a_j_torres0's reviews
52 reviews

Gathering Darkness: A Falling Kingdoms Novel by Morgan Rhodes

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This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 3.

Book Cover: 5* - This series still reels me in with their covers. I was sure the character on book 2 and 3 was Jonas but now I see book 2 is Jonas and book 3 is possibly Felix, you'll know who he is when you read this book. Anyway, I love how the color purple was integrated on the cover with a bit of sunset in the back and the dagger shinning brightly in his hands, it made me think that someone was going to be back stabbed, and in a way a few people were in this book.

Summary/Tagline: 3* - Now that I am 3 books in I won't go full on explaining as by this point you will get the point, the summary is kept about the same, there is a main summary for the book within the flap and some brief ones in the back per character. The main one felt very "I've read this before." feel. Something bad is coming, Cleo must get better at lying than her enemies, Lucia is getting more powerful by the day, while Magnus doesn't trust anyone especially Alexius. Meh. There are also foreigners from other lands looking for the same thing that King Gaius wants, which . . . I mean . . . egh. I wasn't really feeling the summary this time around.

Characters: 3* - We continue the chapter character names in this book. There are 7 POVs this time but every one seems to have about equal chapter times.
Jonas Agallon/6 POV Chapters - I am no longer indifferent with this character, just annoyed with Jonas and the 2 characters he now has a romance with. As you know one is Cleo, and no there was no break up, there is just another character he apparently fell for because reasons. The same issues I have with this character in the first 2 books is a continuation in this book.
Prince Magnus Damora/8 POV Chapters - So my favorite character has a few more POV chapters then my least favorite characters but it seems he needs to have a romance too. His feelings towards the other female character that isn't Lucia is another, "It came out of nowhere." However I was dreading that Magnus was going to be pulled into something that is not a love triangle shape but a . . . whatever shape has the most points. It was interesting seeing him feel so conflicted with his feelings but I just can't stand all this forced romance. The story is literally suffering because of it along with any and all character moments, my opinion of course.
Lysandra Barbas/2 POV Chapters - I don't know what is going one with the female teenage characters in these book because every time they kiss a guy, they turn into a puddle and love the kiss so much that it feels so right. Not to mention the female on female aggression is just aggravating, and yes, Lysandra is aggressive towards other female characters who are pretty. I couldn't stand this character anymore, even though she only has 2 POV chapters.
Princess Cleiona Bellos/7 POV Chapters - You know my feelings for this character by this point. It hasn't changed. Cleo is also trying to play coy and manipulator in this book, she's bad at it. Not only could I see through it in her POV but every other character that spends a moment with her can see right through it, it was just dull by the end of the book. Like Jonas Cleo is also juggling 2 love interests and I just couldn't take it anymore.
Princess Lucia Damora/6 POV Chapters - Sadly Lucia became quite insufferable in this book. She seems very obsessed with Alexius, where he is, what he says, how he feels, anything about the Watcher is all she cares about. She has also turned completely on Magnus. She refuses to hear what he says and what he thinks. She blames him for the 2 not speaking anymore when she is the one saying mean things about him while he stays quiet and takes it, but hey, "Everything is his fault." Ugh! What is going on with the girls in this series.
Alexius/3 POV Chapters - Although it was interesting being in his perspectives I inevitably didn't care. Most of the time I was wondering if what he was doing was his own choice or is just being commanded to but in the end, I was just meh about the outcomes.
Nicolo Cassian/4 POV Chapters - Now I don't mind Nic, but I felt his chapters was just, "Hey let's check out what these characters are doing." I don't think they were really necessary but I did like the twist between him and another character named Asher. You'll see if you decide to read this book.
There are other characters in this book but the interest has diminished. The foreign royals from another country were painfully and obviously dubious and untrusting. Then there are others, a lot died, and others were just there. This book was just not doing it for me.

