
Oath Breaker by Michelle Paver

sabertoothtigress's review against another edition

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DNF at 23%.
After reading the previous book from this series (Oath breaker) which was kind of a disappointment for me, I thought I should give a chance to the final book because I wanted to know how the series ends. Unfortunately after struggling to read it for a while I gave up.

3batsinatrenchcoat's review against another edition

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Going into Soul Eater I knew that I'd love it because I adored the first two books and this one is no exception. It's a great read for a winter night, Paver really pulls you into the world of Soul Eater and you can practically feel the icy wind on your face and the snow beneath your feet. I was thrilled when the Bat Mage was introduced because I love bats so much! I think that this is my favorite book in the Ancient Darkness series yet!

emiratesbailey's review against another edition

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What a fantastic end to the original series!

nverad's review against another edition

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Komenta pertama saya ttg buku ini: tulisan judulnya terlalu kecil, tidak imbang dengan judul2 sebelumnya yang bisa terbaca dari jauh. Mungkin maksudnya lebih menjual gambar jelmaan Eostra ya, si Rajawali Hantu?

Komentar berikutnya ditunda hingga selesai musim ujian :p

connorbookinit's review against another edition

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I love how much research Michelle did in order to do this series well. I feel like I'm learning at the same time as being really entertained. Looking forward to seeing what unfolds in the next three books!

connorbookinit's review against another edition

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This is such a good ending to the series! What a roller coaster ride and then a satisfying, cathartic conclusion. I’m glad I stuck with this series all of the way through, and I’m sure I’ll be rereading it at some point in the future.

brittney_tyler's review against another edition

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Star Rating: 4 stars

Note: This is the 6th book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series so this will not be an in-depth review.

After finding out that Michelle Paver will be continuing the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series in 2020, I decided to pick up the one book by her that I still hadn’t read, Ghost Hunter. This book chronicles the end of Torak’s journey to save his world from the evil Soul Eaters and to redeem his parent’s names.

The best thing about this book is the message that Paver is trying to convey. Within the confines of this book, there are two different characters that are very unique and that don’t quite fit in. One is our main character, Torak, and the other is a character that he meets on his journey, Dark. If you have read the series, then you know that Torak has always felt apart from others in this world because of his special abilities and the way he was raised, but Dark was ostracized from society simply because of the way he looks and acts. Dark has albinism and possibly psychic abilities, and because of this his clan thought that he was possessed or cursed so his father abandoned him within a scared gorge, fully expecting him to die. Through these characters and their stories, Paver introduces her readers to the concept of diversity and the fact that everyone is different, some obviously and some not, but that however one is different, it is okay. I think this is a great concept to teach children especially as they enter into school/the world and start meeting new people.

I only have one problem with this book and series in general, and that I wish that the reasons for why Torak is the way he is and why he is the only one who can complete these quests was explained a lot earlier in the series. Paver waited to book 5 to start to explain why she was putting Torak through all this pain, and I feel that she should have started addressing the reasons in book 1 and slowly revealed more and more details with each consecutive book as it would have packed a lot more punch instead of leaving the readers confused and questioning why.

All in all, this was a great series ender, and I am looking forward to Paver’s 2020 continuation. 4 stars!!!!!

brittney_tyler's review against another edition

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Star Rating: 3.5 stars

Note: This is the 4th book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series so this will not be an in-depth review.

In an effort to read all of my personally owned books in order to make Goodreads an active representation of my reading, I recently finished Outcast by Michelle Paver and I have to say that although it was a quick and exciting read, I did not enjoy it near as much as I have enjoyed some of the others in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. This book is set 6,000 years ago and tells the coming-of-age story of Torak; a young Native boy who is struggling to survive on his own in a world torn apart by an unknown menace, and Torak is the only one with the powers to stop it.

The best part about this book is the glimpse we get of the world 6,000 years ago. In each consecutive book, we get to see a different area of this world and the people that live in it- book 1 was the Forest, book 2 was the Sea, book 3 was the Far North, and book 4 was the Lake, and I believe that book 5 is the Deep Forest and book 6 is the Mountains (I am not for sure because I haven’t read those volumes yet.). As a history lover, especially an ancient history lover, I really enjoy learning about these peoples and the world that they lived in. I think it is really cool that Paver is bringing this knowledge to middle graders (This is a middle-grade series☺.) as it brings what they learn in history class to light in a way that no teacher can. I wish that this series and others like it had existed when I was actually in the age bracket for them, although I believe that there shouldn’t be an age bracket on reading at all, especially since everyone reads at a different speed and level and they shouldn’t be ashamed of that.

Although I do enjoy these books and the knowledge that they let kids access, I didn’t enjoy this book as much as some of the others. Throughout this series, we learn about a conspiracy to usurp the power of the World Spirit being perpetuated by a group of Mages/clan shamans called the Soul Eaters. We also learn that Torak is connected to the Soul Eaters and that because of the circumstances of his birth; he is the only one who can stop them. Throughout the entire series, characters have been alluding to events that happened at or around the time of Torak’s birth, but those events are never explained, although it is obvious that they are very important to the overarching plot. Also, towards the end of the book, there were jumps in the plot like things had been omitted that shouldn’t have been. For instance, at one point, the main characters are talking on the beach and the next, Torak is in a boat trying to warn the clans at the clan meet of an impending flood. There was no smooth transition and the jump was incredibly jarring and noticeable. It is because of the plot holes and jarring transitions that I have to rate this book only 3.5 stars.

All in all, this book was enjoyable, although the plot was not as concise and as tight as I wanted it to be. It is worth the read if you are interested to learn how people survived 6,000 years ago.

brittney_tyler's review against another edition

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Star Rating: 4 stars

Note: This is the 3rd book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness so this will not be an in-depth review.

Needing a break from all the complex, library books I was reading, I decided to pick up Soul Eater by Michelle Paver, the 3rd book in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series to continue my re-read of the series. This series tells the story of Torak, a young Wolf Clan boy, from 6,000 years ago as he tries to save his world from the dangers of the Soul Eaters. The Soul Eaters are clan-mages that have become disillusioned with the World Spirit and have decided to break away for its control so that they can control their own destiny. However, their meddling has drastically affected the safety of the world and everyone in it.

My absolute favorite thing about these books is that in each book so far, we have got to explore and learn about a different area of this prehistoric world. For instance, book one showed how clans lived in the Open Forest, while book 2 shows how the Sea Clans live, and this book, book 3, shows how clans in the Far North live. As a lover of history and archaeology, I really loved learning how the different clans survived in these different environments, and I hope that the rest of the series continues to give me this chance.

The only thing that I am a little confused about when it comes to this series is I don’t really understand what the conflict is exactly. It has never been explained clearly and I really wished it would be because I am a little confused about what the Soul Eaters are doing and why they need to be stopped. I understand that they are bad, but as to exactly what they are doing and why, I don’t understand. I hope that this gets to be explained in later books.

All in all, this is an amazing addition to the series and I can’t wait to keep reading. 4 stars overall!!!!!!

theseventhl's review against another edition

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A brilliant and entertaining conclusion to the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, full of action and drama and ancient magics. Should satisfy any long-term fan of the series; I hope Michelle Paver returns to this fictional 'verse sometime in the future.