just these random conversations in Italian (which you then have to go to the back of the book to get the direct translation of whatever is being said).
Also there are way to many characters to keep track of, which goes back to my earlier comment about references to previous installments.
The book is also Split into 3 parts Part 1 is 400 pages, part 2 is 20 pages, part 3 is 10 pages - There are really no climaxes or anything between the parts, there is really no reason for those part separations to be there

Also there are several problematic plot points that just made me enjoy the book less and less, like a prostitute getting chocked until she passes out and then raped, meanwhile Ezio justifies not doing anything by saying her eyes seemed to tell him she was in control of the situation - what even is this? like seriously what the hell is this crap?

maruu_t's review against another edition

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adventurous challenging dark mysterious sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? It's complicated
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? It's complicated
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


claresbookshelf's review against another edition

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3.5 stars.

An interesting read.
A good plot line, character development, and generally good pacing. A little rushed towards the end and so many grammatical errors.
Definitely needs an editor who knows what they are doing.