World Building: 3* - Another score brought low. The world gets immediately pushed back but we do get an interesting view of the magic being used in this book but I still don't understand the why and how of the magic. I suppose the magic is linked to the users energy because when Lucia uses so much of her magic she is exhausted but sometimes she isn't. It seems the magic is very fickle in this book. I'm hoping we go a little more into the magic in the next book. We do get some interesting info on the Kindred but I will leave that also for you guys to read.

Story: 3* - And another score brought down. Okay it took me almost the entire 3rd book for me to care about what is going on. At most this book kind of felt like filler to me. Lucia is being trained by Alexius for her to get better at magic but I did like that pay off. Magnus for the most part is being stringed along by almost everyone and ignored by Lucia. Cleo learns to play her enemies games to get the information needed to pass to Jonas while Jonas's plans most of the time don't work or they do by sheer luck. The last act of this book actually saved this book because this book as a whole was going to be 3* but I can't say what it is because of spoilers. All I can say is that when you get to this book just push on, push on until you get close to the end, you'll know you're there when Lucia shares a romantic moment with Alexius.

Over All: 3.5* - What saved this book, sort of, was the last act of the book and Magnus of course. I didn't care about the "romance". Some of the scenes is just a "Oh well it was the heat of the moment" B.S. Cleo can't make up her mind of the men in her life and Jonas can't make up his mind of the women in his life. The girls act like puddles when they kiss their "love interest" and the world building and most characters were just meh. All in all because of the last act I am a lot more intrigued for book 4 then I was for book 3, a new villain showed himself and I am curious to see what Lucia is going to do.
World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War by Max Brooks

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This is a Adult Horror/Zombie stand alone novel.

Book Cover: 1* - Now some might see this score as harsh, but honestly, this cover just doesn't do it for me. The cover is just a splotch of orange and red where the title takes up the whole thing. These covers are ones I would ignore and continue going past. I'm not sure what the cover should have been, but covers like these don't really attract me towards them unless they are recommended to me.

Summary/Tagline: 5* - I was very intrigued reading the summary. Not only is this not a story that takes place during a zombie apocalypse, it is several stories that take place after. The stories are told from almost all over the world from various people from youngest to old from Americans to South Korea. I was immediately hooked, and I was very aware of how different the movie is compared to the book so i was even more excited to read the book but disappointed at why it was changed so much.

Characters: 5* - Now, although we follow the interviewer(The Author), the entire book focuses on the people he meets. The people he meets are very diverse with terrifying experiences during a zombie apocalypse. We have experiences with just before, during, to just after the zombie outbreak. We get experiences from children that survived the apocalypse, politicians, astronauts, military personnels, regular civilians, etc. It was so fascinating reading each of these different stories that I didn't even think about wanting to read. To be honest, because of all these characters, I think this book should have been turned into a TV series, maybe a mini series, not an action movie, but hey, this is my opinion of course.

World Building: 3.5* - Hmm, now this is more of a character driven story than anything else so there wasn't much on the world, but I did get a lot of what was going on, what was being created to combat the zombie epidemic, and what was done after. It wasn't the focus, but I thought it was interesting what transpired after zombies rose up and started eating people, there is even ideas of why and how the zombie epidemic started but still have no idea as to a definitive proof of how it happened.

Story: 5* - As I stated earlier, we read many short stories from survivors of the zombie apocalypse. We start out with what some were doing just before or as the zombie epidemic started, to the epidemic getting worse, to being in the middle of a chaotic epidemic, to the people getting the courage to fight back, to winning the epidemic, but with huge consequences of not only their decisions made to the epidemic but to society as well. Society all over the world will no longer be the same and some countries got worse with a backwards ideology. I was actually getting angry towards the end lol.

Over All: 4.5* - I really liked this book. It was a wonderful change to all the zombie stories that are being pumped out almost on a monthly basis in all forms of media lol. I will highly recommend this book to those who want to read a zombie book that is different, like, very different. This book was a great and fascinating read and I firmly believe, after reading this, that WWZ should have been adapted into a TV series or mini series, not a movie.
Crystal Storm by Morgan Rhodes

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This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 5.

