0100's reviews
84 reviews

White Oleander by Janet Fitch

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This book didn't astound me but i think i liked it? jury is still out. i got really bored at the 2/3rds mark when astrid moved in with rena, but i liked yvonne and niki a lot. between this and godshot by chelsea bieker i'm realizing i don't like books about womanhood or motherhood, but the selling point for me of white oleander is that it isn't solely that if that makes sense? it's a child and a parent, not just a daughter and a mother. of course both these things are heavily intertwined but idk. i learned by listening to parts of this book while driving that i don't like audiobooks (i read most of it on kindle though). i didn't like the sudden jump from the conversation with ingrid to living with paul in germany, it threw me off and was kind of off putting
The Sunshine Court by Nora Sakavic

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series review: it's no wonder these books are all self-published because nora sakavic writes like she's only ever read fanfiction...this book is the worst offender out of the 4 so far in that aspect
Greywaren by Maggie Stiefvater

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Overall trilogy rating + comments:

- hennessy made this seriously unbearable to read
- i tolerated these books for jordan and declan and carmen (though carmen only for the second half of mister impossible & on)
- i've been a huge pynch hater since trc and unfortunately that hasn't ebbed
- i hate when series end on marriages/engagements even if it's a couple i like
- not enough henry cheng. i don't like stiefvater much bc i first read trc years and years ago before call down the hawk came out and it was so overwhelmingly white and then henry cheng was treated so terribly and i hoped he'd be more relevant but ig not. props to having more poc in this series though i guess
- i hate hennessy x carmen
- perhaps it's a good sign that we're at a point where i don't feel like i have to praise every lgbt representation bc i hate pynch & hennessy x carmen

onto my next ill-advised (re)read (aftg...☹️)
Goodbye, Vitamin by Rachel Khong

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 13%.
incredibly boring...prose doesn't feel novel-worthy
Life of Pi by Yann Martel

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reread, one of my favorite books
Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor

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naïveté has never been an endearing trait in a protagonist. also this wins for least interesting romance ever. like i do not care about them. forgot just how badly the romance was written (read this in 9th grade) but wow... chapter 54 was so so annoying and grating to read.

prose is overly pretty. i only really care about thyon nero and ruza and tzara and calixte so really anyone except the blue ones and lazlo