bargainbinkazbrekker's reviews
851 reviews

The Grapes of Wrath by John Steinbeck

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when I was like 12 years old I listened to a radio drama and the only thing I remember was the ending where there were a bunch of people in a box car during a storm and *that* scene in the barn with the starving man and the lady who'd just given birth. For the longest time, I thought I'd just made it up because I never ever heard of any stories with those plot points. Until today. It was a radio drama of this book.
That scene will continue to plague my waking consciousness for many more years to come but at least I can put a name to it I guess.
Gone with the Wind by Margaret Mitchell

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I can't believe someone actually sat down and wrote a whole 900+ book about terrible racist characters falling in love with other terrible racist characters while being incredibly, unapologetically racist, and then it gets called a classic. Not only do all the characters suck in general but their also so fucking racist that it's actually revolting. The portrayals of slavery being a good thing for Black people, the demeaning language always used towards and for Black people, and the justification and supposed of the fucking KKK?? How are people treating this as something other than a literal piece of slavery glorification? This is the optime of white feminism with the racism dialed up to 1000.
I hate this so much, Fuck Margaret Mitchell and all her racism. This does not deserve to be considered a "classic", maybe a case study into the minds of those who think slavery can be justified and consider the confederacy just to be "southern pride" when all of its roots are in white supremacy, racism, and slavery.