Book Cover: 5* - Still loving these covers, especially when this cover has my fave character, Prince Magnus Damora, on it lol. However, it is pretty barren compare to the previous covers, but I'm still going to give it that 5 stars for the work put into it.

Summary/Tagline: 2* - So far, I feel very meh about the synopsis/summaries of this book. They sound a lot more epic than it really is and I'm just not feeling them at all, not since book 1 I'm afraid.

Characters: 2.5* - The chapter titles are still character names, which makes looking forward to specific chapters easier and unbearable lol. There are a total of 5 POVs this time and everyone is various lengths.
Jonas Agallon/6 POV Chapters - Well, I'm still feeling very indifferent for this character. Although he had one very surprising moment, it quickly disappeared by his next chapter as he doesn't at all care about the surprise he received, which, I understand, I think it just goes with his character, but because I never really cared about Jonas I never really cared about how he feels most of the time. He sounded pretty whiny about his situation, but whatever, I was able to tolerate it.
Prince Magnus Damora/9 POV Chapters - Now, Magnus is still my fave, but I thought there was an interesting and stark contrast to Cleo's chapters, and what I mean is, when it comes to the romance scenes with Cleo, we only get what he is feeling about their romance while Cleo gives us the opposite. When alone with his father and grandmother, I'd say those scenes can get pretty intense while also seeing how confused he should be feeling towards them, but also still not trusting them to be safe. I enjoyed his chapters for what they are, but the characters in this book biggest flaw is still refusing to talk to each other to express/explain how they are feeling and allowing other characters to get the wrong idea. It's still the most annoying part of these book, plus the romance has taken a back seat this time around and isn't in my face about it.
Empress Amara Cortas/6 POV Chapters - So, Amara's chapters pretty much sounded the same. I'm Empress now, everyone needs to listen to me, I have power, I should have power, why isn't everyone listening to me, I'm the Empress! I got annoyed that I didn't care one wit about what happens to her.
Princess Lucia Eva Damora/5 POV Chapters - Lucia's chapters were surprising sometimes, mainly about her unborn child, but again, like Jonas, it was immediately gone by the end of the book as it seems . . . Oh wait, I'm worried I will spoil if I explain further, so, just know I kind of rolled my eyes by the end of the book, and no, no romance blossomed between Jonas and Lucia thank GOD!
Princess Cleiona Aurora Bellos/7 POV Chapters - As I stated a little bit with Magnus, with him we got the romance, with her . . . well, she kind of whined and got upset most of the time, especially when it came to King Gaius and his mother. I never got to see how she really feels about Magnus, except that she wants to keep their romance a secret from Nic because she is sure how upset and disappointed he will be of her, which, no lie, I was ticked off when she thought that. The way how I see it, tell him how you really feel about Magnus, let Nic bitch for all I care, I haven't cared for him since book 2. He's become so annoyingly whiny that I didn't care one wit about him either.

World Building: 2* - I think the magic was explained a bit more in this book, but to be honest, the world building still takes a huge back seat in these book so I feel still unimpressed about it. I think it was interesting getting to learn a little bit more about witch magic, but at the same time it's starting to sound like witch magic was originally the watcher magic? If I understood it correctly.

Story: 2* - The story, to me at least, felt all over the place. It was hugely predictable with very, VERY few surprising moments in it. It was hard for me to care about the dangers when I still don't care about most of the characters in this book, and most of the time I just wanted this book to end. Oh well, after this I only have 1 more book to go.

Over All: 2.5* - With very few surprising moments in this book and a lot more I just don't give a d*** moments in this book, it was really hard for me to want to finish this book. It looks like the author no longer has the courage to kill off characters and my biggest gripe in these books is the lack of character communication. I don't like forced drama for the sake of "drama", and it's kind of what this book was, drama, constant distrust, and a bunch of name calling. Anyway, I'm done with this book and will be moving on to the 6th and final book of the series. Here I go.
Frozen Tides by Morgan Rhodes

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This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 4.

Book Cover: 5* - I don't think I'm ever going to hate these covers. This time we have Princess Lucia on the cover showing off her magic before a snowy background. I'm sure that is supposed to be Castle Damora in Limeros, but I do feel it could've been a little bit better I think, but I like it.

