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383 reviews
Our Infinite Fates by Laura Steven
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? It's complicated
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
“Seelenverwandte, die dazu bestimmt sind, sich in jedem Leben zu töten, obwohl sie sich lieben”..selbstverständlich muss ich sowas lesen. Das Buch schreit ja quasi danach, für mich geschrieben worden zu sein.
Erzählt wird abwechselnd aus der Gegenwart und Vergangenheit, wobei wir, was die Vergangenheit angeht, immer weiter zurückgehen, bis zum Anfang dieser tragischen Liebesgeschichte.
Mir haben die Zeitsprünge sehr gefallen. Wir sehen, wie Evelyn & Arden immer wieder neue Körper, Kulturen und damit Leben führen, sich treffen und was dann passiert, was eben passieren muss.
Da alles aus Evelyns Sicht erzählt wird, wird man, verständlicherweise, oft mit der Frage des “Warum” konfrontiert. Ich kann nicht sagen, dass es genervt hat, aber wenn vom Gegenüber keine oder nur eine abwehrende Antwort kommt, dann ist das doch leicht frustrierend für alle Beteiligten.
Ich habe mich auch mehrmals erwischt, wie ich gerne aus Ardens Sicht gelesen hätte, denn es schien sehr oft, dass er in dieser Geschichte die schwerere Bürde zu tragen hat. Zu meiner Überraschung hat sich mein Wunsch nach Ardens Sicht aber zum Ende hin gelegt.
Die Auflösung fand ich größtenteils gut und komplett nachvollziehbar, bis auf das vorletzte Kapitel, bei dem ich mich dann doch wieder etwas gewundert habe und es mir die Auflösung schon fast wieder verdorben hat.
Es gibt ein (offenes) Happy End, obwohl ich nicht unbedingt sagen kann, dass mein Herz damit 100% zufrieden ist. Ich liebe die Idee und finde es wurde solide umgesetzt, aber leider konnte es mich nicht zu 100% abholen. Mir hat auch zwischendurch das gewisse Etwas gefehlt, um komplett in der Story drin zu sein.
Empfehlen kann ich “Our Infinite Fates” jedoch trotzdem und ich werde auch weitere Bücher der Autorin lesen.
Riding the High by Paisley Hope
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? No
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
The first 30% of “Riding the High” were really nice! Very pleasant to read, good characters, great banter.
I don’t know what happened after that, but it somehow fell a bit flat for me and, at times, almost dragged a bit too much.
There was a constant back and forth between Cole & Ginger about wanting each other, but somehow hesitating because of the circumstances, but then also incapable of not being around each other and obviously monologues about how hot the other person is.
The dirty talk was..fine in some moments and just too much in others. Wasn’t feeling it really.
There wasn’t necessarily a third act breakup but addressing the elephant in the room with “this..*us* was a mistake.” is also not *it*. I expect more from a 30 year old man.
I was also disappointed that we didn’t get to read the conversation between Ginger and her dad, because that seemed rather important for Ginger’s character and that relationship (very clearly) needed some work. Same goes for the 180 degree turn around of her father through the text he sent her. Like? That is most definitely not the same character that appeared thus far throughout the book.
Secret star of the book was Mable, Cole’s daughter. No questions asked.
The epilogue was cute, while also being too much towards the end.
There were a decent amount of scenes from the characters of the previous books, which was nice.
I’m not sure yet if I will read the other books in the series (probably will though), but I will keep an eye out on other books by the author.
I’m not sure yet if I will read the other books in the series (probably will though), but I will keep an eye out on other books by the author.
Thank you Cornerstone/Penguin for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
The Stars are Dying by Chloe C. Peñaranda
- Strong character development? No
- Loveable characters? No
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
Die Idee & das Worldbuilding haben so viel Potential, aber was auch immer auf diesen über 600 Seiten (inklusive Bonusszenen 670 Seiten!) fabriziert wurde, erschließt sich mir einfach nicht.
Die Vision der Autorin war klar: eine Welt, die düster und gefährlich ist, mit entsprechenden Charakteren und einem Mix aus verschiedenen Wesen, ein tödlicher Wettbewerb (der tatsächlich in der Idee gar nicht soooo schlecht war), gepaart mit eine Shadow-Daddy ähnlichen Love Interest und einer Protagonistin, die sich ihrer Kraft noch nicht bewusst ist.
Das Ergebnis ist mehr als enttäuschend und zu 90% nicht gelungen.
Aus Lesersicht glich das Buch leider einer Tragödie.
