bdr77's reviews
174 reviews

Trick Mirror: Reflections on Self-Delusion by Jia Tolentino

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 58%.
I found this extremely hard to get through. I enjoyed the parts of her talking about her life, in the essay about reality TV and the one about the religion but the rest of it felt like reading someone’s essay for class. Just a bunch of cited statistics and quotes from other people. Don’t get me wrong, it was well written but just not for me and I don’t want to make myself read something if I’m just going to skim through it. 
No One Can Know by Kate Alice Marshall

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Pretty good but overall forgettable and unsurprising ending 
Four Aunties and a Wedding by Jesse Q. Sutanto

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This was really good and funny but I did really hate Nathan’s parents the whole time 
Snotgirl, Vol. 1: Green Hair Don't Care by Bryan Lee O'Malley, Leslie Hung

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Lottie has no personality besides Hot Girl. Also what the fuck is going on. Those are my only two comments here. 
Everyone in This Room Will Someday Be Dead by Emily Austin

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~no plot just vibes as literary fiction usually is~ annoying as fuck narrator as well but I kinda was rooting for her idk
Detransition, Baby by Torrey Peters

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Did not finish book. Stopped at 4%.
This man just referred to his ex by saying that he misses her not in the way of missing a lover but he misses her like he misses a mother. Ew. I can’t! 
Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren

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I really didn’t like this book for a lot of reasonings being that
I hate the cheating trope, also the accident thing with her dad, it makes no sense that Elliot just don’t have known that this happened. Also, I thought it was creepy how after all this time, he professed his love to her after seeing her for like one second after they spent like a total of maybe 1-2 months together over a span of a few years knowing each other 11 YEARS AGO
also, I hate miscommunication and I think that the book could’ve been so much shorter if Macy was able to have a conversation like an adult. Super disappointed considering how hyped this book was