Summary/Tagline: 2* - I was sadly, indifferent reading the entire summary of this book. Not to mention I also had a few eye rolling moments reading Gaius's part and Lucia's.

Characters: 2.5* - The chapter titles are still character names, which makes looking forward to specific chapters easier and unbearable lol. There are a total of 6 POVs this time and almost everyone is about equal length.
Prince Magnus Damora/7 POV Chapters - Hmm, I don't know what the heck was going on with my fave bae, lol I couldn't help myself. Anyway, He starts out stating that he is the son of Gaius and needs to start acting like it, even though book 2 and book 3 his father is a terrible person and needs to be stopped. He's gone into drunken stupors when he's feeling depressed, throws up his sass mouth when getting defensive more often, and he's gotten so oddly paranoid that everyone is going to kill him, which, in his defense, yeah kind of lol. Not to mention I GUESS a romance has been finalized, with a Princess, take your guess at who because I will stand my ground and say the romance is the weakest aspects of this entire series.
Jonas Agallon/6 POV Chapters - I've returned to being indifferent with this character. He still frustrates me at times, but I won't care one way or another if anything happens to him. Some of his later chapters did have surprising moments though so I will give him that.
Princess Cleiona Bellos/7 POV Chapters - Many times I want to punch her in the face. I really do. She's come to learn who Magnus really is as a person, how he is nothing like his father, but as soon as Magnus opens his sass mouth to be defensive, "Oh! You're the worst! You're just like your father!" And then comes around towards the end, after complaining why Magnus won't trust her after stating numerous times before you want him dead and constantly go behind his back to scheme for his, his father's, AND Lucia's demise. Ugh, also don't get me started on her "love" logic.
Princess Lucia Damora/6POV Chapters - So, her chapters were a thing. I'm not saying they were terrible, they just seem to only show how much of a out of control man child her new companion is. She had some surprising stuff in her chapters though like Jonas, so, there's that.
Felix/4 POV Chapters - I didn't like this character much in book 3 and I still don't care for him now. I feel bad for him, yeah, but other than that, that's it. His POV did bring in some interesting looks on Gaius and Amara, but again, that's it.
Amara/4 POV Chapters - I mean, what can I say about her except, I feel a little bad for her for who her father is, but she doesn't trust anyone who has a penis. She will happily sleep with a guy when in the mood, but I don't care for this character either. I guess her and Felix belong together lol.
A couple of other characters frustrated me as usual and many I feel indifferent for. The amount of Magnus hate in this book makes me want to strangle characters as I feel their hatred is going towards the wrong character, but hey, apparently Magnus IS Gaius in their opinions. The a*******.

World Building: 2.5* - Egh, I feel about the same now. The elemental magic seems to just come from within and can exhaust the person, but some are better than others and can come easily to few. I do know the "immortal" Watchers can do more than the mortals can when it comes to magic but I'm not holding out hope for explanation on the magic system in this series anymore. We also get an introduction to a new country, Arabian like I think, but belittles women like there is no tomorrow. They aren't taken seriously AND they are underestimated. Huh, sounds like book 1 for a bit there lol.

Story: 3* - Ok, so this is 3 stars because of the oddly enough, surprising moments in this book. I can't go over it because of spoilers but a main character does die which took me by surprise. However, I guess characters can't die no matter how far they've fallen and regardless of where they get stabbed. Trust me, I got to the end of the book and yelled out, "OH GO F*** YOURSELF!" And threw the book at my bed lol. Hey, I finally threw a book! :D

Over All: 3* - I don't care for the romance, I don't care for most of the characters, and the world building is just okay for me. I did like the many surprising moments in this book and I will continue to read the series for Magnus. That plus I have the other 2 books with me so I might as well lol.
Immortal Reign by Morgan Rhodes

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This is a Young Adult Epic Fantasy novel Book 6.