Nach den ersten knapp 200 Seiten fallen einige Schwächen auf, die man hätte super verzeihen können, denn der Unterhaltungsfaktor war definitiv da. Leider wurde “The Stars are Dying” mit jedem Kapitel schwächer und schlechter, sodass es am Ende nur noch genervt hat und das Lesen eine Quälerei war. Ab ca. der Hälfte des Buches habe ich dann auch die ganzen durchwachsenen Rezensionen nachvollziehen können!
Astraea, weibliche Protagonistin, wird dem Leser als “schwach, naiv und hilflos” (grobes Zitat aus dem Buch) vorgestellt und das lässt sie den Leser auch nicht vergessen! Das Buch ist komplett aus ihrer Perspektive geschrieben und wie oft ich dieses Gejammert von ihr selber lesen musste, geschweige denn wie oft es andere Charaktere ihr gegenüber erwähnen, ist wirklich unfassbar.
Die Handlung zieht sich über ca 2-3 Wochen und das ist nun wirklich nicht viel Zeit, aber wie kann man bei den gegebenen Umständen kein bisschen Charakterentwicklung haben??? Wo ist der Überlebensinstinkt? Wo ist der Lebenswille? Kampfgeist? Irgendwas?!
Astraea verfällt konsequent und konsistent bei jeder erdenklichen Gelegenheit in ihre Opferrolle und hat auch in keinem Moment das Verlangen, dem entgegenzuwirken, außer einmal kurz nach einem Orgasmus bei dem sie sogar noch selbst dafür sorgen musste… Das höchste der Gefühle bzgl. ihrem Kampfgeist ist ein “ich hasse dich” und das erinnert dann mehr an einen Teenie als an eine 23jährige junge Frau.
Ich habe schon eine ganze Weile kein Buch mehr in der Hand gehabt, in dem ich so eine (charakter-)schwache Protagonistin erlebt habe.
Nyte, anfangs noch mysteriös in jeglichem Sinne, verfällt auch schnell in seine Rolle des dominanten “Monsters”, unfähig irgendeine Frage direkt zu beantworten und launenhaft ohne Ende. Zuerst ist er ruhig, dann ernst, dann wütend, dann gefährlich & wahlweise drohend, um dann wieder mit sanfter Stimme und weichen Augen weiterzureden.
Seine einzige Kunst ist, jeglichen Zweifel seitens Astraea mit einem sanften “vertraust du mir?” wegzuzaubern. Sein Verhalten und seine Aussagen waren fast schon unangenehm mitzulesen.
Die Beziehung der beiden hat verschiedene Emotionen in mir geweckt. Es fing an mit “interessant, mal gucken wie sich das entwickelt” zu “nachvollziehen kann ich die zwei nicht wirklich” bis ich dann schlussendlich bei einem “was zur Hölle ist das eigentlich? Ich hasse es.” gelandet bin.
Das, was auch immer da zwischen den beiden war, mitzulesen, hat einfach nur wehgetan. Die Gespräche waren eine konstante Fragen-ohne-Antworten-Situation, also eigentlich leere Dialoge und mehr Page Filler. Jegliche Fragen oder Zweifel, die Astraea zur Sprache gebracht hat, wurden ausgewichen oder ignoriert. Das alles auch noch zum leidwesen der Leser, denn was Astraea nicht weiß, wissen wir genauso wenig.
Ihre Gefühle für Nyte wechselten ungefähr so schnell wie seine Laune. Da haben sich also zwei gefunden..
Eine komplette Katastrophe in meinen Augen. Hinzu kommt auch noch das ungleichmäßige Machtverhältnis (er: groß, stark, mächtig & gefährlich; sie: schwach, naiv & unfähig), das Nyte immer wieder, bewusst oder unbewusst, durch seine Taten deutlich gemacht hat.
Beide Charaktere einzeln, als auch ihre Beziehung kann man daher nur als anstrengend bezeichnen.
Es wurden mehrere Nebencharaktere eingeführt, viele von denen links liegen gelassen, um dann am Ende wieder teilweise in Erscheinung zu treten.
Die Sexszenen an sich waren solala. Die Szenen im Kontext der Geschichte und die Überleitung zu diesen waren so unangenehm, schlecht und völlig unpassend gewählt, dass es auch entsprechend unangenehm war es zu lesen.
Rose und Zath, “Freunde” von Astraea, haben mehr harmoniert als irgendjemand sonst in diesem Buch.
Es gab einige unerwartete Wendungen, jedoch konnten mich keine davon wirklich abholen.
