
Bad Mommy. Zła mama by Tarryn Fisher

shellysbookcorner's review against another edition

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Book is told in 3 different points of views which I enjoyed. The first point of view was a little slow for me. When we get to the second point of view (which is the best imo) the story picked up and I was shocked that this character was doing this. I honestly thought they were a good person. The third point of view wasn't bad but I wish that person trusted their instincts from day one and not be fooled. The whole time I was reading I was expecting something major to happen but it didn't and I felt underwhelmed at how the book ended. In closing it wasn't a bad read but it didn't blow me away like "Marrow".

tobesmagobes's review against another edition

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Kind of went off the rails and rushed to an ending but I loved this. Wanted more of a Gone Girlish twist but the very end was perfect haha. 4.5 stars

michey2015's review against another edition

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..... WOW! I literally have no other words for this whirlwind of a ride on the crazy-train (pun intended). This book was nearly impossible to put down. I think I need a few days to process. The telling of the story from different POVs was incredibly helpful and helped to bring it all together. But like I said... I need some time to process this. WOW!

cegleston's review against another edition

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  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes


jrrogue's review against another edition

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Do we ever truly know the people we let into our lives? Their motives? Their desires? Their hearts? Tarryn Fisher's newest release is disturbing, enthralling, shocking. I devoured it in one sitting. Against your will you'll find yourself questioning every human outside your door.

maggiefan's review against another edition

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Well, it was a ride!

lissherondale's review against another edition

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OK. first of all I didn't liked it at the beginning. Fig and her mind was getting into my brain but when shit dropped and Darius appeared I was hooked. A psychopath and a sociopath together. Plus this woman whom couldn't see the reality in front of her eyes. this shit was twisted!

I really liked, I always love how Tarryn writes about unsettling things and how she can make you uncomfortable but so hooked with the story.

I'm kinda lost on some things like when did George reappeared and when Nicole appeared in Darius's life and what happened to him and if Jolene still lives next door of Fig... CRAZY SHIT!

That weird ending tho! I was like what the heck!

I'm still processing this... I just my brain can't deal with too much craziness

abnieszka's review

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Gillian Flynn rozbudziła mój apetyt na antybohaterki. Jest coś fascynującego w zwichrowanych osobowościach i traumach które zmieniają zwyczajne kobiety w potwory. W poszukiwaniu "czegoś w stylu Flynn" trafiłam Tarryn Fisher. Do mistrzyni sporo jej brakuje, ale mimo wszystko "Bad mommy" jest fascynującą wyprawą w świat chorej fantazji.
O tym że z Fig jest coś nie tak, wiemy od początku. Nie wiemy jednak do końca jak głęboko sięgają jej złudzenia. Co jest prawdą, a co fantazją? Balansujemy na granicy obrzydzenia i fascynacji jej osobowością.
Jednak nie tylko Fig jest w tej książce fascynująca - małżeństwo w którego życie Fig wkracza: Jolene i Darius Avery też ma kilka trupów w szafie :)
"Bad mommy" ma w sobie wszystko, co dobry thriller powinien mieć - tajemnicę, suspens, interesujących bohaterów, niebanalną historię i całkiem niezłe zakończenie. Niestety naszemu wydaniu brak jednego - dobrego tłumacza/edytora/korektora. Fraza "Wyszedł za ciebie (..)" (skierowane do kobiety) sprawiło, że miałam ochotę rzucić książką o ścianę. Mam ochotę sięgnąć po "Margo" tej samej autorki, ale boję się, że natknę się tam na podobne koszmarki :(

thenerdymom's review against another edition

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“You have to voice your thoughts so you can know you’re not the only one who’s fucked up.”


Fig, Jolene, and Darius. What a trio. Okay, you see in a nutshell, Fig is a psychopath. Jolene is the kind of person you wish to be (no matter what Fig wants to say about her), and Darius..ohhh Darius. I guess you’ll have to just find out for yourself.


In more or less words, Fig has had absolutely no luck in the baby department which is extremely sad and unfortunate but holds ZERO value in excused as to why you would try to take another woman’s child. Am I right? well, that’s not how Fig sees it. Enter Mercy. Jolene and Darius Avery’s little girl. As soon as Fig saw her she knew. This was her child and she was supposed to be her mother. After studying Jolene’s maternal habits it was decided from that point on. Jolene is a Bad Mommy and would take Mercy by any means necessary.


Tarryn Fisher does it again and again. I completed this book in just 2 sittings, 4 hours total. That tells you something about an author, right? Every book of Tarryn’s I have picked up has been inhaled like a smell you can’t get enough of. Bad Mommy in particular was a side of crazy that only another crazy can create (and I mean this in the absolute best way). I love that Tarryn constantly gives us–plain and simple–fucked up-ness from her characters because hey, no one is perfect. Her writing is raw and deep with emotion, keeping us submerged in whatever world she’s created for us.. if only for that moment.


Picking a favorite character in a book I enjoyed so much is always such a hard task for me. With Bad Mommy I will 100% always choose Jolene. Though I am not a mother, I can identify and empathize with her character. That’s what we like to do, isn’t it? We like to relate ourselves to anything we can grasp and hold onto, in order to feel we aren’t alone. I love this about Jolene, giving us a relatable life.


Who would I choose to read this book? Hmm, anyone who can stomach a writer such as Tarryn. If you can’t, I’m sorry you’re so weak, because you’re missing out on one of the most incredible authors who tells kick-ass stories.

(PS. It also helps that Tarryn is an incredible human being, just saying!)

evie_24's review

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dark mysterious fast-paced