Book Cover: 5* - Again, I'm going to love these covers until the day I die, but I did notice that the background to each book after book 3 and 4 become less and less . . . Intricate? Yeah let's go with that lol. I do see a city behind Magnus and Cleo, yes I'm sure it's them, and I'm sure the city is Auranos with a bright a** sun above it. I guess it's to put more focus on the characters, but I think the sun is a bit distracting. All in all, last book, I still love the covers.

Summary/Tagline: 1.5* - Alright, all in all, the summary makes the book sound more epic and thrilling than it actually is. After reading the book, one characters story feels unnecessary and in the way from what we should really focus on and the story this time, read more like it was dragging, taking a long time to get where it was going. So, the summary did not at all make me excited to read this last story I'm afraid.

Characters: 3* - The chapter titles are still character names, which makes looking forward to specific chapters easier and unbearable lol. There are a total of 6 POVs this time and everyone is various lengths.
Jonas Agallon/5 POV Chapters - Ooh kay, so I'm not disinterested in this character, but I also didn't care much for this character, I was just meh about him and his situation. Not to mention, one of the biggest beefs I have with this series, how quickly they get over a character they were supposed to be in love with in favor to fall in love with another very pretty character who is never really in danger no matter the situation . . . I have more about this in the story section of my review.
Princess Cleiona Aurora Bellos/7 POV Chapter - Like with Jonas, I was just meh about Cleo, her situation was interesting, but I never feared for her life, especially when the possible outcome happened easily to another character, but she continues to struggle until "the end". So far, her thing pretty much ended with a love saved her kind of deal which, egh.
Princess Lucia Eva Damora/6 POV Chapters - I think Lucia needed more chapters to tell her story . . . Better? I mean, she got a baby at the end of Book 5, a baby who is stealing her magic, but it barely got touched on. Just, she has a baby, it's stealing her magic somehow, she needs her magic to stop Kyan, and . . . that's it. Her baby gets taken at one point, but it didn't really serve any consequences, like, at all.
Prince Magnus Lukas Damora/10 POV Chapters - Well, my boy Magnus has the most chapters, but I no longer found joy in reading them as I used to. Most of his thought process just revolves around Cleo now, especially after a certain somebody dies right near the beginning of the book. I don't know, I will agree that Magnus got one h*** of a change throughout the series compared to other characters, even his sister Lucia, but his change revolves around a girl who I was up and down with throughout the series lol. So, just another set of POVs that I felt meh about it.
Empress Amara Cortas/5 POV Chapters - I felt like her story was not necessary and in the way with what was going on in Mytica. It felt more like, well since she is in the story the author has to include what is going on with her for those who like and/or are curious about this character, and seeing as I never really cared about Amara since a bit after her introduction back in book 3 or 4, I just didn't care about how she was feeling and I predicted HER stories plot twists . . . They had to do with her grandmother, it was just way too obvious.
Nicolo Cassian/3 POV Chapters - To me, Nic's chapters served to only show what Kyan was doing throughout the book as Kyan had control over his body. This was another set of chapters that was predictable and not at all surprising. So, you know . . . egh.

World Building: 2* - Egh, some stuff about the magic felt pretty convenient throughout this book. I mean magical items were found, received, used, without much explanation on how or why they were made, they just existed, and what became one information about the Kindred, now a new information was given to stop them. So . . . whatever, I was pretty much done here.

Story: 2.5* - Well, I'm afraid the story was largely predictable and not all surprising with one character getting over one love interest in favor of another, not enough chapters to tell what a character is going through, one character's chapters felt pointless, and one was just only written to show what the villain was doing without knowing what the villain is thinking or planning. I just found the story average, predictable, and just . . . Meh.

Over All: 3* - All in all, I just found this book ok. It ended with the nicest, prettiest bow tied around an ok box. Basically, the ending was decent to an ok series. Story was meh, characters was a mixture of okay and meh, and, just . . . I don't know, this was just, okay, and I am done with this series.
The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien

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This is a Children/Middle Grade Fantasy novel.