Was auf den letzten ca. 50 bis 100 Seiten passiert ist: keine Ahnung. Da hat einfach gar nichts mehr Sinn ergeben. Es fehlt einfach durchweg eine gewisse Struktur. Die letzten paar Kapitel waren auch die, bei denen mir schlussendlich der Geduldsfaden gerissen ist und ich von 2 Sterne auf 1.5 runter bin.
Eins der beiden Bonuskapitel ist aus Roses Sicht und war in Handlung und Qualität besser als die letzten ca. 150-200 Seiten des Buches.
Wäre ich zum Ende hin nicht so genervt gewesen, hätte ich die Reihe wahrscheinlich weiterverfolgt. So ziehe ich aber hier die Reißleine.
Promise Me Sunshine by Cara Bastone
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
“Promise Me Sunshine” is about grief and love. But mainly grief.
It's equally sad as it is funny.
Lenny is grieving her best friend and is, at least emotionally, hanging on for dear life.
Then she finds Miles and he, as Lenny later states, “went to hell and dragged her back out”.
The writing is absolutely exquisite and portrayed the emotions and the sudden change in mood very well.
While this book is about grief, the tone is very much not necessarily sad. It is actually more casual and fits the characters & story really well.
The characters were great too. Loooooooooved Ainsley!!
I love me a good grumpy character and when Miles was first introduced, I was sure he’s THE grumpiest of them all. The fact that he’s not made him only so much better.
Cara Bastone managed to find that sweet, sweet spot between a sad book and romcom, where one is crying in one moment and then laughing the next.
I cannot wait to read more from this author!
Very much recommend this book!
Thank you Headline Eternal for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
Murder in the Family by Cara Hunter
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? No
- Loveable characters? It's complicated
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
The main reason I was interested in the book is the format. And I really liked that, especially once you get past the first introduction of the characters.
There were some nice twists and turns, though I will say the more characters were introduced, the more confused I was at some point. I wouldn't say it dragged or that I lost interest but it did feel a bit flat in the middle.
Would have loved some more info or some sort of reminder of who is who and how they are related to the case or characters.
I also don't think having pictures and maps and printing them all in black & white or different shades of grey was a smart choice, because you could barely recognise anything.
I can see how this would be a great audiobook.
Will I turn into a crime/thriller girly? We shall see.
There were some nice twists and turns, though I will say the more characters were introduced, the more confused I was at some point. I wouldn't say it dragged or that I lost interest but it did feel a bit flat in the middle.
Would have loved some more info or some sort of reminder of who is who and how they are related to the case or characters.
I also don't think having pictures and maps and printing them all in black & white or different shades of grey was a smart choice, because you could barely recognise anything.
I can see how this would be a great audiobook.
Will I turn into a crime/thriller girly? We shall see.
Powerless by Lauren Roberts
- Loveable characters? No
- Diverse cast of characters? No
- Flaws of characters a main focus? Yes
In Germany we say: Das war ein bisschen wie ein Unfall.
There was absolutely no reason for this book to be 500 pages long.
After 50pages I kinda knew this wasn't good and yet I kept on reading, hoping something would change my mind.
Spoiler: it just got worse.
The world building was so clumsy done that I didn't understand anything. Imperials? Elites? No idea.
The characters were kinda dumb. Couldn't stand anyone.
Why Kai (MMC; I think he was supposed to be hot) kept on using "darling" was beyond my comprehension. It was so out of place and ruined the vibe and most dialgues.
The suggested, but not really acted on, love triangle was also a choice.
The plot...I heard about the Red Queen controversy, but I haven't read the series and don't plan on reading it, so I can't say anything in that regards but loooooord, this was a lot of copy & pasting from the Hunger Games (trials are in a "Bowl", which is some sort of arena-like place; there people called Sights, who more or less discretely following everyone and take notes; there were interviews being done before the trials for a chance to win over the general public; there was some sort of points system; a forest where main girl can showcase her archery skills; the rebels that suddenly invaded the trials; etc).
I have yet to understand way Paedyn (FMC) participated in the trials in the first place.
The writing ???? Help. Where was the editor? This book has, at the very least, 100 pages worth of content that needed to be edited out before going to the printers. And the rest needs to be (heavily) revised. Why was there so much repetition of the same thoughts and mantras ("play the part")??
The first couple of times of pov-change, the scenes were overlapping and I was forced to read the last scene from the previous chapter from the new pov, before something new happened and I don't want to read scenes twice.
The pacing throughout and especially towards the end was just all over the pace. Still don't really get how we end one chapter with a fancy ball and then start the next chapter with a trial.
