bitchinbookclubb's reviews
410 reviews

Heart Bones by Colleen Hoover

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Holy cow, CoHo does it again. Beyah is easily the most lovable protagonist, but I think Samson stole my heart. Please excuse me while I go lay in bed depressed for days that this story is over. If you are a CoHo fan, this is very similar to “it ends with us” but like so much better. I seriously can’t even handle how amazing this book was. TW: this book involves drug abuse.
Pretty Girls by Karin Slaughter

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This was very very gory. I am all for thrillers but it was a lot to swallow. I didn’t love the plot. It was hard to get behind the characters as much as I wanted to root for them and the father aspect was really confusing and I could have done without. I loved the writing style though and I appreciate the twisted concept
TW: rape, mutilation, abuse, just all the triggers. Don’t read if easily disturbed.
The Neighbor by Lisa Gardner

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If you have been following me for a while, you know I love Lisa Gardner. I am so sad to say this one just did not do it for me. I think it's a me problem though, and let me explain why. This book was written in 2009 and was so dated. The concept of email and computers being apart of crime solving was so new at this time, that is it insane to read about now. For example, finding someone's search history was like crazy hard and they were stalking someone's AIM buddies. Also this story is about the typical husband and wife who-dun-it. Hot wife goes missing, suspect number 1 is the husband. Maybe at the time this story was more profound but now, I have read so many husband vs. wife thrillers that it really has to be amazing to make me impressed. The husband was also beyond unhelpful to the police & the reason why was never fully brought to life. Overall it had the pieces of a great story that just didn't come together for me!
Undercover Bromance by Lyssa Kay Adams

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TW: sexual assault

I love when I can get a good romance book that has an important message. Braden Mack and Liv work together to take down a repeat sex offender and grow closer as time goes on. I have to say I wasn’t fully invested in the characters until the middle. They were both pretty unlikeable to me in the first book but once I got deeper into their stories I learned to love them. My biggest issue with the book was that it seemed like even though it dealt with a heavy subject there was always some cheesy joke or moment thrown in that made it less serious. (Don’t even get me started on the fart jokes.) The story of sexual assault really deserved to be sat in and felt so that part was kind of disappointing but I understand that’s kind of what you are asking for with this genre. P.S. I loved the way this author writes, I highlighted so many things because her words sound like lyrics, actually they sound like a Taylor Swift song. For example, ““She smelled like rum and tasted like a mistake” like your kidding. Tell me that wouldn’t be a line in all too well
I Will Make You Pay by Teresa Driscoll

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Please go read this book! Don't question it. This has made me a Teresa Driscoll fan for life.

Alice is a strong headed journalist that starts to get mysterious phone calls and scary messages sent to her every Wednesday. She is very independent, and the perfect female protagonist for the novel about stalkers. I am always fearful when I pick up a book like this, I am going to have to read about a damsel in distress. Alice is the opposite. She absolutely hates being dotted on, and her boyfriend takes a huge backseat. She needs no knight in shining armor. If she is not thinking about her stalker, she is trying to figure out a way to weasel herself back into work.

This story is told from multiple POV's both past and present, but the author makes it very easy to follow. Here's the thing about this author, you think "OMG, this is so predictable. I have this all figured out." But YOU DON'T! I promise.

If you need a good thriller, this one is it. It was a pretty quick and easy read too, I finished it in two days.
Before She Disappeared by Lisa Gardner

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This is a new stand-alone book for Gardner!! Even though, after meeting Frankie, I doubt this will be a stand-alone for long! This book was inspired by a woman named Lissa Yellowbird-Chase who is a civilian who searches for missing persons for a living. I loved the premise of this book but it was a little too slow paced for me.

Frankie was a lovable character but I wish the Paul stuff was more laid out. I still have no idea about the true inner workings of their relationship so I wish that would have been laid out a bit more.
The story of the missing persons was interesting and I love Gardners writing but I feel like there was a lot of fluff. Most time I was reading I would be desperate to skip ahead to the next part of the story. I did find the Detective Lotham to be an addicting character. For fans of Gardner, people said they saw a lot of DD in Frankie but I see a lot of DD in Lotham! Overall, I am a huge Gardner fan, so I definitely recommend this. But I think comparing this to “Find Her” I wasn’t on the edge of my seat.
Bright Side by Kim Holden

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Wow thanks @thereadheads for making me cry hysterically with no warning!!!! When I first started reading this book, I hated it. I hated the use of “dude”, the overplayed SoCal surfer girl vibe, it was just so cheesy. The beginning of the book read like a Disney Channel movie about surfing teens. BOY was I wrong. Like so wrong, I’m embarrassed I ever thought that. Kate is the most amazing character I’ve ever met. I love meeting a character that makes me look at my life and say “I want to me just like her.” And I do. She loved her friends so fully, and could call them out just the same. Her friendship with Clayton was such a shining example of the friend I hope to be to someone. And can we talk about Gus and Keller? No better characters could have been dreamed up to be her friends. I want to crawl inside their world and live there. Seriously, if you need a good mid week pick me up, don’t read this book. It was break you in the best way. This story is not for the faint of heart.
The Bromance Book Club by Lyssa Kay Adams

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I definitely did not stay until until 4am reading this in one sitting... ok yes I did. But it just got me hooked!!! It reminded me of a more light hearted version of “All your Perfects” by CoHo. I loved following Thea and Gavin, the most perfect imperfect couple. Gavin was clueless and made dumb boy mistakes but you loved him anyway and Thea was the perfect mix of trying to protect yourself while learning to be vulnerable too. It was so nice to show that marriage is not always an easy path but can be worth fighting for. This book was definitely cheesy and I rolled my eyes several times (so much 18th century “curse words” I could live without knowing) but I really live for cheesy romantic shit okay!! Sue me. I also loved the pace of this story. There was never a side story to subtract or a wasted page that I wanted to skim which I LOVE out of romance books. I can’t wait to read the next two books in this series!
Find Her by Lisa Gardner

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HOLY HELL. This book was perfection. The first ten pages were actually so F'd up I had to put it down. This is my first book from Gardner and I can not wait to read more. Find Her had the thrill, the mystery, and the female lead that you can only dream of. Flora is a badass who has lived through more than anyone should ever live through and still powers through to make the world a better place (in her own way). I loved being able to follow the story from the victim and the detective's POVS simultaneously. The story was so unpredictable, which I loved, and had me guessing at every turn. The ending was insane, but gave me closure, which I definitely needed with this kind of plot. TW: not for the faint of heart at all. This covered every terrible act a human could endure, so please do not read unless you have a strong stomach.
The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren

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I had a hard time giving this book a score. It was such a fun easy read but pretty predictable. Honestly, “the hating game” has the same plot and I preferred that one so much more. There was something so sweetly simple about this book. The family and cousins side plots were so unnecessary it hurt to get through them. Ethan was a classic male clue lead but you couldn’t help but love their relationship. The one thing I wish there was more of was diving into her being unlucky. I would have loved to see her struggle the entire honeymoon or something because the idea of her being unlucky was so hammered in and then nothing came of it besides Ethan mansplaining it away. Sorry! I’m being so tough on this book. 4/5 stars for my mood while reading probably 1/5 for willingness to recommend to someone.