
Unbreakable by Rebecca Shea

twisty_'s review against another edition

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Had I Not know this was a debut novel, I would be on GR, Amazon, Google, and anywhere else looking for more of Rebeccas work! It's just that good.

I am still crying as we speak, and I have even given myself a FULL DAY TO RECOVER, before writing this! AMAZING!!

OK, here we go, this book RIPPED MY HEART OUT!
It stole the breath from my lungs, it filled my every waking moment...... It CONSUMED ME!

I found it so easy to connect with Jess and Gabe. They flow effortlessly.
I had butterflies when they were on top of the hill, telling each other how they felt for the first time.

'He grabs my chin, turning my head so that our eyes meet. "This is real. Don’t ever doubt my feelings for you. For years I’ve watched you, wanted you—waited for you." He moves his hand from my chin and cups my cheek, "Please don’t be afraid Jess, I promise I won’t ever hurt you."I nod my head, and let his words ease my fears. "And don’t you ever think you’re not good enough for me, do you understand?" His voice is quiet yet firm.

"Yes," I whisper.'

"I'll never love anyone as much as I love you. "

42% I was thoroughly enjoying this ride Rebecca Shea had laid out for me, then out of the blue I slammed head first into a brick wall, and had the wind knocked out of me. SPEECHLESS!! I.WAS.WRECKED.

"We will get through this, together. You and I. Nothing will break us, ever. Not this. Do you hear me, Jess? Nothing. We’re Unbreakable."

While what happened was devastating, it was the follow on that got me. Everything had a ripple effect from this incident.
My heart bled for Gabe. He was so broken, and therefore I was so broken, I wanted to climb inside my kindle and hold this man, comfort him, tell him we could cry over our broken hearts together, and if that isn't a HUGE COMPLEMENT to Rebecca as a writer, then I don't know what is!!!

I will say I was less than thrilled when Lindsay and Landon were introduced, but it all worked out in the end and my instant hatred for him softened a lot, to the point I'd like to see at least a novella for him in the future. He gave so much to the story. That phone call..... Sobbing!!

(*revised* just read the sneak peek of 'Undone' YAY!! ) was to emotional to rate and review after reading, just went on to do it now and saw this^^^! So excited to read about Landon!!

'Live so that you may live'



The ending was just perfect!

I HIGHLY recommend this book to everyone.


Thank you for such an amazing journey. I look forward to reading everything you publish!!

jlheron's review against another edition

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Some spoilers:

I really enjoyed reading this book, but man those chapters of her in North Carolina nearly killed me. All I wanted to do was skip right to the good part. You know the HEA? Yeah, I just would not stop holding my breath until everything was as it should be.

I wasn't quite sure what this "Tragic" thing was that was suppose to happen. I thought maybe someone would die. But sexual assault is no stranger to me when it comes to books. I've read a few where characters deal with the after math of abuse/rape. And to be honest, they just confuse me how they deal with what happened to them. Refuse to talk to anyone, push people away, shut down. Maybe it's different as a reader because I am looking in at the situation, and I can see all the people around said character that are there for them. It really pains me when they don;t lean on those that are there. Well eventually they do, but the journey to get to that pint is always hard to read.
I have no experience in the situation so I don't know if it is a normal response, but what Jess did just confused me and pissed me off. She runs half way across the country for her internship and to get away, than she meets Landon where she crosses a whole bunch of lines in my book. All I was thinking the whole time they interacted was "Gabe, Gabe, Gabe, remember Gabe, go back to Gabe!!"
The scene in Landon's bedroom? Yeah that nearly brought me to tears. So what? She can be all intimate with Landon, let him touch her, comfort her, but Gabe got pushed away every time he tried to touch her? It just didn't make any sense to me!
But than I guess near the end I started feeling bad for Landon. Plus after the scene in his bedroom he decided to let her go, therefore I could breathe again-and all I had to do was wait for the HEA to unravel.
And did it ever. Gabe and Jess back together, married, and than a baby...Perfect ending.
God I love when a story get's this kind of ranting response out of me. They've been rare lately, and I'm just happy that I found and read this book. Not sure I will read Landon's story though. But this book I definitely enjoyed reading.

carrieroe's review against another edition

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I'm giving this 4 stars because of her experience with Landon.. so epic. I almost cried.

emhof1996's review against another edition

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Overall rating: 2 stars

Genre:New Adult/Mature Young Adult
Plot: 3/10 dragged too much
Ending: 6/10
Writing: 3/10
Hero: 7/10
Heroine: 6/10
Humour: 1/10
Steaminess: 5/10

mistylombardo's review

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emotional hopeful inspiring sad slow-paced