I think I can see how people who usually don't read fantasy or romantasy might like this.
If you are a seasoned fantasy/romantasy reader and liked this, then: how?
Will (very obviously) not continue this series.
There was absolutely no reason for this book to be 500 pages long.
After 50pages I kinda knew this wasn't good and yet I kept on reading, hoping something would change my mind.
Spoiler: it just got worse.
The world building was so clumsy done that I didn't understand anything. Imperials? Elites? No idea.
The characters were kinda dumb. Couldn't stand anyone.
Why Kai (MMC; I think he was supposed to be hot) kept on using "darling" was beyond my comprehension. It was so out of place and ruined the vibe and most dialgues.
The suggested, but not really acted on, love triangle was also a choice.
The plot...I heard about the Red Queen controversy, but I haven't read the series and don't plan on reading it, so I can't say anything in that regards but loooooord, this was a lot of copy & pasting from the Hunger Games (trials are in a "Bowl", which is some sort of arena-like place; there people called Sights, who more or less discretely following everyone and take notes; there were interviews being done before the trials for a chance to win over the general public; there was some sort of points system; a forest where main girl can showcase her archery skills; the rebels that suddenly invaded the trials; etc).
I have yet to understand way Paedyn (FMC) participated in the trials in the first place.
The writing ???? Help. Where was the editor? This book has, at the very least, 100 pages worth of content that needed to be edited out before going to the printers. And the rest needs to be (heavily) revised. Why was there so much repetition of the same thoughts and mantras ("play the part")??
The first couple of times of pov-change, the scenes were overlapping and I was forced to read the last scene from the previous chapter from the new pov, before something new happened and I don't want to read scenes twice.
The pacing throughout and especially towards the end was just all over the pace. Still don't really get how we end one chapter with a fancy ball and then start the next chapter with a trial.
I think I can see how people who usually don't read fantasy or romantasy might like this.
If you are a seasoned fantasy/romantasy reader and liked this, then: how?
Will (very obviously) not continue this series.
You Float My Boat by Lulu Moore
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? No
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
This was cute, funny and very easy to read.
Loved the characters, the general plot and how straight to the point it was from the very beginning.
Some things that I do want to point out though:
The pacing was a bit weird for about the first half of the book, so the transition from fake-daring to real-dating wasn't as smooth as it probably could have been. For it to be more believable, at least for me, there were just a couple more one-on-one scenes missing between Violet and Charlie.
I couldn't really stand Brooks, Violet’s brother & one of Charlie’s best friends. I haven't read the first book in the series, so I am not sure how his character was introduced, but in this one, he's more often than not put in the role not being the brightest star in the sky. Plus, whatever he was on about, it wasn't very brotherly towards Violet?! I didn’t have it in me to even attempt to think his remarks were funny or that he was in any way charming.
Some storylines were left in the open and I don’t understand why? Example: Kate & Oz. I assumed their story was done in book one, but apparently it’s being dragged out onto book three, for reasons I am not entirely sure.
Though I really came to like Oz!
As much as I am not a fan of the break-up, I can look past it. What I can’t look past is the reason because was that. Charlie’s alleged 150 IQ was absolutely nowhere to be found…
Given that Edie was the sole reason to fake-date in the first place, there could have been done more with her character. More scenes with all three of them. More scenes with Charlie, her and the study group. The potential was there.
Anyway, “You Float My Boat” is a cute and fun book and I will be looking forward to book three and attempt to read book one until then.
Thank you to Penguin for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own
Loved the characters, the general plot and how straight to the point it was from the very beginning.
Some things that I do want to point out though:
The pacing was a bit weird for about the first half of the book, so the transition from fake-daring to real-dating wasn't as smooth as it probably could have been. For it to be more believable, at least for me, there were just a couple more one-on-one scenes missing between Violet and Charlie.
I couldn't really stand Brooks, Violet’s brother & one of Charlie’s best friends. I haven't read the first book in the series, so I am not sure how his character was introduced, but in this one, he's more often than not put in the role not being the brightest star in the sky. Plus, whatever he was on about, it wasn't very brotherly towards Violet?! I didn’t have it in me to even attempt to think his remarks were funny or that he was in any way charming.
Some storylines were left in the open and I don’t understand why? Example: Kate & Oz. I assumed their story was done in book one, but apparently it’s being dragged out onto book three, for reasons I am not entirely sure.
Though I really came to like Oz!