Book Cover: 4* - 2nd time reading this book and I am finally leaving a review lol. This time I have my hands on a hard cover version of The Hobbit, and I really like this cover. I think it is very simplistic and stylistic, which works well for this story. I also have the version with the red sun and dragon, so the 75th anniversary edition of the book, which really pop on this cover.

Summary/Tagline: 3* - The summary is ok. I'm curious enough to want to read the story. Bilbo is a simple living hobbit who is suddenly met with Gandalf and some dwarves who come to take him away to steal from a dragon. So, simple and curious enough lol.

Characters: 3* - Well, The Hobbit follows Bilbo Baggins for a good majority of the book with a few POV hopping moments peppered throughout the story. He was an ok little dude. I didn't love him, but I also didn't hate him, he was just ok for me. Unfortunately, the dwarves that Bilbo travels with, are pretty forgettable. Even Thorin, who is going to be King of the Lonely Mountains, but he and his company just felt like there were just there sometimes and complain when they feel like Bilbo is being an inconvenience, even though he saves them a lot lol. Gandalf was an interesting character, but he was just gone for most of the book, needing to do a different task that I thought was a little more interesting than the journey to the Lonely Mountain lol.

World Building: 2* - To be honest, the world building wasn't really that noticeable in this book. Even the magic system, which, I guess because this is a children book, there is normally never a need to go in depth for that stuff. So just expect a lot of just go with it and coincidental conveniences throughout the story.

Story: 3* - The story, I think, is an ok yet simple, fun and exciting adventure children story. Bilbo was having an ordinary, quiet life in Bag Ends, and his life is suddenly interrupted by Gandalf and 12 or 13 dwarves, needing him to go with them and steal some stuff that is being guarded by a massive dragon. There is quite a bit of coincidental conveniences made by Gandalf with his, "A wizard did it!" moments lol, and just go with it moments when it comes to Bilbo being on his own when he is separated from the group. Just suspend your disbelief when reading this story and you may actually enjoy it, unless you want something more in depth and expansive, then this story may not be for you.

Audio Book: 3* - The narrator for this book wasn't bad. He attempted a variety of voices for different characters and creatures, but I suppose my problem was struggling to pay attention. The only times I listened was when I was showering and pumping breast milk, however when I was pumping I was trying to follow along with the physical book in front of me because why not lol.

Over All: 3* - I give The Hobbit 3 stars. I thought this story was a simple but fun and exciting adventure children story where I must suspend my disbelief and just go with whatever is happening. This book was written with kids in mind so if you are looking for something on the same level as The Lord of the Rings, A Song of Ice and Fire, Mistborn trilogy, etc. I may ask you to look elsewhere. I'm not sure if I would recommend this book to first time fantasy readers as it is a very simple adventure story for kids, but if you want to give it a shot anyway then I say go for it. You may have fun reading it, especially if you are reading it to your kids.
The Magician's Nephew by C.S. Lewis

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The Magician's Nephew is a Children/Middle Grade Portal Fantasy novel, book 1 in the series.

Book Cover: 5* - I really love illustrated covers, and although this style is pretty old, it's still wonderful to look at. To me, it just makes the Narnia covers vibrant and whimsical to look at, making me think the same of the story.

Summary/Tagline: 3* - Low, I know, but it got me interested enough to want to read this book ... to my infant son lol. However, I may try this book and the rest of the series when he's much older, it was hard to read to him when he's wailing because he's fighting sleep lol.

Characters: 3* - We follow 2 kids in this story, Polly and Digory, and it's pretty funny, but Polly is the girl with a good head on her shoulders and Digory is a pretty funny wisea**. A lot of the stuff that came out of his mouth made me laugh a few times while Polly acts more like she just puts up with him, but what is nice about this story is that, well, they are kids. They get scared, angry, confused, and their handling of Digory's uncle tricking Polly into wearing a ring sending her to a mysterious world was oddly ... like it was no big deal, as they planned to deal with him when they got back anyway it seems, but instead they hopped into another portal where they meet, and THIS was interesting, Jadis, or more known as, The White Witch. She's just a mean and nasty lady, but beautiful and other worldly I suppose. This is before she is known as The White Witch. There are a few characters here and there, but a lot of them were just ... meh. Oh yeah, this story POV hops quite a bit. So one minute you are Digory, then Polly, then whatever characters is with them, and eventually back to one of the kids. So, I guess prepare for that.

