a_j_torres0's reviews
52 reviews

The Goddess of Nothing At All by Cat Rector

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challenging dark emotional hopeful reflective sad tense medium-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? Character
  • Strong character development? Yes
  • Loveable characters? It's complicated
  • Diverse cast of characters? Yes
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? It's complicated


The Goddess of Nothing at All is a Adult Dark Fantasy novel book 1.
I received an ARC for a review.

Wow. Yup, this story pulled my heart out, punched it, stabbed it, stomped on it a few times, then grabbed Mjolnir and pounded away at my heart until it was broken into so many pieces, it left me in a blubbering mess on the floor, and I loved every second of it. These characters made me smile, laugh, root for them, scream, rage, and cry. There are characters I love and characters I hated, there were even characters that, although I understood their situation, I couldn't help but feel so disappointed in them too. This story put me in one Hel of a ride, TWICE! And what's great, there's going to be second story that may finally end Sigyn's story in a way that I think she just deserves... Gods I hope so, I don't think I can handle another heartbreak this one gave me lol. Anyway, Sigyn is a woman who has experienced so much and been made to be forgotten, and by the end, to me, is a woman worth following to hopefully a better world, and one I hope to see.
Brisingr by Christopher Paolini

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Review coming soon . . .
The Outcast: Prequel to the Summoner Trilogy by Taran Matharu

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This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel.

Book Cover: 3.5* - Well we are of course still sticking to the one color shade for the background, it happens to be my favorite color lmao, but I do love how Arcturus and Sacharissa look, I think they are painted beautifully. The ground I think is the jungle ground the character traverses halfway through the book, I'm not sure, all that purple makes it really hard to tell.

Summary: 3* - Now honestly, the summary sounds like something I've heard before, it even reminds me of The Novice a bit but I have been curious since finding out that a teacher from Vocans Academy was the very first commoner summoner. My curiosity is why this is 3 stars instead of 2.

Characters: 3* - I'm having trouble deciding on this one. The main character we follow is Arcturus, a teacher from the original series that found Fletcher and took him to the academy but as a 16 year old. He's a nice kid . . . but I didn't fall for him as I did Fletcher and many other main characters, but I do like him, even though the dumbass can't decide whether or not he can trust the people he's with and be apart of the rebellion. He has these indecision a lot until he finally makes one towards the end. As for other characters . . . Well a lot of them just seem there for me. We get to meet Fletcher's parents, Edmund and Alice, and what is really disappointing is that although I know that Arcturus and Harold in the original series have explained that the four of them are best friends, we don't actually have wonderful character moments of the gang hanging out, getting to know each other. We just see them together because of a terrible situation they were suddenly thrusted into. Arcturus is alone for most of the book and we see him feel depressed about it, which wholeheartedly, I felt terrible for him. Elaine . . . for a 13 year old she acted more like she was 5, she was annoying as all hell and not at all the woman she is in the original series. Zacharias . . . Well he is still a scumbag as he was in the original series but in this book most of it was his cowardice. He complained and whined a lot, not caring to help out when the moment is needed of him. Josephine, Alice's twin sister . . . she was just there to me. Then there is Elizabeth Cavendish, the soon to be MIA character in the original series. She was a sweet woman, and another character that seems to take on the mentor role character, but just like Arcturus in the original series, she is gone for most of this book. I really wish this author can steer in to moments, not just big ones but small ones too, but it seems he prefers to just get to the point with his books.

World Building: 2* - This is a prequel to the original trilogy, which means . . . nothing really, this book provides nothing new to the world. We are aware of how greedy King Alfric was, pissing off his people, we are aware how shitty the dwarves are treated by humans, we are aware of orcish culture and how they treat certain members of their tribes, and we are aware of how highborn folk also treat lowborn folk, there is just nothing new. The world is the same, the magic system is also less ventured because it isn't something that needs to be rushed because Hominum is not at war with the orcs yet. I just . . . felt really nothing about this book.