As much as I am not a fan of the break-up, I can look past it. What I can’t look past is the reason because was that. Charlie’s alleged 150 IQ was absolutely nowhere to be found…
Given that Edie was the sole reason to fake-date in the first place, there could have been done more with her character. More scenes with all three of them. More scenes with Charlie, her and the study group. The potential was there.
Anyway, “You Float My Boat” is a cute and fun book and I will be looking forward to book three and attempt to read book one until then.
Thank you to Penguin for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own
The Next Best Fling by Gabriella Gamez
Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
Did not finish book. Stopped at 10%.
I respectfully DNF at 10%/ after chapter 3.
I'm not proud of myself to give up so early, but I just can't.
I already had a weird feeling during the first chapter, but thought that I just needed to give it some time.
Well, what can I say.
The FMC is pining after her best friend, who is now engaged to another mutual friend. She has been in love with him for 8 (!) years and still has some sort of hope (?).
I feel like I read her whining and pity herself nonstop during those chapters.
There's also this constant thought that Alice (her best friend's fiancée) is planing something behind her back?
And don't get me started on that weird love triangle, or as someone else said love quartett, because that just took a really weird turn for me.
On top of that, there's was something in the writing, especially the way the FMC talks about other characters, that didn't work for me.
This book is surely for someone, but that someone is not me.
Thank you to Renegade/Dialogue for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
I'm not proud of myself to give up so early, but I just can't.
I already had a weird feeling during the first chapter, but thought that I just needed to give it some time.
Well, what can I say.
The FMC is pining after her best friend, who is now engaged to another mutual friend. She has been in love with him for 8 (!) years and still has some sort of hope (?).
I feel like I read her whining and pity herself nonstop during those chapters.
There's also this constant thought that Alice (her best friend's fiancée) is planing something behind her back?
And don't get me started on that weird love triangle, or as someone else said love quartett, because that just took a really weird turn for me.
On top of that, there's was something in the writing, especially the way the FMC talks about other characters, that didn't work for me.
This book is surely for someone, but that someone is not me.
Thank you to Renegade/Dialogue for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.
The Blood Traitor by Lynette Noni
- Plot- or character-driven? A mix
- Loveable characters? Yes
I know Kiva & Jaren are the main couple here, but no one can tell me that the author didn't fell in love with Caldon while writing book 2 & 3. Let's be for real here...
I definitely did. And I am somewhat confused that Kiva didn't.
Also: CRESTA! The woman that you are! *chefs kiss*
Great conclusion to the series! Can very much recommend!
I definitely did. And I am somewhat confused that Kiva didn't.
Also: CRESTA! The woman that you are! *chefs kiss*
Great conclusion to the series! Can very much recommend!
A Language of Dragons by S.F. Williamson
- Plot- or character-driven? Plot
- Strong character development? Yes
- Loveable characters? Yes
- Diverse cast of characters? Yes
(yes yes, I am just as surprised about my rating but it is what it is)
Politics. A Rebellion. War. A corrupt government. Class-system based society. Dragons.
I was a bit hesitant going into this book and I’m not sure why, but probably because of the Babel comparison and the dark academia part, which isn’t really my favourite or something I gravitate towards.
However, this book surprised me with its plot and writing and I very much enjoyed it! Didn’t expected to be so invested tbh.
The characters were great! The dragons (!!!) were great! Very much loved how they were depicted in an alternative 1920s London/UK setting.
As great as this book is, after all, it's YA. It's clear in the general tone of the book & the writing, Vivien’s (FMC) reasoning for her actions, her (limited) view of society, as well as in the actions of other characters.
I can see how some readers might find her annoying and maybe stubborn. I personally think she acted 100% according to her character & personality and had a nice development of such throughout the book. She got constantly challenged in her views by the majority of the characters, and dragons for that matter, and eventually came around.
Furthermore, I think the unsteady pacing made the romance, which was barely existing in the first half but then picked up in the second, feel a bit rushed and maybe not really consistent compared to the rest of the story.
Some things that I don’t really agree with in terms of marketing:
Is it academia? Yes. Vivien is a polyglot and language and linguistic are *her* thing and a big part of the book. But I wouldn’t consider this book to be dark academia.
The romance is a subplot, or maybe even a sub-subplot, and labeling this as ‘slow burn enemies-to-lovers’ is misleading in my opinion. Saying the romance is slow-burn is a (big) stretch. They are barely even rivals, which can’t be said about the relationship between Vivien and other characters, but they are definitely not enemies.
“A Language of Dragons” is a phenomenal debut and I am very excited for the sequel!
Thank you to Harper Fire/HarperCollins UK for providing this book for review via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.