World Building: 3* - Honestly, there really isn't much to say. I'm sure you are aware of the Christian allegories in these books. Well, there's a pretty heavy one on creationism and Aslan. That alone I was like ... Well alright then, that was interesting lol.

Story: 3* - This book was a pretty simple read of 2 kids get tricked into going on a journey where odd mayhem and shenanigans ensue. The adults are kind of ... idiots, but nice, in this book or just plain terrible and the kids pretty much solve things by accident or just chancing it. Other than that, I'm sure kids will probably enjoy this story enough because magic and adventure.

Over All: 3* - This was a good read. Characters take some getting used too, but it isn't infuriating or anything. I did like learning of the story before The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe. Especially how Narnia and most of the notable characters from that world came into being. You also get to learn how the wardrobe and the lamppost themselves come into existence too. This was enjoyable to read, but I'm going to try and reread this book when my son is older. I think he will enjoy it too when he is able to understand words and pictures lol.
The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis

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The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe is a Children/Middle Grade Portal Fantasy novel, book 2 in the series.

Book Cover: 5* - I really love illustrated covers, and although this style is pretty old, it's still wonderful to look at. To me, it just makes the Narnia covers vibrant and whimsical to look at, making me think the same of the story.

Summary/Tagline: 3* - The summary is alright. It didn't really hook me at all and I wasn't curious to know whats up.

Characters: 3* - The story follows 4 siblings: Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter, but the story POV hops mostly to Lucy and Edmund within chapters together, but when split up, they actually do get their own chapters. The kids are alright, they are kids with varying importance I suppose. The story centers around the Prophecy/Chosen One, or in this case 4 chosen ones, trope where the kids have to save a magical world from the Witch from book 1, but never once mentions her name in this book which I thought was weird, but whatever. Now, although this book is VERY much a product of its time, the kids are important in order to save Narnia, it seems more like Peter is "more" important in order to rule Narnia later, which would've been nice to see his POV in this book about this whole ordeal, but kids book so we don't follow teenagers.

World Building: 3* - Like in book 1, the world building is taken a back seat in this book, but we do get to learn a little something about Narnia now that time has gone by, but the information wasn't really extraordinary, and its good for youngsters to wrap their head around.

Story: 3.5* - Actually the story was pretty good. I do prefer this one over book 1, it's just ... got some outdated things when it comes to gender roles. If you can get through that, you may be able to get through this whole series I think. The story is, kids enter a wardrobe to a magical world called Narnia(From Book 1), that for some reason is always Winter and never Christmas. Why? Just assume the evil witch just did it because ... reason? The kids are then told of a prophecy that states 4 humans will come and save Narnia from the evil of the White Witch, and there you go. Journey ensues. Oh, the action was also written well, when presented, other than that, expect the battles to be fade to black stuff lol.

Over All: 3* - All in all, like book 1, this series is turning out serviceable for what I need ... which is read to my son to help him fall asleep at night lol. Most likely when I do finish this series, I don't really see myself rereading the Narnia series. The Christianity Allegory is VERY much present and the story is outdated when it comes to gender roles, and don't give me, "well it was written back then." No s*** Sherlock, it doesn't make it good. Oh yeah, just know some scenes are cringey to read. Ok that's it.
The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R. Tolkien

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The Lord of the Rings The Fellowship of the Ring is an Adult High/Epic Fantasy novel, book 1 in the series.

Book Cover: 3* - I think the cover is very nicely done. It's a beautiful depiction of an environment. What that environment is? ... Yeah I have no idea, but it looks nice lol.

Summary/Tagline: 3.5* - It's good. It tells me about Bilbo(Main Character in The Hobbit) living a VERY long life with the ring he found in his journey to the Lonely Mountain, and that evil is starting to stir and trying to get it back ... Yeah this edition is too vague about what I'm about to read lol.