Story: 3* - Ok so . . . this is another case of rich versus poor, which I was of course bored by because it is no different from the original series, I'm not kidding, however, I did enjoy the part of the book where the people of Hominum rose up against those of higher status to fix the unbalance between the rich and poor. I honestly don't remember this specific rebellion being mentioned in the original trilogy except for the many dwarven rebellions and the war with orcs and elves on two different fronts. Sadly, there is a good chunk of book in the middle where Arcturus is forced to travel through the jungle to escape from rebels trying to capture them, most of that adventure just reminded me of The Inquisition and I was looking forward of them finally getting out of there. To me the story picks up once the gang make it back to Vocans, and then it is just thrilling lol.

Over All: 3.5* - Over all this book is not a 4 nor is it a 3 for me. As I said before I was very much let down by the lack of character moments between Arcturus and the other characters in the book. Each chapter is anywhere between 2 to 5 pages long where the author is keeping things short and to the point, forgoing world building and even suspense when the moment sounds like it calls for one. The highborns are still dicks with very few good ones while the lowborns either put up with each other or are just as dickish. The book was just . . . fine, it was just fine, I like it but I don't love it. Either way if the author decides to come back to this world, which he has stated before that he does, I would still pick it up and read his next book for the series. This books is a 3.5 for me, but I would probably recommend you read the trilogy first and see how you feel about the world as a whole before getting to this book, my opinion of course.
Eldest by Christopher Paolini

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Review coming soon . . .
Rebel Spring by Morgan Rhodes

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This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 2.

Book Cover: 5* - The cover strikes again. The mystery isn't as prevalent this time because I have a hunch at who is under the red hood but I think the surrounding environment and sunlight hitting the character from behind is beautiful. I also see the return of a hawk flying in the sky which is understandable from how the story explained their importance.

Summary/Tagline: 4* - The tagline is, "The road to power... is paved with blood and magic." Which sounds really cool and got me so curious about what this second book will entail. The summary again is split into several characters including a new one while the over all is on the inside flap of the book. The characters are oddly brief and straight to the point this time as the over all is the more appealing of the summaries. It still draws me in and I want to know what will happen next.

Characters: 4* - Okay so the chapter names have changed in this book. Instead of country names they are now characters names. There are now 9 POVs, most of which are brand new characters introduced in this book.
Jonas Agallon/6 POV Chapters - My feelings towards this character is about the same as book 1, indifference, but it has verged on annoyance at times because this character just doesn't think of a plan for a "rebel" leader seeking vengeance, and tremendously careless.
Princess Cleiona Bellos/8 POV Chapters - Still my least favorite character. With all that she has went through in the first book, she has sort of picked up a spine, and by pick up a spine I mean she still doesn't think and just starts running her mouth without being careful. The enemy is literally all over her home and she isn't as careful as she should be with how she feels and what she plans. Plus the amount of arguing that goes on in this book between Cleo and other characters is ridicules. Oh yeah and now there is another romance that was clearly forced involving Cleo and another character, and no it isn't Magnus, and before I forget, it has barely been a moth or 2 since Theon's death.
Prince Magnus Damora/6 POV Chapters - My favorite character still and the one I fear for most. Magnus's heart has been broken and hurt after Lucia has said things about him to their father and is forced to tread carefully around his father. His father has secrets, one Magnus can't trust and he is sure his father is only using him for an end goal. What that is Magnus has to find out, fast.
Princess Lucia Damora/5 POV Chapters - Lucia is going through a terrifying change, one that has me highly intrigued. Sadly this character also goes through an instant romance that got me rolling my eyes and screaming are you freaking serious.
Lysandra Barbas/3 POV Chapters - This character tested my patience. I know Cleo and Jonas don't think things trough a lot but at least there are times they stop to think, Lysandra doesn't and she is so aggressive towards other characters, especially Cleo, a character she has never met. I couldn't get behind her but I do feel bad for what has happened to her family and friends.
King Gaius Damora/2 POV Chapters - He is the antagonist in this book, and I don't like him at. All. He is vile and a manipulative a**. He will happily and proudly use his kids to get what he wants and take out who ever will talk back to him, hence why I feel terrible for Magnus and I fear for him. I also thought it was weird he got any POVs. They felt more like, "Hey look what this character is doing." and I was like, "ok, I figured." I just didn't find his chapters necessary.
Alexius/2 POV Chapters - Ok so he now has less POV chapters compared to book 1 but he is one I just couldn't trust and when his "romance" scene came up with a specific character I just rolled my eyes and said is this chapter over yet lol.
Queen Althea Damora/1 POV Chapter - I feel like her chapter was put in for one reason and one reason only, and I can't tell you what that is because spoilers. Just know that it was interesting being in her perspective.
Nicolo Cassian/1 POV Chapter - Again, I don't know why this character also got a POV. I'm sure it was meant to set things up for the next book, problem is there are many chapters after his still before the end of the book, but I guess whatever it's there.
There are other characters in this book, some new, some from previous books, most of which end up dead, the old characters not the new ones. Some were interesting and others I felt were just there this time.