Unbreakable was a sweet emotional book.  The format of this slower romance was a little different. Jess and Gabe, who have known each other each other and grew up with each other for 13 years end up together after a few chapters. And everything is going good.  So you begin to wonder about 60% through, is this it.  Because there is no foreshadowing of any drama for a breakup to occur.  But, a breakup does occur after one of the characters goes through some pretty awful stuff.  
There are aspects to this story that I didn’t like but I feel like it’s the equivalent to just not liking someone’s personality.  Which, yes, there were times I didn’t like Jess.  Which makes me feel bad but I still didn’t like her or her decisions.  Gabe is wonderful though and by the end of the book I liked Landon enough.  Whose Landon?  Oh he’s just the new love interest that was thrown in.  He was kind of yucky at first by the end he made a decision that I don’t think many people would make.  
All in all, it was not the best romance that I’ve read but it was emotional and sweet.  I would recommend this as a great in between book when you still want some emotions.  

twounrulygirls's review against another edition

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I really enjoyed this book. Gabe and his unwavering love for Jess was refreshing. I love me a story about a good, strong, athletic type getting P whipped early on. Can't always read about sickos, need to shake it up.

I also thought the metamorphism of Jess and finding her strength, even though a kick in the gut to read sometimes, helped make her a stronger female. And how I enjoy strong females. This is a book about overcoming, and letting true love embrace you and lead you to a life you are worthy of living..

irmathebookwhisperer's review against another edition

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“We will get thru this, together. You and I. Nothing will break us, ever. Not this. Do you hear me Jess? Nothing. We're Unbreakable.”

Unbreakable is a delightful story with fascinating main characters, many interesting emotional layers and brilliant writing. But I've read better stories about this topic.


thebroquebooklover's review against another edition

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I loved this book... I couldn't get enough! I wasn't expecting what happened to happen. I had all these other scenarios of what could pull them apart going through my head. I was still thinking along different lines when it did.
I loved Gabe seeing him try to reach out to Jessica was heartbreaking, there were tears.
A must read!

bookishlyjules's review against another edition

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**3.5 stars**
When iBooks had a great deal offering free Ebooks I jumped on the chance and got all of the ones that sounded the most interesting to me. Unbreakable was the first one that caught my eye. The story was slow and cliché for me at first and only got better as it went on. The only problem I had while reading it was how was it going to get resolved. I had about 100 pages left and it felt like nothing was happening and all of a sudden everything ended in a rush that was satisfactory but left me thinking why these were pushed down. I have so many unanswered questions that this book didn't solve, but overall I'm happy I read to the end and didn't stop when I didn't like it because in the end it was a pretty good read.

whatsbrittreading's review against another edition

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This book is amazing. It’s a heartbreaking, and beautiful story.

The story flows smoothly. The writing is on point. This book ripped my heart out. I cried, a lot.

I also smiled a lot and laughed a few times and Gabe and Landon both stole a piece of my heart.

The main couple in this novel is Jessica and Gabe. Gabe is the older brother of Jessica’s best friend Ava. Jessica has had a crush on Gabe for years.

They end up admitting how they feel about each other and become a couple. Everything is perfect. They’re happy.

Then something horrible happens. Something that you will not see coming. Something that will rip your heart a part and then stomp on what’s left.

The writing is so well-done that you will feel everything. I felt all the pain that Jessica and Gabe felt. I cried right along with them. At one point my dad asked me if I was okay, I wasn’t. I was far from being okay.

When a book makes me feel like that and makes me ugly cry it makes me love it. That shows that the book had really great character development and amazing writing. When the story sucks you in and makes you feel things, it’s wonderful.

After the shocking thing happens, the aftermath comes. Jessica and Gabe are faced with hard decisions of how to deal with what happened and how to move on.

Jessica ends up moving away. This is when Landon steps onto the scene. As much as I loved Gabe, I couldn’t help falling in love with Landon.

He helps Jessica heal and get stronger.

The story is told in dual point-of-view so we also understand what Gabe is feeling. We know that while Jessica is away, he never stops loving her and isn’t going to give up on them.

Overall, I really enjoyed this story. It’s honest, real, and emotional. I felt like I knew the characters.

I did think the second half of the book, from the point she meets Landon to the ending, was a bit rushed. I would have loved to have seen more of him. Thankfully, he has his own book that is out.

This novel is a standalone.

If you’re looking for a great love story that will make you swoon, break your heart, and then put it back together this is the story for you.

Rebecca Shea made me ugly cry, and now I’ll be reading whatever she writes from here on out.