Characters: 3.5* - This book does POV hop a bit within each chapter, but we largely stay with Bilbo(until he leaves for Rivendell), Frodo, and Gandalf. Sometimes we get Aragorn and Sam's POV, but they are few and far between. These characters are pretty competent when it comes to a lot of scenarios. Yes they have moments of panic/fear when like faced with a horde of orcs and a freaking Balrog, but I did struggle to connect with all of the characters. However if you did ask me who my favorite character is, I'll definitely say Aragorn ... he has a magical sword that burst into silvery flames ok!

World Building: 4* - The world building in this book ... is expansive to say the least lol. We get to know about the history of Hobbits and their way of life. Songs and poetry of the Elves. Craftsmanship of the Dwarves. A characters family inheritance and lineage ... it's a lot ok. There's just ... so much to the point that it does drag the story quite a bit. This is just 4 stars because I did like learning about the world of TLotR, I just think it should've been held back at some points in the story. Oh yeah, did I mention there's singing? Because there is lots and lots of singing lol.

Story: 4* - The story is good, well written, and engaging when it wants to be, but in my opinion, it is harder to care when there are large blocks of exposition dumps about the ring, Sauron, Elven history, etc. The story is, Frodo has inherited a ring by his uncle Bilbo who has decided to leave the Shire to go on an adventure again to see places and friends he misses, but soon Frodo and Gandalf come to find out, that the ring Bilbo passed to Frodo actually belongs to the Dark Lord Sauron and has sent his Ringwraiths to go fetch it for him so that he can rule Middle Earth ... oops. Now Frodo has to go on his own perilous journey to find a way to keep the ring safe and have it destroyed before Sauron gets his ring back. It's a really fun adventure story that I still enjoyed to this day. Get past all that world and lore stuff and the book is a breeze to read/listen to in my opinion.

Audio Book 3* - The narrator was good and has a few distinct voices for some of the characters, but not much as many of them, especially if given the same voice, is hard to distinguish who is who. I also struggled a lot more with paying attention with the narrator in this book. I'm not saying he sounded or is bored, just ... he was ok.

Over All: 4* - No way am I giving this book 3 stars, but I can't give it 5 stars either. I think 4 stars works just fine for me. The characters are good, the world lore is ... a lot to take in lol, and the adventure story is fun and exciting. Would I recommend this book to first time fantasy readers ... Maybe? I would warn about the info dumps and lengthy exposition dialogues that happen throughout the book, but I would also suggest to keep an open mind about this book as it did inspire many fantasy writers today and still does actually. So, I would say, give it a shot, it won't hurt to try it at least once.
Fifty Shades of Grey by E.L. James

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Fifty Shades of Grey is an Adult Erotica novel, book 1 in the series. I DNF the book after chapter 1.

Book Cover: 1* - Honestly, the cover is just so ... boring. It's just a tie in grey scale. Get it ... because 50 shades of ... oh whatever.

Summary/Tagline: 1* - Yeah, no it won't lmao. Anyway, all I did was roll my eyes at the summary. So, I wasn't the least bit interested.

Characters: 1* - We follow Anastasia Steele who "falls" for a billionaire business man named Christian Grey ... I mean, after the first chapter, I couldn't get much out of Ana from just one chapter, but from what I can remember, she doesn't have nice things to say about women who are blonde.

World Building: /* - The story is set in a modern day city. Not really anything to say here.

Story: 1* - Alright, like I said right in the beginning, I DNFed after chapter 1 ... 3 times. Why? The writing is just ... so bad. I cringed, was really confused, and just closed the book all 3 times I've tried to read this book. I'm not even going to bother anymore. The writing is nowhere near good enough for me attempt this book/trilogy.

Over All: 1* - The writing isn't good and Ana is just nowhere near interesting enough for me to continue attempting to read this book. Plus I think I got enough of her from the first chapter alone. She plays "prude", when really, she's just a judgemental b**** to blonde women(No I'm not blonde, I just don't like slut shaming female characters). So, no thanks I'm good.