World Building: 3.5* - The magic system is better explained in this book now as new worlds are being introduced with introductions of new characters but not fully, at least not yet I'm assuming, there are 6 books lol.

Story: 3.5* - Okay, I have no idea what went on for this book but the romances being thrown in feel definitely forced and unnecessary. Princess Lucia finds love with a specific character because reasons? Cleiona and Jonas are insufferable in my opinion and the amount of arguing is just, yeah I'm sure that's healthy. The story as a whole has a few interesting moments but it's hidden under all that stupid romance and Cleiona rambling and complaining. I'm also very, very worried a love triangle is coming because there are many, many times she verbally attacks Magnus but when alone she suddenly defends him . . . Like make up your mind girl. A few more characters die, many of them I expected them to die in specific ways but the book surprises me by killing them in other ways . . . Did I forget to mention I like surprises lol. I was also very much let down by the ending because it just ends. It ends with an obvious cliff hanger but that ending was just such a let down that I heavily rolled my eyes, (sigh) I hope book 3 is better.

Over All: 4* - Okay, although I don't care for most of the characters in the book and the romance made me want to throw the book across the room, Magnus and Lucia keep the rating where it is along with those highly intriguing moments in the book. I definitely look forward to book 3 because I worry for Magnus and I need to see what is going on with Lucia and I also hope King Gaius, like, dies lol.
Falling Kingdoms by Morgan Rhodes

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This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 1.

Book Cover: 5* - I love this cover. I thought the painted work was wonderfully well done and conveys mystery. Who is the hooded character and where is he? What's with the hawk flying in the background? Did I forget to mention I love illustrated work lol.

Summary/Tagline: 5* - Now I thought it was annoying that some people will say this book is like Game of Thrones but for teenagers . . . it's like they don't know that teenagers read Game of Thrones. If they want to read GOT they can just read that book instead of what is only considered "like" GOT. Falling Kingdoms is only "like" GOT because of the multiple POV chapter perspectives. The summary gives us 4 characters and their perspectives plus an over all and I was very surprised by that actually, I liked it. After reading the summaries I was very much hooked, I wanted to know what was going to happen and that is what I want from a summary. Pretty much surprise the hell out of me and you might have me hooked lol.

Characters: 4* - Okay so this book has multiple perspectives, but instead of naming the chapters after character names they are named after places the chapter takes place in which will get confusing especially when the main POV characters are in the same place. This book has a total of 6 POVs.
Princess Cleiona Bellos/12 POV Chapters - I do not like this character. Her "naivety" verged on idiocy way more times then it should. Cleo also doesn't think, she didn't take things seriously especially when a "friend" of hers murdered a boy from a neighboring country and started a war with said country and another, and allows people to walk all over her, and complains about it later to her older sister. I understand that she wants to save her older sister and takes initiative about it, but when being forced to marry a vile boy she doesn't care about she just lets it happen and complains to her sister about it. Cleo was also involved with a short live romanced that felt so forced I'm sure it was only added because this book is YA.
Jonas Agallon/9 POV Chapters - I was indifferent about this character for the entire book. I didn't like him nor hate him, I was just meh about this character. I did feel bad for what happened to his brother in chapter 1 of this book but once we entered this characters POV I was just not feeling him at all whatsoever.
Prince Magnus Damora/10 POV Chapters - Magnus is probably my favorite character in this entire book, and sadly my only fave. He is compelling, conflicted, and just someone I live to read about. Magnus has love for his sister, care for his mother, and both fear, admiration, and hatred towards his father. He forces himself to wear a metaphorical mask so that he can hide his emotions not only from his father but also those he doesn't trust and may be glad to see him and his father dead. He also may have a forbidden feeling towards a certain someone but you will have to read and find out what that is.
Alexius/4 POV Chapters - Now I don't really have much of an opinion on this character because out of the main POVs, he has the least amount of chapters and the shortest. His chapters have had me intrigued, it's too bad that there wasn't any explanation on this worlds magic system.
Princess Lucia Damora/2 POV Chapters - I thought she was a really sweet character, with special abilities. She has love for her brother but once things come forth about her and her family, she now isn't sure if she can trust them.
Theon Ranus/2 POV Chapters - I feel like his POVs only served to show what is happening in the country region of Auranos, at least for one of the chapters. He was a character I was liking until an unbelievable revelation came to him and I just rolled my eyes so hard that I almost threw this book against the wall.
There are other characters in this book, some I like, some I was just whatever they are there, and others I just want them dead very, very soon. There are some vile characters in this book is what I'm saying lol.

