booksrlush_'s reviews
688 reviews

Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins

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To start i would just like to say that Stephanie Perkins is an absolute genius, the way she described Paris made me think i was actually there. Its made me add Paris to the list of places i want to go. I also loved the way that she made me fall in love with the characters. At first i wasn't sure if i was going to like it because the book had so much hype surrounding it, but all the book tubers that recommended this novel were right. This book deserves all the hype it gets and more because it is so loveable in every way and it made my night. It was a fun and a light hearted read, I recommend this to everyone!!!


OK, on to the best parts. First my favourite character was of course Étienne St. Caire the way his character was written was so well done i knew i loved him right from the start even before Anna realised she loved him. I thought he was charming, perfect and sweet but also protective and flawed all at the same time. Even from the start i knew he was a good guy and i was right. YAY!! He knew he loved Anna but he was not sure about change, he had been with Ellie for a while and she was safe to him. But when his mother gets cancer that just scared even more into not wanting change. i was just waiting for him and Ellie to break up.
Ellie ARGH... my least favourite character she seemed selfish. When she went to collage she left Rash, Mer and Josh behind thinking she was to good for them. Obviously Rash took it the hardest because Ellie was her best friend.. What kind of best friend dose that any way!! (You are to good for her anyway Rashmi) Also the fact that Étienne couldn't speak to her about his mother cause she just didn't get it was truly sad. Stop being so self-obsessed.

My favourite scene(s). My first favourite scene is when Anna and Étienne are together and Anna makes a wish. "I wish for whatevers best for me" little did Anna what was the best thing for her, the best thing that was gonna happen to her was standing right there. Étienne..
My second favourite scene was when Étienne came home drunk and spilled his guts to Anna about how he felt about her and then puked all over her, YUCK. But still it was the first time he actually told her and even though he was drunk he really did mean it!
Third favourite was clearly the ending when Étienne faces his biggest fear (heights) to tell Anna he loves her and he always has and he done on the top of Notre Freaking Dame. How romantic is that? (it must have been LOVE because i am petrified of heights)

Worst scene(s) When David spreds that rumour about Anna, that she slept with him. YUCK! She would have never in a millions years. she was only with you because she was confused about Étienne thats all, you were nothing to her. You just got jealous because you realised she was never into you and you got dumped (technically)
Next is when Meredith sees Anna and Étienne kissing, she gets so heart broken. I felt sorry for her i did, but she should have known it was gonna happen and she should have braced herself for it. But I'm glad her and Anna make up and Meredith moved on.

Saddest scene(s) I found it just heart breaking was when Étienne gets the call and finds out his mother has cancer and he's not aloud to see her. I cried. His father is prick who wouldn't allow there child to see there sick mother! I wanted to punch him every time he was brought up.
I also thought it was sad when Anna goes home and she's all excited to she Bridge, Toph and Seany. But then she gets home to find out that Seany had a little crush on Bridge cause she had been babysitting him and that bridge was buy him toys that Anna had bought him. To make it all a hundred times worse when she finally goes to see the band play she get excited. To then find out that Toph was (in his words) screwing Bridge. My heart went out to Anna. But i knew it would be ok cause she really didn't need Tohp she had Étienne he was all she needed.

Overall i thought this book was a perfect pick for contemporary mood. I feel i couldn't have loved this book anymore than i do. It was beautifully written and made smile and chuckle quite offend. i recommend this to everyone!

Hope you enjoyed my review. Read this book you wont be disappointed.

Bully by Penelope Douglas

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Short spoiler free review

This was romance i was shocked to like and felt weird at times when routing for a relationship that wasn’t even healthy. The characters are flawed and had depth and the plot flows along with characters and their actions. Jared is broken and lost and needs someone to help him back to the person he knows he truly is and it just so happens the only person with the power to do that is the girl next door, his ex best friend and his victim. I was dying to figure out happened to make Jared the way he is and for him to finally open and and when he did boy did a melt. The chemistry was off the charts and i could not stop reading until i found out what happens between them.

Spoiler Alert section

This is how bullies are made.

Yes bullies can be made from being the victim of bullying.

Tatum takes a year away in France hoping the event of the year behind her will fall away, the constant bullying she has endured went away when she did but when she returns things go back to how they were but before she knows it she’s fight back.

This was a book i jumped in to on my Kobo out of the blue after reading Punk 57 by Penelope Douglas. I was hesitant because a girl falling for her bully wasn’t something i would be in to but i have to surrender. I loved it. Tatum growth was great and you could see everything was getting to much for her but then she toughened up and started fighting fire with fire turning her in to a bully at times. The chemistry between her Jared was undeniable and i found myself wanting them to be together even though he was an asshole and didn’t deserve her. After that thought the book got deeper and we got insight in to the reason Jared was the way he was not that anything excuses what he done to Tate. Eventually though i started to feel more understanding when he tried making up for all the things he’d done to her.

