
Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes

mamap's review against another edition

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It's a popular style of writing, no descriptions, just the characters interactions with people and the world around them. It's powerful, but it lacks the fullness that a picture in my head would bring.

What if you really were a nobody? Able to fade into the background and be forgotten? What would you do?

And what if there were the opposite? Those who appealed to all around them, but had no moral code?

savraley's review against another edition

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ok I love love love Jennifer Lynn Barnes,but this book just didn't do it for me. THE INSTALOVE WAS UNBELIEVABLE. Like i've complained of instalove in other books that i considered severe but gee wiz they were in love within like their second time of every meeting. I lost interest 30% into the book and was unamused with the rest. Jennifer could have done so much more with this concept ugh.

bookmarvel's review against another edition

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2-2.5/5 I guess
Not the best book, but not horrible.

You were just kinda dropped into this knowledge that there were people that were Sensors and Nobodies and Nulls, and there’s no explanation of how or why people are those things. I mean other than that they are born with variations of the normal amount of energy or whatever. Which I guess is a reasonable explanation.

The story was kinda slow in the beginning but got a little better once Nix and Claire figured out the Society had their own master plan or whatever and began to figure out what it was and how to take down the Society.

I’m a sucker for romance, even the weird kinda forbidden love here. Why did Nix not want to love Claire? I don’t really understand that bit. Like you two understand each other, can see, hear, and fade with each other, you clearly like each other, stop fighting with yourself. I’m happy they ended up together at the end.

shelleyjld's review against another edition

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I could not make it through the whole thing. The plot was so transparent and for 10 long chapters the story repeats the same thing over and over and you are just waiting for the characters to get there. Very dull. And the love relationship...just... no. He wants to kill you but you instantly love him? No.

Not worth the time. Horrible experience

christajls's review against another edition

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This review originally posted at More Than Just Magic

Nix and Claire’s are Nobodies. The synopsis would have you believe this simply means people don’t notice them. But there is so much more to it than that. The premise of this books lies in everyone having different…energies if you will. There’s Normal people like you and me (or I assume like you). But some people are Nulls and some others are Nobodies and they can play with the world’s energy a little differently. It’s a unique spin on what is otherwise a contemporary setting and it was this uniqueness that originally drew me to Nobody by Jennifer Lynn Barnes.

Once I started reading I was immediately struck by how action packed this story is. There isn’t a lot of time set aside for you to stop and catch your breath. Once Clarie and Nix meet (which is pretty early on) a chain of events is set in motion and there is nothing that can be done to stall it, let alone stop it. I love how quickly most of the pages flew by and I was on the edge of my seat wondering what was going to happen to these two mostly charming characters.

However, since things are happening so quickly and you’re thrown right into everything, there isn’t that much time for explanation. I found that I didn’t really get a good sense of what was going on and what exactly the terms “Nobody” and “Null” meant until 3/4 of the way through the book. I know there’s something to holding information back for a “big reveal” at the end. But it felt like Nobody held too much back so even though I was flying through the pages I never felt that invested in the story.

I was also a little turned off by the insta love. Again, I understood that Claire and Nix would have an instant connection since they’ve both spent their lives being ignored. I understand that you would feel pulled toward anyone who could understand how you felt. But I didn’t like how quickly it went from connection to love. First of all it was too fast, too sudden. And second of all Nix did try and kill her. They sort out a lot of the misunderstandings surrounding that but honestly, I would still be a little guarded.

My criticisms for this book are mostly my personal preference regarding what I like in a novel, so I could see how others would really enjoy this fast paced, intriguing story. But for me there was just too much I didn’t like and by the last quarter I found I had a hard time finishing it at all.

Recommendation: A strong start but Nobody just didn’t follow through. Recommended if you like Jennifer Lynn Barnes or are curious about the premise. Otherwise I’d say move onto the next book.

millennialbookreview's review against another edition

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Nobody was a book that I feel disappointed by. The story had a lot of potential, but that potential wasn’t really taken advantage of. I didn’t connect with either of the main characters, because I found them frustrating. The romance distracted from the story and the writing became repetitive. Parts of the story really don’t work with the rest of the novel. I don’t know if I’m just not the right audience of this book, or if I went into it with the wrong expectations, but this novel was not a hit for me and I don’t know who I’d recommend it to.

My full review can be found here

yousrabushehri's review against another edition

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Okay, so I'm giving this book a 2.5 stars because I got past the 50% mark before giving up.

The minute it became this whole conspiracy/political/experimentation/underground nonsense I lost more and more interest. I loved a lot of things about this book and I don't want to get into a whole description of what I liked and disliked, but I just couldn't get through it. Maybe one day I'll pick it up and finish it, but for now, it's going back on shelf as "Couldn't Finish".

Sorry. :(

lovefromaia's review against another edition

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(DNF 70%) The book was .... yeah

**do not read if you are looking forward to reading this book or if you rated it five stars**

SpoilerI just really really hated Nix and the way he talked about Claire. 'I made Claire sad' like yes, you made Claire sad but why do you talk about her as if she is a damn dog. The most cringiest moment is when he told Claire 'You tamed me' like come on ew.

Also the insta-love was actually scary at some points. This boy was just about to kill you less that 24hrs ago and then in a few pages Claire is kissing him. And this whole book all happens in under a week!? Like I get that someone actually noticed you or something but Barnes could have waited a few more chapters to build trust between the characters. Plus, I never actually felt any connection between myself and the characters which made it an even slower and hard to read book.

I think my favourite bit was Claire's point of view at the start of the book where we can clearly see how everyone ignores her. I kind of got fed up with Nix going on about how nobody-ish he was and him thinking that Claire was way too good for him or something. The author really didn't write this well enough for me and also the lack of distinction of the change of pov was kind of annoying - most of the time in books written like this a new chapter introduces a new pov. but Barnes seems to just randomly change within the chapter?

Overall, not worth reading imo.

bioistry's review against another edition

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If you're looking for a thrilling, heart-stopping book about two assassins - this is not the book for you.

I thought this would be a clever quick-read about talented assassins who can only be seen by each other, but I was disappointed. This book is a cheesy romance about a girl who falls in love with a boy less than 24 hours after he attempts to murder her twice.

The majority of this book was about a simplistic teenage romance and the end was rushed and confusing. Also, The Institute should have been a threat but they were easily outwitted by two teenagers who weren't really trying to outwit them because they were more interested in kissing each other than trying to take down the evil group of people who were trying to kill them!

I usually love [a:Jennifer Lynn Barnes|164187|Jennifer Lynn Barnes|] (I recommend reading [b:The Naturals|13597723|The Naturals (The Naturals, #1)|Jennifer Lynn Barnes||19187762] and [b:The Inheritance Games|52439531|The Inheritance Games (The Inheritance Games, #1)|Jennifer Lynn Barnes||71767646]- they're both great YA series), but this book was simplistic with little to no character development and was not at all what the blurb described.

Happy reading x

_camk_'s review against another edition

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I could not finish Nobody as I found myself bored quite fast, especially of the insta-love situation between Claire and Nix.