argyledinosaur's reviews
210 reviews

Girl, Interrupted by Susanna Kaysen

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I'm positive I read this, but I don't know why I wouldn't have recorded it, other than maybe I read it when I didn't have internet or a smartphone, so it was definitely at least a couple years ago. I remember liking it enough, but it was also pretty tough to read, I think, for me. I know I compared it to the movie, but I can't remember how well they compare because I read this so long ago.
We Are Okay by Nina LaCour

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Wow. Just wow. This book is an emotional roller coaster in the best way possible. There's just so much happening. Loss, heartbreak, moving across the country by yourself, college, roommates... So much goes on that high schoolers and young college students can identify with. There's just so much emotion packed into this small book because when you're young emotions are so much more raw and intense. I feel like this book accurately portrays young adults going through these things, and what young adults feel while going through these things.

I highly recommend picking this up and giving it a read. I will most likely be reading this at some point in the future.
Oxford Book of American Verse by F.O. Matthiessen

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I love the idea of anthologies and such because then I can read a sampling of stuff from so many different people. I did like this collection, but I will admit that I'm not the biggest fan of a lot of the poets. I did, however, appreciate having the opportunity to discover them and read some of their work.
A Madeline Treasury: The Original Stories by Ludwig Bemelmans by Ludwig Bemelmans

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This is a lovely children's book. it's a collection of stories centered around the character who shares a name with the stories, and I think a lot of people feel nostalgic toward these stories. I don't really feel the connection others do to the stories, but I do love the cartoon. I am very happy to add this to my growing collection of children's books, and I would suggest that anyone in touch with their inner child pick this up. I especially love that this isn't about princesses getting rescued by a prince. It's about a little girl who loves advventure.
Seduced by Caelia Sky

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A free book that I found on Google Play. It's only like, 30-something pages, so it's not really a book as much as a short story, but I digress.

Given how short it is I expected, and was okay with, the thin plot, and the tropey damsel in distress scenarios laid out in the book. Where I got annoyed was when Nero rescued her from the semi crashing into her or whatever, because that's too much like Twilight, but even then I pressed on. It goes from him rescuing her from being crushed by a semi, to him asking her if she would let him have sex with her (she's a virgin, go figure), and then jumps right into a sex scene.

I'm not naive, I know this book was written as erotica, and therefore the most important part of the story should be the sex.... having said that I didn't like the sex scene. I've read a lot of fanfiction that has better written sex scenes (fewer typos, better use of language,better knowledge of anatomy, etc.). Granted, a lot of it is just my nitpicky nature with sex scenes and specific words used in them. These "buzzwords" I'll call them, are almost all used by this author, and it's totally not for me to say that nobody should use these words. I'm sure that other people would have no problem with reading them. I just can't.

It's worth a read if you're looking for vampire related smut and want to be able to get through it quickly.
Bind Me by Rene Folsom

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This is literally PWP, but it's actually decently written and I didn't have any cringey moments based on the language used in it, which is refreshing. It wasn't bad, and it was a quick enough read. There isn't really any plot to it at all, it's just an introduction to the characters and then a sex scene that lasts almost the entire length of the story, but if that's your thing, then I'd say this is worth a read.
天使と悪魔〈中〉 by Dan Brown

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Did not finish book.
It's well written, but I just can't get into it. I've tried and tried, but I'm just not getting into it and I can't bring myself to pick it up again. If you like action/thrillers/mysteries, I'm sure you'll enjoy this. I usually enjoy books of those genres, but I think just the way it's written is kind of pretentious, which makes me not want to read it. I don't want to read something that feels patronizing, you know? But for sure, if you're interested, give it a chance.
Operation Hail Storm by Brett Arquette

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I'm about half way through the book, but it's keeping my interest so far, which is a good thing. It's very well written and really entertaining. I'll update this when I diving the book completely, but so far, it's a 4 star book.
The Complete Tales Of Winnie The Pooh by Ernest H. Shepard, A.A. Milne

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"Pooh, promise me you'll remember me even when I'm a hundred?"

When my boyfriend and I finished reading this book, there wasn't a dry eye in the house. The stories are just like I remember them, even though the characters seem a little different. The characters seemed darker to me, as odd as that sounds. Eeyore sounds like he needs to be put in some kind of program because he's borderline suicidal, everyone is meaner to Pooh than I remember, because he's a bear of "very little brain", and Piglet's scared of his own shadow. These aren't faults with the writing, it's just an example of how Disney literally makes everything more kid friendly, even children's literature.

Though the characters are darker, I still love these stories, I still love this book, and I still would love for more stories to be added or to come out. While we were reading this I fell in love with Pooh all over again and I even found a Pooh bedding set I used to have on Ebay, and I almost paid the $40 for it.

If you're someone that has never read the Pooh stories, or even if you're someone that has read them over and over again, they are definitely worth revisiting.