Favourite scene was when Jared put lights and lanterns all over the trees that connected there house i thought this was adorable but what made the scene even better was he opened up to her and finally came clean about everything. This was the turning point for Jared character where we got a look at the real him and not the moody, arrogant playboy he was so good at pretending to be.

Favourite character in this was hard for me to decide al the characters have there down falls and that’s what makes is so realistic that these characters reminded me of real people with real problems. Tatum would probably be my favourite simply because we were in her head and i felt her feelings.

Yesterday lasts forever.
Tomorrow comes never.
Until you.

I hope Tate and Jared move forward and stick together and that he never hurts her again and that she finally begins to trust him with her whole heart.

This is a hate to love romance not only for the characters but for the readers to, i hated Jared and Madoc at the start but when they finally started being them selfs and stopped being hateful i slowly started liking them and then before i knew it was happy laughing at the ending. I got annoyed at K.C when she started dated Jared because you just don’t date the guy that has tormented to friend for years my anger slowly went away when i felt bad for K.C who was grieving the fact Liam cheated on her.

This was a book i was surprised by and i read it in one sitting and 7 hours with one book is very rare for me to be hooked that long but i was addictive.
What Happened That Night by Deanna Cameron

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Overall a good read, the beginning seemed strong but I feel like as it progresses it seemed to get a little weaker. This book seemed to drag a little as it was very slow-paced and for me felt like double the length it really was. I was intrigued by this title as soon as I read the synopsis but I wasn't as great as I was expecting it be but I did enjoy it enough to finish it. I do have to say a warning here as there is sensitive topic, Rape, Domestic Violence and threats of violence,

The family grieving. Emily is in jail waiting to go to trial for the murder of Griffin Tomlin. it feels like everyone is in denial her mother, filling her days with digging in the dead garden. Her father supports Emily fully and doesn't understand why his wife doesn't. He is close to leaving. Clara is filled with guilt. The story only just starts with Griffin Tomlin's murder but it's not the only story that needs to be told. The lies that we weave are sometimes better than the truth.

The plot was somewhat predictable but a few twists made it more interesting. I liked Cara as a main character as she was slightly unreliable but I do wish we got some of Emily's POV. I would have liked to see some of Emily's motives explained.

If you like slow burn, thrillers that seem pretty predictable with some twist and a main character who is good to follow. Unraveling lies and finding out truths this is something you'd enjoy.
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by J.K. Rowling

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I loved this!
I have went in to Harry Potter as a young adult not as a child, yes I watched the movies but I could never seem to get in to the first book.
So now that I have finish this book I'm delighted to say I loved it and I'm glad I have waited to read the series when I have more understanding of what a good book!
Whether your young, old, man, female etc you will enjoy this.
The characters are amazing.
The plot and the intrigue are definitely something to be excited about.

I'm glad I enjoyed this because I would be scared not to be in Harry Potter fandom
Clap When You Land by Elizabeth Acevedo

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Steeped in culture, with two strong voices of blooming women who have to deal with world changing grief and a secret that might just be the thing to help them heal. There’s a poetry to the way the narrative flows that makes you want to curl up and let the raw emotion in this book overtake you.

I loved this story, this is the second book i have read from Elizabeth Acevedo and it definitely won’t be the last. Following the story of two girls from totally different worlds coming to terms with loosing their father and the secret he kept. The writing really hits you in the feels.

Yahaira i would say is the better off of the the two, still having her life with her mother in New York and her girlfriend. She still has options available to her. Where as Camino Rios a girl who will get what she wants no matter what, has more of a hard time with her Father passing, her life as she knows it may take a turn for the worst. They’re characters you root for and want to see have the life of their dreams.

Fight until you can’t breathe, & if you have to forfeit, you forfeit smiling, make them think you let them win.

This book delves in to loss and the discovery of not only the character but discovery of how things you think you’ve known all along can be challenged, can be wrong and can make your life unravel. That queens are made everyday through, tragedy, love, loss, family, friends and a will to go after everything you want.

The only downside i had was sometimes i got confused with narrative, the voices were just a little to similar. Sometimes i found myself looking for markers to make sure i knew who i was reading from. This took me out the story a little. Never the less, this book is amazing and you should definitely give it a try if you like a book that makes you feel.

Yahaira Rios and Dre are everything and i would read a whole book about them and how their future unfolds.

One day we were best friends, & the next day we were best friends who stared at each others mouths when we shared lip-gloss. (awwww)