World Building: 3.5* - There was some world building, especially history between the 3 countries but the magic system wasn't explained in detail and I'm pretty sure it is meant to be left as a mystery in this book. Magic to many has been considered legend and fairy tale, barely anyone practices it or uses it except maybe those from the middle country of Paelsia because there is a chance that magic is what is killing their lands but not the other two which I thought was weird. Why is only the middle lands dying but not the North or South? Also people from the south are just pompous dicks that definitely don't care about their neighbors, even when their neighbors are dying of hunger with lack of food and harvest. The people of the north are terrifying because they don't like change or happiness lol, I'm not kidding, even specific colors are banned because it represents what the south is, so yeah.

Story: 4.5* - The story is nothing like GOT. Yeah there is death but I mean if you are going for that dark fantasy appeal you will have to kill characters, both minors and major characters. Some of the deaths in the book were definitely heart wrenching and I felt bad for the characters that had to witness their loved ones die before them. By the end of the book, when the war started I was very much at the edge of my seat.

Over All: 4* - All in all I give this book 4 stars because of the characters. Out of the 3 MC I only cared for 1 and to me that's bad. I am still intrigued by the world so I hope to learn more of the magic in the later books. I also look forward to where the story is going. If you aren't a fan of cliff hangers then I'm afraid you may have to skip this one because it ends in one. As for first time readers looking to read fantasy, I will say this, give it a shot if you are capable of handling characters death and horrendous characters that don't care how others feel or think about them.
The Battlemage: Summoner, Book Three by Taran Matharu

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adventurous fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? Yes
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? No


This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel.

Well that's it for this trilogy. It was a fun read with a lot of predictability and aggravating world building. I know there is The Outcast which stars Fletcher's barely around teacher Arcturus when he was a student, so at most I'm hoping for some sort of world building on the school part and possibly the capital city but I won't hold my breath as I saw how short those chapters were too. Will I keep reading books from this author? Yeah so long as they are fantasy and possibly science fiction related. Again pick up these books if you are looking to try fantasy for the first time but if you want a challenge I would pass on these books.
Arthas: Rise of the Lich King by Christie Golden

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adventurous fast-paced
  • Plot- or character-driven? A mix
  • Strong character development? No
  • Loveable characters? No
  • Diverse cast of characters? No
  • Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes


This is an Adult Fantasy novel.

Now, no lie I am still stuck between 2 to 3 stars so I will settle for a 2.5. I really did enjoy some of the moments in the book ACTUALLY shown to me but I can't forgive this book for the cliff note like story telling and the sped up timeline and the tell instead of show. I think this book would have been great if Blizzard allowed the author to just let her write the book, maybe fill in any holes not given, make this book longer or multiple books, no more than 2 or 3 maybe, and only been shown Arthas's perspective, but alas, this is what I am given instead. Because of how WOW has been turning out recently, this book will probably be my first and last book from Blizzard. I just don't care how they have been doing their storytelling recently. Who knows, maybe they will come around and actually put real efforts instead of just sticking to obvious tropes, but all I can say is we will see.